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James Carson visits Boston and finds a cosmopolitan and buzzing city that expects you to know where you’re going.


Boston is the capital of Massachusetts, also known as the Bay State. lts

coastline includes some of the most famous of New England’s holiday spots,

including the Cape Cod peninsula and Nantucket Island. For more information,

go to and

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n the 'I'rident (‘ale in Newhury Street I asked the cheerlul

young waitress a crucial question. '\\'hy is Boston known

as “Beantown‘”." The smile tell l‘rom her lace and she turned pale. Clearly. this was not in the training tnanual. Alter dashing ol’I‘ to consult the manager. she retttrned to hlurt out: ‘It‘s something to do with haked heans.’ She heat a hasty retreat in case I started asking any awkward questions ahout the salad.

Happily. there's more to Boston than its sohriquet suggests. History has gifted the place a pleasing hlend oT old and new. and Bostonians will tell you that it's the most Iiuropean ol‘ the l’SA's cities. This is clearest in and around Boston ('ommon. America's l‘irst puhlic park. Its St) acres ol' lawns. paths. statues and ponds complement adjacent mansions that wouldn‘t look ottt of place in ltS’th century London.

(‘rowning the northern l'lank ol’ Boston ('ommon is the .\1assachusetts State House. its golden dome resemhling a

giant toil-wrapped Iiaster egg. ('ompleted in I708. the State

outside and impressiy'ely

pretty inside. The House of

Representatiy'es and Senate

are suitath sumptuous. with

murals depicting important A PLEASING

.‘Vlassachusetts. and carpets

deep enough to drown a

giral'l'e. The State House is

located in the unspeakath

swanky neighbourhood of

hoses and S3()(I()—a-square-l'otit houses. is a hailiwick whose

motto tnust surely he "Do you know who I am‘."

Bttt iI' Beacon Hill is where the other hall liy'es. then Newhury Street is where they come to shop. .lust west oT Boston Common. it’s the place to llash your cash. especially shoulders with antique shops and galleries. httt there are also some reasonahly priced eating places. including I.a I"amiglia (iiorgio‘s it you’ve a passion Tor pasta. and the aforementioned Trident Booksellers & (‘al'e Tor hooks with your hrttnch. And it doesn‘t cost a dime to enjoy a stroll along styles ol'Victorian huildings.

A short walk away l'rom .\'ewhury Street is ('opley Square. home ol‘ Trinity (‘httrch ('onsecrated in ltS’77. Trinity is still ranked among Atnerica’s top ten huildings. Once inside. the leaflet I received with my ticket took no prisoners. your eye drawn to Iirst'.’ Second'.’ Third‘.’ Does the space l'eel spiritual to yott'.’ How does the interior make you l'cel'.’ .onlttl'.’ Solemn'.’ Inspired? (ilootll) 1’ (‘oml'orted .”

Stressed! That‘s how I tell. I came on holiday to relax. and suddenly stumhled into .IIus/vrmimfi I discarded the leaflet

House is pretty impressiy'e HISTORY

moments in the history oi Beacon Hill. which. with its gaslights. pear trees. window it you're a Vanderhilt or a Rockeleller. Designer lahels ruh Newhury's hrownstone facades. gawping at the dil‘l'erent

It read: ‘I.ook arottnd in all directions. \Vhich window is and let the church speak l‘or itsell'. Things calmed down