rain game

Master, we’re in a tight spot . . . Henry Northmore looks at one of the most distinctive console games yet, Capcom’s remarkable KILLER7.

o say Killcr7 is an acquired taste is an undcrstatement and a half.

This is one of the most inyidualistic titles any dey'eloper has eyer

released. It’s a braye mm c from ('aPcom.

This is a era/ed hard-boiled tale of multiple personalities. hit men and global terrorism. The first thing that will hit you is the graphics. a strange morph between cell-shading and wire—frame that is utterly unique and in some places unncrying and unsettling. Nest. of course. are the controls which. to be honest. take a lot of getting used to. In fact. by the end of the first ten minutes of play you‘ll know if this just isn't going to be for you.

It‘s frustrating. confusing and needlesst perplexing. You feel a total lack of

control compared with usual: your character's path is already defined and in many ways is jiist a link between the yarious shooting sections. The whole thing harks back to a time of simpler gaming and shooting gallery arcade classics like ()pvmtlon llbl/I The music adds to the jarring atmosphere btit

soon you might well learn to love the strummed cue to the solying of

puzzles and the freaked out disco beat as yoti approach boss battles.

You take charge of the Killer7. seyen distinct split personalities of the wheelchair-bound Harman Smith made llesh. as yoti aim to take otit the last bastion of terrorism. the warped. inhuman lleay en Smile. liach of the split personalities has its own special abilities. which can be switched between at will. from the thief (‘oyote Smith to the wrestler Mask de Smith or albino mute Key in Smith. each has its uses. from brute strength to iny'isibility'. The puzzles are simple yet baffling. and at times the story seems to play otit without logic. [ville/'7 has created its own world so fully that the designers sometimes forget that players may not be priyy to their warped imaginings. llowey‘er. there are plenty of hints. with some literally spelt out by \arious guides. most notably sadomasochisiic ghost lwa/aru and dead killer Trayis.

But is it actually any fiiii'.’ Many will see it as style over substance. The gameplay is infuriating at times and ex en alter a seyeral hours it iiey'er feels truly intuitiy'e. But work past this hitch and you‘ll find one of the most cerebrally challenging games that L‘Xlsls. because the concepts and themes will stay with you long alter you put down the controller. This is a step

forward in mature gaming: not the gore of titles like Rey/(felt! [fill or

glorilication of violence like (i'lil. It’s more subtle. yet equally bloodthirsty.

To give this a points rating is almost irrclcy'ant. You will either love it or

hate it and both sides of the argument are equally Valid. However. this is an important new breed of mind—bending gaming. [is a horrible. almost unplayable masterpiece that has all the hallmarks of a massiye cult hit.

Killer? (Capcom), Pszloccoiod


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Revrews P82 XBOX (3C PC FANTASTIC 4 (Activision) O.

The recent movie was pretty tintlerwlielming and a little dull and. surprise surprise. the game is Just the same. There is no excuse for dull blockv graphics these days. And when you base a game on a mowe you lilSl can't have sloppy cut scenes. In terms of action there are a few cheap thrills to be had S‘.‘/ll(2l1|l‘.g between all four characters and their various super powers ielasticity. super strength. invisibility and fireballsi. But even that is far less thrilling than you'd hope. The Thing can only smash specific objects. Sue Storm can orin stay iiiyisible fora set time. etc. Most of the real hero work is done by entering site specific mini games. and the rest of the time is spent twatting the buttons trying to kick some ugly tecker's butt. The two player co~op offers a nice addition. but short. overly grey levels and rubbish auto- caiitera that often

obscures halt the actual action all add up to a typical la/i, film-.to-game port. Business as usual then. iHenry Nerthmorei



It's outrageous that something as puerile. childish and base as Conker counts in the top five funniest computer games of all time. The rodent's t()i|et humour and dirty mouth are as cheap and easy as it comes and should repulse anyone With an IQ above room temperature. But comedy is a giiilty pleasure and. while funny computer games are so thin on the

ground. Cooker will shine. Yet it is not the solo game packed With shit iokes. including shit shit Jokes. that makes Live and Reloaded stick out like an erection in Jogging bottoms. It's the multipiayer. This is truly one of the finest online combat experiences consoles currently offer. Behind the cartoony exterior lies a finely balanced. inventive system that takes advantage of. and expands upon. every strength of human-to- human gaming. Great weapons. diverse strategic interaction and perfectly designed levels make Live and Reloaded a must-have for every onliiie XBoxer. Outrageous indeed. ilaiii Davidson)


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(2K Games) 00

A bad ]()k() can be made

funny by a good joke teller. A good singer can move you with a bad song. Though a good song or a hilarious joke Will help. it is the execution that is key. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is proof it more were needed. Within its sacct'iarine sweet shell lie good intentions. inventive ideas and some lovely Visuals. However. they are presented in such a painfully clunky. hamfisted fashion that the Whole thing is ruined. As Charlie employs the various Oompa-Loompas in enjoyably Lemmings-like tasks around the factory, the scenery gets in the way. Jumps are ill- ,Iudged. platforms confused and everything impedes the progress of everything else. While the graphics and game designers should all be given a trip on the Glass Elevator. the level designers and playtesters should all be. well. let's Just say that the word ‘execution' has a number of meanings. ilain DaVidsoni

40 THE LIST ’1 i