
Valiant (1'1 .0. (Gary (‘hapman. l‘K. 30051 1'.“ an .\lc(ircgot‘. Ricky (icrvaix. Hugh Lauric. 'l‘im ('urr}; 109mm. Aliittlalcd colllctl)‘ \\ lllch tcllx lllc xlot'} 01.

a lo“ I}' mmd pidgcon Valiant t\lc( ircgoi'l.

who oxcrcomCx hix xmall xi/c 1o hccotnc a hcro in (ircat Britain‘x Royal Air l-orcc lloming l’igcon Scrx'icc during WW 11. UC/ (Ville/milk. (lit/(hunk: (.‘(7 [flint/"midi. lit/inhurfiq/i.

Victim l l5l .... l Btlxtl l)cardcn. l'K. 19011 1)irk Bogardc.S}'l\iaS}1nx. John Barric. 10011011. A landmark Britixh lilm that opcnl) dcalx \xith ltolnoxcxualil}. Bogardc look grcat rixkx \\ ith hix lormcr pin-up imagc to .xtar ax a rich middlc-claxx 1;t\\_\cr “hth hlackmailcd h) a rcnt ho}. forcing him to admit hix \L‘Hlillll)‘ to hix \\ il'c. ()n onc hand a thrillcr. on 1hc othcr a dclailcd. xytnpalhctic portrait of a countr} cntcring thc morc lihcral ct'a ol thc (i0x. .\'c\\' print rc\ icu cd nc\t ixxuc. (i/uwmi' I’ll/n Tl!('(lll'('. (i/uwuu;

Viruddh 1 13A) t.\lahcxh Manjrckar. India. 30051 Amitahh liachchan. Sharmila 'l‘agorc. Alter llic dcath o1 thcir oul_\ xon. an cldcrly couplc arc l'orccd to t'cdclinc thcmxclvcx. lhcir laitlt and thcir attitudc lo xoclcl). Si'lt'i'lt’t/ I‘t'lt'uw'.

War of the Worlds l 1231 0.. (Slcwn Spiclhcrg. 1'3.2005110111(tum. Juxtin (‘halxx in. Dakota l-‘anning. ‘l‘im Rohhinx. Miranda Otto. 11011101. “(3 \Vc‘llx‘ alicn imaxion ax xccn through thc cycx ol‘ Spiclhcrg atld di\orccd caxt coaxl hluc-collar dockxxorkcr Ra) l‘crricr ((‘ruixcl. I)cxpilc good almoxphcric \Hil‘k in thc lirxl hall. p}l‘olcchntcx and noixc rcndcr thix lo hc onl} an adcquatc \ci'xion ol lhc much adaptcd hook. (it-Iicm/ I'(’/(‘(l.\(’.

We Don’t Live Here Anymore 1 151 C... (John (’urran. 1‘8. 30041 Mark Rul'l'alo. l.aura l)crn. Naomi \\'altx. 98min. Supcrhly grim xlicc ol rcalil} ax l'our thirtyomcthing l'ricndx 1ic. light and clicat \Vllhc‘ttcholllcl'.c;1tlxillg lla\oc in thcir domcxtic ll\cx. .-\(laptaliott ol l\\o xhorl xtoriCx hy Andrc Duhux. l-ar xupcrior to ('lnwr. to which it ix clcar1_\' compat'ahlc. (imu't'nm: (iluwmi;

Wedding Crashers 1 151 .00

(I)a\id 1)ohkin. 1'8. 30051 ()“cll \\ ilxon. Vincc Vaughn. Rachcl .\lc.-\damx. (‘hrixtophcr \Valkcu. 1 10min. ’I'hix hoixtcroux coltlcd) about a pair ol' dixorcc mcdiatorx1\\'ilxon and \‘aughnl \\ ho xpcnd cach xpring xcaxon galc ct'axhing \\ cddingx xo lllC} can xcoi'c hahcx ix mcrcl) an ugl} xccond couxin oncc l'cmm cd to thc lo“ -

Silver City

32 THE LIST 4 l 1 Aug 2005

hro“ likcx ol‘ Ihu/gt'lmll and .‘,(’(’I my I'Ut‘kt'n. (;(’Il('l'(ll I‘r’lt'uxr'.

The Wedding Date 1 1231 .0

l('lat'c Kilncr. 18.300511)chla \lcxxing. l)c1'inot \lullonc}. Ant) .\dainx. .lack l)a\cnport. 88min. Kal lillix l.\lcxxingl ix a .\'c\\ York-haxcd xinglcton \\ ho can‘t hcar to tell thc truth about hcr not hcing inarricd. v\x xhc prcpaer to 11m cl to thc l'K l‘or hcr xixlcr'x \\ cdding. ct‘al) chick Kat 111ch a llandxoinc ntalc cxcolt \ick 1_\lultonc_\ l to poxc ax hcr 11C“ hcau. l’alc. lcpid \Voiking 'l‘illc auldy linglixll~x1}1claicc. (It/(wt. [Lt/lIl/HUL'II.

