The Italian Job «PG» .00. «Peter (‘ollinxoiL l'K. l‘Hi‘li .\lrehael (lune. Benn} llill. \oel ('onar'd. Rat \allone. 09min. Sennnal (illx eaper herxt rnox re. .larlhrr‘d (‘aine takex hix xell pr'exerxatron xoeret) ol er'irninalx to Rome to rob the plaee xrll). .r\ltogether tto\\: ‘You \\ ere on|_\ xiippoxed to blow the blood} door'x oil." (ii'eat aetioti. great tunex. a elaxxie tkiiid till. ('i'li'errrt’. I-fi/I'ii/mre/i.

Kicking and Screaming it’( it

C tJexxe I)_\|an. l S. 2005 l \\'il| l'er‘t'ell. Robert l)ii\all. Mike l)ilka. Kale \Valxh. ‘Hniin. Dreadl'ul. h)xterieal tarnil} xpoi'ting corned} \\ hieh ix elear'l} lllxl a bland xpoiler dexigned to take the \\ ind out of Riehard|ater'x l’or'theomrng l'lii’ Ii’ui/ .Vr'ii \ Iii‘illw I‘L‘lllttkr‘. (it’lti‘l‘it/ I'i'/i'il\i'.

The Last Samurai r 15» 0.0

tlidxrar'd 7.“ iek. l'S:\. :(NHI Ken \Vataiiahe. 'l'om (‘ruixe. William .'\lllL‘l'lUll. (‘had l.indhei‘g. Ra} (iodxhall Sr. 159mm. llirgel} mer‘uerght rrtex ol paxxage epre \\ hieh hax eleai'l} been eohliled logetlier' ax a \eltiele lol‘ the ('t'llixclct‘. (-(lt't'll'lt. Iii/I'II/llll'g'll. Laura’s Star t t l 0. «Pier l)e R}eker,’llii|o Rothkireh. (ier'rnan}r'Bulgar'ia. 2004i Stirriin. Srekl} x\\eet animation about a xe\en—_\ear old girl \\ ho tiridx a liiek) xtar uhieh xhe miixt return to the xk} liel‘ore rt diex. lire lat/rIr/iiu'uli. Int/in/nu'g/i.

The Little Polar Bear it: 0..

t'l‘hilo Rothkrr'eh and Met de R}ekr‘i'. (ie'r'iii;iii}_ will) 73min.'x ix a x\\ L‘Cl lllllL' polar hear \\ ho \xantx to he triendx u rtli e\er_\one. ineluding Rohhie the xeal. .'\l'ter eom ineirig the other hearx to \lUP eating xealx attd l'L'L'd on llxli tttle'ad. he Ix laced

\\ llll a dilemma \\ hen the liin run out and the xealx are about to heeome linieh again. littxr‘d on the xtot‘}litiokx h) llaiix l)L' Beer. the ai‘etie xetting ol' thix animated film ereatex a xirnilar magieal atrnoxpher'e to that ol l'lii' Snort/nun. :\ elite and xluxh) xtor} l'or' )oung ehrldr‘en. prox rdrtig a ten lrglit hearted laughx. (flair/"e, l-[i/r'Ir/mrg/i. Little Shop of Horrors t mo .00 tl‘rank 0/. IS. 1980) Rrek .\lorariix. lilleii

(ireene. Steve Martin. U-lmin. Deep in the llorixi xornething ix xtirring. ax meek green- lingered t) pe dixem er‘x that hix lavourite plant. .-\udr'e_\. ix aetiiall) a llexh-er‘m irig alien from outer xpaee. Dali. enjo}ah|e xer‘een \‘L‘l'sltill ol~ the xtage mirxieal. \\ ith t'unn) foliage el‘l'eetx. and a hee/er earneo from Martin ax a hiker dentixt. (‘eleerriix Iii/inliiirq/i.

