

Re: Letters (525)

T.1|It::$ I lt.I\It;l It:It:l:) It) [rm Int) IIn rraI r,I ,lrrialrth It) protest IirII f~'llt:I)IIIt:l(:|:)(tIlnrl(1I (:IILIIIIIIHII ItrI r-rrr h IrlrrIt:>,Ir) It) In: Iree than Il,Irr rr Hr”,

IIu? II\ Iu:l ((IIIIIIIItL‘S (rI IIu: .‘.\,rlrl IIIIIHIII IlrtHI tun h as (tiIthlLb anti 2,; ),.t IltrlII rrrrrntrrtv;therermurrlutm: [null arnl :trr .:r.-_;_ and .'.I..l ( \IIILI (AIL IIn:‘ t5 Ir n rrI‘t rIrttn I Il'KIiztt I the, are It \I in ‘Iarrn' azrrrr tglm I.) lath n ll...rrr rip. rm iIhtI fr'lI/Inr JAIL) t l.Iir AAI [ItfitrIIIt)((l'I(J\tI (r’rlllr.1IIIt.,,Il AI TIIt?(‘18IrIIrIt;T>L rall, rn IIIIr.I,IllrIIl, IIrr: [In t: Jar» I'.II

HI rrrirrr :lla.

H E:tft,IIlt) IIrH‘rt}

.'.Irr)(L_ill|i Ir) ( Alt‘ (tIrrr'II IIrr‘ [)rHII (IIIII:

Irt' tr?) .‘.IIII IIrr.‘ ,th) IIIIIII‘; II, A

I :I ,II it] SI' IIIII h] II.t.:.‘

((I'I‘ ('I'IIII I‘] L>IrII .I}_ .‘.II\\ Iskeam r in:IlMIIIr'tflltrit:‘i]'u: In!) I Li Ixtmlln'J, Sandra Busell



Re: Letters (525)

Irzrirm? .'.rlIillt:+It*r,‘:alr-l

It,” )v It '. .t-nl .'.ar.t In)

rr;r yr Iutlr, Irr murIrr LI .14: It? I Irrt.t:II)lIlI.tfrtl Ill“)I\I.'.III() In If r, r r .1'. IIIIHIIU Irrrr, iI-llrllrr‘IvIr'rrIlIIIr:f»(:lIIrI

Ill rrI {ILI‘S} I rll I‘, rilrr I ‘;IIII I' u’IIn .l

on It) Irrrlan a. :rr llr'lllll Irrn N. merit Ila: [Ir en are {ill,.‘.I tilth .‘.IrI'L.I IIIIIIII III, I r': Ila» Ilrtn}IrialriaIIaririrNHar lerarr, r:_t.r,ll.rrrg}tr). I'rntlrre tle entry? .r M; from ny r ar (an -;I (I'II rr‘, ryrml lfIIQIIIIHrlln ‘.'.'l.t:n rt", ll 1*. a.'.k.'.arrl to rr;.,,r irarrr(.7,z~,r;rr.'. rtBrm f,'rlt,l' ,r,‘ Ilrrii IIIIIM/II, (Ilium II ‘,‘.’lr,' (Ir “Aunt the (turntrl put Itn. (,LIIh] It r,III.i~ Lit?) ‘rlIt:.t:l, arm, ah I [.an law; for all

It: , LIIrLi,‘.'.rI‘;IthI|IIltff,I'I'tf rite? (irrrr e on (hair; Robert Grieve

I3, til :‘I

The List,


Re: T in the Park (525)

I lme I III the Park. the atrrrr,t.pln,re. the rnrrsre. I am (:.en nrrt meme It) the Lager. 'Ihe onl, thrrn) | r an't alrrrie rs the lltttfn‘, I".e Ireen to (hIJnItrllII‘ rr , Hi the List few years, arrrl tIrerr allrlrrrle tr) Irlter anri rer:)r Irng; r5, streets; aheatI (rI the but of r hrpt; anrl plastrr‘, In rIlItjt‘) ‘.‘.I.r« It I «hilt; ISaIarIr) ArlIItII Tear Irlllt) [lurrtrIU that rel “Inn; rs; (any .‘rorrlrln't he Irarti II the faulrlres were lll Il()lII of thorn.

