lTVSO: Made in Britain

Alan Clarke and David Leland’s raw and stunning 1982 television drama about Trevor (Tim Roth), a disturbed 16-year-otd racist skinhead, gets a rare

theatrical screening as part of this excellent BFl touring programme. The film has also just been released on

DVD (Prism).

I Fl/Ill/lOt/St). Ed/IiDt/rg/i (Sun /'Aug ()n/y).

Oliver! l l ' l ... t('at‘t)l Reed. liK. l‘JOtSl Roll Mood). ()lt\ er Reed. \lat'k l.exter. Jack \Vrld. llat'i') Secomhe. 140mm. A xparklitig caxt. great choreograpli) and xome daxhed good tiiiiex proi ide handxonie entertainment tn l.ioiiel llai't‘x muxical adaptation ot ()lllt'l' Iltl\l. the grim xatire ol greed. po\ ert} and corrupted innocence that Dicketix \xt'ole ix alitioxl elittt'el} xniothei'ed. \ilnch ix luxt line here in tlnx xmg-aloiig—u ith xcreeiimg ol Rced‘x mitxical. (i/nigon I’ll/n 'l/n'um'. (i/memr. Only Human l l5l .0. il)ommtc llarari. ‘l'erexa l’elegi'i. Spain/'.-\r'gentiiia/ l’oi'lttfi-‘til/I'K _ Zilll-li \orma :\leaiidro. (iuiller‘mo 'l'oledo. Marian .-\gtnlei'a. .S“)iinn. .-\ three-act Arabian lilaxoui'ed lat‘ce aliout the ex entx that untold \\ hen l.eni l)almxk} t:\gutlerai and her liancee Rati t'l‘oledoi come to the l)alnixk_\ lamtl} flat to announce tlieti' upcoming nuptialx. light“ eight and genuiiiel} entertaining corned} “lilc'll ix loo unrul) and underled to lmger long in the litetliot'). (i/iligrin I'I/nt li/lt'tlll't'. (i/rlwnir. Pay it Forward 1 l2! .0. t.\limt Leder. l'S. 3000i Kei in Space). Helen Hunt. Hale) Joel ()xmeiit. 123mm. 'l'liix


Fallark (iotfllul

Mon 8 Aug D.E.B.S. (12A) 7:30pm Wed 70Aug

BEYOND THE SEA (12A) CUPPA at 77 for 77.80;”);


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

30 THE LIST c1 1‘ f«..:; /t,»,f,

‘heartnarniing‘ drama hegnix \\ itli a c_\ titcal iouriialixt xtuiiihlmg .icroxx a xei'iex ol appat’ciitl} random acton kmdnexx. \\lllL‘ll turn otit to he orchextr'ated \\ itliiii a xtructui'e ximilat' to a cliatti letter. traceable hack to \cgax xcliool kid 'li'e\or \lc‘Kiiiiie}

