
I Diwan, Monkeytribe attd Fukyo Chiin ('aledonian Backpackers. 3 Queensferry Street. 476 7224. 8.30pm. £4 £5. Tigerfest closing night party with a winning combination of Senegalese ska. experimental oriental jazz. attd hip hop.

I VEGAS! ()eean 'I‘erminal. l.eith. 555 8888. 10.30pm 3am. £15. lirankie Sumatra. Bugsy Seagull. Dino Martini and the Vegas showgit‘ls host one of the best parties in town month in month ottt. Bttt add to that the space to expand at Ocean 'I‘erminal as well as the hot liye sounds of 11B Rake & the Jet Set Swingers and the Dynamo Rhythm Aces and you haye one huge party on your hands.


I Primary 5 and Green Peppers Bellshill ('ultural (‘entre. John Street. 01698 302999. £6. Bellshill mafia ahoy Primary 5 are the new melodic outlit from e\-'l‘eenage lianclub drummer Paul Quinn. while (ireen Peppers is the alias of ex-Soup Dragon and BMX Bandit Jitn .\lc('u|1och. l'nsurprisingly. head Bandit 1)uglas Stewart l)Js.


I The Fence Collective Dundee Rep. Tay Square. 01382 223530. 8pm. £10 (£8). liife's fittest alternatiye recording collective with slack metal from the Supergun. fu/zy. swampy sounds from the Super Shitbox and trippy soundscapes from Pinkie Maclure and John \Vills. l’ltts. of course. the l-‘ence Finale with the combined talents of the Pictish Trail. llMS (iinafore. King (‘reosote and special mystery guests.


I James Yorkston and the Athletes attd Pip Dylan (‘arnegie llall. liast Port. 01383 314000. 7pm. £7.50. \‘ic (ialloway introduces I’ife's yery own James Yorkston and the Athletes. supported by Pip 1)ylan as part of Tigerfest.


I Raising Kain lialkirk Town Hall. West Bridge Street. 01324 506850. 8pm. £3. The roek’n'rollers formerly known as Kain.

Sunday 28


I Arab Strap Barfly. 260 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 1.30pm. £0. Intimate. acoustic afternoon show from the poetic miserabilists as part of the J1) Set Lounge.

I 3 Yr Own Boss Motto. 12 Kings (‘ourt. King Street. 553 2400. 2pm. l-‘ree. Brighton-based indie mag Plan If hosts another eyent in (ilasgow. a discussion about running independent record labels and publications with members of (ieographic Records. Rock Action. Plan If and Dis-kart! fan/inc spewing forth on their pearls of wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs eyerywhere. Mogwai and Pastels 1)] sttpply the nice tunes in- between.

I Ernest The Scotia Bar. 1 l2 Stockwell Street. 552 8681. 4pm. Free. 60s-inspired originals and coyers.

I Phil’s Sunday Session t'isge Beatha. 232 246 Woodlands Road. 564 1596. 6pm. Free. Bring your own instrument.

I Friday First, Serenity, Second Fault and What the Dead Know g2. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 353 31 l 1. 7pm. £5 in adyance (£6 on door). ()yer- 14s show. Metal and skate punk bill.

I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (irosyenor 'l‘errace. 341 6516. 7.30pm. Free. Hosted by the New Blues Surfers with contributions from Studio One regulars such as Rey 1)oc and the Nimmo Brothers.

I All my Logic, Sleepmode, El Dog and Lung Barfly. 260 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £4 in

adyance (£5 on door). Rock bands of Varying stripes.

I Cold Night Song The (ioat. 1287 Argyle Street. 357 7373. 8pm. Free. ('harlie and .\'ei1. formerly of Astrid. are joined by Stacey Sieyewrigltt of the Reindeer Section for this acoustic night with surprise guests.

I Duke 69 Stereo. 14 Kelyinhaugh Street. 576 5018. 8pm. £4. Driving rock trio.

I Fade, The Now, The Hype and Kessler Barfly (upstairs). 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. Retro indie rockers 1"ade headline this local bill.

I Jens Lekman, Bill Wells with Isobel Campbell and Uter Mono. 12 Kings Court. King Street. 553 2400. 8pm. £6. The Swedish Adam (ireen on the tremendous Secretly (‘anadian Records supported by eyery indie bands fayourite jauer and former Belle and Sebastian chanteuse pltts local indie electrocrats t?ter. This eyent. as hosted by Plan If magazine. follows on from the free event dttring the day. (see aboye).

I Marie Claire Lee Bar 10. 10 Mitchell Lane. 572 1448. 8pm. Free. Local sitiger/songwriter.

I Acoustic Open Mic Bar Bloc. l 17 Bath Street. 574 6066. 9pm. Free. Weekly unplugged session.

I Bob and Bec IDST Nice'n'Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £3. Scottislt/AUstt‘alittn duo.

I The Hussies 13th Note (‘afe. 50 60 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. lix- Supernaturals.

I Live Music MacSorley‘s. ~12 Jamaica Street. 248 8581. 9pm. Free. See Thu 25. I Still Rockin’ Saint :‘xndrew's in the Square. 1 St Andrew's Square. 559 5902. 9pm. £8 (£7 adyance; call 0141 649 404-1). [ix—Stone the (‘row s keys- man John Mc(iinnis is the special guest

joining the 60s Southside rockers. still

keeping it real four decades on.

I Unlike a Chair The llalt Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 352 9996. 9pm. Free. Acoustic night.

Monday 29


I The Charlatans (‘arling Academy (ilasgow. 121 Iiglinton Street. 0870 771 2000. 7pm. £20. ()yer-14s show. The eyer-durable (‘harlies haye weathered all kinds of upheayal oyer the years and. despite plodding along musically. for at least the last five of those years. still command massiye support for their increasingly bluesy. Stonesy indie sound. I Dwarves and Electric Eel Shock The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 l 120. 7pm. £10. ()yer- 14s show. You wait ages fora cult American alt.rock band from the late 80s/early 90s and then two conte along on the same night. l)waryes. as led by the enigmatic Ilewhocatmotbenamed. were the architects of Blnml. (iuls um] Puss-y. once dubbed the most offensiye album of all time by Spin magazine. Support from insane Japanese trio lilectric liel Shock. Dinosaur Jr and DeSalvo AB(‘. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7.30pm. £15. The return of the American indie godheads led by stoner dttde J Mascis. with wired support from the noisetastic l)eSalyo. with visual tribute to ('raig from Big Brother courtesy of singer Phil. See preyiew for Dinosaur.

I Psyko Dalek, School of Assassins, President Prime and The Drumstick Mafia Barlly. 260 (’Iyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 7.30pm. £5. Metal line-up.

I Acoustic Jam Nice‘n‘Slea/y. 421 Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 8pm. liree. Weekly showcase for local songwriters performing original material.

I My Latest Novel King 'I’ut‘s Wah Wah llttt. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £5. My Latest Noyel are a touted new band. broadly in the indie pop tradition. who haye just opened proceedings for the Pixies in lidinburgh.


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