Westworld t 151.... t.\licllacl (.l'lc‘llltlli. 1'8. 10731Yul 131'}iici'.8‘)min. li\ccllcnt action tlu'illx xcl in a l'ululixlic thcinc park \thrc c\cr_\ luunan “him ix Calclcd 101' h} t‘oholx. hc il xc\. lolllatlcc or \ iolcllcc. lilllitll‘lllliillt‘l}. lllc loholx lilallunclion and rcth agaian thcir mal cix. and Yul 131'}11ci”x ha} \\ itc gunxlingct‘ i\ intcnt on i'c\cngc. (i/muun li/m 'l/u-u/n'. (i/(lwnli;

Whisky Galore tl’( i1 .000. t.-\1c‘\andcr Mackcndi'ick. l'lx'. 19491 Baxil Radl'ord. Joan (ii'ccimood. Jcan ('adcll. 83min. .\luclt-|o\cd lialing comcd} h} lhc Iatc Sand} .\lackcndtick. .'\ xhip cait'} ing a cargo ol' \\ hixk) ix xhip“ lcckcd oll a Scottixh ixland during \xaitiulc. xo thc localx

dccidc it'x lintc to qucnch thcir lhitxt. l'ull ol'

\\it and charm that othctx can onl_\ hopc to L'llllllillt‘. (‘I'Iu'liuI/i/ It’i'lllu u Sin ('1. (i/munu, (ill/won;

The Wicker Man 1 1310.... (Robin llal'd). l'K. 10731liduaid\Vooduald. lllilt likland. l)ianc ('tlcnlo. lngtid l’lll. ('hrixtophcr 103mm. .\ dcxoull} cclihatc policcman t\\'ood\\atdl Lllll\L‘\ at a l'clnolc Scottixh ixland lo imcxligatc a xchoolgn‘l dtxappcarancc and hccomcx unolwd 111 local pagan tilualx, .\ llauuuct claxxic. \\ ilh xotnc c\tlcinc|} xcat) and crolic motncnlx. (‘i'm-u Ill/(I Rt‘ll/l't u .S'I/n I. (i/uwmi. (i/thuu.

Willow 11’(i1 0. (Ron llouaid. 1.8. 19881 \Vam tck l)a\1x. Val Kilntcr. .loauuc \Vhallc). Jcan .\larxh. 13(ilitiii.:\tti_\xtci} hah) lurnx up in lhc land ol thc lilllc Nc‘1\x)tl pcoplc. and onc ol' thcir numhcr hax to rclurn it to thc adult-xi/cd land ol tlic l)alkuu. hut llic kid Iuinx out to hc xomconc xpccial. \Vould hc hlockhuxlmg laul'\talc cptc ol‘lcrx produccr ( icorgc lucax an oppolluttil} to t'claxhioll Slur 11in \ in a xctting xtralghll't'om'lolkicn.'111cicxull1x not uncnlci'tatning. hut \\ c'w xccu ll too man} 110ch lk‘ltllt‘. ({1qu Ill/n l/u'um‘. (illhguu.

Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.


ll llL‘ l'lolgc. l’tll'kllctltl.1l87| 3003000. lnlo and (’(' hooking: 08701 555 130. ll)|. |lil.:\dull £4.85 (£4.55l1t‘ltil't‘ 5pm Mon '1 110. ('hild/Sludcntfl).v\l’: £3.501t3 lk‘ltllc‘ 5pm \lon llllll. l’atnil) lickcl [13.40. :\l| tickch hcloic noon: L3.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ll’( 11 11.30am. 12.30. 2.30.315. 5.15. 000, 3.00. 3.45. Fantastic Four 1 l’( h 3.45. (1.15. 3.45. Kicking and Screaming ll’( 11 10.50am. 1.11). 3.30.

Madagascarit'l 10.55am. 11.15am. 1.15. 1.30. 3.30. 3.45. (1,00. 3.15. The Skeleton Key115i 11.10am. 1.40, 44.5. 040. ‘).l.5.

War of the Worlds 1 1231 (4.00. 3.55. Wedding Crashersil51 5.45. 3.30.

11.00am. 1.30.

llilL)/\Y :3 lllUliSD/W 1 i

The Adventures of Robin flood 11') .\1atiucc Sat: 11.30am.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11%;) l'ii & Sal: 11.30am. 1.35. 3.30. 4.05. 5.15. (1.45. 3.00, 920,

Sun "1110: 11.30am. 13.30. 3.30. 5.15, (1.00, 3.00. 3,15.

Fantastic Four 1 l‘( 0

Hail}: 11.00am. 1.30. 3.45. 0.15. 3.45.

