
Next issue out

. Starting with our 3 August issue, The List goes weekly for the month of August. Read our unbeatable coverage of the world's best festival. featuring the most finely tuned

. selections of what to see. and the sharpest reviews of the ; shows as they go up. If it matters, it‘s in The List.

You knew this man as a boy: he was the long-suffering, ' toe-tapping star of the acclaimed feelgood dance movie Bil/y E///Ot. Now. he's grown up into one of the most promising actors of his generation. Read our exclusive interview.

t Glasgow's riverfront has been the subject of big investment recently. But is the investment going to pay off, or is the Clyde becoming a concrete desert of luxury developer—led condos? We investigate the plans, and the reality.



88 THE LIST L" l.) ‘l A at

A Work in Progress the 2 'l'hu J Aug. 3pm. (3. A weak prexiexx ol the hinge lrom Rh} mex \xith l’urple l’roduetionx.

\\ ho take the audienee through 3000 _\ear\ ot theatre lll\lt)l’_\ in their our) ewberant \l} lL'.



33a .\Iormi)g\ide Road. 323 ll55. ll’. Ill International Folk Dancing Hit) 28 .lul. ”. 3llpm. LN to. Dance perlormanee b} l)tmedm Dancers. (io to u\iu.dunedindaiieeixi)rgiik tor lurther iiilormation.

An Evening of Ballet and Divertissements Ii) 3‘) .lul. ".3llpm. {(60 (£4). I’erl'ormanee b_\ the Rll\\lttll Ballet Society 'l'ielxetx from the Russian Ballet Societ}. l5 ('ramond Vale. lidinburgh.


l3 3‘) \tt‘ttlvtlt SII'L‘L‘I. 53‘) Mill”. III, \V(‘, \\;\|

Blast off with the Singing Kettle l'l'l 23 Sun Z-l .lul. See Kidx lixtiugx.


l.\' 3: (it't‘t‘lhttlt‘ l’lttL‘L‘. (lb-ill “(Vii-1:4. III. \\‘('. \\V\|

Vampires Rock Sat 23 Jul. “Ropin. (l5 L' l 7 Sta e Steinman \tarx in llll\ he“ elaxxie roek muxieal and II\ tale ol \ampue low.


3 Ro\burgh l’lat'e. ll.\’“l "5“ Hit". Witkacy Idiota 'l'hu 2| Sat 23 .lul.

". 3llpm. L" IE5). Ihree .iet pla} b_\ I’olixli a\;mt garde \xriter Stanhlaxx \\'itl\ie\\ie/ looking at mental lllltt‘\\ and II\ treatment. meorporatmg some ol lll\ earlier \xork lrom l/It' liar/min.) will {In Aim.

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (ii'mdl.i_\ Street. 315 INN, Il’. II. II. \\(‘. \\_\|

Summer on Stage l’r) 22 k Sat 23 Jul. r». 3llpm tk N3llpm. E5l£3l..'\lllf1lllttl theatre hour the \ltltlt‘llh ot the I.) eeum Youth ‘l'heatie'x holida} perlormauee eouixe. Sliakexpeare'x island drama. l‘lrt' It III/tr \/ I\ peilormed b_\ the tumor group at (i. illluu. lolloxx ed b} the \t‘lllttl' gi‘otil)\ piexentatioi) ol I'lrr' him I l’/ti\ b_\ .loxel and Karel Kapek at .\'.3llpm.

I THE SMIRNOFF UNDERBELLY Victoria Street and ('ougate. llb'fill 715 tux i.

Dirty Works lhu l Sun 38 Aug. him. [I .lamie l.mle_\ '\ hard hitting look at hie on .i eouiteil extate kit‘kx oll \\ III) a ehild being \tabbed b) a lopodermie needle Ittlt‘t‘lt‘tl \\ lllt .\ll )3. ‘l‘lIL' t'\l;llt‘ l\ lttlL‘L'tl It) e\ploie a dark tmderbell} ot volume and \t‘lll\ltllt‘\\ brought about b_\ t‘ttlllt'ltlptutlt'} \Ut'lt‘l}.

