
* The Devil’s Rejects I IM 0000 (Rnh XIIIIIhIe. l'S/(Iertttan). IIIHSI Sid llaig. Bill .\lnxele_\. SherI .\lnnn. \\ Illiam l"nrx.\the. Ken l’nree ltlUIIIIII, See

inter\ ien. pag ' 23. and re\ IL'\\. page 34. SI'II'I'II'I/ I‘I'/I‘II\I'.

Dus ( l2.-\I I.-\nuhha\ Smha. lnIha. 2(lII5I Santa} Dull. Snnil Shell). .I\thxhel\ liaehehan. ISZmIn. Indian thrIller ahnut an anti-terrnrixt xquad lighting IIIIlItaIIIx. But Ix there a traitnr in their mIdxt .’ (‘I/II'II nr/I/ RI'Il/l't'ti SHIT]. (i/Ilwun. (i/leg'rrti.

ET (l'l.... ISIe\ en Spielberg. l'S.-\. IUXZIStm en Spielherg'x elaxxie .Ihnut a grnup nl' liat'th ehtldt'en \\ hn help a xlranded alien hntanixt tetIIIn hnme (~ I'II'I'II‘iI'. I'II/IIIIIIII‘e/I.

Fantastic FourIl’( il .. t l'InI Stnr). l'S/(Ierman). ZIHISI lnan (II'IIIIIIII. Jexxiea Alba. ('hrix li\anx. Michael ('lnklIx. Julian .\le.\lahnn. ltlhmin. Braxh. empt). tirexnine and alarmingl) dull \eI'xInn nl‘ a elaxxie eninie hnnk xeriex. (iI'III'rIIl H'IUIIH' * Festival I IS) .... I.-\nnie (Iril'lin IR. 3005) Daniela .\'ardInI. Stephen Mangan. Amelia BulmnIe, Bill} ('aIteI. 1.}ndxe)‘ Marxhal. lll7inin lidinhurgh III Auguxt i.x ltell l‘nr xnme hut nirxana t'nI' ntherx. Annie (Iritlin'x darkl} ltlllll}. lilllt} enxemhle drama ahnut the l‘ringe l‘extnal ma)‘ juxt he the \aeeine )ntt need agamxt the Auguxt madnexx. .S'I'II'I H'tl I'(']('ll\t'. Fight Club ( 18).... (l).t\ III l'iitteher. l‘S. I‘NUI Brad Pitt. lad .\'nt'lnn llelena Iinnham ('arter. ISSmIn. Maxeulinit} Ix III a Inexx and enanIInI-I IxIII Ix to blame \lL‘lt lt;t\e heenme dnetle xpeetatnrx nl lil'e aeenrding In lie/II (‘lII/I. l‘ineher‘x enntrm eeral adaptatinn nt (‘huek l’alahntuk'x nn\el. ln reeklexx I'expnnxe tn thix late 20th eentur} malaIxe. \nrtnn‘x enmpliant xpeetatnr teamx up \\ Ith l’Itt'x mixehie\nux l) ler Durden In lnrnI an aIeIIa I'nr tnen tn heat eaeh ntheI In a pulp and thux reennneet \\ Ith the maid lt'x llll and mex. but ennIIgh III the punehex ennneet In xtartle e\ en the IIIan meelx nl \ IC\\('I\. (‘ I'II'I‘II'II‘. I'JI/III/mre/I.

Four Weddings and a Funeral I 1%. ... (Mike Nt'xxell.l R. l‘)‘) it llIIgh (Irant. Andie .\lael)n\\ ell. KIIxtIII Sentt ‘l'hnmax. ll7mm. Sweet hut xtIIIl_\ linglithan (‘harlie I( IrantI Ix ennx IIIeI-Il


that he Ix tint the man) mg xni't. hut \\ hen he keepx meetIng the alluring :\merIean (‘arrie I.\lael)n\\elll at an axxnrtment nl' ehureh eetemnniex. he hegInx In dnuht hIx I'exnl\. e. The xnI't nl eharmmg liI'ItIxh I'nmeIl} that \\.Ix IlextmeIl In xtnrm .r\mer1ea. hut \\ hteh aIlle a little grit In the glamntn nI the piett} xetlmgx thankx In lx’IeharII (‘m‘tix' \(l'lltlv (‘I’II'I II'II‘. I'I/In/mrg/t.

