Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl Hi 00 l‘S. ZtltlSi 'l'a} lor l.atitncr. 'l‘a} lor l)oolc_\. (';i}tlc‘ii Boyd. (ivorgc l.opcl. 03min. .-\

bo} 'x imaginar} .xupcrhcro l'ricndx conic to Inc and joinx him on a xcricx ol' adxcnturcx. Bland poxt-S/n‘ Kit/i kiddic llick l't‘oiit let‘tgttcl. (it'lii'l'u/ I't'l('(l\(’.

The Adventures of Arsene Lupin

t l5i 0.. iJcan-l’aul Saloinc. l‘rancc/ltaly/Spain/Bi'itain. ZtXHi Romain l)lll'l\. Krixtin Scott 'l‘lioinax. l’axcal (it‘cggot'). li\a (irccn. 125mm. 'l‘hix dark. xc\_\. \ iolctil and loop} high budgct romp ix a \xclcomc altcrnatix c to thc gciicric comic book llollyuood action lilmx. .-\ noinanixing l'rcnch gcntlcman jcxx cl tliicl i l)ui'ixi and maxtcr ol' dixguixc tcamx up \\ ith l'cininc- tatalc Jttxcplittic i'l’hoinaxi in an iiitpt‘obabl} ornatc l'antaxtical drama which llll\c\ xtolcn crucitixcx and magical poucrx. I‘l/HI/IHHM'. l-[i/i'Ii/iiu‘g/i.

Alexander Nevsky i t' i 0000 iScigc-i liixcnxtciii. l'SSR. 1038i Nikolai ()klilopko\. .-\lc\andcr Abrikoxxox. Dmitri ()rlox'. \‘axxib \m iko\. l 12min. With inuxic b} l’rokolim. liixcnxtcin rc-cnactx xplcndidl} thc incdic\al routing of thc (icrmanx. dra“ ing pimcriul comparixonx to thc l'SSR'x cottlctiipot'at‘) thrcat i'roin thc .\'a/ix. A thrilling. patriotic cpic. Part of liixcnxtcin xcaxon. l'i/Iii/iuuu'. Iii/iii/iiirg/i.

Alien Adventure 30 it‘i COO itscii Straxxcn. Japan. 3001 i Voicc of John Bo} lc. Boiili l.anncrx. 37min. .-\n alicn t‘acc looking for a planct to colonixc lind carth and tiiit‘ortunatcly critcr a thcinc park \\ hcrc thc) cauxc much ainuxing iiia_\hcm. /.ll.'l.\' I‘llt’tlll't'. (iluxguu;

A" About EVO tl’(il C... lJoxcpli l. Mankicnicl. IS. 1950) licttc l)a\ix. Annc l3a\tcr. (icorgc Sandcrx. Martini .\lonroc. IRSmin. l)a\'ix and Ba\tcr arc on top form in tliix talc oi' back-xtagc back-biting and conni\ ing. and a young .\laril}n makcx a big cntt'ancc in a .xiiiall part. A will) and iniclligcnt lilm. Iii/iiiliiirg/i I'll/II (iiii/il. lit/Hi/iiu‘g/i.

Anchors Aweigh (ti 0.. t( icot‘gc Sidnc). l'S. [045) Frank Sinatra. (icnc Kcll}. Kathr}n (Era) ,xon. 139mm. long lot a muxical \xith .xuch lightncight inatcrial. but it'x xtill charm all tltc way from thc lcadx ax a couplc ol' xailorx on .xhorc lca\ c xing thcir \xa} through a gltit of St) nc and (‘ahn xongx. Kcll} c\ cn hax timc to xharc a dancc \\ ith cartoon motixc hcro Jcrr}. (iluwmi I-‘i'lni 'I‘lii'uiri'. (i/uigon;

Appleseed t iii 00 tK;t/tt)tixlti Kata_\aina. Japan. 1991 l 71min. In a l'uturc \Hil'ltl. run by a .xingular corporatc cntit). policcu.oinan l)unan and c_\borg xidckick Bularix track domr tcrrorixt .-\J Scbaxtiaii.

\\ hoxc criminal actx thrcatcn thc dclicatc balancc ol' thcir titopiaii cit). ’l‘lic charactcr animation ix rtidimcntar). c\ cn b) manga xtandarde thc backgroundx don't c\'ctt axpii‘c

(Robcrl Rodi‘igticl.

to thc .Ilkim claxx. and onl) thc hard“ arc xccmx to hax c bccn drann \\ ith rclixh

\xliich xa)x a lot about thc tilinmakcrx and morc about thc targct audicncc. (ii/rim. lat/iii/iiug/i.

