The follow up to last year’s successful inaugural

Festival features 5000 musicians from more than 20 different countries. Events run from 8-14 August, stretching across the Concert Hall, George Square, Glasgow Green and a host of bars. The bill mixes traditional performers with acts like ‘techno piper’ Mark Saul (pictured), who has been combining electronica with bagpipes since the early 905.

Contemporary Piping Night. T/ieA/‘c/ies. Fri 12 Aug. See folk /le/Il§]i; and

www. piping/estival. co. uk


McKenzie Medmos

Monday 31 Oct? 8pm (doors 7pm)

£18.50/f16.§0 w

.,' l


.JA[/ worttt) FOLK SGI‘ICS /\l l I UMN 200‘)

\ . Usherl In” Box Office 0131 2281155

IIIINIH l{t.ll

44 THE LIST 4—1 1 Aug 2005

Monday 8


I The Blue Hyenas Studio One. (il‘ti\\etltil' 'l‘erraee. .i-ll (ism. 0.30pm. Free. lidinhurgh-haxed hand xx ith a unique hrand ol' good-time xxx ing. R'n’li and hltiex.

Wednesday 1 0


I Bed-Head Sextet\tl\ .\'o.l. l5l \Vexl (ieorge Street. 23‘) 756“. 7 lllpllt. l‘ree. See Thu 4.

I Michael Simons ‘l’eliai ()xna. to) l)ean\ton [)rix'e. 0l-ll (14‘) 7358. 8pm. £3. (ilihgoxx -ha\ed guitarist plaxing lolk. hltiex and he_xond.


I National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland 'l‘olhooth. Jail \Vx nd. 01786 37-1000. 7.30pm. £8 H.550). Bertil l'alt eonduetx a perl‘ormanee ot' hig hand ja/l t'ax'otiritex from thix _xoung hand.


I Lights Out By Nine Studio One. (irtmenor 'I'erraee. 3-H (15%. 9.30pm. Voealixt AI lltighex lronts thix ex er- popular \totttping hluex otittit.



1. They’re country, but not as we know it The Illinois trio play a kind of Americana. but their sound is also inflected with a punk ethos and an indie sensibility which makes them almost impossible to pigeonhole.

2. They’re half Scottish OK. they're not. but they've got strong Scottish links. their two excellent albums so far. Yr Money or Yr Life and Crisis Helpline. being released On the small Scottish indie label Shoeshine. which is run by none other than erstwhile Fannies drummer and cracking solo artist Francis MacDonald.

3. They’re miserable The Beauty Shop peddle a morose and twisted kind of deep. dark SOuthern gothic Americana but. like fellow troubadours the Handsome Family. they do so with a knowing wit and self-reference which is extremely refreshing.

4. They’re urbane champagne d nkers Oh no. hang on a minute. they're from a place called Champaign-Urbana in lllinois. Sorry. Our mistake.

5. They’re great cooks Their website contains a section with the band's own recrpes. OK. there are only three on there two for cookies and one boozy cocktail but it's a start. right? (Doug Johnstone)

I Live on the Lawn, Newhai/es. Musse/burgn, Fri 5 Aug; King Tut's. Glasgow, Sun 7 Aug.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 4


I Alistair Hulett Star l-‘ollt (‘luh. St Antlrexx '\ in the Square. ol'l' Saltmarket. St Andrexx \ Street. 548 (3020, 8pm. to HA). l‘ine singer/song“riler xx ith \trong .-\ntipodean eotitleetionx.

I Adrian Byron Burns Studio ()ne. (il't)\\L‘ll()l' 'l'erraee. .Hl (15H). 9.30pm. Virtuoxo .v\meriean hluex-haxed guitar \tar and memher ol‘ Bill \\'_x man‘s Rhythm Klllgx

St Andrews

I Michael Marra Bx-re 'l'heatre. .-\hhey Street. 0133-1 475000. 8pm. U0 (£8). Win} and original \ottg\ l'rom the I)undonian piano hard.

Monday 8


I International Piping Forum the Piping ('entre. Mel’hater Street. ('oxxeaddenx. 387 551 l. llam lpm. to ([4). learn ahotit the \ariet) ol' international piping traditionx reprexented during I’i/n'ne Iii‘t'.’ 3005. I Pipe Bands in George Square (ieorge Square. 1 lam lpm. Free. Sample the sightx and sounds ol' the xxorld’s moxt tamoux pipe handx. ineluding man} lined tip tor llll\ _\ear\ lidinhurgh .\li|itar_x 'I‘attoo. l’art ol' l’i'ptne l.ti't'.' 300.5.

I Pipe Idol The :\rehe\. .v\rg_x le Street. 240 7538. l 2pm. ('ompete to heeome l’ipe Idol 3005. ()pen to eontexlantx ol‘ all age\ xx ith lttll proeeedx going to the Seottixh eharitx (.tH/I for Krilx. £500 pri/e. l’art ol‘ l’i/irne lii't'.’ 200.5.

I Piping Live Recital: Gordon Walker The l’iping ('entre. Mel’hater Street. ('oxxeaddenx. 287 55] |. l 2pm. £8 tun. \Vallxer l\ l’ipe Major xx ith the 52nd l.oxx|and Regiment Pipe Band and one ol’ the xxorld'x premier \olo pipers. Part ol' l’i/iine [.Ilt’.’ Still)".

I International Showcase (ieot‘ge Square. 1 2.30pm. l‘ree. Seotland and liurope\ linext pipers and eontemporar} eeltie hands. .\lu\ie l'rom Benheeula to Budapest. l’art ol l’i/rine /.I't't'.' DUNS.

I Piping Live 2005 Festival Club The Piping (‘entre. Mel’hater Street. (‘oxxeaddenx 287 55l l. l0pm 3am. £5. ('ontinue the part) alter the eoneertx and head haek to the l-'e\tixal ('ltth at the l’lpt‘l'x 'l‘r_x \t. \Vith l‘inlax .‘xlael)ona|d. ('hrix .v\rtn\trong. .larlath llendet'xon. l’art ol' I’m/II: lire.’ 300.5. I Piping Live Street Café The l’iping (‘entre. \lel’hater Street. ('oxx'eaddenx. 387 55l l. liree. l.ix e \L‘\\ltilt\ lrom some ol' the linext _xoung piperx and l'olk llttt\tL‘lttli\ in Seotland. in the l’iperx‘ ’l‘rx st in the \peeiall) e\tended lt‘\lt\;tl \treet etlle. l’ttt‘l ill. l’i/ring I.r'i't'.’ 3005.

Tuesday 9


I International Piping Forum The l’iping ('entre. .\lel’hater Street. ('oxxeaddenx. 287 55! l. l lam lpm. L6 (L4). See .\ltilt 3.

I Pipe Bands in George Square (ieorge Square. 1 lam lpm. liree. See Mon 8.

I Pipe IdOI 'I‘he .'\t'L‘ltt‘\. .'\t’:_'} le Street. (ll-ll 3—“) 7523. l 2pm. See .\lotl 8