Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst

Danny the Champion of the World (l'l 0.. ((iavin Millar. l'K. 1980) Jeremy Irons. Robbie (‘oltrane. (‘yril (’uxack. Samuel lronx. 97min. Roald I)alil\ tale of a corrupt property baron and plieaxant-xlayer ((‘oltranei given Iiix come- uppance by resourceful nine-year-old Danny becomes a fatnin movie in more

w ayx than one. Millar. w hoxe paxt work includes Dennis l’otter'x disturbing l.ew ix ('arroll piece Ih‘eume/tiltl. hax gone for wholesome entertainment this time. and cast father and son ax father and son in the central roles. with young Sam'x grandpa (‘usaek as the av uncular l)oc Spencer. (‘harming and w armhearted. with enough subtlety to keep the grow n-upx amused. (' e/eelrie. [cilia/rural).

Dark Water( IS) .0. (Walter Sallex. t'S. 2005i Jennifer (‘onnelly Ariel (iade. l’ete l’oxtlethwaite. Tim Roth. l)ougra_\ Scott. 105mm. l'S \cl'xioll of llideo Nakata'x Japanese original. liyentx may

ha\ e been lllo\ ed to Rooxe\ elt lxlalld ill New York. but the basic premise ix the same: a xingle woman. Dahlia ((‘onnellyl. young daughter in tow. lllo\ ex into a wet apartment building with a dingy lift. ln

Sallex‘ search to add some meat to the wafer

thin plot he giv ex Dahlia a beefed up backstory She ix going though a mexxy divorce and employ x the xerv icex of an agitated lawyer ( Roth). She also hax an untrustworthy landlord and unreliable building xuperv ixor. Although these xecondary characterx hay e some interext. the movie xtill larger xharex a fatal flaw with the original. namely. the bext part ix in the initial plot-reyealing 20 minutex. ('( '/ Iii/inlmrgli. I'.‘(l1'n/mrgli.

The Devil’s Rejects ( is» 0000 (Rob Zombie. l‘S/(ierniany. 2005) Sid llaig. Bill Moxcley. Sheri Moon. William l"orxythc. Ken Force. ltl‘lmin. Zombie's bi/arre bolting together of a patchwork of 70x horror filmx with the butt-end-of-tlie-

Save Money

see page 64 for details

32 THE LIST 1'”. Ala; E: 80:: 1/135:

Iiippy ~era road moy ie producex a hell- bound offxpring. The xkimpy plot has the (‘harlex Manson-like l‘irefiy family (named. humorouxly. after one of Zombie‘s favourite (it'otlcllo Marx characterxi fleeing a shoot- out with the equally bloodthirsty law and hit the two-lane blacktop ill search ol' freedom and l“) Choxexual violent thrills. A work of pleasing amoralin and counterculture proclivitiex. hie/('(‘It'r/ I't'lt'tlH’.

Dig! ( 15) O... (()ndi 'l‘imoner. t'S. 200-1) 1 l0min. ()verlong but interesting documentary about the rixe of the rock band the Dandy Warhon and the fall of their bext friends the Brian Jotlextow ll \ltlxxtlct'c. ()ne of the fundamental rockumentariex of the laxt few years. (inure/nu; (i/uvemi; Doctor Zhivago ( l’( il .0. (David l.ean. t'S/l 'K. 1965) ()mar Sharif. Julie ('hrixlie. (ieraldine ('haplin. 103mm. Big xereen romance in the (iune ll'iI/i The Wind xtyle. rather than a genuine adaptation of the l’axternak novel. with Sharif and ('hrixtie ax lovers caught up in World War I and the Rtixxian Revolution. Notable mainly for itx ltish. picture poxtcard photography. Royal Mtixeum Lecture Theatre (Sat 3 Sep only l. Donnie Darko ( 15).... (Richard Kelly. l'S. 2002i Jake (iyllenhaal. l)rew Barry more. l’atrick Sway le. 1 l.imin.