The Aristocrats i txi COO. it’aiil l’rmcn/a. l'S. 2005i S‘lmin. ()\cr l()() conicdianx including Bill} (‘oiiiioll}. \Vhoopi (ioldbct'g. Robin \Villiainx and l'.(ltllC l/xard tcll tlic \xorld'x dii‘ticxt iokc and gct ax lilth} ax tlicir l'c\ crcd imaginationx uill allow l‘ttcrl} hilarioux and rcall} quitc xliocking. thc tilm xa}x a lot about thc nattirc ol' comcd) and conicdianx. ('iiii'ii-urli/ Rt’llfl't’lt .Sll't’t'l. (i/tnumi; (I/(HQHH _‘ (.(IHH'U, lat/i/i/iurg/i.

Asylum i lit 0 il)a\ id .\lackcii/ic. l'K/lrcland. 2005i .\'ataxha Richarilxon. lan .‘xlclx'cllcn. lltigh Bonncxillc. (iux l.c\\ix. 90min. A Px} Chiati'ixt'x \\ il'c bccomcx curiouxl} attractcd to onc ol' hcr huxband‘x paticntx an inmatc at a maximum xccui'it) ax} lum in thc outxkii'tx ol l.ondon. lockcd tip for murdcring and dixtiguriiig liix t'ormcr nil-c. l’ainlull} dull adaptation ol‘ l’atrick .\lc(irath‘x tio\ cl. What could ha\ c bccn an iiitcrcxting horror cliaractcr xtud) ix

tlcxli‘o} cd b} tortuouxl} labout‘ctl tltttlogttc and a xluggixli pacc. Si'lt'i'n't/ N’lt'llu'.

The Battleship Potemkin tl’(il CO... iScrgci liixcnxtcin. l‘SSR. 1925i .-\. .v\ntono\. Vladimir Bai'xki. (irigori .klcxandrm. 75min. .\ladc l'or thc Illth anniwrxar} of thc [005 rcmlutioii. liixctile‘iti'x all-tiinc claxxtc liilltnxx lltc inutin} b} thc crcu of thc I’ri'iii't' l’uli'nikin and thc xupport gi\cii b} thc local ci\ iliaii population. “ho arc moun do“ ii b_\ lhc ('/ai”x ti‘oopx in thc laiiioiix ()dcxxa Stcpx .xctiiicncc. lixprcxxnc camcra tcclmiquc and a gt’uxp ol cdiliiig that \xrotc Iltc lt‘\lbookx arc juxt xoinc ol thc mnoxationx that put liixciixtcin and Ruxxian liliii tirml} on thc cincinatic map. l’ai’t ol liixcnxtcm xcaxon. l'ilm/iiiuu. Iii/iiil'iiruli.

Berlin is in Germany i iSi tllanncx Stolii’. (ici'man). 2001 i lidita .\lalo\ cic. ‘l‘om Jahn. Valcntm l’latarcanti. 03min. :\ man ix rclcaxcd t'roin prixon al'tci' xcr\ mg an I lr_\car xciitcncc. but tindx thc l'ormcr (EUR grcatl) changcd. (ilmgun I‘i/m I‘llt’tlll't'. (i/iiwon. Bewitched tl’( it Q. i.\'oi‘a l:plit'nti. l‘S. 2005i \icolc Kidman. \Vill l‘crrcll. Shirlc} .\lacl.ainc. .\lichacl ('ainc. Jaxon Sclmart/nian. l()lniin. l)irc. onc diincnxional. high conccpt rcnorkmg of thc ci'xtnhilc 'l‘\' \liU\\ that lackx magic. Jack tl‘crt'cll i. an actor \\ lioxc cai'ccr tx on lltc \xanc. takcx thc rolc oi' xquai'c huxband Darrin in a rcniakc ol a claxxtc xitcoin in tlic liopc that it \\ ill in i\c liix carccr. lo protch liix xtai' xtatux hc iiixixlx that an unknon ii bc caxt ax Samantha. lintcr lxobcl iKlkllllttlll. \\ ho b} a quirk ol talc ix a “llcll dcxpcratc to In c lilc ax a nicrc mortal. (iv/1cm] ri'li’iiu'.

