Sky Blue I IS) CC. l.\lnnll xIIeng KIIn/l’III'k SIInInIII. SnIIIh Kni'eII/l'S. ZINHI .\lIIIe \VnIIlen. ('IIIlI} (‘II\IIIlIIII. Jnnn hn (hung. 86min. (‘Ix Ili/IIIInn hIIx heen IlexII'n} M h} nut and pnllIIIInn. but the

inn I\Ill’\ IIII\ e hIIIII Ihe lIIxI eII} nl' lienhIIn. SIIInnIng In lnnk III hIII IIIIheI llllllllllllL‘Il l'IIIIIIIxIIe IlIIIInII. (’Im-nm/I/ IleuI/IIIIe/I. [’II/III/IIIIQII.

Spellbound II'I Mlle“ Blux. I'S. ZINL‘I 97min. Blllllillll IlneInnenIIII) IIhnIII eIghI ehIIIlIen III Ihen hIIl In \\ In Ihe I‘N‘) Spelling: Bee ehIIIannnthp. .\lII3_'IeIII. lhIx \lil}L‘(l Ill ['8 eIIIeInIIx lnI n\ eI 2f) InnnIhx IIlInan IInheIII'Il nl lnI II IlneIIInenIIII'}. I" ('II’I HII. IzI/I'II/uuell.

Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge 0' the l l3:\l ... l( iI‘IIIgL‘ l.IIeIIx. l'S. 2005i l:\\IIII .\le(iIegnI'. \IIIIIlIe l’nI'IInIIII. Samuel 1. JIIekxnn. llII}IleII ('hI'IxIenxen. l-illnnn. :\I lIIxI. Ihe er'Iex IIII'nx In Ihe IlIII‘k \ILlL‘. lueIIx Ix xIIll \\ IIhnIII llhpll'tllltlll n hen II eninex In IlIIIlngue hIII IIhnuI Ixxn IlIII'le In the “lltllL' Inn\ Ie xIIII‘Ix In gel II lIIIle grim}. “Hill and 7llx lnnking.

\\ IIIIe elnnk} Ill plIII'ex. ll hIIx l'lIIxhex nl Ihe eInIh} elIIn'In nl .»l .\'I'n Ila/w IIIIII Ihe eInnIIx e Ilme nl l/II’ IinI/IIII' XII/Am IfuI/I IInIl prnx ex II \InI'Ih) enneluxinn In IhIx IIIan epie nl epIex_ lIII' liI/IH/HHL'II ()I am. I'fI/HI/uuell Stealth I 15) O. IRnh (’nhen. l‘S. 2) Jnxh l.IIeIIx. .lexxIeII Biel. JInnIe l’nxx. SIIIII ShepIn'Il. RIehIII'Il Rnxhnrgh. Illnnn. See I'L‘\ 1e“, page 2-1. XI’II'I II I/ I'I'II'IHI'.

Strictly Ballroom (l’( ii 000. In.” l.IIhI'InIInn. :\IIxII'IIlIII. 19‘)! I l’IIIIl .\leIeIn‘In. ’I'IIIII .\lnI'Iee. Bill llIIIIIeI. ‘Mnnn. l)IIneellnnI' lInpeluI Senll llIIxIIngx IneIIIx Ihe “IIIIh nl Ihe .'\ll\ll;lllilll l)IInee l'eIleI'IIIInn h} IIxIng hIx U\\ll xIepx In ennIpeIIIInn. lnxex hIx pIIIIneI' IIIIIl hIx lIIeIIle. hIII llllle III\ e and In'IIxIIe Inlegiil} \\llll Ihe IneIIl \xIIlIlInn eI‘. 'lhe IIIIIInIIIe leelgnnIl Inmie. II Ix eI‘IIIInneIl \\ IIlI enlnIn'. glIIleI'. InIIxIe IInIl xpeeIIIele. (‘ I'/¢'I II'iI . l'.I/III/IIII‘_e/I.