Kelly 'x debut feature ix a mexmerixing xcience fiction fable that puxhex the concept of cinematic time travel into a whole new dimension. ltx xomnambulant teenage protagonixt seems to xlip into a parallel univerxe. where a giant demonic rabbit called l‘rank proclaimx that the world w ill end in 28 day s. (l hours. 42 minutes and I2 xeeondx. Set in 1088. this genre-lwnding film ix not only an intriguing meditation on time trayel and a deeply disturbing horror mm ie. it ix also a John llughex-xty le coming-of—age mov ie and a black comic xatire on Reaganite greed. indiy idualixm and ('hrixtian fundamentalixm. ('eleelrie. l'ft/I'n/mre/i.

The Dreamers ( l8) 0... (Bernardo Bertolucci. l'K/l'rance/ltaly. 2003) Michael l’itt. l.ouix (iarrel. liva (ireen. Robin Renucci. Anna ('hancellor. l l5min. Tw inx Isabelle ((irccnl and Theo (( iarrell first meet American student Matthew (l’ittl at a protest rally xurrounding the xacking of the director of the cinematheque. llenri l.angloix. The trio bond through their xliared lo\ e of imitating their screen idon and recreating xcenex from their favourite films.

Robert Stone’s excellent documentary about the rise and fall of the Symbionese Liberation Army in the US in the 19705 is a must for serious minded history and politics fans. I Fl/lll/iOt/SO. Edinburgh (Wed 3/ Any and Thu I 80;);

Much of this elegantly xhot film unfolds in a rambling l’arixian apartment. in which the three adolescents can retreat from the outxide world and engage in sexual esperimentation. A return to form for this great director. (i/(isgmr I'll/n ‘I‘Iteurre. Glasgow.

The Dukes of Hazzard ( 12A)

0. (Jay Chandrasekhar. IS. 2005) Johnny Knoxville. Seann William Scott. Jexxica Simpson. Burt Rey noldx. Willie Nelxon. llltimin. |.oca| bigwig Boss llogg

(Reynoldxi attempts to turn lla/lard (‘ounty

into a giant coal mining facility. btit not if the Duke family hax anything to do with it. (‘apturing the spirit of the original TV show the film recallx the anarchic tone of (‘handraxekhar’s earlier law-enforcement comedy. Super 'liimperx. If you‘re willing to leave your brain in neutral. then this xllotlltl just tlbolll raixe tl half-hearted ‘yecc- haaaw w l' (ieneru/ release.

Fantastic FOUI‘(l’(i) 0. (Tim Story. t'S/(iermany. 2005i loan (iruffud. Jexxica Alba. (‘hrix livanx. Michael (‘hiklis. Julian McMahon. Itltimin. Braxli. empty. tiresome and alarmingly dull version of a clasxlc comic book seriex. (ieneru/ release. Festival ( IX) 0... (Annie (iriffin. l'K. 2005i Daniela Nardini. Stephen Mangan. Amelia Bulmore. Billy (’arter. Lyndsey Marshal. 107min. lidinburgli in August ix hell for xome but nirvana for otherx. Annie (iriflin's darkly funny. filthy ensemble drama about the l-‘ringe l‘estival may just be the \accine you need against the Auguxt madness. (iimen. Iii/inlmre/i.

>l< Football Days ( (2m oooo

(David Serrano. Spain. 2004i lirnesto Alterio. Alberto San Juan. Natalia Verbeke. 1 13min. A feelgood comedy about the lives of a group of unfit friends who start a football team and call themselves Bra/il. A huge hit in Spain. where it w as the fifth biggext film in history. (i/uvgmi‘ l-ilni Hint/re. Glasgow:

The 40 Year Old Virgin ( IS) 00. (Judd Apatow. l‘S. 2005) Stev e ('arell. ('atherine Keener. Paul Rudd. Romany Malco. 1 10min. See review. page 20. Se/et‘lt’ll I‘('/(’(I.\('.

