l0.imm. Surprixingl} l'un px_\cho|ogical thrillcr. ('arolinc tlludxon). a )olttlg nnrxc xtrugghng to makc cndx mcct. anxucrx an ader xcckmg a carcr lor an imalid litixl);itid (“U”) in a big houxc in an ccric “(mil itixt outxidc NC“ ()rlcanx. ‘l'hc l.ouixiana xctting gixcx lhc cnc tor grcat iLiI/ ntuxic. ccliocx ol thc Dccp South'x lttxloi‘) ol racixm and. moxl importantly lor thix xtot‘}. tl‘x thc arca in North Ailicrica moxl axxociatcd \\ ith black magic. 'l‘hc lilmmakcrx pla) \\ ith thc com cnlionx ol tlic gcnrc and llll\ clcmcntx ol xchlock. horror and thrillcr that culminatc in a grcal

lloll) “mid cnding. (Jun-ml n'lr'nu'.

Sky Blue t l5) ... t.\lo()t)-xacng Kim/Park Sunmin. South Korca/I'S. 2003) Marc \Vordcn. ('ath} ('a\adini. Joon ho ('hung. .\’(nnin (‘ixili/alion hax hccn dcxtro) cd h} \\;ii‘ and pollution. hut thc xnr\ i\orx ha\ c huill thc laxt cit} ol' licohan. Stunning to look at hut rathcr unl'ullillcd luturixtic drama. ('Iut'u ur/tl lat/inlturgli. l-[t/I'II/turg/i.

Spellbound il‘) 0.... thll Blitl. [8. 2002) ‘me. Brilliant documcnlar} ahout ciglit childrcn in thcir hid to \x in thc I‘N‘) Spclling Bcc championxhip. Magical. thix xta) cd in {'8 cincmax l'or o\ cr 20 monthx almoxt unhcard ol lor a documcntar}. ('

('lt t'lrn. lit/In/mrg/i.

Spirit Trap t 15) O. €l)a\id Smith. l'lx'. 2005) Billic l’ipcr. l.ukc .\lahl_\. limnia (‘athcrmiod Sam 'l‘roughton. ‘Hnnn. Scc I‘L‘\ tL‘\\. pagc l‘). (illti’um‘lt/ Ri'll/I'l \\ .Sv/I’l't'l. (i/(HQUH.

Stealth t l5) 0. (Roi) (‘olicn. 1'8. 2) Joxh l.ucax. chxica Bicl. Jamic l-o\\. Sam Shcpard. Richard Roxhurgh. l2lmin. .'\ mildl} L‘i).it‘_\ah|c piccc ol laxcixt .-\mcrican mililar} propaganda. Slur/III ix lltc xtor} ol lht'cc crack-lightct‘ pilotx \\ ho conic up againxt a roguc .v\l uarplanc. 'l‘hc actorx all xccm to ha\ c tun; .lamic l-o\\ tprc ('n/lulu‘ul) and Joxh l.ucax gct to pla} pilot for [no hourx m \\ hat ix haxicall} a gamcr'x mo\ ic. l'nl'ortunatcl} Ihc mox ic “carx itx o\ crhcaring auarcncxx ol ‘)/l l prondl} on )tx 0) mg lackct xlcc\c. :\n ultnnatcl} tircxomc ‘homcland intclligcncc lailurc' lillClx. (it’lli'l'tl/ I'(’/( (N.

Strictly Ballroom )l’( i) C... tBa/ l.uhrmann. .-\uxtralia. I‘Nl ) l’atil \lcrcurio. 'l'ara .\loricc. Bill llunlcr. ‘Hmm. l)ancctloor hopclul Scott llaximgx incurx lhc \\ ratl) ol' lhc :\ttxtt'allan Dancc l"cdcration h} tixmg hix out) xtcpx in compclition. loxcx hix partncr and hix tricndx. hut lindx lo\ c and artixlic mtcgrit}

13 Conversations About One Thing

\\lllt thc local uallt'lo“ cr. 'l'hc tiltimatc l'cclgood mouc. ll ix crammcd \\llll colour. glittcr. muxic and xpcctaclc. (‘t'lt ( mt. l’J/III/HII'L'II.

Superman it’( n 000 «Richard l.L‘\lL'l'. l'S. I‘Mll) ('hrixtophcr RL'C\L'. Marlon Brando. .\largot Kiddcr. (icnc llackman. Suxannah York. l42mm. l)atcd hut xlill cnio}ahlc xlart to thc Rccxc‘x xul‘crhcro lranchixc. (iv/n Irit . lit/ni/mN/i. T-Rex 30 (l) tBrctt lconard. [8. l‘)‘).\’) ~10nnn. .»\ma/ing looking l.\l:\.\ mo\ic ahout a lathcr and daughtcr in dangcr lrom a \ icioux carnixoroux dinoxaur, (ircat lun. /.l/.'l.\i “It'll/It; (I/tlu'un.

