Football Da

David The Other Side of the Bed Serrano’s hilarious comedy about six talentless and unfit middle-aged

friends who decide to form a seven-a-side football team is a joy. Yet again Serrano works with the very funny actor Ernesto Alterio a kind of Spanish Roberto Benigni. Catch it while you can.

I Cmowor/d dormer/y UGO). Rent/ow Street. G/zisgoit:

The Birdcage t lSi 0.. (Mike .\'icholx. l'S. l‘NSi Robin \Villianix. Nathan l.ane. (ieitc llackiiian. l I‘lmin. .\ remake of In (‘iiei' .“llt [Vol/m w itli plent) to xa} about conteinporai') America‘x ll}[3tic‘t'l\}. \Villiamx ix xiiperb land more i'exti‘ainedi ax the ga) nightclub owner

w hoxe attemptx to inipi'exx the right-w irig pai'eiitx of hix xoii'x fiancee go aw r}. l’unn} and xcrixitixe. with excellent pei'fiirmancex. (‘ electric. Iz'iliir/iiu‘g/i. Black Beauty MW 00. t('arolitie 'l‘hoiiixon. l'S. I‘NJi Sean Bean. l)a\id lhewlix. l’eter ('ook. 82min. 'l‘lie iiioxt tamoux hoi'xc in childi'en'x literature i'ettii'nx in a faithful xcrcen \cr'xion b} dcbtit director 'l'hoiiixon. whoxe work ax a xcreenwritcr '/'/I(' .St't'l'l’l (run/(It. Iii/Milli] .S'i‘i'xmr/iuiii/M [Allt’ .VI'e/ilmiiri' lie/tire (‘lirixinim tapx into a darker current of childhood \ hint]. 'l‘he pace \elx till ;tl tt gallop. and xhoiild intrigue adtiltx ax w ell ax )oungei' \ iew ei'x. (‘t'li'i'lriin lat/iIi/iure/i. Bombon el Perro t ISi COO

((‘arlox Sorrin. Argentina. IOU-ti Juan Villcgax. Walter l)onado. 08mm. In the rough latid of l’alagoiiia. a 52 )ear old mechanic. Juan Yillegax. liitx hard timex when he loxex liix Job. llix foi'tunex turn when he repairx a car and receix ex

pa} rnent in the xliape of a hound named Boiiiboii. l‘or‘ Juan. thix ix the fier xtep tow ai‘dx a career ax a dog exhibitor. (‘hariniiig road nro\ ie from the director of Ilistm'tm .lliiiiniux. ('unii'u. Iii/iii/mije/i. Bonnie Scotland it) 000 (Jitllle Horne. l'S. l‘)35t Stan Laurel. ()lixer llard). Daphne Pollard. 80mm. Stan and Ollie head north of the border to collect an inheritance. but end tip in a Scottixh regiment fighting in India. .\'ot a touch on I. and ll'x xliortx thei'c‘x an unnecexxar) romantic xtibplot but featiii'ex enough of the xlapxtick xttiprdit} to make it worth watching. Part of l’iping l.i\el (i/mgun' l-ilm 'I‘lii'utre. (i/mgmi:

Braveheart ( tSi .00 (Mel (iibxott. Us. l‘)‘)5) Mel (ilbxoti. l’ttlt‘telix Mc(ioohari. Sophie Marceau. 177mm. Mel (iibxon'x long and blood) account of the life of Scottixh warrior hero \Villiarit \Vallacc boaxtx xoiite remarkable battle xceiicx and great performanccx. (irmii'nui; (iluwmi.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s t ISi .00. (Blake lidwat'dx. l'S. l‘)()l ) Audre} Hepburn. (ieorge l’eppard. l’ati'icia Neal. Budd) libxen. Micke} Rooiic). ll5min.

22 THE LIST ll 18 Allt) 2005)

lconic if rather xhallow (‘apote adaptation. (’e/i'i’li'n'. Iii/iii/iiu'e/i.

