Losers and Winners (PG) (Mirnxlaw l)cIIIhinxki. l’nlanil. 200i) 52min. 'lalcx linm (IN 200% llUlllL‘lex \\'nIl(l (‘up which (nnk place in (iral. Auxtria. Shim ing \\ ith xhnrtx INN) Sports H [I]! Bruin! (iumhi'l and Turning Point. l’aI‘t til the llnmclcxx \Vnrltl (’up Scaxnn. I‘i/mlinuw. It'din/uugh.

A Lot Like Love ( 12A) 00 (Nigcl ('nlc, l'S, 2005) Amanda l’ccl. Axhtnn Kutchcr. 'l‘ar} II .‘xlanning. l0(Iinin. Rn)- xhaicx a milc high L‘xpciicncc u ith gill and thcn xhau'x a lnw/hatc I'clatinnxhip \\ ith llt‘l' l'nr xcxcn )caix Anacmic Kutchcr \cliiclc, ()lll’UIl ('III' (‘i'nlna (iluxgmr, (iluxgnu ; l:'(i( ' ('im'mux I'fIIiII/Iul'gli. Iii/in/mrg/t Machuca ( I5) 0000 l/\lltll‘Cx met. ('hilc/SpaIn/l’iaIIccrl’K. 200-1) Matiax ()ucr. Aricl Matcluna. Manta-Ila Martclli. l20min. Santiagn. W73 and ('hilc ix ahnut tn lnxc itx tlL‘lIltK‘l'ilL‘). Sm‘ialixl l’chitlcnt Salxatlnr AllCllth hax hccn in pnxx cr l'nr thIcc xhnrt )carx and thc l'S ix gclting \IIan'icd that it might haw annthci' I'cncgatlc cnIIIInuIIixt muntI') nn itx (lnnixtcp. Ax lit-III) Kixxingcr Ix liccing up ['8 L'tlxll and militaI') tn t'nahlc IIglIt \\ mg (it'IIcI'al l’innchct tn xlagc a L‘Ulll‘. xchnnlhn} (inn/aln lIIl’antc (Matiax ()IICI‘) hax tI'nuhlcx nl hix nxxn. llix mnthcr ix

ha\ in}: an al'l'aii xx ith xnmc ang IIIillinnaiIv and lic ix thc (ml) nnc \xhn l\ll()\\\ ahnut ll. pltix thc pnxh xL‘litml hc gnt'x tn ix pcnplctl h) xnnhx and htIlliCx. lhcn nnc (la) l’ctlrn Machuca (Matcluna). a hm) l'I‘nIII the xluIIIx. \Hllkx inlu hix llliL'. lllxltlllctl in [he \L‘lltml

\\ ith a hunch nl nthcr I'aggcd ti'nuchul g)pnx h) the xt'hnnl'x \l;II\ixt Icaning piicxt and hcatlinaxtt-I'. Macliuca and hix \lxlt‘l' Silxana (\lanuclla \1ai'tcllil quickl} ht‘t'nmt‘ l’t'tll'n'x (Unxc‘it‘tlt'c'. lttll lIlent) ix xnnn ln invitale lllt‘lll all “an”. lhnuglil pInxnkmy xncial (li'atlia. ('Ium'u. I'JIIIIIIIIIg/I, Madagascar It l 0000 Il-Liic Harm-ll &ilit)l|1.\l((ilillll. liS,2l)(l5)llc‘llSllllCl‘. (‘hIix Rock. I);I\ Id Sclixxiinmcr. Jada l’mlxctt Smith. XnIIIiII. .llmluuuu u; npcnx with xtcak lnx mg lInn .-\lc\ ruin} ing hix paIIIiIcch mixlciicc in \t-xx Ynle‘x ( ‘cIIlIal /.nn llix lIIcntlx. Mail) the IchIa (Ruck ). (ilnIia thc hippn (Smith) and .\1clniaii thc ll)p(K'lltlll(lllilL‘ gIIallc (Sclm lllllllk‘l) (lIxum-I lliat lhc L'I'alt) pcngumx arc planning a hicaknul. and xct nll lnI' Ali’u'a tn Ic cnnncct null then lllllL'l aniIIIalx. llut llllk'lilL’llUll \\ ith a tube nl lL‘lIllll\ llllL‘()\t‘l\ the hitch' tIuth alinul :\lc\'x caIni\nInux natuic llInInughl) L'lllt)}&ll‘lL‘. hlaclxl) cnniic' l)IL';IIII\\'IIikx aIIiIIIatInII IIItIxIL‘al (il'llt'ltl/ I'c'li'uuh