Fresh Fruit (Boys’ Shorts) I IHI IVaI'InIIxI TSIIIIII. .\ enlleettnn nl' xhnrt talex nl _\nung ga} lnxe: tirxt ga} experieneex. gender enntuxinn. tannl} relatInIIthpx and the pIexxurex and hardxlnpx nt‘ heing ga_\. 'l‘lIIx xet nl xhnrtx e\plnrex e\eI'_\ axpeet nl' the tnnlitmatinn nl male xe\ualat_\ and gender ennluxinn. l’aIt nl the l.nnIlnn liexlnan and (I.I_\ l'lllll l'extnal nn 'l‘nIII'. (i/legnn l'l/nt I'III’IIII'I'. (i/uwmi. GoodFellas I lIS’l ..... (Martin Senrxexe. l‘S. l‘)‘)(lI Rnhert De .\'irn. Ray lintla. Jne l’exei. l.nrraine lit'aen. l’attl

Snrx Inn. l~l$nnn l,Intta pla_\x llenr} Hill. a teal ltle InIIIimn, \\llll l)e \II’n ax ltix IIIentnI III I'IIIne .v\nd \thIe the hulletx. tixtx and earx mg lam ex ll}. Senrxexe hringx ux haelx In that unaundahle que\tInn glamnrnux and lueratn e In |I\ e thix \\;I}. but ean an3nne I‘eall} ll\ e \\ Ith the eInixedueneex‘.’ \Vinner nl liAl-‘l‘A auardx I'nr hext Iilm. Ilireetnr and xereenpla}. and a liext Suppnrtmg .'\\‘l()l' ()xear l'nt' .lne l’exei. ('I'II'I‘IIIII I'fIlHI/HII'g/I.

The Goonies I l’( it .. IRIehard l)nIIneI. l'S. I‘lIS'SI Sean :\xtm. Jnxh Brnlin. .lell' ('nhen. llZInin. Rather dire teenlltek. III \thieh xe\ en lndx gn III xeat'eh nl huried tIeaque and ate lnllnu ed ltnll) h} \ Ieinux

\ IllaInx \§lllf_‘ Inr the lnnt. .\ |It_\l‘ltl(' \theh Ix xlI\\\ In xtaI't and Ilnexn't e\et' depart lrnm \\ ell elIaIIeIl highua} x (if/(W IIII. I'.I/I/I/tII/'g/I

Grease I I’( it 0... lRIIlltltll Kletxet'.

l S. l‘)".\I _lnhn 'l'ta\nlta. ()!i\ Ia \eutnn .lnhn. Stnel‘atd (‘hanmng lltlIInn. 'l'uent) _\L‘.tI\ Ittt. (i/I II'\I' Ix \llll the “Hill. Illltl xllll

)L‘x. UK

the \\.I_\ v. e are leelIIIg. (’I It'( [/11 _ l‘I/III/‘lll‘J/I

Haan . . . Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya Il’( it IDlIaIIIIexlI Darxhan. lndIa. letlll ,-\l\\llIt) KIIIIIaI‘. K.It‘IxIII;I lx'apnnt. :\lthtxhel\ liaehehan Sueeexxlul l’ntll}\\tmtl ln\ e xtnr}


Dan Harris’ galvanising debut film details a year in the lives of an upper middle- class suburban family as they fall into a pit of tragedy. Reminiscent of both The Ice


ahnut a enuple whn are tnade Inr eaeh hut. ax uxual. family and eireumxtanee getx III the Mt}; ()(lt'mt A! The Qtlut‘. (i/(Isuun'. (i/Itsguu‘.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PU) ... ((‘hrix ('nlumhIIx. l‘S/I'K. 2002) Daniel Radcliffe. Kenneth liranagh. RIihhie ('nltrane. l()()llllll. lt'x the hn) -\\'i/ard'.x xeennd war at llttg\\;tl‘lx Sehnnl nl~ \Viteheratt and Wi/ardr} \\ here L'\ ll l'ItI‘L‘ex have l'L'lCélSCtl It \‘ieinttx \L‘t'peltl Intn tlte enrridnrx. In line with JK

Rn“ ling'x hnnk. the xeennd tilm i.x darker than the lirxt. lt'.x perhapx xnttte\\ hat nx'er lnng. but the enmhinatinn nl‘ nld-IathInIed kidx‘ xtnr) telling and lilnelx'huxter budget xpeeial el‘l'eetx make for xnmething mnre pleaxing than xtandard lliill}\\t)t)tl e} e eand}. (‘t'lII/I‘II'. Iz'IliII/m/ie/I.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (l’( it 00

