Visual Art

Public Galleries


2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. Mon Sat l()anr 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. Showstoppers t'ntil Sat to Sep. the (‘it_\ Art ('entre celehr'atex itx 25th anrrixerxar} \\ ith a \electiorr ol itx hext \\ot'k\ l'r‘onr the permanent collection. Looking Both Ways: Art of the Contemporary African Diaspora O... t'ntil Sun ll Sep. 'l‘he \tor‘k ol l2 .»\lrican~horn conterrrporar) ttl'll\l\ no“ |i\ing in “extent cotrntriex. Identit}. nationalixnr and mentor) are e\p|ored h) (ihada Amer. Kendell (ieerx. \Vanhechi .\lutu. Yinka Shonihare among other» Bibliotheca Alexandrina t'ntrl Sun

I 1 Sep. 'l‘he \tor} ol the trr;t\\i\ e international collahoratiorr that led to the building ol' Bihliotheca .-\le\antlr'ia \\ hicli houses a huge collection ol hook\ and rare manuxcriptx l'r'orn the area.


22 28 ('ockhurn Street. 220 l2(r().

'I‘ue Sat rroon 5pm.

Kate Owens 000 turn Sun 28 Aug. noon (rpm. ()l'llxite project “the (Sale of Adex' on lilth l'loor ol' the 'I'un. llol_\rood Road. that airnx to prmoke

dix ine aspirationx trout in er lt)t)t) hotlle\ ol’ pop. See l.o\\tlo\\ n. page lllt).

* Daria Martin - Man and Mask 0... l'ntil Sat 2-1 Sep. ()ne ol' the \hortlixted artixtx in Beck'x l'uturex thix _\ear. Martin return\ to Scotland \\ rtlr a solo \llt)\\. featuring a ne\\ lomrn lilnr. ‘Man and Maxk'. See llllllxl.

Hero of No Worlds t‘ntil Sat 24 Sep. Project Room. l’irst \olo \lro\\ lronr Kate ()nenx uxirrg cheap materialx to reproduce hixtoric l‘eatx ol ar'tixtr'},


7.5 BL‘ll-Ul'tl Road. 024 (r2lll). l)ail_\

lllarn 5pm.

Surrealism in Britain t'nrrl Sun Ix Sep. :\ dixpla} dr'au rrrg on eollecttoltx ol the Scottixh National (ialler’) ol \loder’rr Art. following the growth ol the Britrxh Surrealier rumetttetlt in the late ‘llx and 4()\ through paintingx. drau ingx. photograph» ohjectx and printed ephemera.

Henri Cartier-Bresson t'rnrl Sun 33 ()ct. £5 (£3.50). (‘orrrpr'ehenxrxc retrospectix e. organised h} the (‘artrer- Brexxon lioundation in l’arrx. l'eatur'ing more than Zoo oi the great photographer'x \xot‘k. 'l‘hix ix the old} liK \enue lor the \\ot'ltl tour.


7-1l.aur'i\tonl’lacc. 22l (illtltl. .\lon lhu lllarn Spin; l'rr Sat lllarn 2pm. Jannis Kounellis t'ntil Sun Ix Sep. l’irxt e\er e\hihition in Scotland ol thrx (ireek‘ artist. in collahoration \\ rth the Scottish National (taller) ol' Modern .'\rt.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 23 t'nion Street. 557 247‘). the Sat Illarn (rpm.

CELscotland t‘ntrl Sat 17 Sep. \Vor'k produced h} the collahoratne inrtratnc hetxxeen Dundee ('ontenrporar') .r\rt\. lidinhurgh l’rintrnaker'x. (ilttxgou l’rint Studio arid l’eacock Vixual :\I'l\. Aherdeen. x\t‘tl\l\ include Martin Bo} cc. Kat) Doxe. l)a\id Sheri} (iralralll l'agen and Alan Shipua).

Practice and Process - a CEL Scotland Exhibition .0. l‘ntil Sat 17 Sep. l.ate\t ltltlltlple\ h_\ \olrtt‘ ol Scotland‘x leading ttl’ti\t\ incltrdrng .\lar'tin Bo}ce. Kat} l)o\e. (iraharn l'agen. Kenn} llunter. ('allunr ltllle\. Da\ id Sherr) and Alan Sliipua)


45 Market Street. 225 2383. Mon Sat llarn (rpm; Sun noon 5pm.

Cai Guo-Qiang: Life beneath the Shadow 0... t'ntil Sun 25 Sep. Site-specific ar'tuork L‘trltillll\\ll)ll\ \\ ithirr the l‘r'uitmarket. an olllxite rnxtallation to mark the lidinhurgh .»\r't l-'e\ti\al and collahor'ati\ e pr'exentation ol portr'aitx



A swarm of flies hum in the heat of a summer’s day. The film by Dalziel and Scullion, now on show at the RSA, divides the screen

into the hyper-yellow of oil seed rape and a bright blue, cloud-swept sky. It sits among more traditional paintings of the annual summer show, but also alongside some other interesting selections including photographs

by Thomas Joshua Cooper and sculpture by Annie Cattrell.