Main Pyar Kyon Kiya? (l’(i) ll);I\I(l l)hauan_ llltllil, 2005) Salman Khan. StIthita Scn. KalIiIIa KaIl. RnIIIanlIL' cnIIIul) lnllnxxing a (ltlthll (Khan) \xhn lallx in ltn c “ith a llltKlL‘l (Kail) chn tn lxccp lllL'll' Ivlatinnxhip limitul tn an al'l'aii'. hc tcllx th' hc ix maitiul. \\ llt‘ll xlIc axkx tn lllL‘L‘l hIx \\ Il'c. lIc hax tn axk a llllle‘ (Scn) ln xtaml in int thi ()Ilum .1! [hr Quin. (i/uwmi. (i/uiunu ; l ’( 'I lat/tn/Img/I. Iii/Inhtuyli. Maria Full of Grace I IS) .000

(Jnxh \laixtnn. ('nluIIIhia/l‘S. 2004) ('ataliiin Santliiin \liiit'titi. Yum} l’anla \k'Iga. l00iIIin. .\1at'Ia .'\l\;ll'L‘/ (Mnt‘cna) ix a cock) I7 )L'aI nltl lI'nnI a iui'al (‘nlumhian hacknatct‘ \xhn \xi‘cxtlcx \\ ith a prcdictahlc lllt‘ nl In“ \xagc lat'lnI) \xnik. lamil) lC\])Hll\ll\|llllk‘x and an lllltlL‘l\\llk‘lllllll}1

hn} lIicIItl \\ hcn \llt' llL'k'ltll'lllilll} lk't‘ntttcx pIchIaiIt. xhc l.Il|x III lllL' L')L' xight nl lnxal llngnta hikcI ht.) Juan t lnIn) “llti llllL'\ th IIItn hix tlt'n \\ Ilh pinInIxL'x nl high t‘;lll|lll§_‘\ and Intt'InalInnal tiawl, lllllllL'\\l\L‘ Inachian (lIaIiia lInIII liIxt lllllt'l \laIxtnII. (t '/ ( lll/Fl’tlllk. (‘lulwlnmk

McLibel: When Two Worlds Collide (I5) 0... ll’lilllll) :\IiIleInng_l K. 3005) 85mm lhIx ix thc lll\ltlL‘ xlnI} nl lllt' gaItlvnt-I and thc pnxlIIIan \xhn tnnlx nn Mchnaltl'x and. III thc pltK‘L‘xx nl tcllmg tlIcII' thicc )cai' xtnI). Icwalx much ahnul thc pnuct nl IIIIIItinatInIIal t-ni'pni‘atinnx. .IIIIIIIaI \\k'll.llt‘, .ItlwIlIxIIIIJ. lllt' cm lltilllllt‘lll

For films showing between

see www.list.co.uk

and. of cnurxc. l'rccdnm nl' xpccch. l’aI't nl~ l“ cnl} tn ()nc: l‘lllllx lnr a (iIchIvI ltItuIc (i/uwmi II/nI l/It'tlllt'. (i/mw \I. I'llnI/inuw. Iii/(IIIIIII'u/t.