Swallows and Amazons It i 00 ((‘qude WhIIIhIIIn. l'K. I‘l7-1)\'II3_'IIIIII MI‘KeIIIIII. RnnIIlIl l'I'IIer. Snphie \ex Ille. 02min. 'l'he IIleenIInex nl lnIII' elnlIlI'en III the lake IlIxII'IeI III Ihe l‘Dllx lIl} llIe ereen IneIII‘nIIIInn nl' Ihe :\I‘IhIn RIIIIxnIne nn\ el IhIII Ix \eI} IIIIIeh IIII .IIlIIlI'x IIleII nl \IhIII ehIIIlIen'x eIIIeI'IIIInInenI xlInIIlIl he, x\hnIII .Ix eerIIng IIx II xIeIIIl} Ilnunpnui nl (lll/llL‘, (i/uwuu l'I/III l/II'IIII‘I'. (iluyuun

Team America I l5) 00.. II Ie) l’III'le‘I. [-5. IlllHl \IIIL'L‘x Ill lie} l’IIlle‘l. _\lIIII SInIIe. KI'IxIen Miller. .\lIIIIIIee |.II.\lIII‘ehe. l)III'IIn NnI‘IIx 08min. l'III' lInIII being IIII lIIIeI'nIIIInnIII Rexeue xI}le peacekeeping lnIee. Ihe .\lnunI RIIthIInIe hIIerl gIIIlgel IIIxIIe lIeInex nl II'IIHI .-l/III'III .‘i are II we Ilnn‘I Iln hnIl} enIInIx Inxnigene) xIIIIIIIl IhIII IIpex Ihe L‘lll'lL‘lll l‘S IIIlInnanIIIIInn‘x lIIInkah lnI'eIgn pnlIeIex An) RepIIhIIeInI \\ IIh II xenxe nl hIIInnIII \xnulIl lIIIIe IhIx. Ihnxe \HlllIilll nnghl \\ ell Inx e ll. (ieniux. ("I'II'I I/‘II. IzI/III/Iu/uli.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre I lle C... (lube llnnpeI. l S. l‘)7—1I.\lIIII|}II Burnx. (iIInIIIII llIInxen. :\|len l)IIn/I3_'ei 84min. A gInIIp nl kIle IIIuel In II hInkeII (lIl\\ll hnIIxe III Ihe IIIIIlIlIe nl nnxxhei'e IInIl IneeI eIInIIIhIIlIxIIe IlegeneIIIIex \I hn piek nll Ihe eIIxI nne h} nne l’eIhIIpx Ihe Inan I’elenllexx xlIee nl IeIInI e\eI put nn ereen. (I/I'I IIII. IzI/I/I/mr I'll.

The Last Mitterand (Le Promeneur du Champ de Mars) (l’(il COO IRnheI'I (ineIlIguIIIn. l'IIInee. ZIMSI .\lIehel BnIIIIIIeI. JIIIII lexperl. Philippe l'IeIun. Anne (’IInIIneIIII llhnnn .\ ‘II)Ulllilllxl lIIllI)\\x Ihe hehIix InIII nl l‘lL'llk'll l’IexIIlenI In Ihe lIIxI Inn InnnIhx nl hIx lIle. IIlIeI he hIIx IengIIeIl lI'nnI nllIee IInIl Ix Il) Ing lI'nIn eIIIIeeI, llIIerl nn Ihe hnnk \xIIIIeII h) (ienigex \lIIIk IlenIInInu. IIIIx IlIIIInII enneenIIIIII-x lIII Inn Inneh nI' Ihe hnInIg \HllL‘l'. .-\nInIne Il.eprIII l. and hIx pIneIIIxIInIIIInnx IInIl IIx II IexIIII IleIIIleIIx InIeIexl III Ihe lIII IIInIe IIIleIexIIng lIIle ehIII'IIeIeI A IthIppnInIInenI ll'IIlll Ihe IIIIIIIenxel} IIIlenIeIl lIlIIIIIIIIkI‘I (iIIeIlIguIIIII l‘l/IN/HIIIH’. IzI/HI/III/u/I.

This is Spinal Tap I IS) Mlklll) ReIIIeI. l'S. WWII (lil’hlulllk‘l (iIIexI. MIehIIel .\lel\'eIIn. ll.III) SheIIIeI'. RJ l’IIInell. l'.(l Begle} JI‘. 82min ('eI‘IInIIl} Ihe Inan Ingeninux. III'I'IIIIIIe IInIl lunn} nl .Ill xpnnl InekIIInenIIIIII-x. \kllll \xnnIleIlIIII) xpnIIIIIIIenIIx IIIIIlngIIe. ennx IllL'lll}_' ll} nII