Brigadoon tl’( it C. i\'iiicenle Minnelli. l'S. WM) (ieiie Kell}. ("\d ('harixxe. Van Johnxon. ltlSmiri. ‘l'wo _\aiikx on \acation in Scotland dixco\ ci' a xlecp)

\ illage that comex ali\e once e\ei‘) hundred )earx. Rather flat and unimoh mg Minnelli mtixical. expeciall} m comparixon with hix other 5th work. with the uncorw mcrng rand unintentionth hilariouxi Scotx background the main problem. Part of Scotchiirg the M}th xeaxon and Piping l.i\c'. (i/mgmi I‘i/lll I’lii'um'. (i/iixemr .' l’I/lil/IUIIH'. Iz'i/iii/iiu'e/i.

A Bug’s Life «tr 0.0. lJUllll l.a\xeler. l‘S. l‘NSt \‘oicex of: l)a\c l‘ole}. Ke\ in Space}. l)a\id ll}de l’iei'ce. l)enix l.ear). l)Smin. Made b} l’r\ai' :\tltlll;lllt)ll Slttdiox t/in Slum l. :l line} [He takex ttx to .v\nt lxland. where the colon) ix being oppi‘exxed b} a gang of menacing graxxhoppcrx. \Vhen Il1\ entne but cltinix} worker ant l‘lik incui‘x the wrath of gang leader lltippet'. he headx Ull- lti lllltl help hea\}wcight help in the battle agaiiixt hix opprcxxoi'x. ('i'li'i‘ti'ii . lat/iii/iiu‘e/i.

Bullet Boy 1 IS) 0... (Saul l)ibb. l‘K. ZtNHi l.tike l'i'axei'. :\xhle_\ \Valtci'x. l.eon Black. l.ouixe l)elamere. 80mm. ('omcridablc Bi'itixh )Ulll‘ drama It ‘/ (‘lu/t'liiiii/t. (fH/(l’tlllA.

Cafe Lumiere t Hi .00. lllott llxrao llxien. Japan. 3003) to llitoto. 'l‘adanobu :\xano. Maxato llagiwai'a. lllfimin. Sec i'e\ iew. page IX. l‘f/HI/IUHH'. Iz'i/i'ii/iiu‘e/i.

La Cage Aux Folles t Ht .0. tlidouai'd Molinai'o. l‘rance. W78) l':~'o 'l‘ogiia/li. Michel Scri'aiilt. Rem) l.aui'ent. Ill‘hnni. Renato i'l'ogiia/xi) and :\|bm tScr'i‘aulti own the outrageoux (‘agc .-\ti\ l‘ollex nightclub. w here the latter ix the xtai drag act. l,o\ eix for It) )eai'x. the} lime brought up Renato'x xori together. but headachex arixe when the lad wantx lo ttlut’t') into a xtr'aight laced faniil}. and the couple tr) franticth to dixginxe liix background :\ctttall_\ rathei old laxhioned. but iiitcrmittentl) hilarioux lionioxeuial l'ill'L'C. \lleeexxl'lll enough to xpttwtt two highl) mordahle xcuuelx (‘i'lu Illt. [film/Hugh.