Team America l IS) 0000 t'l'rc} l’ul'kt‘l‘. l8. lllll-l) \tttL‘L‘x Ul .l‘l'L"\ l’al‘lxt‘t'. .\latl Stonc. Krixtcn \lillcr. .\lauricc l.a.\larchc. l)aran Norrix. Uhmm. l'ar lrom hcmg an lnlcrnanonal chcuc xl)lc pcacckccping lorcc. thc .\lonnt Ruthorc- haxcd :Jadflct taxtic hcrocx ol' 'li'um .‘l/llt’l'lt’il arc a \\ c—don't-do-hod) countx mxurgcnc) xtlllatl lllttl .1pr lltL‘ ctn‘rcnt l'S adminixtration'x lta\\ktxl) lorcign policicx, :\n_\ chuhlican “NB .1 xcnxc ol humour “Utiltlll;llL‘lltl\1llltth‘\\llltt)lll might \xcll |o\ c ll. (icmux. (‘r/t ( Irn. lat/Hiltmg/i.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre l 1.x) 0... t'l'ohc lloopcr. ('8. WW) .\l;ll'll_\ll Burnx. (iunnar llanxcn. .v\llcn Dan/igcr. 84min. :\ :Jrout‘ ol kidx lrax cl lo a hrokcn- doun hotixc in thc middlc ol lit)\\llL‘l‘L‘ and mcct cannihalixtic dcgcncratcx u lio pick oll lllL' caxl onc l3) ttltL'. l’L‘l'ltapx Ihc liltth rclcntlcxx xltcc ol' tcrror c\cr put on xcrccn, ('t‘lt‘t'lrn. lat/tri/tu/g/i.

Thelma 8. Louise l 15) 0.00 lthllL‘} Scott. [8. 109] ) Suxan Sarandon. (iccna |)a\ix. llar\c_\ Kcitcl. .\lichacl .\ladxcn. l2‘lmm, 'l'ltc hnddyroad mo\ ic gcnrcx arc turncd on thcir hcadx ax Sarandon and I)a\ix graxp lhc xtccring \\hccl and hcad ott lca\ mg a trail ol mnrdcr and ma}hcm lll thcir \xakc. ()n onc lc\ cl. thc tilm ix thc critical c‘;it;il)xt that had thc tcmnnxtx chccrmg and put Ihc xtarx on lhc coxcr ol 'lmu' maga/mc; |ll\l ax nnportantl}. il'x an acccxxihlc piccc ol cnlcrtammcnt \\llll c\ccllcnt ccntral pcrlormanccx. (ith ( Irn. lat/in/uu'g/i.

Thirteen Conversations About One Thing i 15) 0.. ill” Sprcchcr. [3. 200] ) .\latlhc\\ .\lc('onangl)c'\. l)a\id ('onncll). Joxcpl) Siraxo. ('lca l)uVall. l0-lntm. .-\ tcndci tilm ahout Ihc xcarch lor happmcxx portra}cd n) l i dillcrcnt L‘ltcttltltlcl'x. .\ L‘lL'H‘t' and \\ t‘_\ l'L'pl'ch‘ltltlllttl) ol xocict). 'l’lnx mtclligcnt mcditation upon

lhc xuhjcct poxitx liappianx ax a lragilc xtalc ol~ hcing. onc that can at an} timc and \\llllUlll \xarning hc lranxlormcd. into dixilluxionmcnt. llltxct'}. dcxpair. plunging indi\ idual ll\L‘\ into a xtatc ol' cntrop). (i/(Mg'mi l'l/Hl li/lt‘tlll‘t'. (ildVL’HH.

30 Mania tl') tthc. l'S. 2003) Stuart l’ankin. li|\ ira.l.\l.-\.\ .il) anitnation hcll. l-or maxochixtx and computcr rcndcr gcck'x onl_\. /.lI.vl.\' 'I‘lit'um', (iltixgon.