the null eIIIIIeI'II \xni'k. xell penneIl heII\} IneIIIl pIII‘nIlIex. IInIl nl enurxe Ihe IInIp IhIII gnex In I I. (-('/('I II'II. Ink/Inlnu'g/I, 30 Mania Il‘I IIhe. IS. 3003) SIIIIu-I l’IInan. l'.l\ II‘II.l.\l.-\.\ 3|) IIIIIInIIIInn hell. l'Ul InIIxnehIxIx .IIIIl enIIIpIIIeI' I'enIleI geekx nnl). /.\I.vl.\' [III (II/(’. (i/Inumi, * 3-lron (Bin-jip) I ISI 00.. le'nn KI Iluk. SnIIIh KnIeII/JIIpIIn. lell-il JIIe Lee. Lee Senng )I'nn. Sh’nnn RnnIlexx IlI'IlIeI‘ lilL‘ Suk IJIIe lleeI Ix enanIInIl} xeeking In pI'IIeIIee IIIx gnll x\\ Ing. :\x he InnInI‘e) elex IIInIInIl IIII IInnIIIneIl KIIIeIIII ell). IIIIx lll_\ xIeI‘InIIx Inner nlIen xInpx In Iee II gnll hIIll. 'l'he xIIleex IIIe I'IIIerl \\ hen InnIlel Sun \thI Seung )lllll \\IIIIIx In gIIIh hIx IIIIenIInn 'l‘hIx \nlenI. )I-I xeiene IIIeIlIIIIIInn Ull lllL‘ ll'IIIIxIlIII} IlIIlIII‘L' (ll lillllIIlll L‘\l\lCllL'C Ix II \xni'k nl genuine leL‘ll'} II eIneIIIIIlIe lIIIle III IIIIL‘. (i/Ilwun l'I/m I/II'IIII‘I'. (i/uwnn.‘ l'l/Hl/IUIHI'. IzI/III/Imulr. Thunderbirds I PI i) O IJnlInIIIlIIIn l'I‘Ileex. l'S/l'K. Still-ii llI'IIIl} (‘nI'heL lien Kingxle). BIII l’Ilenn. SnplnII .\l_\lex. Rnn (‘nnk 02min. lnIeI'IIIIIInIIIIl Rexeue Ix III ItL‘L‘Il Ill lL‘xL‘lII‘. \Ill llUlll xIIIIlL‘ [L‘I‘I‘Itl'lxl L‘L‘ll \\ IIh IIeeexx In Ihe SIIIIIII nnxxIIe xIII'pIIIx. hIII lI'nIn nIeIlIneI'e :\IIIeIIeIIn pI‘nIlueeI‘x. ReIIll) I‘uhlnxh In e IIeIInn \eI'xInII nl Ihe helm eIl puppel IIleenIIn‘e er'Iex. \n \xnnIleI' (ieI'I') .'\llIlL'l'\I)ll \\.llll\ IInIhIng In Iln \\ III] II. \III' l'J/Hl/Hll'L’lI ()I run. Iz'I/In/Hu'ell. Toy Story I l’( ll .... llIIllll l..IxxL‘lL‘l'. l‘S. I‘NSI \VIIh Ihe \nIeex nl 'l‘nin llIInkx. 'lnn Allen. l)nn Rieklex Slnnn, lI IxII‘I >|ll\l Ihe xIIIIe nl' Ihe III'I InIIIgex IhIII IlIxIIngquh l)Ixne} ‘x l'n‘xI ennIpIIIeI‘ geIIeIIIIeIl IIIIInIIIIInn leIIIIn'e. II'x gnl II eI'IIekIng .IIl\enIIn'e xlIIl'} lIII). :\ lIIle IIl lI'II‘IllelIIp IIIIIl xL'll llcllel enInhIneIl \x IIh IIn e\eIIIng_' IeerIe IInIl IIgIIIan Ihe elnek Ieannn. lm Stun Ix pr‘InkleIl \x IIlI enIIIIe IIxIIlex l)nn‘l he lnnleIl IIIIn IhIIIkIng Ihexe In)x III'e IIle lnI' Ihe kIle. (.I’II'I II'II. [CI/III/HII'L'II. Toy Story 2 I l 'I WIJIIIIII l.IIxereI'. [8. 200m ‘l'nIn llIInkx. lllli Allen. JnIIn (‘IIxIIek 05mm. lhe llL‘\\ llllll expunle nII Ihe nIIgInIIl erIIngx .InIl lllL‘lllL‘x. \Vhen \VnnIl} Ix nnI IIIken In ('nnhn) (‘Innp h} hIx IMIIeI'.