Cats and Dogs tl’(it 000

(Lawrence (itrtei'rnan. l'S. ltllil i Jett (ioldblum. lili/abeth l’er'kinx. Miriam Mai‘goylex. 87min. ('utc talking pet flick. (' i'li'i‘lrii'. I'll/liliiiru/i.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tl’(it 0... (Tim Burton. l'S/l’lx'. 3005i Johtitt} I)epp. lireddie llighmoi'e. l)a\id Kell}. Helena Bonham ('ai'tci'. Noah 'l’a)lor. l l5min. lixcellent and faithful adaptation of Roald l)ahl'x claxxic I‘m-l book. Bi/ari'c and beautiful to look at. thix ix Burton at the top of hix game. (ii‘ltt'l'u/ I't‘It‘uu'. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang il'i 0... (Keri llughex. l'K. Mom Sall} .-\niie llowex. Dick \‘an H) ke. l.ioiiel Jeffriex. HSmin. l.eiigth}. effectx-t'rlled children'x ad\cntiire concen ed in the w akc of .l/iiri l’n/i/iiiis' huge comiitercial xticcex btit w itli a charm land great xongx) all of itx ow n. Dick Van 1)) kc ix the mad inxentoi' w hoxe ll) mg car propelx liix children and roriiaiitic mter'ext llow ex to a far-off land of ad\enture. ('i'li'i'trii'. lat/iii/iuigh. A Cinderella Story tl’(il 0 (Mark Roxnian. l'S/(';iii;itl;i. thll-fi llilar} Duff. Jennifer ('oolidge. ('had Michael Murra}. Dan B}rd. 95min. ('indei'clla tl)tifft ix a dowd) xchoolgirl. forced to work all hourx of the da) m a diner b} her wicked xtep mum (Coolidge). ller' Prince Charming tMui'ra) ) ix the captain of the high xchool football team and the} communicate o\ er the internet and b) text iixirig pen naiiiex. Then the mo\ ie xtartx to go downhill. lf _\oii cart belie\e that. (electric. lit/iiibiire/i. Clifford’s Really Big Movie il'i O. tRobert (‘ Raiiiii‘cl. l‘S. 300-1) \UICLW of John Rittcr'. \Vayie Brad). (ire) l)cl.ixle. Jenna lilllllttll. 7-lmin. ('lifford ix an cnoi'iiioux big red dog; w ho‘x w ell known to under—fixcx e\er} where through the telex ixioii xhow x. Here he embarkx on an ad\eiitin‘c that men the xiiiallext child will find bltrnt and ob\ iotix. low grade kiddie cartoon big xcrecn adaptation. featuring xccoiid rate \oice ai'tixtx. tilt/\eiiii' l-i'lm I/ii'iilri'. (iluxgim; Consequences of Love t lSi 0.0 tl’aolo Sorrentino. Ital}. lell-lt 'l'on} Sen illo. ()ln ia Magnani. .