l( )xmeiit l. 'l‘re\or‘x lite ixii't ati eax} one. llix mother .'\l'lelte tllunti ix aii alcoliolrc go-go hat \\;tlll‘c‘\\ and liix ahuxixe lather tJoii Boii Jo\ ll ix ahxetit. hut iii tie“ teacher .\li' Simonet (Space) l. the ho} lindx a xui'i‘ogate parent \\ lioxe claxx protect promptx 'l'i'e\ot' to conceix e ‘pa} ll loi'iiai'd‘. l.eder liaiidlex the xtoi‘) telling coitlideiitl} arid allou x her xtarx to xliine. hut tliet'e'x a horrible xeiixe that thix xentmiental l'ilm \iax coiicen ed atid e\ecuted \\llll ()xcarx ni itiiiid. ('i'lt'r'li'n. l-[r/mlmrg/r. Psycho t I5) 0... t:\llred Hitchcock. l'S. l‘)(i()i :\lllll0|l) l’erkmx. Janet Leigh. Vera .\lilex. John (ia\ in. Martin Balxam. John .\lcliitn'e. lll‘)mm. llitch'x lltlStlg}ltl\llL‘ niaxterpiece Itax a )oung xeci‘etai‘} take oll to lnckx\ ille \\ ith a haglul ol her hoxx' moire}. l’rilortunatel} lor' her. xhe chooxex to put up at the Batex' .\lotel. run h} that nice .\'oriiian ho}. the ironic dialogue t‘.\lritl1c'i"x not quite lierxell toda) ' l make it a to) to catch air) time around We liked it. didn't \ie mother. Mother _' (it’lt’t mi. [aim/Hugh. Pulp Fiction I IS) 0.... tQueiitm 'l'aranttno. l’S. I‘M-ll John 'l'ra\olta. Saiiitiel Jackxon. l'ma 'l'huriiian. Bruce \Villrx. lSllmin. Much more amhitioux tliati Ri‘u'riu/r Dom. tlte tttoxt auarted \eeoltd teature ot the 90x liax man) xcenex that crackle \\ itli 'l‘araiitmo \\ it. and a ten otl‘erx that tall t'lal ax the \\ riter-directoi' hrax el} e\perrmentx. Interlocking xtoricx in the ptin crime iiiatiiiet' concern Iiitmeii. ailing ho\erx. gaiig hoxxex and their niollx. drug liendx. and axxoi'ted rill tall. .-\ xurprixe (’ainiex l’alme d‘()r \\ inner ix a trip. all the ua}. (' elm Irir. [admiring/i.

Red Lights (Feux Rouges) r til 0... t(‘edric Kahri. l‘t'aiice. 3004)

Jean Pierre |)arrouxxin. (‘arole Bouquet. Vincent l)eiiiai'd. lllSmiii. Director Kaliti‘x lllllU“ up it) lllL' L‘\L‘L‘llc‘lll RU/H'I‘IU Slit i'U IS an intriguing adaptation ol' ( ierit'ge\ Simeiioti'x .'\lltL'l‘Ic‘ttlt xet ltU\ el ol' marital dixcor'd. excaped c‘titt\ ictx and t'L‘tlL‘lttpllUlt. l).ir'rouxxiit gi\ ex an outxtandirig perloriiiatice ax tlte icxeiitl'ul litixhatid \\llt)

“atilx 'to he tree and Ir .e Irke a man. (it/nut. lat/urlmrg/i.

Reservoir Dogs I IN) on... l()llt‘llllz. 'lai'aiitnio. l‘S. I‘Nli llai\e_\ lx'eael. 'liin Roth. Michael .\ladxeti. llllllllltl \ gairg ol lttmdx knit“ It itttl_\ In em ll Hlltt't ll} c‘ttliitl' coded iiickiiattiex. ineetx at an aliandoiied \iarehouxe to liguie ho“ oirt tlien rigoronxl} planned heixt \\ erit xo dtaxtit'all} \irong l

hext dehut tn )caix lroin uiiler tlirct tot 'larantitio. \ihoxe xi} lrxli \ rolent e xedrrtt the attdreiice into \ omplrt I!) Brilliant in

e\ er) \ethe iil the “old ( (I! t In. lat/In/mrg/t.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show HS) 0... (JUN Sliaintan. l K. I‘liii 'litti ('uri‘). Suxan Sarandoii. llaii) lloxt\\ic‘k. Meal I oal llllltlllll. l/lt' cttlt llll.. to end all Ullteh. llttx trick xpotil on old horror mo\ iex liax created a breed ot Rot k) llorroi' era/iex. and packx them iii at late \ltti\\\ eier'} “here llte liliii liax itx moiiteritx. and (‘tiir_\ ix xplendidl} camp ax the hixexual l'rank .\' lititei ( (It . In}. lir/utliiu'e/i.

Romeo and Julieti lit .00. tlla/ l.uhi'tiianii_ .'\lt\ll.IlI.I/l S. I‘Noi l eorraido l)i('aprio. ('lare l)anex. l.‘(lmni. llie \I/r'. //\ Hill/I'll!!!” director 'x treatment ol the Sltakexpeai'e ti.iged_\ ix .i iiiagnilitenl riot ol colour. action and xe\_\ teen romance.