I more Ho. $12.73!:Aux: yr). x‘ttt'ugrl l. xl‘xlrxfro/r 200:5. Royal Scott/sir

and death lll;t\l\\ at the Scottixh National l’or'tr'art (ialler‘) h_\ thix htrgel) \ignrlicant international ar‘tixt

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART “.5 Bcllot'tl Road. (r21 02”“ Hall} Illarn 5prn. Francis Bacon: Portraits and Heads .0... l ntil Strrr -1 Sep. ‘l he lirxt rrruxeurn e\lrihrtron to e\plor'e in depth Bacon\ portr’artx ol ltrcntlx. loxerx and other ar'trxtx. corrrpr'ixing met 5“ \xorkx. llrx lrle \xax rrotorrouxl} \olatrle and cornle lo\c .rl'larrx \\ itlr l’etcr‘ lac) and (ieorge D) er \xho killed lrimxellon the night ol Bacotr\ hrg opening in l’ar'ix pr'o\ rded intenxe \ourcex ol rnxpiration. Sec llllll\l. lASl CHANCE it) Sit Jon Schueler: The Sound of Sleat l‘ntrl Sun 5 .\lar. .»\ tll\pl;l_\ ol \xor'k celebrating the .v\rnerican .v\h\tr'act l'.\pr'e\\ronr\t parrrter \\lio \et up a \tudio irr .\lallarg. on the Sound ol Sleat Jannis Kounellis: Works 1959-2005 t‘ntrl Strrr S Jan. l‘irxt rclr‘oxpectiw Iti Scotland ol \kot'k li) llltx ke_\ ligur'e ol poxt \\ar ltalrarr art \\llt) \\;t\ clo\cl_\ trr\ol\etl \\ rtlr the ar‘te poxera rnmenrent. llrx rnaior next tll\l;tll;ttloll can he \een at lzdrnhurgh (‘ollege ol .r\rt.


'l‘hc .\Itllllltl. (r24 (r2llll. .\lotl \Vetl ck l‘ri Sun Illam 5pm; llltl Illanr 7pm. Gauguin’s Vision .00 t'ntil Sun 2 ()ct. Ro}al .v\cadenr_\ Building l'aking (iaugurn'\ \\tllltlt‘l'ltll ’eriorr ol the Sermon' a\ a \tarlrng porrrt. thrx c\lrihrtion hrrngx together S-l \torkx h} (iaugurrr and hrx rrrrrrredrate rnerrtor'x \uclr ax Izdgar' Degax and ('arrirllc l’ixxarr'o. ar‘tt\l\ \xho he adrrrned \uch ax l’aul (‘e/anne and (itl\ttt\L‘ .\lor'eau. and lll\ )ottligct' ctrrrterrrporarrex and ltrllo\\t‘l'\. rncltrditrg larnrle Bernard. l.our\ Arrquetrn. l’aul Seruxiet and .\laut'rce Denrx.

Rolf on Art: The Big Event Sun 28 Aug. Roll come\ to to\\ n to recreate the '.\lona l.i\a' \\ith the help ol' a llt)\t ol celehx and local ar‘tixtx a\ part ol a joint BB(‘ and National (iallerie\ exent. culminating in a lixe lu‘oatlca\t on BBt'l at 7pm that da_\.


l Queen Street. (r24 (r200. .\lon \Ved & l-ri Sun Itlam 5pm: 'l'hu Illarn 7pm. New Acquisitions of Photography t'ntil Sun I I Sep. lllc‘ltltlex pllotogl'itplh h} Stenart l.ockhart l'rorn lrnperial (‘hina. pictur'ex ol' Sk_\e h) rrrotrrrtairreer and photographer (il’ Abraham and alrxtt‘act pt‘itrtx h) l’aul Kenn). \\ ho tl\e\ rnaterialx \uch ttx xeaxteed and \altnater' to de\elop lllx photographx.

Cai Guo-Qiang: Ghosts t'ntil Sun I I Sep. (iun ponder portraitx h) the Next York haxed (‘hinexe ttl‘li\t \\ho\e main hod) ol' \\til'l\ l\ on \ho“ at the l‘ruitruarket (ialler).