3-Iron (Bin-jip) t IS) 0000 (Kim Ki- duk. South lx'oi‘ca/Japan. 2004) Jac l.cc. [cc Sci)rig—}coit. 83min. Rootlcxx drillcr 'l‘ac- Suk tJac llcc) ix conxtantl} xccking to practicc hix goll xu ing. ,-\x hc motorc} clcx around an unnamcd Korcan cit}. thix

m} xtct'ioux loncr ol'lcn xtopx to lcc a goll' hall. 'l'lic xtakcx arc raixcd \xhcn modcl Sun- \\lt;l il.cc Scung _\un) \\;llll\ to grab hix altcntion. 'lililx \UlL‘lll. _\Cl xL‘l'L‘liL' mcditation on thc tranxitor} naturc ol- human c\ixtcncc ix a work ol' gcnninc pocll'} a cincmatic holc in otic. (i/uxgnu I’ilm 'I'lit'um’. (i/mgmi.’ l'ilni/iuuu’. [Jilin/Hugh. Through Hell and High Water tl’(il tlill} .\l ‘l'a.\lor. l‘lx'. 2004) 34min. Uocttntcnlai‘} ahout a \orucgian ixland girl and a Scotlixh trumpct pla}ing xailor \\ ho mct during World \Var ll in a daring militar} raid. l‘l/Hl/ltlllu‘. l‘.t/lll/’Ill'g’/l.

Toy Story 2 it') 00000 (John l.axxclcr. [8. 2000) Tom llankx. 'l'im :\llcn. Joan (‘nxack. 05min. 'l‘hc ncxx lilm c\pandx on thc original xcttingx and thcmcx. \Vlicn \Vooil} ix not takcn to ('ouho) (11mph) hix omrcr .v\nd_\. hc hcginx to qncxtion thc mcaning ol' hix 'lttc‘. \thn lic"x xulixcqucntl} xtolcn h} a collcctor \xho planx to xcll him to a Japancxc to} inuxcum Bit/I and thc gang tra\ cl acroxx um n to rcxcuc thcir pal. 'l‘hc cmotnc rangc ol thc animach charactcrx ix c\tr;u)rdmar_\; thc_\ xa_\ that computcr gcncratcd imagcx xx Ill Itc\ct' rcplacc thc rcal thing. hut Im Slum 2 makcx _\ou \xondcr. («In (In. Iir/in/mrg/i. Trainspotting t IS) 0.... tl)al)l)) Boxlc. l K. NUS) l:\\an .\lc(ircgor. liucn Brcmncr. Rohcrt ('arl} lc. Jonn} l.cc .\lillcr. 03min. .lohn llodgc‘x xcrccnpla} pcrl'cctl} capturcx thc dcxpcratc humour ol lr\ inc “t‘lxltix ttt)\ Cl. kL‘L‘plng lhc L‘PlMltllC xtrnclurc ol Innkic xccncx lor Ihc lii‘xl hall. hclorc conccntrating morc on chton in l_ondon in thc latcr xtagcx. l-axt and xt_\l)xh dn'cction. crcalix c xonndtrack and acting that'x oll thc railx c\ccllcnt. :\ cmcmatic hlaxt lrom hcgmnmg to cnd. uhicl) alxo xhoxx x a comp|c\ and truc undcrxtanding

This is your last chance to see Jill Sprecher‘s interestingly pessimistic multi-strand film detailing four interlocking stories of a bunch of confused professional New Yorkers. Sex and the City this ain’t. The film features some superb performances from Matthew McConaughey, John Turturro, Alan Arkin and Clea Duvall.

I (El /. (Elt'ifngxx // u I,” hit) 10 Aug (in/w.


ol the lurc and fatal C()ltxcqllCltCC.\ of drug- taking. Part of Scotching thc Myth xcaxon. ('t'lt'r‘lrit‘. Iz‘tliIi/mrg/i.

* Victim t IS) 0000 (Baxil l)cardcn. l'K. l‘)()l ) l)irk Bogardc. Sylvia Symx. John Barric. l00min. Scc rmicu. pagc l‘). (i/mgnu l'i/m ’l‘ltt'um'. (i/usgmi‘; I'ilm/muw. [climbing/i.

War of the Worlds 1 12A) 000 (Simon Spiclhcrg. ('8. 2005) Tom (’ruixc. Juxtin (‘hatn in. Dakota Fanning, 'l‘im Rohhinx. Miranda Otto. llhmin. ll(} \Vcllx' alicn imaxion ax xccn through thc cny ot‘ Spiclhcrg and diuu‘ccd caxt coaxt blue- collar dockxxorkcr Ra} l5crricr t('ruixc). l)cxpitc good atmoxphcric \mrk in thc lirxt hall. pyrotcclinicx and noixc rcndcr thix to hc only an adcquatc \crxion of thc much atlatplctl hook. (it'ltt'l'u/ I'('l(’(l.\('.

Wedding Crashers t )5) .0.