\\ ithout an} need to xaciilrc e the te\t lo ca it ‘Nl’l‘V liltiiiiiaknig' iinxxcx the point that the camera tr’ickx and in tokex don‘t iii arr_\ \\tt_\ dixtt'aet ltotti the tact that l tilririrain. hax coinpletel) giaxpetl the rxxuex at the centre ol' the pla} .\n iiito\rcatnig. breathtaking llll\ ot (litholtc rtonogiapli} hiin camp and xtieet \ rt-lence that x ll\'tll deliciouxl} le\eiixli and xtudietlh toot ( c/r'r'lrti‘. Inlin/nug/r

The Royal Tenenbaums t Iii ooooo (\Vc'x :\lttlel'\ti't, l’S. .llllljl ( it'ttt''lxltt;tll. :\ttl|L‘llL‘tt lluxton. (i\\}llc‘lll l’altron. llllllllli The 'l‘enenhaumx are tio Ultltltai) tannl} Dexcettded ltotti a long litre ol t)\L‘l‘t|L‘ltlL‘\L'l\. tliexe _\c\\ York geririixex are no“ in xtultil}ing decline. llie tllt‘lltiIH ol the brilliance ol the _\otirig Ietieiihaiinix liax \Ittc‘e heelt et'awd l3} t\\o decadex til hett‘a}al. lailtite and tlitlltt‘\ll\ dixaxtei. inoxt t)l~ Which I\ pt‘tc't'nt‘tl it) lllt' l.ttttll_\ Iii li, lault ol ahxent lathe. .r. t

Then. at the wt) moment hix three grim it up children lltt\ e. loi \ariorix reaxonx. all moxed hack iiiio the raiiihling home ol then mother. Ro)al decidex he wants hix laiiiil). With 'li'nenlmmm. Anderxon lRm/mrm‘cl hax xurpaxxed hiiiixell \\ ith ati enchanting. odd tale ol art a“ k\\ aid lttttltl} and itx iiiemheix' iriipoxxihle magnetic attraction to each other, ('t’lt ( lllt‘. Iii/ur/rm ell.

Rushes Film Festival tV’aiioux t K. 30(5) Selection ot' the hext xhort lilmx liom llti‘ )k‘tll’S euellent le\li\.tl. :\ll llL ketx ltt‘t‘. \‘ixit \\ \\ \\.lll_\ \ net om, \m’. lit/Illl'lllg’ll. (the) (Val ltlll\. Sctillttlttt. 20(5) SK:\.\I.\l (Scottixh Kidx .'\lt‘ Making .\lm iex) itittudttce \cieenttigx ol the three liliiix the) lime made receirtl} lI/m/rorm, lat/iIi/iiu e/i.

Sarkart l5) t Rain (iopal \Littiia. India. 2005) :\nntahli Bat lichaii. Ahhixliek llacliclia. Ka} Ka). ll-lmiii. llighl} piaixed liidiaii \etxion ol ('oppola‘x Illt’ (irii/Irilln I \\ itli \eteiaii Bat lichan taking the Brando title. (‘IHl ir ill/(l Ii’i II/:( it Slu'i'l. (Ii/(IXQI'H. (ilitigun'.

Shallow Ground l IX) .00 (Sheld- n \\i|xori.l S.v\. 2W4) limotlt} V Morph). .\laixhal| .«\|liiiaii. l’atiicia .\lc(‘orinack. l.irtdxe) Stoddart ‘Jimin Sheiill Jack Shepherd (\ltiipir) l hax to lace up to liix perxonal demonx \\ hen a naked teenage ho} coieted in blood appeaix a _\ear alter the murder ol a lotal girl. ltitercxtirig il lla\\ ed lioiior. ( Illt HUI/(l R: n/«« n \Iu ( I. (i/rrxemr. (l/uyutm.