The Healing Touch t‘ntil Sun 27 NM. l{\hihition charting ke} period\ in learning. training and teaching in nrcdicine and por'tr'aitx ol‘ the pioneer\ h) Rarnxa}. l{e_\noldx and Zol'tan} to coincide \\ ill] the Ro};tl (‘ollege ol Sur'geonx quincentenar'} celehr'ationx. End to End l'ntil Sun ll Sep. Daniel Remex e\p|ore\ tlk‘llie‘x ol' resurrection and lltettllttorplioxlx in digital printing irrxpir‘ed h} \ourcex \uch ax llier'rrrnrnoux Boxc‘li. Stanle} Spencer and Lithuanian poet. ('Iexlau .\ltlo\/. Political Anatomy \Ved St Aug. |2.-l5 l.l5pnr. l'ree. Dr Roherta .\lc(iratlt. lecturer in critical \tudiex at the School ol' l)e\ign and Media .-\rt\. Napier t‘nixerxit}. and author or some /I('I' .St't.‘ .llt’t/tt'u/ sire/lites (llltl I/It' l't’llltl/(’ limit. gi\e\ a talk on the ‘llealing 'l’ouch' e\hihition.

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY l’alace ol' llol}roodhou\e. 55o .5 llltl. Dail} 0.30am 5pm. £5 (LS-£4); l'amil} ticket U3.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother l'ntil Sun 25 Sep. l‘irxt e\hihition til 73 \tatercolour'x and drau illgx l'rorn the Queen Munr'x collection. .r\nd ue thought \he juxt drank gin and bet on the horxies all da_\.


l5 Rutland Square. 22‘) 7545. Mon l‘r'i 9am 5pm.

Buildings That Made a Difference l'ntil l‘r‘i 2 Sep. 'I‘en huildingx hour the laxt ten warn that ha\e rrrade a dil'l'erence cultur'all}. em ironrrrentall}. econonricall} or juxt h} raixing the \tarrdardx ol good (lexigli.

Parallel Journeys Mon 5 l‘ri 3o Sep. (ilaxx. painting. photograph) and je\\cller' h) Kierxti Kaaxen li|\e\o|d.

\\ inner ol' lltl\ )ear'\ Rlx\S auar'd.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ln\ er'leith llotl\e. 552 .5 l 5‘ l.

lllam 5.30pm.

7%? Sentences OD... l'ntil Sun 23 ()ct. Sentencex cornpoxed h} l‘rnla} \xhile making in llix garden at little Sparta. clioxen h) the artixt and painted l3) liix collaborator l.c\ l'itlg‘t‘ ill \ltatlex ol hlue. green. red and gre_\ the} e\pre\\ idea\ and l'eelingx ahout gar'denx. l‘r'iendxhip. \xeather‘. culture and nature. See llitlixt.


ti\hihition llall. lmerleith Ron. 552 7|7l. Dail} ltlam 5pm. l'rce.

With the Grain: The Life and Work of Tim Stead l'ntil Sun 4 Sep.

ltlarn 5pm. l'ree. :\n e\hrhition celebrating the lite and \xork ol' poxt “at Scotland'x tttoxl inxpir'ational and inl‘luential l'urrritur‘e maker. charting hrx career ax a conxerxationixt. poet. dexigner and \culptor'.


Ro}al Botanic (iardenx. :\r'hor'etunr Place. 243 2035.

it: Little Sparta Visits t'rrtil Sat ltl Sep. l2.—l5 (rpm. [12 tL'S'r. l‘o celehrate the Sllth hirthda_\ ol' larr llatrrilton l‘irrla} special huxex are runrrrng to hix garden. Little Sparta. in the l’errtland llillx, Departure ix l'rorn outxide the \\L‘\l gate ol' the Boyd Botanic (iarden. returning \ia the Scottixh l’oetr) l.ihrar‘_\ and lngleh) (ialler). See llitlixt.


2 (‘littllllielN Street. 24? J2 “Ml-122. .\lorr ck Wed Sat Illanr 5pm1'l‘uc ltlanr S’pnr; Sun noon 5pm. l'ree.

Nicholas and Alexandra, the Tsar and Tsarina l'rrtil Sun it) ()ct. [.5 tLVlr. 'l'he \tor‘) ol~ 'l‘\ar \icholax It and hi\

\\ He. the l'itlllH'LKx .-\le\andra the lttxl r'o_xa| lamil} oi Rll\\i;l told through court L‘t)\ltlltle\. iconx l'ronr the L‘ollL‘L‘tlollx ol' the \tate Hermitage rnuxeum. St l’eter'xhur'g and olrietx d‘ar't h) l-aher'ge.

Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2004 l'ntil Sttn IS Sep. .\ ('ral‘tx ('ounctl