Mean Creek ( l5) .0. (Jacnn .-\;u‘nn l'.le‘x. 18'. 2005) Rni} (’tilkin. R}aII lx'cll}. 'l'l'L'HH‘ \lntgall. (ltl'l) Sc‘lllttc‘tlcl'. Jnxll l’L‘t'k 80min Sh} _\nung Sam ((‘ulkinI ix ht'lll}! hullicd at xclInnl h} hackuaid lat lm} (icntgc (Jnxh l’ct'lx), Stupitll}. Sam lcllx IIIx U\t‘l ltltilt‘t‘lhc tiltlt'l lHttlllL‘l’ Rtlk'lx} (\lnigan). \\ IIn tlicn aIIangt‘x a tiip up tlIc lnt‘al L‘lL'k‘lx \\llll \Ulllt' lIicIItlx, lhc It'xulting: tIa\ clnguc ix IIinIc I.uu/ 1" Illt’ / Il('\. xlIall “c xa}. than Ih'lii mum l'. lIitt-chtIIig hut Ila“ ml lI)hI'itl llHl’ltn' IIin\ ic \xlIit‘lI llL'\t‘l quite (lclIwa lll llIL' \\.t} nnc \\ l\llt'\ It “Ullltl. If 'I I'i/IIIIIqu/I. Iii/I'II/Imu/I.

The Miami Model ( l5) ( lIItl)IIIulIa. l S. 2004) ‘llIIIin l)ntIIIIIt‘IIt.II) alIntIt llt)\\. III Nm cInhL'i 200 i. lldtlL' lllllll\lL'l\ lInIII H CUlllllllk'\ nit-t III \lIaIIIi tn Iicgntialc tlIL' liu' lI'adc .'\lt‘t| nl llIc .'\lllL‘llk‘;l\, llIc l l \ \ llllt‘alL‘tIx l0 tlt'xltn} lllL' Ilgltlx and

cm llttlllt‘lll nl IIItlIgIIInux pcnplL‘x lll llttllll, xntIth and tcnlial .’\lllk‘llk';l StInIIg. tlcpicxxing xtull. l’aII nl lxxcnt) In ()nc l'ilIIIx hit a ( ilt‘t‘llt‘l lllllllt' ll/I'l/IIIHV'. I'ftl/IIIIIII‘u/I.

Mondays in the Sun (Los Lunes Al Sol) I l5) 0... (l'clnantln l.L‘t)ll lh‘ :\IaII(la. Spain/Ital)/l-Iant'c. 2002) Lu lt‘l liaitlcni. l.IIIx l'nxaI'. Jnxc k\ll}_‘L'l lguln, NIL-w (lL‘ \lt'ilma. liIIquIIc \ Illt‘n. lliIIIiiI Sink-III Spanixh lIlIII ahnut lllt' liwx nl .I gintip nl llllk'lllllltt}t‘tl (LIIItIaII IIIcII. llaiilciii IIIanagt'x tn gciiriatc .m c and patlInx lll cqtlal IIIcaxtIIL‘x ax lIix \'ll.ll.l\ lk'l t’nIIlItiIch tn (lixpla_\ lllt‘ pitth nl a IInII Ill \l‘llt‘ nl lK‘IllL‘ (.lxl .ltlllll \\llL'll lllt' tltk lxx .IIL‘ \ luxt'tl .Illtl lltt‘ lltt'll \\ll() \\Hllxk'\l lltt'lL‘ llH lutlgt‘l \t'l\t' .t ptiipnxc III xmict}. lniiglI. xnIilltIl lilIIIIIIakIIigg at Itx hcxt (tum u. l'tll’ll’lllg'll Mr 3 Mrs Smithtlf‘)... (Hun); l.IIIIaII. l S. 2005) lliatl l’Ilt. \ngt‘lma .lI'llt‘. l'llt‘ll Ranmw. x\IIg_'cl.I llaxxt-tt ll 'IIIIII l‘IIt and JnlIc pla} IIIaIIIi-(l inlIuIlniII L’t‘llplt'. Jnhn and JaIIc SIIIIllI. \\ll() happL-II tn ht- xpit'x \xntkmg lni It\.I| .Igt'IIt'It'x \\ llL‘Il lllt'_\ aIc hntlI .Ixxignnl lllk' \.t|llC Lugt't. lllt‘} quickl} tl|\t'l‘\t'l lllt' lItItlI ahnut mull t'lllt'l atitl xcl alInIIt (lIxxnl\ lllf.‘ lltc III.IIII.I3_'c III lllt‘ iIInxt \Inlcnt nl \\.i}x llull). ltkcahlt'. x|.Ip(l.leI hut ()\t‘llt‘|l;' III.IIIt.I| \ unit-(l) (intuu/ It'll (Iu'