Shark Tale it no. itiitm lleigeroti/\ ick} Jetixoii/Roh I,etteriiiaii. l S. llltl-l) Will Smith. Robert De .\'iro. Jac k Black. \laitiii Scoixexe. Ullmm, ()xcar (Smith) ix a little liin “ho ll\ ex liappil} m the oceoii. But one da} lie getx in debt to a \egetaiiati xliaik (Black) \ihoxe malioxi lttlltel lltlll l illii l l )L‘ Ntltll tttlex the IL'L'l. what can he do to get lrimxell out ol' thix xituation'.’ l.r\el). xill) it (Kctl\\ittllttll) tlat ('(i aniritation that ix cleail} It) ing to htixtle in oil IIIIr/Ittu .Vt mu lettitrit} (innit/tut. (Ii/(Irwin.

Shrek 2 ll l... (.'\lltllc‘\\ Adamxon. Kell) Axhiti). (‘omad Vernon . LS. 2001) Mike .\l)eix. l’tltllL‘ .\lurpli). ('aiiieiori l)i.r.. Julie Andie“ x. :\ltlttltltt llandeiax. John (ilL'L‘M'. Rupert l'.\etelt. .leltttllet' Stttltitleix. ‘L‘miti Patch). epixodic xeqtiel to llreaiiiWoikx' iiixpited. xatirical till on l)txiie) lail} talex. thix lailx to replitate the magic ol the original. Back lioiii

hone} moon. x\\.iiiip dwelling Sliiek and ltt\ hiide. l’iititexx ltoria are rm ited to \ ixit liix iii la\\x. King llaiold arid Queen l.i|liari. tuletx ol the knigdotii ol tar l ar .-\\\a). /otio like axxaxxtti l’uxx iii llootx llltltltletthl IS lttled [U do .t\\;t_\ \\ lllt the iigte itttetlopet' and iextoie the natural order. llut the plotterx ha\ e iinderextimated l-iona'x lo\ e. Sltrek'x xeiixe ol xell' north and the lo};ilt) ol their axiniiie xidekick. Donke} (Murpli) ). More contrii ed than cle\ er. llte iti joke) moi ie parodiex are lunn) hut la/_\. llie xlapdaxh xelection ol muxic ix otten xiiieaied on to tll\f_'tlt\e the etlallc‘ |‘.l\ Ittg. .\'c\eithe|exx. the da//lnig lair)tale hall titiale \\ ill piohahl) lilirid \ ieiieix to tliexe man} llltpt‘tlt‘tlltllh. (it'll't II it. Inlln/rmg/i.

Silver City t Ii) 0... (John Sa) lex.

l S. Ztltl-li ('liiix (‘oopeL Richard l)ie_\ltixx. ('aiaido l,iiidxe_\. lili/aheth Ramer: IZXmin. Sa) lex‘ detectixc xtot) cum political xatne ix a pitch peitect parod) ol xmall lt|\\ll Reptihlicaii iiioiex and the detritux that liaiigx aiotiiid them. .\'ot claxxic Sa} lex hut grmd enough. .St'lr'i Ii'r/ It'll rtu’.

* The Skeleton Key t lSi 0...

(Iain Stiltle}. [8. 2M”) Kate lllltl\ttl]_ (ieiia Ronlandx. l’etei Saixgaard. John llnrt. ltlimiii Sittprixirigl) ltiri px}chological tlttillei. (’aroliite tlludxoiil. a )otnig tiurxe xtittgglnig to make endx meet. anxu erx ati adxeit xeekittg a carer lot aii imalid huxhaiid tlliiit) in a big liouxe in an eerie “nod jthl outxide New ()rleaiix. lhe l ouixiana xettiiig gi\ex the cue lot great _i.i// iiitixic. echoex ol the lleep Soitth'x lll\lUt) ol rat ixiit and. moxt important!) tor thix xtoi}. it'x the area It] .\'ortli America iiioxt axxociated \Hlll black magic. llie liliiimakerx pla) mm the com entionx ol the genre and mi\ eleiitentx ol xchlock. horror aitd thriller that culminate iii a great llollx '-\Htttl ending (it in ur/