I('hri.x (’nlumhux. l'S/l'lx', 2()()l ) Daniel Radcliffe. Rnhhie ('nltrane. Maggie Smith. Jnhn ('leexe. Richard llarrix. Julie \Valtetx. l52min. l‘eehle. hidenttx hig xereen \erxinn III a JK Rn“ ling _\a\\n-inxpiring dehut ehildren'x lantaxy ahnut a puhlie xehnnl \x'I/ard and hix repellent l‘riendx. (' I'II'rIrII'. Iz'IliII/mrgh.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (I’m 000 IAII‘IIanI ('uarnn. l'S. 3004) Daniel Radcliffe. Richard (iril'lithx. l’am l-‘errix. l‘Inna Sha“. (Iar) ()ldnian. lJlInIn. lt Ix the xIImmer helinre llarry'x third year at llnguartx. and he hax heard that It ix SIrqu Blaek ((ittl') ()ldmanl. a renegade u i/ard. ix the l’rixnner ntflszahan. What llarr} dnexn‘t xuxpeet ix that Black hax exeaped and ix enming alter him. lixpeetatinnx are riding high tnr Ila/Tr l’UHt'I' .I’. with a next direetnr in ('uarnn I l' 'III .llImIIi 'IIun/ut‘n I. and a darker. mnre enmplex hnnk tn adapt. 'l‘here Ix ennugh darlx humnur. xpeetaeular et'l'eetx and appealing perl‘nrmaneex tn keep _\nu trapped in the t‘ranehixe. But llarr_\ 'x llk‘“ ad\enture ix alxn pnndernIIx and merlnng. regular I’IIHI'r xereetm riter Sim en Klnxex' ennt'uxIng. rambling. xtrueturall} inenlierent xeripl. In \\ hieh eharaeterx appear and dixappear and plnt turnx are ne\ er realixed. keepx the dnnr I'nml} elnxed nn thix prixate L‘ltllt. (IF/(’(ll‘lt'. I‘.'(/lIl/}lll'_L'/l.

. , g . I .V r]. i ‘7 i "

Storm and American Beauty, it also boasts one of Sigourney Weaver’s finest performances to date.

I Film/tense. Edinburgh

28 THE LIST -'. " XI . ; 1'

Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings I ISI 00.. IIiIthIr Rein. (Ierman). JIM—ll llenr} :\rnnld. Salnme lx'ammer. .lnrg .-\ltme} er. .\liehael l'x'auxeh. \latthiax lx'nIexlteek. (‘hI'ixtian lennard. (Nlnnn. ReIt/x enlnxxal ehrnniele nl lilth eentur) (Ierman lile enntinuex in thix mImenxel) x.ItIxI_\Ing tlnrd inxtallment ulneh xpanx the tall nt~ the Berlin Wall m WIS“) tn the mtllemum e\ e eelehratinnx \xlnle I'ex IxItIng the llunxruek regtnn III the lit'xt llt'lIHII/ xeriex. (i/mguu I'i/nI 'I'III’IIII‘I’. (i/menn.

Herbie: Fully Loaded III 00

I.'\ngela Rnhtnxnn. l'S.-\. ltltlii lindxa) l.nhan. \liehael lx'eatnn. .\l.Itt Dillnn. ltltlnnn. See rex text. page It .SI'lI I In! I't'lr‘IlH'.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy I l’( il ... I(Iarth JennIngx. l‘S/l’lx'. 2005i .\lartin l‘reeman. .\lnx Del". Sam Ruck“ ell. /.nne_\ Dexehanel. liill Nigh}. l lllmin. l'iirxt time I'eature direetnr .lenningx liax mnulded Adam‘x xereenpla} Iuritten xhnrtl} helnre hIx premature death in Zillll l Intn an meredihl} gnnd lnnkmg lilm. Arthur Dent IlireemanI exeapex liarth'x detnnlitinn \\ Ith hix alien l'riend l‘nrd l’rel'eet (Det'l h} hItehing a ride \\ Ith the \'ngnnx. nnl} tn he rexeued h} in}rIdIng (Ialaetie l’rexIdent Zaphnd lieehlehrm IRnelnxellI nn dream xltlp the Heart Ill~ ( inld. [lillc'V head (In m_\tliieal planet \lagrathea. .\linnr nigglex Imnxtl) ahnut eharaeterixatInnx and next eharaeterxt Ilnn't detraet l'rnm the laet that thix lilttI Ix \tell unrtlt the nail. (il'lHl't'IllH'. (i/menn.