Four Weddings and a Funeral ( t5) .0. (Mike Newell. l'K. HUM llugh (il‘ttlll. .'\lltllt‘ Macl)ow ell. Krixtin Scott Thomas. 1 17min. Sweet but stuffy linglixhinan ('harlie ((irantl is convinced that lie ix not the marrying sort. but when he

keeps meeting the alluring American (‘arrie (MacDowelll at an assortment of church ceremonies. he begins to doubt his resolve. The sort of charming British comedy that was destined to storm America. but which adds a little grit to the glamour of the pretty settings thanks to Richard (Blue/(mltlerZI ('urlis‘ ' script. (electric. Ifr/inlmrglt. Francis Bacon ( 15l(l)avid Hinton. t’K. [088) Francis Bacon. Melvyn Bragg. 55min. Interviewer Melvyn Bragg presents a frank and insightful documentary on Bacon‘s life and art. including a tour of his cramped studio. heavily encrusted with decades of paint. This documentary succeeds excellently in drawing out the human face behind the grotesque paintings and offers a candid insight into the life and mind of this unusual man and prolific artist. The screening is introduced by Philip Long curator of the recent exhibition I'i'aneis

Iiueon: Portraits and [leads at the (iallery of Modern Art. Film/muse. Ink/inlnug/i. Garden State ( l5) .0. (Zach Braff. l'S. 200-1) Zach Braff. Peter Sarsgaard. Natalie l’ortman. Ian llolm. 102mm. Andrew l.iirgeman (Braffl returns to his hometown in New Jersey following the unexpected death of his mother. Suffering from drug withdrawal symptoms. he has to face his old friends and his weird. domineering quack of a father (llolm). But the possibility of romance with kooky free spirit Sam (l’ortmanl persuades him that maybe there is life beyond prescription pills. l.ikeable. flawed. occasxionally brilliant character drama that gives away its considerable gains in its final third. A crying shame. Pan of l’amily Mediation Scotland season. Him/louse. [film/Hugh.

A Good Woman (l’(il 000 (Mike Barker. Spaiti/ltaly/l'K/l'S. 2005) Helen Hunt. Scarlett Jolianxson. Mark t'nbers. Stephen (‘ampbell Moore. 93min. A reworking of Oscar Wilde's Ixuly llim/ermere's l-iin. which transpoxes the action from late l‘)th century London to the Amalfi (‘oast in 1930. Howard llimmelslein'x liberal screen adaptation allows many of Wilde‘x characters to now become Italian and .»\meriean. It all works very well: llimmelstein borrows freely from Wilde's other plays to highlight Wilde's original anthropological inclination to detail the doomed days of the aristocracy. (iood. solid. uninventive entertainment. Brunlmi ‘I‘lieuire. Izilt'n/mrg/i.

GoodFellas ( IX) .0000 (Martin Scorsese. t'S. l‘NUJ Robert De Niro. Ray l.iotta. Joe l’esci. Lorraine Braco. l’aul Sorvino. l-lSmin. l.iotta plays llenry Hill. a real-life Ind/lust). with De Niro as his mentor in crime. And while the bullets. fists and carving knivex liy. Scorsese brings its back to that unavoidable question yes. it's glamoroux and lucrative to live this way. but can anyone really live with the ctinsequences'.’ Winner of BAl’l'A awards for best film. director and screenplay. and a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Joe l’esci. (‘e/eelrie. lz'rlilllmi‘gli.

Grease (t’(ii I... (Randal KlL‘lSCl'. 11S. W78) John Travolta. Olivia Newton John. Stockard (’hanning. l l0min. Twenty years on. (ireuse is xtill the word. and xtill the way we are feeling. (‘eleelriru [Climbing/i.

Guerrilla - The Taking of Fatty Hearst( l2.-\l .OC. (Robert Stone. t'S. 200-1) 108mm. (ireat revisionist documentary which looks at the rise and fall of the Symbionese Liberation Army as highlighted by the kidnapping of a certain little millionairess. Film/muse. [Jilin/Hugh. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG) 0.. ((‘hris ('olumbus. t'S/l'K. 2002) Daniel Radcliffe. Kenneth Branagh. Robbie ('oltrane. lNlmin. It's the boy-w i/ard's second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where evil forces have released at vicious serpent into the corridorx. In line with JK Rowling's book. the second film is darker than the first. It's perhaps somewhat over-long. but the combination of old-fashioned kids' xtorytelling and blockbuster budget special effects make for xomething more pleasing than standard llolly wood eye candy. (' e/eell‘ie. [admiring/i.