
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



253 Argyle Street. 565 1023. [\\'(‘. WA] Lemkln's House Fri 8 8; Sat 0 Jul. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). A ptmert‘ul portrayal of the life of Rttphuel lemkin. the mun “ho invented the word genocide. performed by Kanterni Teatztr 55. Commemorating


Glasgow Botanic Gardens, until Sat 9 July 00

ten )etu's since the genot'ide in Htl\llltl and ller/egox inu. the pl;t_\ explores the hislot') and terror of this hutel'ul erinte.

I GLASGOW BOTANIC GARDENS 730 Great Western Road. 3” 2433. [l’. WC. WA]

Romeo and Juliet l mu Sat ‘) Jul (not Sun/Mon). 8.10pm. t“) (to). (iordon Burr direets Shakespeare‘s tale tthout the intensity of )oung lo\ e and its trugie t‘onsequenees. I’tu'l Hf.S'lttllt's/it'rll't' in the (7!):


730 Great Western Rottd. 31 l 3133. ll’. WC. WA]

But this gutsiness is short-lived. The first half of this

Nelfth Night Wed 1‘ Sut 3* Jul (not Mon). Spin 1“) (Hi). (ilusgtm Rep stages this \ersion of this t‘l.tssie gentler suupping. tttistttken lll\'lllll_\ romp in \iltieh the ho} lilidll) gets his mun and the l'ool entls up in )eth slot'Lings. I’ttl‘l (l/‘X/ltlAtW/N'HN' III the ('1!\.

I KING'S THEATRE 307 Ball] Street. 340 l l l I. Ill. \\ ( I WA] Love Shack l'util Stu 0 Jul Mon 7.10pm: l ll t\ Sillptn & 9pm. {Ill {Tl Rll. littliineh pnlillldl‘ nutsit‘ul sldt't'ittg Jon I ee tS( luh 7). l'.t\e 'l'o/er (Steps) untl Noel Sullixun (lieut’Sm) about the eourse of true lme und its luel. ol‘ p|;tin s'tiling. replete with musie nutnhers sueh :ts (ittr)


production proves gently entertaining as the cast play

If all the world’s a stage, then Glasgow’s Botanic Gardens is among the better venues. On a sunny summer’s eve amid the trees, a lantern-lit, wrought iron scaffold is a fitting backdrop to Shakespeare’s romance to end all romances.

Marrying traditional costume and script with contemporary folk music and a variety of dialects, at the outset Gordon Barr’s production promises a looser and more playful approach to the text. Splintering the dialogue from Benvolio (or, in this case, Michelle Wiggins’ gender-reassigned Benvolia) and Tybalt’s opening skirmish, we see the cast biting their thumbs at anything and everything as the civil unrest of Verona is writ large against the night sky.

up the bawdy in the Bard, in particular Juliet’s Nurse (Imogen Dixon) whose throaty profanities depict her as a 16th century Jordan. And as Mercutio, Donald Pirie introduces some much needed vigour into his comically confrontational scenes. Unfortunately, as the night chills and the midges draw in, the show begins to lose it way. The further Romeo and Juliet descends into the tragic, the harder it is to believe in any real depth of emotion beneath the weeping and wailing. At two and a half hours, the show overstretches itself and it would have benefited from a punchier edit. While the alfresco setting lent the evening a gently enchanting atmosphere, these star~ crossed lovers weren’t quite the date one had hoped them to be. (Corrie Mills)

liutltm 's llt‘\\ ttuek ‘Souielintes. Neser. Al\\tt)s'. It's the pop stur t‘tllllHllL‘lll ol‘ [ittttlti

Spirit of the Dance Mon l 1 Wed I3 Jttl. 7.10pm. {I 1.50 U850. A mix of lrish dunee. l'l.uneneo and sttlstt \\ ith \oeul ilt‘t'tiltlpdllllllt‘lll t'rotn lreluntl's 'l‘llrt‘t‘ 'l't‘ntit‘s


7‘] 735 (irettt Western Road. 357 Mon.

Lear l 'Ittil l(i Jul (not Mott). 7.1”1‘1” 1.“)(t'h) Scott l’.tltttt‘t".s titlttpttttion ol’ the Shultespettreztn lunged} Kim; It'tu‘. :t lule ol‘jettlotts}. pou er struggles and the treueher) ol' l-illllll). ’ttr! of.S/rttkmpet/re in the ('ili'.


2 Sitllt’llit‘hdll Sll't't'l. SSS Xililil.

\\ ( '. \VAI

Blast off with the Singing Kettle l’ri l5 & Sttt In .llll. See Kids listings.


7l ()‘\I‘llltl Silt't‘l. 4 l 3 70””,

Our House Tue l‘) Jul. 7.30pm. £3. A fusion ol' li\ e tntisit‘. Al‘tieun dunee und theutre. e\ploring the issues of tuith. AIDS, pmerl}. politieul corruption and tinted etnigt'ution in Nigeria. 'l‘ieltets from the iron 'l‘hetttre Box ()liiee on ()Hl 552 4267.


283 lltlpt‘ Sll’t‘t‘l. 3‘: Will”. “I: \\'.»\|

The Merry Widow l'util Sui ‘) Jul. 7.30pm t'l'hu & Sttt ntut 3. illpnt).

{ll £27. The (‘ttrl Rostt (‘ontputn returns \\ ith :1 kn ish neu prodttetion ol' l‘run/ l ehtir's light opertt set in l’uris l‘)l3. \shere glamorous \\ idoxs llttnntt hills dungeroush in low \\ith the hundsonie l).tnilo.



1511l’ennyuell('ourt. 315 2l5l. [\\'(‘. \VAI

Labyrinth Sat It) Jul. See Kids listings.


l3 3: (il’t‘t‘llsttlt‘ l’ltlt‘e. U87” (MOLD-l. Ill. \\‘(‘. \\'.»\l

Thoroughly Modern Millie l'util Sut ‘) Jul (not Sun). 7.30pm (\Vetl tk Sttt ntttt 3.10pm). [050 £36.50. l)onn.t Steele sturs us Millie. \slllt support from lilttine (‘ Smith. in this tnueh-lmetl tttle ol’ the ls'unstts girl uho Iltth's to Ne“ York settrehing for :1 new life. tt \seulth} husband and ‘ull lll.ll itt/l'.

Theatre Guide

Thursday 7

Friday 8

Saturdty 9 St indny 10

Monday 1 1

Tuesday 1? Wednesday 13

AI'CIIeS l emktn's Hause l emktn's House £1 Gafdéns Home“) 3 J illi;'. i2 H‘-:’> & l.' ~'. r'i '~ és l .t v! l_-_,.Itfv~ My:

-- H i l 0V8 ShaCk l 0V8 Shaiik | 0‘48 Sl’iatk Stunt of the Dance Spirit of the Danie Spirit of the Dance Oran MOI lira! lint? l‘,‘«l’ lt- ;' 1,”. Theatre Royal Merry Widow Merry Widow Merry Wirinw

5 Playhouse Timmy», Milan Mm. rt- u. l. at «> "1 mm.- .v a H it. House Wanted [Bead Alive - Wanted Dead or Alive Wanted Dead or Alive a Royal lyceum V 7 i ' l i. . ,

86 THE LIST I' 91 Jul '2'in