Imaginary Heroes I I.\’I .00 llarrix. l'S/(Ierman}I’lielgium. ZIIIIJI Signurne} \Veawr. litmle llii'xeh. .lel'l Danielx. \liehelle \Villiamx. Kip l’ardue. lllnun. .\latt Il’arduel. a _\nung ()1) triple x“ mnmng prnxpeet. enmmttx quI‘Ide. 'l‘lte \lttl'} Ix lllL‘ll lUltl l't'tttll lltL‘ [tL‘I'xpet‘lh e (\l ltl\ hrnther 'lim Illirxhl and u e are Intrndueed In hIx I_\pIeal xuhurhan lllIt\ ie lamil}.

n\ erhearing lather IDanIelxI. ennl enllege xtudent xIxter I\\'IllIamxI and knnk} Innther I\\e:I\erI. lnterextmg Ianuhal dexeetinn III [S middle elaxx tttnt'ex. (‘HII'iIIt/‘ltl Rt’Il/I't’lt .SII'I'I'I. (i/Irxeun. (i/Irxgmi .' l’l/HI/lt’ll'fl’. III/III/tmg/I.

The Incredibles I l’( i l .00. Bird. l'S.I\. ZIIII-II \"nieex nt‘ ('raig 'l‘ .\'elxnn. llnll} Hunter. Samuel 1. .laelxxnn. .laxnn llllmin. linh l’arI' I.v\lx';\ .\lr lnet‘edihlel Ix an n\ er\\ eight inxuranee elerk li\ Ing III xuhurhia. hut thix uaxn‘t :Il\\a_\ x the eaxe. ()nee upnn a time he \Iax a pnpular dn gnnder xttperhern. ax \\;t\ hix \\ile llelen I:\l\’.v\ lilaxtigirll. But nne night xnmething \\ ent “mug and all xuperhernex had In he reaxximilated intn xneiet) thrnugh a kind nl \\ Itnexx prnteetinn xeheme. ’l'he l’arrx nIm ha\ e an a\erage littitil) lil'e \xith xnnte \er} nna\erage lxidx. hut xnmenne Ix altnut tn text thix l'amil) 'x unIt_\ tn the ma\. .'\\lt\l|lltllllg_'. \xitt} and limit) l’I\ar animated ad\enture Iilm that puxhex all the tight huttnnx and ret'ereneex all the ltext lilmx and elaxxte 'l'\' xeriex. l.el'x laee it. Iltix Ix ittxt lie Inn gnItIl lot there lxldx. (i/Iixgun l'iim I'III’IIII'I'. (i/I/xgun',‘ (' I'lI'I'II'II'. l'fI/I'II/mrg/I.

ITV50: Made in Britain I 1.x» 0... t:\l;llt (‘larlxe. l'lx'. 10821 'l‘im Rnth. ‘l’err'\ Riehardx. lzrie Riehard. l‘rankie ('nxgrm e. l(l()mIn. Seminal drama ahnut the rixe and tall nt‘ a raxeixt llritixh xkinhead. ()ne nt the matnt' unrkx tn emerge trnIn ('larlx‘x prnlilie «\llx pet'tnd. I'i/m/IIIIIII‘. lit/III/Hll'g'll.

ITV50: Surreal Comedy I l’( it (Varintix. l'lx'I |ll(lmm. .\ enlleetinn nl “end and \xnnIlerlul xhnux lrnm l'l'\'x \aultx. ineludex \xnrlI (mm the (Innnx and (‘ImI/II/ (tune/II. (iI’mgInI l'l/III l‘lII'IIII‘I', (i/IIIQIIII. ITV50: The Naked Civil Servant IlSI .... Ilaek (Inuld. l'lx'. I‘VSI .lnhn llurt. SSmm, Welenme xereentng nI tlux xuperh [TV drama haxed nn \\ titer and hnII \ neur ()uentm ('rixp‘x .Intnlnngraph). I’ll/n/quu. IxI/I/I/mrg/I.

The Island I l:x\l I .\lIelI.Ie| Ba). l'S, ZIIIISI liuan .\le( Iregnr. Searlett .lnhanxxnn. Dumnn llnunxnu. Sean Bean. Stex e litixeemi. linmm. liig hudget aettnn .Id\enture xet li. a kind nI [wean '\ lx’mi lnr the (I.\l Innle geneI'aIInn l’re\ text x nnl}.

I‘e\ Ie\\eI| ne\l Ixxue .\I'!I I III! II'lI'Im.