Herbie: Fully Loaded (1'1

1)ail_\: 11.00am. 1.15. 3.45. 0.30. 8.50. The Island 1 l3.\l 'lllu: 11.45am. 3.30. Madagascar 1 1‘ 1 Hail}: 11.00am. 1.15. 3.30.

The Skeleton Key 1 151

Hall}: 11.10am. 1.30. 3.55. (1.20. 9.00. 'l'hu: (1,20. 900,


l‘ii & Sat: 11.00am. 3.40. 0.35. 9.15. Sun 'lltu: 11.55am. 3.00. 0.00. 8.45. Wedding Crashers l 151

lll \Vcd: 5.45. 8.30.


5.30. 8.30.

John Sayles’ hugely enjoyable mystery thriller set during a local politician’s campaign for the governorship of Colorado is still playing strong. Chris Cooper gives one of the finest indirect impersonations of George W Bush you will ever see on celluloid. I Cameo, Edinburgh

Clneworld Benlrew Street

7 chlrcxx Slrcct. into and ('(‘ hooking: 0871 300 3000. Adult £5.80 (£4.80 .\lon 'l‘hul. ('hild/xtudcntx/coiicc‘xxionx: £3.90. liainil) tickct £15.00 (Sun 'l’hu: £141. Sunday all tickctx: £3.50. l'nliniitcd ('ai'd: £10.99 per month.


Batman BOQIIISll3:\1 10.40am. 1.50. 5.20. 3.30.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11’( i) 10.30am. 11.00am. 11.40am. 1.30. 2.00. 2.40. 4.20. 5.00. 5.40. 7.20. 3.00. 3.40.

DarkWateril5l 10.30.1111. 12.50. 3.30. 6.10. 3.50. The Descent1131 10.40am. 1.20, 3.50.

(1.30. 9.15.

Busr12.-\i 7.50.

Fantastic Four (1’(il 10.00am. 11.00am. llooll. I330. l.40. 3.40. 3.10. 4,10. 5.10. 5.45. (1.40. 3.30. 9.30.

Kicking and Screaming (1’01 10.30am. 12.50. 3.10.

Madagascaril‘i 10.00am. 10.30am. 11.30am. 13.31). 1.00. 1.40. 3.50. 3.20. 4.10. 5.20. (1.40. 3.00. MrBMrs Smithil51 (1.00. Shallow Ground 1 131 I 1.00am. 3.50. (1.30. 9.10.

Silver City1151 9.10.

The Skeleton Key115i 10.40am. 1.10. 3.50. (1.30. 9.20.

War of the Worlds 1 l3.-\l 10.00am. 12.40. 3.30. 5.40. (1.10. 3.20. 3.50. Wedding Crashersil5l 10.30.1111. llooll. 1.10. 2.50. 4.10. 5.40. 7.00. 3.30. 9.40.


lRIDAY 11.1URSDAY i ‘1

Batman Begins 1 1231 l‘ri & Sat: 10.00am. 10.40.

Sun 1110: 10.40am. 1.50. \Vt'tll. 3.50.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1P( 0 Hail}: 10.30am. 11.00am. ll.40am. 1.30. 3.00. 3.40. 4.30. 5.00. 5.40. 7.30. 8.00. 8.40.

1.11). 4.30. 7.30.


.-\1xo Iatc l't‘i & Sat: 10.30. 11.10. Crash 1 151

\Vc‘tli 345.

Dark Water 1 151

l'iit\' Sal: 3.40. 5.31). 8.00. 10.40.

Sun \Vcd: 3.30. (1.10. 8.50. The Descenttl31

1‘1'i & Sat: 13.31). 3.50. 5.30. 8.31). lll.50.

Sun 'lhu: 10.40am. 1.30. 3.50. 0.30. 9.15.

The Devil’s Rejects 1 131

l’ti & Sat: 11.50am. 3.30. 5.30, 8.00. 10.45.

8011 'lhu: 10.30am. 13.50. 3.30. 0.30, 9.10.

Fantastic Four 1 l’( 11

[’1th Sat: 10.00am. ll.40am. 13.30. 3.10. 3.10. 4.40. 5.45. 7.35. 8.30. l0.30.

Sun 'l’hu: 10.00am. 11.00am. 13.30.

1.40. 3.10. 4.10. 5.45. 0.40. 8.30. 9.30.

Herbie: Fully Loaded 11'1

Hail}: 10.30am. 13.50. 3.30. 0.05. 8.45.

Imaginary Heroestl31

liri & Sal: 10.00am. 13.15. 3.40. 5.30. Sun 1110: 10.30am. 1.00. 3.40. 0.15. The Island112.\1

1110: 11.00am. noon. 3.00, 3.15. 5.10. 0.15. 8.30. 9.10.


1)ai|_\: 10.00am. 10.30am. 13.30. 1.00. 3.50. 3.30. 5.15. (L00. 7.50111ol'l'uc& \Vcdl.

Save Money

see page 54 for details