The Singing Nun 'l'hu ~l Sun 3K Aug. ().-llliuti. ‘5. A bi/arre tale ol the \uieidal Smgmg \uu. her obxthd tat). \ome eultx and.) le\\ pol) \ougx thrown in lo) good

Hf“ gt.‘;,,v.g‘~t,r’ list



measure. \\ hat could be bettei'.’

,3/I('\(' lid/Hex for I/lr' Smiran I ruler/nib im' \t'h'r'lt'tl high/(elm nil/r. for /u// t/r'liulx of their fringe lime/unruly uml all other [ml/rill \IIHII \, go In

H H II.( ill/liter.) (in)


('ambridge Street. 338 [404. [I’. H. II. \\'(‘. \VAI

The Found Man lit 3‘) .lul Sun 38 Aug iuot Mom I Aug & \‘x‘ed .3 (& Thu 4 Aug). l'ri tk Sat 3pm: Sun 5pm; Tue 7pm. U) (£4.50). A he“ pla} l'rom (ilaxxtegian pla} \\ right Riet‘ardo (ialgan) about the inhabitantx M an isolated eoaxtal \ illage uho are e\peetiug at) llltl\ll‘lt)tl\ \ l\llt)l'. but instead dixem er a bod} \xaxhed up on the \llttt't‘.

East Coast Chicken Supper Inc

2 Sun 28 Aug (not Thu ). 'I'ue _pm; Wed 7pm. £9 (£4.50). See (ilasgoxx. Tron .l‘lIL‘iIIII‘.

The Girls of the 3.5 Floppies Thu

4 Sun 38 Aug. ‘l‘hu 7.30pm. £8.50 WISH). I.ui\ linrique (iutierre/ ()ru/ Monaxterio'x tragi eomie pla). about the ll'lill\ and tribulations ot' tuo part time .\Ie\iean proxtitutex. ix pert'oi'med iu Spaitixh \\ith linglixh \urtitlex.

[Ii/It'u' lixliltm frtl' l/It' ll'tllt’l'tt’ III/It'tlllt‘ u‘l‘t' \t‘lt‘t'lt’t/ lltg’ll/llg'llh (III/v l'ril' Ill/l t/t’ltli/\ Hf l/Ii'ir l'il'lll‘s't' programme tUIt/ ul/ l'l/It'l' li'xlitii/ \lmu \. an In it u it.r't/li'i/iet'.i'uni

Outside the cities



la} Square. ill 382 333530. Il’. ll. \\ ('| Works of Temporary Solace 'l'hu

3| Sat 33 Jul. 3pm. L‘lll ttb’). l‘mtiue theatrieal mperieuee l'rom Ilighua} Diner ax it adapts itx l‘rmge Iiirxt .'\\\;ll'tl' \\ inning \lIU\\ lttt' lllt‘ \lt‘t‘t‘l\ t)l l)tltttlt‘t‘. SL‘L‘ the ell} as he\ er bel'ote. as tho ltl\t‘I'\ \eareh tor one another. 'l‘hix _\oung \Ixttitl theatre are among the IIL‘\\ \\ ax e ol' eoutemporar} Seottixh drama.

St Andrews


Abbe} Street. (ll 33-1 475mm. ll’. II. \\('. WA]

Golf the Musical l'nul Sat 2% Jul lttiil Sun). 8pm tSat mat 3.30pm). £85“ £14.50 (U) U3). 'l‘lux \atirieal lllll\lL‘;tl makes its liuropean debut to eoineide u ith the (hill Open Championship.

The Steppe Brothers the 2 A; \Ved 3 Aug. Rpm. t'l3 40)). I‘riuge l'iixt \\lllllt‘l\ Reieeh Rewnge prexeut this gloriouxl} \ill} tale ot a troupe ol entertainers during the (‘ruxadex

How the Raven Stole the Moon 'l'hu -1 Aug. See Kids lixtmgx.


I MACROBERTl'imerxit} oi~ Stirling. (ll—)‘Xh -l()()()()(). II’. II. \V( '. \\;\| Into the Light: Match Girl 2005 -Three Cities l’ri 2‘) tk Sat 3t) Jul.

1 lam tk 3.30pm. £4. See (ila\gt)\\. 'l'ramxxa).