Nashville ( l5) MtRnhml '\lll||.lll. l'S. l‘HSI \L'tl llt'ull}. Kdlt‘ll llldtlx. KL‘IllI (‘aIIatlIIIc l(IlIIIIII .-\llIIIaii‘x \\ttlltlL‘lllll Iapt‘xti} .ihnut tltc liwx .Illtl lnIIgIIng nl 34 ptnlagnnixtx Ix lllt)lL‘ than a tntIIIlI} Illll\l\' t‘lllk'. It Ix an c\liil.II.itIII_u t'\[\t‘lllllt'lll Ill licclnIIII lIlIIIIIIakIIIg. .Iitlctl h) xIIIwIlath [k‘llUlllldllL'L'\ and an lllltlt'llJlt‘tl M‘lllltlll.“ k (i/uwnii II/ni Ilia/In; (i/Iiwmi

One Love I l3:\) 00 (Hull lit'llVle'lx lilgnntl. J;iIII.IIt.i/\III\\.i)/l K. 200 l) ('IIt'IIIIc \IItlt'IxnII. \ax lilat l\\\tltltl. (’aIl llIatlxIIa“. lx) \laIII \lilllk'}, l00IIIIII. l’axtni‘x (laughth and gnxpt'l xIIIch St'tcna l.'\lltlt'l\ttlll l.Illx lnI Raxlalat IIIII lx.Ixx.I ( lx') .\l;IIII \l;IIlt-) ). lL‘dtl xinyt'I III a It'ggac l‘.tlltl. at a lllll\lL' Lttllllk'llllttlli St'u'na'x lathci

(\\ lll\lll|lk' Stnna) li.Ix l\\() Icaxnnx tn (lIxappInw lx;Ixx;I ix (Int nl lllL' t‘lnlli .llltl


V433 Mike Leigh‘s excellent film about the rise and fall of a

back street abortionist in dreary 19505 Britain gets a welcome outing for a couple of matinees. Imelda Staunton is stunning in

the title role. [‘(U'l/ll“.';i‘).’i‘.l; 'I'ir’.’

Scit'IIa Ix .Ilitml) |"|"|ll\t‘ll tn .IIn-llu'I l'lctlltlalilt‘ \ wax \ llllll'.tl \ll.tlll.l II! It .I lllllllll.tlx\‘l \\llt' \lll'llltl l\l't‘\\ lwttu I I I K: III): II \Iu ( I. (Iliixgwii. (i/Ihgrii Only Human t In 0.0 ll.Ii.III, lt'It‘xa llk'lt';,'ll, \|~_IIII'v\I;':'IItIII.I l‘uIltI;'.Ill lx . .‘lllllt \II'I'IJ \lcaiullw (illlllt‘llllt‘ lnlt‘tlu .\”IIIIII \ ll‘lt'k' .Itl

\ltll‘lJll ll.(\I'lIl('il l.ll\k' .ll‘I‘lll tlu‘ t'\("'l\


lll.ll lllllt'ltl \\llt'll I ("ll ll.ilIIle) ( \s-II-lwnt .llttl llk‘l l'.lll\t'\' l\’.lll lIIlHl-‘l \ (Hilt‘ ll' ll" lLIlIIlex) I.IIIII|} ll.'ll||.|llll|'l||l\;'|lI1It tilituiitiiiy lllll‘ll.ll\ ll‘.'l|I\\t‘l!_'lll .l! (l g't'IIIIIIu'lx t'l'lt‘lltllllllll' l‘tll xln'l'tl) ln-n tIIIItIl} .llltl llllllt‘llt'tl In |III;:I'I lull}! Ill lllk‘ lllt'ltlttl} (ililvgi'u ll/HI Ilhilln. (I/(/\'\" :- Overnightilweee (\l.IIk llI'.III Sillllll. lnII_\ \lnIIl.III.I.l S. 300*) ll.II\<'_\ \\C|ll\lt'lll. llIllx ( nIIiInll) l’.itII( k \\\I\ It' \lallltcu \lt‘tllllk'. \\Illt'III l).llt)t' H.‘iIIIII