-\driano (iiannini. Ititlmm. l'lti'a \L‘ll‘L‘UllM'IUllSl) directed. looxel} c\ixtential thriller from Italian filmmaker Sori'entino. 'l'itta tSer\ illoi. ll\t‘\ aiioiwmouxl} in a hotel. pla} ing cardx. w atching othei'x and taking deli\er_\ of xiiitcaxex containing millionx of dollarx. Slow I). the III} xtei'} beginx to tinr‘ax el. rc\ealing hix ixolated c\ixtencc. lifticrent btit minor. (Mimi. lat/iii/iiug/i. Countess Dracula 1 lat 0.. (Peter Saxd). l‘K. l‘)7lll lrigi'id l’itt. Nigel (ii‘eeii. Sandor l'.lL‘\. ‘Httllll. l’itt gi\cx a memorable performance ax the decadent \anipire mxpired b_\ ('ountexx lilixabeth Bathoi‘). although the other actoi‘x around her aren't in the xamc claxx. Blood. \ ii'ginx. depra\it_\ all in a da) 'x work for llarnmer. (‘ (’ll’t trii . lat/iii/iurg/i * Crash t is» coco ll’attl llaggix. l’S/(Ecrriian). littl-li Sandra Bullock. l)oii (‘headle. Matt Dillon. Jennifer lixpoxito. llhiiiii. See r'c\ iew. page l.\'_ (it’llt'ltl/ I't'lt'ilu’. Dark Wateri lSi COO iw'alici Sallex. l'S. 3005i Jennifer ('onncll}. .'\t'lL‘l (iadc. l’cte l’oxtlcthwaite. 'l‘im Roth. l)ongi‘a} Scott. lll5tlttll. St) \U [S \CI'SIUII Hi llltlL‘U \akata‘x Japanexc original. (‘iiii'iwi'li/ l'.'i/Iii/iiirg/i. lat/iii/iiug/i. Dear Frankie t l3:\l .00 (Sliotla .'\ucrbach. l'lx'. llltHi Iimil} Mortimer. (ierai‘d Butler. Jack Mclzlhone. llflmm. l.rfe ix tough for (iiccnock _\oimgxtci l'r‘aiikie t.\lcl:lhonei. llix onl} nieanx of e\pi'exxioii coiriex from the lettcix lie writcx to liix abxent lather. who l‘l‘tlttlxle belie\ ex ix xarlmg the world aboard the “MS .'\L'\‘t.l. l'i'arikic\ mother. l.i//it"x tMor‘tiineii bluff ix darigci‘ouxl} cloxc to being called when llMS .-\ccra xailx into port She arrangex for a gruff xtrangcr tButlci'i to poxc ax l'i';iiikit"x lathei. not realixing how much her life will be changed in the proccxx Heartwarming diaiiia that containx a few w ell obxei'xed ti'uthx about male female r‘elationxhipx in Scotland. ()tlt'UH .\I [In Quin. (i/iixgmi. * Dear Wendy t IS) 0000 tlltolltth \inleibeig. l)eninaik/l'iance/(icrinaiw/l'lx ltltlii .larnic Bell. Bill Pullman. Michael :\ l)anxo(iordon. .\'o\ella \elxon lll5llltll. l.oiiel_\ bu) l)ick iBelli lindx a xiiiall antique handgun and xtai'tx up a xcci'el xociet) of iunior fopx ctrlled from the