-\I1Il}. he hegInx In quexlinn Ihe IneIInIng nl hIx ‘lIle‘. \Vhen he'x xIIherIIIenII} xInlen h} II enlleeInI' \xhn plIInx In er| him In .I JIIpIInexe In} Inuxeuni BII/l IIIIIl Ihe gang IIII\el IIeI'nxx Inuh In I‘CxL‘IlL‘ lliI‘ll pIIl. lhe CIIIIIIHL‘ l'IIllgC Ill lliL‘ IIIIIIIIIIIeIl ehIIIIIeIeIx Ix e\II'IInI'IlInIII'_\; Ihe) xII) IhIII enIIIpIIIeI geneIIIIeIl IIIIIIgex \\ Ill ne\eI I'eplIIee Ihe IeIIl Ihing. but Im Sin/I 3 IIIIIkex _\nu \xnnIleI. ('I'lu II'II. [ZI/IlI/HHK'II. TWin Sisters (De Neeling) I ISI 0.. Illen SnIIIhngIIIII‘I. NeIheIIIInle/ l.II\enIhnIII'g. lllllli lllL‘lxlIl ReIIIen. \IIIhII l‘hl. l'.|len \ngel, IRSIIIIII. l)uIeh IeIII'leI'keI IIhnIII I\xn xixleix \\ hn III‘e xepeI'IIleIl \\ hen Ihen pIIIenIx IlIe III l‘)3()x (lL‘l'lililll). One In ex III lIIerxIIe enInlnI'I \xhile Ihe nIlIeI \lillL'l'x III Ihe Innex nl IIplIeIIxIIl. .lllltl III l'lIIxthIek. Ille InII’IgIIIng IlI‘IIInII Ix \IeIIkeneIl h) ereeImIIIeI' .\lIII‘Ieke \IIII IleI‘ l’nl'x I'elIIxIIl In ennIe\IuII|Ixe Ihe IIIIIIn ehIIIIIeIeI‘x. (.(IHH'U. [nIlIII/IIIre/I. Two Green Feathers I Ile O... Illenning ('IIIIxen. \nInII). l‘)‘)5l llSInnI. KIIIII ll.IIIIxIIn'x nnxel l’un. xhnI IIx II xIlenI film In WIS. Iellx Ihe xlIll'} III II IIeIIIenIInI ll\ In; IIlnne III Ihe \xnnle IInIIl he lIIllx [III II IneIehIInI'x IlIIIIghIeI, llllx Inan IIInIleI'II \eIxInn .IIlle xnIne lnI‘IlIIIghI xe\ xeenex l’IIII nl lx'IIIII ll.nnxun erIxnn l‘l/Hl/IUHH'. liI/III/uu e/I. Un Chien Andalou I IS; Mlllllx liunuel. l‘IIInee. WIS) SIIIInIIe .\l.II'eIII|. l’IeI‘I'e llIIlehell. JIIIIIIe .\lII'.I\ Illex. SIleIIIlnI‘ l)II|I. |,Inx llIInIIel. xIIIIIlI') Ile.IIl IlI)lll\L‘_\\. l7nIIn (‘lIIxxIe SpIIIIIxh xIII'IeIIlIxIn. \IIIh Ihe lInnnux C}L‘liilll xIIIIIng; xeene and II gI'eIII IleIII nl lII/IIIIe IIIIIIgeI} IInIl nherII'e nIeIInIng. Sexenleen InnIIIIex IInI eIIxII} lnI'gnIIen. llmlun link. lit/III/HH'L’II.

Save Money

see page 54 for details


princes square

buchanan street glasgow

("‘II tll I

Conran's restaurant. étain has been awarded the prestigious title of ‘Best New Restaurant in Scoflandf

'lI'l. II‘i /:"I .‘

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ll Favour:

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Tel. O’I/é’I' 22.? Off/If:

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The weekend starts at Zinc with classic cocktails and a selection of the cities finest dj's.

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(ml. if. The new-look darcys bar is the perfect place to enjoy snacks. a full meal. relaxing cocktails. coffee or glass of wine.

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Barca Tapas 8. Cava Bar is a new experience and a truly unique offer of authentic tapas and Cava cocktail bar.

Tel. mm 262 rr-‘r:

' SI...:. THE LIST 31