Logan’s Run (PG) 0... (Michael .-\nder'xon. l‘S. I‘)7(ii Michael York. Riehar'd Jordan. Jenn} Agutter. Roxeoe Broune. l‘ar'r'ah l-‘au'eett. lltlniin. In the 23rd eentur) lite ix good and pleritil‘ul hut e\'er'}one getx exeeuted by the xtate when the} turn 3t). Young Logan ix approaching hix death age. but he hax dit'l'erent planx. Dated hut htrgel} L‘ll_lt)};ll\lL' luturixtie thriller. (i/iixr'un l'i/m I‘llftlll'l'. (i/ilxurm'.

Love Actuallyr l5) 0.. tRietiartt

(’urtrx. 1K. 200%) Bill \igli). (iregor l‘ixher.

llugh (irant. ('olin l‘irth. Martine .\le(‘uteheon. Liam .\'eexon. liniriia 'l'hornpxon. lltlmiii. Light“ eight and enjoyihle. il' a little o\ er'--populated. romantie eonied}. 'l'hix ix aetuall} hurl) llllpl'L‘xleL‘ eonxider‘ing it ix u riter (‘ur‘tix' lii'xl time iii llte dit‘cctoi‘\ xeal. ('i'lr'i‘ll‘ri’. IL'i/iIi/iiujg/i.

Madagascar t ta 0.. rl-Lrie Darnell & 'l‘orn .\le(irath. IS. 2005) Ben Stiller. ('hr'ix Rock. l)a\ id Selm immer'. Jada l’inkett Smith. 86min. .lIm/uemuir openx \xith xteak—lm irig lion Alex eriio}ing hix pampered exixtenee in Next Yor'k'x (’entr‘al 7.00. llix ll‘teiltlx. Mart} lllL‘ lL‘lit‘a tRoek l. (iloria the hippo (Sinithi and .\lelnian the h} poehoridr'iae gir'al'l'e (Selm irnmer'i dixeoVer' that the eral't) penguinx are planning a breakout. and xet oil for Alriea to re-eonneet \\ ith their inner aniinalx. But tnter'aetiori \\ itli a tribe ol’ lemur'x unem er‘x the hitter truth about :\le\'x earnivoroux nature. 'l‘hor'oughl) enjoyihle. hlaekl} eornie l)r'earn\\'orkx animation rnuxieal. (Ii'lli’l‘il/ I'r'/('(I.\i'.

Main Pyar Kyon Kiya?rt’(;i «Dana l)ha\\an. India. 2005) Salman Khan.

u 'JZ‘a'J


Sirxhnirta Sen. Katrina Kait'.Rornantre eonied) l'ollo“ mg a doetor' t Khani uho tallx in low \\llll a model tKail'i. Keen to keep their relationxhip limited to an atlarr'. llL‘ lL‘ll\ llL‘l‘ llL‘ Ix tiial't'ti‘tl. “lien \lle axkx to meet hix \\ ile. he hax to axk a nurxe tSeni to xtarid in tin her. It '/ Int/rIr/riire/i. lir/in/mreli.

Monty Python’s Meaning of Life (18) .0. t'l'eri'} Jonex. l'K. I‘lSii John ('leexe. (ir‘aharii (‘hapinarL \lrehael l’alin. lirre Idle. Illinim. Ragliag ol oeeaxronall} gt'oxx l’_\llioii xketehex looxel) lollrm iiig llilx mortal em] from \iornh to gi‘axe. \\'ateh out l‘Ul' lllL‘ C\[tloillllg \lt‘ (.lk'U\tllL'. (.('/('t Illt. I'fi/I'Ir/im'u/i.