d)xfuirctiona| and dixpoxed loxerx who lixe in a timelexx Midwextern l'S mining town. 'l‘heir allegiance to their gum and the i'tilex of the group are initiall) encouraged b) the genial local cop Krugxb} tl’tillmani until thingx get out of hand. 'l'hix hyper-real poxt- l)ogttte work ix a kind of pen erxe low budget follow -up to \on 'l'rier'x xuperb exxa} on ['5 xettler tnot‘ex Drier/He. I)(‘(ll' Hem/t ix part l'S pioneer xpii'it parod} and pan archl) \oiced o\er Wextern. Think The (imniim meetx Bltlt‘ll (insult and (lie Stun/wire Kill choreographed b} 'l'urirer l’ri/ew inner Jerein) Heller and _\oti are xoniew‘here cloxe. (i/mgmi l'ilm I'Iieuire. (ilusgmi: ('iinieo. Iz’iliirliiug/i. Death Watch t IS) .00 tBet'tratid 'l‘mernier. l’r'ance/Wexi (ierinaii). 1980) Roth) Schneider. llane} Keitel. llarr} Dean Stanton. lflllmin. Bertrand 'l‘ax ernier’x thought<pi'o\oking xcience fiction fable. filmed in (ilaxgow and xet in a near future cit). where a terminall) ill wonian'x final da}x become a real-life TV xoap. If onl_\ that had been the caxe with Big Brut/in: (i/uyeun l‘t/III I/H’lIIH’. (i/itsgnnz The Descent t 1th 000. i.\’eil Marxhall. l'K. 2005i Nora-Jane Noorie. :\le\ Reid. Shauna Macdonald. 97min. 'l‘hix chickx with pickx potholing horror film from the director of Dog Stilt/ten ix a grim treat. Selected I‘t'li'uu'. The Devil’s Rejects t l8) 0... (Rob Zombie. l'S/(ierman). ZlHJS) Sid llzttg. Bill Moxele). Sheri Moon. \thltttttt l-'iii'x)tlic‘. Ken l‘oree. ll)‘)miii. /.ornbie'x bi/ar'i'e bolting together of a patchwork of 70x horror filmx with the butt—end-of—thea hipp) era road tito\ ie producex a hell- bound offxpring. 'l'he \lx'lltlp} plot hax the ('harlex .\laiixoii~~like l’irefl} famil} (named. hurrioroiixl). after one of Zombie'x fa\'ourite (iroucho Mar\ characterxi fleeing a xhoot— out with the equall} bloodthii'xty law and hit the two laiie blacktop in xearch of freedom and I“) L‘llUSL'\llill \ iolent lltt‘tllx. :\ work of pleaxiiig amoralit} and couiiterciilture procli\ lltex. (it'lit'l'u/ I‘i'lt'uu'. Dig! t l5) 0... i()iidi 'I‘imoiier. l‘S. 200-1) llllririn. ()\erlong but iiiterexting documentar) about the rixe of the rock band the Band} Warhon and the fall of their bext friendx the Brian Jonextowii Maxxacre. ()ne of the fundamental rtickumeiitariex of the laxt few )earx. (irmr'i'nm: (iliisgmi. Drag Kings on Tour t lSi tSonia Slutxk). ('anada/l'S. 200-1) 82min. .-\ii energetic and \ ixionai') duelttttellltlt') follow mg the tour of xi\ gorgeoux drag kiiigx and charting the politicx igender' and Americant in\ol\ ed. l’erxonal relationxhipx and problemx are i'epi'exeiited b) the ai'i'i\al of the pttt'ettlx to their \Unx. Slit)\\\. (Murmur I'i/m I'lii’iilri'. (i/mgmi. Duma tl‘t 0.. t('arroll Ballard. l'S. 2005i .v\le\ Michaelctox. (‘ampbell Scott. Mar} Makliatlio. ltttliiim. I.ll\\l(’ recaxt ax a ax a South .-\frican cheetah xpeeding aci‘oxx the WM! m lliix decent. occaxionall} thrilling lariiil} film. ('t 'l (‘lu/rlniiil. ('ltiIi-lniiik. ET ill 0... iStercn Spielberg. l‘S.-\. I‘).\'_‘i Ste\ en Spielbei‘g‘x claxxic about a group of lzai‘th children who help a xtranded alien botaiiixt return home. ('i'li'i‘lrii'. lat/iii/iure/i. =l< L’Eclisse rm 15. mm t I5) 0000 iMichaelangelo .v\ntonioni. lta|_\ i’l‘rance. Noll Monica Vittr. .v\|am l)elon. l‘rancixco Rahal. l25mm. See re\ iew. page W. (iliixenn Ii/iii [lieu/re. (i/mgnn .' Ill/ii/inim'. Iii/iii/iiu'e/i. Fakelore il’( it 0.. tMiiri'a} (ii'igor. l’lx'. NUS) 53mm. l)ocuinentai'_\ which lookx at c‘l’llllL‘S committed againxt torri'ixtx in Scotland b} xchlock. ttl}llt and kitxch pcddlcrx. The film pai'ticularl} toctixex m on the people who iixed to run the Burnx t'ottage iii .'\llowa'\. Part of the Scotching the .\l_\th xcaxoii. l'l/lll/lr’llH'. l-fi/Iii/iurelr. Fantastic Four I l’th O. i'l'im Slot). l‘S/(icr'iitaii). SOUS) loan (iruffud. Jexxica .-\lba. ('hi'ix li\anx. Michael ('hiklix. Julian McMahon. ltlomin. Braxli. empt). tirexonic and alai'iiiingl) dull \erxion of a L‘lttxxle t'titltle brink \et’teS. (ii'm'l'il/ H'll'tlH'. Festival t Ih’i O... l.'\ll|llL' (iriffm. l'lx'. littlfii Daniela \aidmi. Stephen Mangarr. .~\mc|ia Bulmorc. Bill) (’artcr. l.)ndxe} Matxhal. ltl7nim. lidinburgh in .-\ugtixt ix hell for xonic but nri'\ana loi othcrx Annie