9; worth talking 3mm E N B U R G H INTERNATIONAL 17-28 August 2005 FILM FESTIVAL

Scariest fiver? Blalr Wltch. Ring. But the I Definltely. Japanese versmn.

It’s got to be Don’t Look Now, for me.

H- g.” ~ The Edinburgh International Film / \\\\\ {radix/21% Programme is HOW avaiiabée / x \ \ “imam 2,23? Hagtivai Cinemas and major I \ '

L5“ : a”, ; flulffliwwwwfi. . 5 K . I '. _- , L r. i... “N ; '- J I“ - ~ Q r v. i

"60 Ema-k your tickets piease CM 0131 623 8030, Visit our Centred Box Office in person at'

Fiimhouse on Lothian Road or [)(1‘.|}”H(TOI by .SOUmIHiOHUJm