Moulin Rouge t 12. 00000 t Iia/ lirhi‘rnarin. l'S. Ztltll r liuan \le( ir'egor'. \reole Kidrnari. .lrrii llioadhent lthmin. l.tihrntann'x lollou up to lx'omi o t\'- .lri/u 1 ix a \iildl} unrextrarried. glorroiixl} eariip. |e\\ d ax hell rniixieal lo\e xtoi} that re iii\entx the hunt. lrorii the (ioldeti :\ge lloll} uood xong-and-dariee xpeetaeularx up. l.llllllll.lllll hax tranxl'ornied the epon} moux Nth eentur‘} l’arrxian daneehall etini lu‘othel into the r'ax e eaprtal ol ltui‘ope. \iea\ mg Ztlth eeritur} pop rnuxre hitx into the \er} dialogue ol the llllll xo that it heeornex alinoxt opera. :\nd xprrallrng around a l’;iir'_\tale r'omanee hetueen \le( iregor ‘x idealrxtie poet and Kidriiank danee girl ix a barrage ol riotonx iiiiager'} and dexrgn. 'l'here'x no iniddle groriiid “till I tihrriiaiin'x lilm; ll )oii abandon _\oiir'xell to it it'll leax e _\oir into\reated \\ llll pleaxure (41.. mt . l-{i/rIi/rur'uli.

Mr 8. Mrs Smith r |5i .0. thong l.irnan. l'S. HMS) lliad l’itt. .'\nge|rna .lolre. lil'i‘en Rariiir‘ex. .-\iigela llaxxett. ll'anin. Pitt and Jolie pla_\ married xuhurhan eouple. John and Jane Srnrth. \\ ho happen to he xpiex uorking lor' l'l\.ll ageiieiex_ When the} are both axxigned the xanie target. the} qiiiekl) dixeo\ er the truth about each other and xet about dixxol\ mg the marriage III the rnoxi \iolent ot \\;i}x l‘lull}. likeahle. xlapdaxh hut o\erlong marital eonied}


(turn will! Rut/ten Sirei'l. (iliiwon; (i/uwmi.

Muriel’s Wedding t 15).... tl’J llogan. :\irxtraha. I‘M-1i 'l‘oni (‘ollette. Raehel (iritlithx. Bill lllllllt‘l'. ltlSmin. l‘gl} duekling \ltri'iel deeidex to lea\ e behind her horrng Me in l’or’poixe Spit and xeai‘eh for her l’rrnee ('harnirng iii the big lightx ol‘ Sylrie). .-\ houne} .-\hha xoundtraek and lair) tale amhianee add to the charm of one Ul llir‘ )L‘tll 'x lit‘xl L'trmd [‘lL‘thL‘h. .'\\ xparkling. m rtx omi \xa). ax I'lii' girlie/111nm u/ /’riu l/ltl. (’i'li ( mi. l-.'t/iriliri/'u/t. Ocean’s Eleven t t5» 0... (Stewn Soderliergh. l‘S. jtltll i (icoige ('Iooiie_\', Brad Pitt. Jiilra Rohertx. lloniin. Oil the wit ix the operatix e term tor Stex en Soderhergh‘x remake oi the \‘egax eaxino herxt thriller that l-rankie and l)ino and their Rat l’aek had xo rnueh lun making haek in NM) Hut \xhet'e the Rat l’aek raxealx uxed the original film ax art e\etrxe to run riot in their adopted home eit}. Soderhergh. xeieerm riier' led (irillin and an all xtar eaxt ha\ e \xor'ked to pi‘odtree a

xi} ltxll. llg'llll} \L’l'lplr‘d llio\ lL' \\ lllcll reinarnx at all timex xelt' eonxeiouxly tlitouaua} tun. Not quite ax eool ax the original. lint a better lilrn. ('e/ri'lrri. [thrilling/I

Ocean’s Nelve t 12m 0. «Sit-mi Sodeiher'gli. l’S/ \iixtralta. ZlHHi Brad Pitt. (ieot'gr‘ ('loone}. .\latt Damon. Julia Rohertx. l25iinn. \Vixh} \xaxh} xeriuel to ()i am '\ llrr in xet in liur'ope \\ here the ho) x' paxt liria|l_\ eatehex up \\ itli them. .\ le\\ nree xet pieeex and Max id llolriiex' e\ee|lent xeoie xhonld xuxtain lanx ol‘ the original llllll. ('i/u 1m. lur/m/iur'ulr.

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.1 ‘. ‘. Allq POPS THE LIST 29