(HM id l)ohkin, ['8. 2005) ()nc!) \Vilxon. Vincc Vaughn. Rachcl .\lc:\dam.x. ('hrixtophcr \Valkcn. l l‘hnin. 'l‘hix hoixicroux comcd)‘ about a pair ol' divorcc mcdiatorx (\Vilxon and Vaughn) who .xpcnd cach xpring xcaxon gatc-craxhing \Vcddingx xo tltc) can xcorc hahcx ix mcrcl) an ueg xccond couxin oncc t'ctnmcd to thc low- lil‘tm likL‘x Ul' Uni/ut'lm/l and .llt’t'l I/It’ I‘iu‘kt’n. (it'ltc'rtll I'('l(’(l\(’.

Whisky Galore 1P0) ooooo l:\lL‘\;ItttlL‘l' \lackcndrick. I'K. lU-lgt Baxil Radt'ord. Joan (irccnmmd. .lcan ('adcll. 82min. .\luch-lo\cd lialing comedy by thc lalc Sand} .\lackcndrick. A xhip carrying a cargo ol' \\ hixk} ix xhipurcckcd oil a Scottixh ixland during uartimc. .xo thc localx dccidc it'x timc to qucnch thcir thirxt. Full ol \x it and charm that othcrx cart only hope to cmulatc. Part of Scotching thc M}th xcaxon. (‘mmm-lt/ Rt’llfl'l'll .S'Irt’t'l. (i/usgmi‘: l'i/m/mtm'. lat/m/mrg/i.

>l< The Wicker Man t )8) 00000 tRohin llai'd). l'K. 1973) lidnard \Voodxxard. Britt likland. l)ianc (‘ilcnto. Ingrid l’itt. (‘hrixtophcr l.cc. l02min. A dc\outl} cclihatc policcnian tVVoodxxard) arrncx at a rcmotc Scottixh ixland to

m\ cxtigatc a xchoolgirl dixapiwarancc and hccomcx imolxcd in local pagan ritualx. Brand ncu print of thix llammcr claxxic. l’art ol Scotching thc \l}th xcaxon. I'ilm/muu’. lat/inlnu'gli.

Winged Migration it') 000

tJacqucx l’crrin. l‘rancc. 2001 ) ()xmin. lmprcxxixc looking documcntar} that lollou x a group ol' hirdx‘ migratory pattcrnx throughout thc courxc of a )car. The hirdx croxx xcx cn contincntx and 40 conntricx. ()nc [or m itchcrx and amatcur xurx'cillancc cquipmcnt taiix. (irmi'mm: (I'luxgun'.

A Woman in Winter (Charity Preview) lllk‘) tRichard Johxon. l'K. 2005) Brian (‘o\. Jaxon l-‘lcmyrg. Jamic Sivcx. .lulic (ia)ct. thcmtn. (‘harity xcrccning of lo li'rll‘x of Alcohol dit'cctor Johxon'x \cr) intcrcxting xounding mctaph}xical drama about an axtronomcr \\ ho cntcrx into a dcxtructn c rclalionxhip it ith a photograplicr. .\ ()tkA \\ ith Johxon \\ ill lolltm the film. 'I‘ickctx can hc purchaxcd at U0 cach lion) \\ \\ um} \ uc.com or 0371 2240 2-1 It). All procccdx go to l-‘Sl' Scotland. \xhich \xork'x \\ ith xomc ol Ihc countr) 'x moxt Vtilncrahlc childrcn and lamilicx. thix ix xomcthing \xcll north xupporting. liu' [film/Hugh. lat/in/nu‘g/i.

Young Sherlock Holmes (PG)

.0 (Barr) l.c\inxon. I'K. 108(1) Nicholax Ron c. St’Phic \Vard. Audion." lligginx. l0‘)min. llolincx‘ lirxt caxc “hilc lic ix xtill a xchoolho} hax him imolu‘d with a murdcrotIx undcrground ctilt \\ ith lig}ptian originx. l’roduccd h} Stm cn Spiclhcrg. thix ix cntcrtaining xtult l‘or oldcr childrcn. hlcnding Victorian lmckgroundx

\\ ith l‘)8()x xpccial cllcctx. (irmt'wim: (i/uygm).

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light tl’(i) O tllatxttki 'l’xuji. Japan. 2004) VariotIx. 80min. Yugi and hix magical altcr cgo ‘thc l’liaroah' nxc po“ cr trading L‘al'tlx to light thc ltH'L'LW ol C\ il. all in llit‘ namc ol' capitalixm and clc\ cr markcting land lhc u ill to hccomc thc hcxt ducllixt in Ihc uorld). lixcrcahlc mo\ ic xpin ol‘l' ol~ a popular Japancxc comic book and Mn ixion xcricx. ll )ou thought l’okcmon \\ ax xhitc wait till )ou xcc thix pilc ol‘ poo. ('t'lt't'lrit'. lit/mlmrglt.

.l ‘li /\\Aki tall“)