\\.lllll.ll‘t' lllllllll.llxt'l llI \ llullt Ill.ttlt‘ t- ala-

|\.ll‘t‘l llk'tltlllllk‘\ lll I‘l‘l/ \xlu'II llt' \\.Ix

(\llt‘lt‘tl .l tllt‘.tlll tlt'ttl l‘) \lll.lllt.l\ lII (l'l ‘tl lIIx II\\ll xtIt't'IIlila} \l lllt‘ x.IiIIc lllllk' .I llt‘ \\.l\ nlchcIl .I In tlltl l.ll‘\'l \lk'Jl lHl lIIx l‘.l|l\l lllll l\_\ lllc t‘lltl HI lltt' x.IIIlt‘ )t'dl. lH-lll tlt'.tl\ \H'It' ()ll .Illtl llttll_\ \\.I\ l‘l.l\ klIxtt‘Il. l.ll}‘t'l)

turn to page 71 for your chance to win...

(Inc In IIIx l'lll nl tin-(ml «gun. l’.IIIIltIl ll\ll\'\ In I.I;!x ll|'\ 'l"|\‘l'l.l"\ Lil-c ///'v"':1/w. lt/Illl'lllijll

POPaganda: The Art 8. Crimes of Ron English Il‘t ll Il‘uliut .l|\.l|.ll. l \, .‘INNI 'NIIIIII .\ I'll \t't-llHC .llltl lllt‘\k'lk‘lll (lm lll"t'!‘l.ll_\ .ll‘t‘lll 'ttIIIIIIc \l.llllllllll‘tv'i ll‘t' lllllll‘J I" gaitw l'l llII‘tlt'lll lllt‘ .llltl Llllllllt‘

\\ Illl .III .llltl tlu' lll\lt'll III tIIIIIIIIalIt} .IIIIl

t walnut llIix \ll‘\ ""lt‘lll.ll_\ k‘\l‘ltllll\ llic ltli'l' .tllt'll l‘x'llllltl ll .llltl tlic It‘\\.ll(l\ .llltl ltIII HI II In \I‘l'lt' II (x .l lH'l\l‘_\ .llltl lI- t‘lllk"\. .I \\.l\ nl lllt' (‘.II\ti|.Il Ix tlIt' [Wilut III.III tn xt'l lllt' l.l\ tx xtI.II;'lI( .Ix llt' Ix llt‘l mil) .1 thin tn' l‘lll \\.l\ t'lk t" .I \l.llll|llt'l llllll\t‘ll l’.Iil nl lxxt'IIt} In ( )llt' lilIIIx lnI .I(IIt't'IIt'I lllllllt‘ (Jung. \l ll/l'l I’m (1'; (I/mgwu. II/l'lI'I'llH'. II/II'Irng'U

The Pacifier t l‘( i) O. (\tlaiit SliaiikiiiaiLl S. 300*) \ III l)l\'\t'l. l'aIIII lnitl U‘IIIIII \.I\x \azil SILIIIC \anlc‘ llllt'\t‘ll l\ .txxlg‘llctl III l.ll\k' k.llL' t‘l ;t \lllglt' [Inuit \lll‘llll\_lll l.IIIIIl} \\lIIlt‘ III) xlt'IIntIx IIII'III .lllllt‘ l’ltIIIIIncI (l ('llll gut-x nll nII xIIIIIc tllll‘lllth pun-IIIIIIt'IIl litIxIIchx ('tIL‘ llllk‘ll lleI I'tll nl “.llk'l ‘lItl;IIIt)'. \l/I'I In/

It II I.‘\z

am. E)? H




('l’I‘V-i '(ln'tt 'ur NJ?) I'.-- :\;,. l'IIlAlUW iHE INTERPRETER (12A) .2'.’ 5 ', __.' I c, 2;. ~- ‘.'."'l 1!- Itltz. "-l {\llllil5l MELINDA 8. MELINDA (12A) [30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall