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I English literature tuition. Std. (irade/(i(’SIi/Iligher/:\-l.e\el. Iidinburgh I'nisersit) linglish Literature MA (llollsl graduate. {IS/hr. ('all (ll3l 335 l‘)(l(i


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I Extras required for TV. Film and Adxertising assignments. ('ontact Rentacrowd ('asting.

'l': (ll-ll 22l 560-1.

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I Female Life Models required - Iidinburgh area - excellent rates ol' pa}. Iimail: enrmenturem emI.cc. Tel: ()1 M (to: ()2 II)

I Edinburgh Bach choir \\clcotttc\ new members. I’rogramme Ior ZIHIS/(i. Includes Bach Bminor Mass. I"aure Requiem. Mo/art Haydn and l)urulle Masses. Rehearsals commence 'l‘uesda) (llll Xc‘lllc‘llllic‘l' SI. (ieot‘ge's \Vcsl ('hurch. Shandxs ick I’lace. ('ontact I)a\id Rtissell.

(II .II 337 Slllb. daVid. mrussellUI btopenuorld.com

\\ \\ \\ .edinburghbachchoir. orguk

Singer/ songwriter \\ ith record compan) interest seeks ke_\ board pla_\er and drummer for recording and future lix e uork. (ioldlrapp. M)lo. I.es I{_\thmes l)igitales.

P/ 528/ 1

I Accomplished acous- tic singer/songwriter seeks s) mpathetic' rhythm sec- tion tbass/drums/lead guitar) to make sueet inu/ak \sith. Think: :\it‘/ Beatles/ Beck/ l.u's/

Bu ilson. ('ontact trip()(lb’(u liotmail.co.uk

Evolution recording studio - singers/singer songiiriters. solo artists. bands check out \\ \s \t .e\ oltttion I .ot‘g or call 0141 337 2358 for details

I If you are ama/ing come pla_\ at the l‘orest ( ale. All

I} pes ol' musician Irom ia/l. blue grass to electro are needed Ior jams. all I) pes ol' performers are needed l'or cabaret nights. See l{_\an or call (ll 3| Ill) 4538

I Edinburgh Naturist Swimming ('lub run Iidinburgh‘s onl_\ regular naturist \\\llll/\;tllllil sessions. ()ur sessions are Iamil) I'riendl) and open to all. l-‘or more mlormation please \‘tsll our \tebsite: \\ \\ \\.ensc.org.uk or call 0783” (iIX (I73

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I Hair Extensions Specialist. All lot'ttts ol' hair replacement. Wigs. hair exten- sions and hair pieces. For a tree consultation contact Ilair Boutique on (ll-ll 321 (MIN)


I The Shiatsu School

lidinburgh. one-year part-time

course. 3 _\ear practitioner train-

ing and Intro l);i}s a\ailable. (’ontacl admin(u tssed.org or (l782l 264 882 or lot more tlclttils \\ \\ \\.Issetl.ol'g

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Flats to let


I Glasgow 1 bedroom fully lurnished Ilat West (iraham St. l)alliousie (’ourt. Ideal location for cit) centre and West Iind. l’ri\ate parking 3-1()pcm + bills. Tel 07855 453 3-13,

I MERCHANT CITY - beautifully appointed large

I bedroom flat. .-\\’ailablc .-\ugust. limited storage (suit prol'. couple) £350 per mth. plus bills. 'I'el Ileather ()7778

5 l() 403.

I Glasgow, Mount Florida, 3 bedroom llal I'ot‘ rent. ('lose to all amenities and train station. Dining kitchen and li\ing room. (‘entral heating. L495 month. ('ontact ()7867 ()7l ()72.

West End - available September, lirst lloor detached mansion in Winton l)ri\ e. Superior accommodation. 2 large dble bedrooms. I'ull length drauing room. large lull) tiled bathroom and slit)“- er. Large modern kitchen. small dining hall. lull (}(’ll. eas_\ parking. £750 pcm 07984 055 ()7‘) or 0141 357 1116 07984 955 079

West End, first floor, bright. clean. Suit couple. one bedroom. sitting room. dining kitchen. bathroom \\ ith shon er. (}('Il. lull} l'urnished. n/s. £480 pcm tel: 0141 334 5882

I 4 Bed house in Kinning Park. opposite next BB('. Small garden to rear. parking at lront. 5 minutes to cit} centre. (}('Il. £695 pcm. 07836 7()() 09‘).


I Fully furnished one bedroom Ilat for rent situated on the edge ol’ Ilolsrood Park in Meadon'bank. Iidinburgh. Iixcellent local amenities is public transportL-IZS per month. Please call Mike on ()78l25b’35b’8

I Bright, sunny and spa- cious I‘urnished llat axailable in I’oluarth area of Iidinburgh from October Ist. 2 double bedrooms. large sitting room with adjoining box room and large kitchen. (‘ltHL‘ to e\er} ~ thing. .\'on smoking onl). 'I'his Ilat is a must see. full ol charac ter \\ ith period features and sanded lloors. L'oSU per month. Tel: ()777 NS I22t)or()l3l 32‘) 2004 I’m more details or email

tanniell) nnt((I hotmail.com

I Fully furnished one bedroom flat Ior rent situated on the edge ol IIol_\ rood Park in Meadow bank. Iidinburgh. Iiscellent local amenities ck public transport. £425 per month. Please call Mike on ()78] 253 3583.

I Rossie Place, Easter Road. Bright. spacious flat with superb south lacing \lL‘\\ ol' .'\rthur's Seat. Double bedroom. large lounge. separate kitchen. hall. \llt)\\'c‘l' room. I‘uIl) lure mslied \sith stripped llooir boards throughout. £450 pcm + bills. Axailable 3nd September. l’ltonc ()77(i(l 284 I77.

Edinburgh, New Town one bedroom] lilztl lot" rent. ('entral. quiet \sith spectacular

\iett s. Suit n/s


L' Sit) pcm plus bills.

Contact 07967 323 328

I Edinburgh, The Shore (Leith). .v\ttracti\ c lie“ I bed- room llat in comerted bond. sttit proI/prol couple, L-IM) per month c\cl ("ll Immediate entr) ()7747 723 925.

I Superb two bedroom apartment \\llll \lc‘\\s to :\l‘llttlt"s Seat. l-‘I‘ \\ ith all mod cons. [ill and underground parking. Immediate entr}. £7()() + ("l' + utilities. (ITSH) SN) SSS. I No bedroom flat. (ireat \ieu s. \VM. (}(‘ll. l'ur- nished. parking space. Iiscellent local amenities. (‘Iose to uni \ersit}. High Street. £550 pcm. ('all Andre“ (II ‘1 333 7028.

Spacious 4 bedroom laiiril} flat in Marclnnont isleeps (i/7 I. ()pen \ lens on both sides. l‘ull) equipped. includes piano. (ias (‘/ll. l'hl‘t‘slll) tlL‘c‘Ul‘ulL'tl. :\\itllttl\lc‘ September to Jul} inclusi\ e. I’amilies onl}.

I’hotos a\ailable \ ia mternet.

Call 07791 013 931.

Festival lets

I Festival house for rent? £650 per \seekl l.u\urious peri- od cottage aurilable Ior Iamil} \ isiting the capital. .'\Il mod cons. Sis} IV. 3 bcdt'ooltts. 3 double bctlt‘ooltts. e\ceIlent l‘ill'llL‘L‘lIC gttl'tlt‘tll (ittll SIN e till “7765 «)(m llb or (llillb b'b'l ll‘).

Bright Leith Flat. One bedroom. large bright lounge \\ ith sol‘a bed. new

kitchen \\ ith e tting area. litllltl’tmlll. l’t'l\.tlc‘ tlL‘tllL'tlIL‘tl parking. (‘Iose to bars and restaurants. ()cean terminal \\ ith cinema and Britannia. (iootl bus links and c_\ cle path netisork adjacent. :\\ailable immediatel). [-150 per \seek I'or let during I‘esti\al. Non-smoking. Tel 01506 885107 or 07876 437 860.

I Central Festival prop- erties to let during .v\ugust. l/3/3 ck 4 llt‘tll’tltIIIIS. I‘cttes/(iorgic/Marclttnont/Nlorn lllg\ltlc. l’lL‘HSL‘ (till 0793‘) Ul‘) 20-1.

1'. 18 Am: Roof) THE LIST 43