IIre organisers sin rnrltI Ire raretlrl I.4a,tre lIre,’ mar/HI Ir;t.t?£lIt,-:>II'H1IIr,’QIIIII(i>$IIh: the wrll (:IItI rrp lrernr} a Iarhllrll' Maria Thornton (:ttlIlIrHT Ittllt)


‘IA»."I|t:((} llr r.'.‘ I\) {it In Irtmr IrIll‘rIr' lltIIlitl IhmlI Limit It?) .IuIt:IIII) (tIltI At; III” ()I hit: As IIItBI’IlIIT.1\')(rI|RI-IEHILCIIIII? {There nex.‘ tr) gall rer ‘.‘.’rth all k r'rrlrerl Sprrrts'? AMI talk the l‘rthrI (Hut, [L'I‘JIIII lllrrtnti,

p; 5mm rn arxrl poelr) All rn IrItIIIIIIIII t,r rpr r|,'?

“here In ).‘.’ to gel |l.e rrrrl, trrre reatlrrrr. OI an arrrlrerrr e IlltrrI Just a“, we are 'Of more forte-«I IlltnIltrt rII,?

N] I llI./_ \‘re leltlt‘. Hus; llrtnl "r)'l arr,- (if Irrihlrnr] the (it rorl Ihgtrl Ariarnrn apathy, arrrl all Arlrepterl Ideas; of art

Anrl what art f)I|t)IIItI In; Arul .'.hat rrrrrsnt: f)Irt)|lLtI he Anrl where now. I ‘NOIKIUV Do we go to pr rrge Or rr satorrxarln; ol InIt‘:

Antl our IIIlllrIf’ oi IIHIMHI‘. It, lakrrrg the (Iralrrjhl ()I p'rre prrnk l'()r"h OI full on Irrr‘k yr»: Atlrtrnles; arhl tlrrrrkrrrr; that are 5‘») IIt:t.(:.‘)‘-.<Iry In thrsa' (,Illt‘rttItl' of (,(III(It5§;(,(:II‘.I\ rn Ilrrrs unmet, ol (Ilm ,(JIIIUIII 'IIrIs (:rrltr he ()I rr. a k at t epltzrrr t FIIII Moon

IIrv,’ true worm)

14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE

or The List at the CCA

350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD or email

OI all art Linnrltl Ire I'IIIIT.1<)()II (lanr er; on the graves, Of all ‘.'.Ih) Itrixt: I (rl‘ng) Saint?

(it turrescerl Ir) SItIIllllg] (it,t,(;I)I(tIIt.(3

Rut shapes aIlIII (JIltt) rrxrre

I (III(I§)\,<1I)U§~.(.IhtlitIt}IIII'tfttlltI again People talk .'.'IIIl nostalgira Of tuner) past Anrl tuner; I() (,r)ll‘r(} again

I-rrll Moon way he gone But rl I rke ‘,tr|r erl rrexer‘ he forgotten 8‘, those of rrr; ‘.'.h\>

Jonathan Muirhead

B,’ (Eli‘lrtll


In (rrrr Erlrrrrirrrgh I’t,‘§)Il.<t|S

('Srrrtle. Iree ‘.‘.’|III tins rmrre '.'.e emitted a Ie'.*.' (ire. Iris. 0 Ihankr; t0 Daze I lerrrrrker for rm;- ()I the photograph of Arthur's Seat on page 13/ See ll'mlt? of hrs; unork at Ilelllll'mrrtrlt] Irk 0 Ille snaps, of I ran/ It:l(Illl;ttItI ()ll page futi are courtesy; ()I the good people at BBC RdtIIr) 8(,()II(tllrI I‘r )r rrtrrre of that kvntl of thing} that III rr‘, (,<) rrk arr 0 Ihe pthrttm of I tIlltlllltI \“.’l1rteon pages 90.?8anr128) are<1()rrrle:)‘,'()f Blorrrrtst):rr\,. Hrs hook M: Ines ralsr) I()()IHSI)IH‘~,'I rs; orrt rn Septerr‘her.

Wit l-i-ZH 0i“ II 15': f‘UTt‘l'IIIiil-If

OUT AND PROUD Re: 68 protests (525)

rrxrre (tIItI Irelter ant .'

rtrupla, of rrrrhlrr: .‘stfllIlll.t:lII

anrl of (E‘.’(}l",()li(? Hiyrrl‘me. eepeerall; II It me ro traxellerl to be there on the (Ia,'.

Alex Burrows (Turirrlrlialrn‘. Make Poverty IIlrstr )l‘,’ 9

.II II‘, friIIj,’

beacon of he )e'. I am rrnrnensel' )l'()ll(I of thn; l 8


A“, organiser of the Make Hunt, llr-thrr‘J rall,. Sralrrrtla, L) tlrrll; .'.'a$‘, a (la, I'll l(:ll‘t:I“-Iri:l truer-r Ilre EILIIII of a (irrarter of a nrrlir. in per/pie gathered in the hiethlrrms nan Irr'eatlrlakrnr; ‘r’errr' \orrzes calling) for IlttrIt} l'IhIIt e_ rtelrt r (III\.ttII(III()II antl .a“, a eozrnrl that (YUIILtI not he rgnmnl

| .'.'(iIII(}tI to take thrs; ()tltnrlil rnrt, to thank ear:h anrl enerx one ()I you for tstarhlrrzr; rrp anrl takrnr; part In the (la; when the '.‘.urItI < rrerl out for Irlfsili e, arzri a rally that ‘.‘.’|II Ire renrerrrherel

for Warts to (tone as; a IltlllLIIt,‘ tree. ‘.rhrant an<l passronate

()fttrllllmllr] an event ()I thrtsfxalearhl rrrrpnrlarue32113.! rharrrrnoth ta:~k It ssrrrrpl‘, ‘.'.rrrlI(I not have heen possrhle .'.'rlh<)rrt the (inoperatren of the r‘es;r<lents; of F rlrnthrrglr (Lrt‘, of I rlrnhrrrgh (7r )IIIIIII. I olhran anrl Rorrh :rs) T’rilrre. SVUIIltin Arrrtrrrlanr .e Saw e, NI IS. St Andrews; Arrrhr Name and lirrtrrrh Red Cross; Dr rrrng; the planning; pr'or er»; I have been rnsprrerl try the Erirnhlrrgh agenrrers' ‘(tan rlo' approach and the :rnrnerrtte prar‘trrial an;l polrtrr .al er rpr ,r M we have rer (,‘l‘.k:(I.

the Make Poverty I Irr;tor'\,' raII',' war; the largest protest of rts krnrl rn St .0111:in hrtstor'y. I have SHIN? rearl rt <Ies3<1rrhe<l as; '(2xtrar;rrlrrlan,". ‘a (:arnrxal of colour anrl sorrnrl'. anrl 'a

What W (38 protests Edinburgh. 2 6 Jul

Alison St: Ir Ier rl

2THELIST.", .2 r.

The polrre were or lIy (I01! to then 1r )I) and they m: ISI get tremor rs. esptxJaIIy

tun .urme they don't krrr m what's going to happen Bwt their heayy presenre made things worse.


1 HINDU/[rink

It was totally messetl up. a complete shambles No one was to blame for the events I support the rrtea behrnr'l (38. sort out the debt. but the protest was very badly organrserl.


Taxr (INN?!

I hope It newer (ZUII‘OS hack It put SttOIIéi'KI on the map but rt also meant we got all the hampnlss People were scared to come out The polr(;e (in! a marvellous lot; though



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