Black Narcissus it’( it 00000 t.\lichac| l’tm cll. l'K. l‘Nqi chnt’ali Kct't'. Sabu, Jcaii Simmonx. l)a\id l‘arrai'. l‘lora Robxon. liltimin. Kcrr'x colon} oi nunx in thc lliiii;il;i);ix lind thcir laith tcxtcd b} dcxircx ol' thc llcxh. :\n tmlikcl} xubicct mattcr. axtonixhingl) c\ocati\ c xtudio xcttingx and all'cctingl} controlch

pcrt'orinanccx arc combincd in a bcautit'iil. uniquc lilin. l’art ol~ .\lichac| l’o\\cll xcaxon. I'i/ni/iuini’. I-[i/i'ii/iurg/i.

Blinded (15).... ililcanoi' Yulc. l'lx'. 3003i :\ndcrx \V llcrthclxcn. Samantha Btitttl. l’li}llttl;i la“. Jotllit .\l;t_\. l’ctcr .\lullan. 02min. Scc rc\ 1c“. pagc 42. (illi'it'rH‘li/ Rt‘ltll‘t'it SHIT]. (i/iligim. (i/ilwuu.

The Blue Room t 12m i\';ii-ioiix. t'k'. 2(lt)5i (itlmin. 'l‘lic acclaimcd monthl} xhort- tilm xliti\\c;txc that not onl} prox idcx tlic oppot'ltitiil) to \xatch innoxatiw tilinmaking but allo\\x laiix and crcatoi'x to llCl\\Ul‘l\ and c\changc crcati\ c idcax and xip a fax cold oncx at thc bar. (i/iiwim l'iliii 'l‘lit'iitn’. (i/uwmi.

The Business I IM 00. i.\'ick l.o\c. l‘lx'. ZlNlSi Darin} [twin lamcr llaxxan. (icoll' Bcll. (icorgina (‘hapinan Ubniin. lt'x Manx Britain and l'i‘ankic il)}c'i'i t|llllx liix xoutli l.ondon touct' block tor a ncn Inc on Spain'x ('oxta dcl Sol. llc iomx a gang of criminalx lcd b} Britiin gangxtcr (‘liarlic tllaxxani and Incx thc good lit'c but tlicn lic incctx (’arl} 1(‘hapmani. tlic girll'i'icnd oi gaiig cnt’orccr Sainni} illclli. l-airl} xtibxtandard Si'ii Hunt and (inud/c/lm up till. .St'It't’lt’i/ I't'li’ilu'.

A Canterbury Tale it'i oooo i.\lichacl mell. l'lx'. 1044) liric l’ortman. Slicila Sim. John Sn cct. ll—lmin. .'\ll odd \xartimc piccc ll'tilll l’o\\cll and l’i'cxxburgcr in \xliich a Britixh and an .'\lllCl'lc;tll xoldici‘. along \xith a land girl. makc a pilgrimagc to ('antcrbur}. and xiiccccd in unmaxking a local man \xlio poui'x gluc on girlx' hair in lllc lllgltl. 'l'hc L‘Utttlll‘} xttlc Ix lincl} t'ctttlcl'ctl in lirnin llillicr'x photograph}. l’art ol Mich;th l’ou cll xcaxon. I‘i/ni/iouu’. lat/iii/iurg/i.

The Cave i l3:\l oo ilii-iicc llunt. l'S. ZtHJSi (‘olc llauxcr. .\lorrix ('licxtnul. liddic ('ibrian. Rick Raxancllo. ‘Vinin. .\ group ol' biologixtx pluiigc licadlii'xt into a \ttxl l'ltiotlcd ca\ c x} xtcni, will} to dtxco\ ct' thcmxcbcx trappcd \\ ith a hoxt ol' xightlcxx. raptor-likc thing prcdatorx. llcarx an uncann) rcxcinblaiicc to "My lh'u‘r'tll. xo ll )oii'w xccn .\lai'xhal|'x mlinitcl) xupcrior mo\ ic )ou don't haw botlici' \\Illl llll\. .\ xtandard ixxuc B inonxtci‘ mo\ ic \\ ith an uninxpiring caxt and a dixtmctl} xccond-hand plot. ('iitt’nurli/ Rt'lifl’t’lt SHTF’. (i/iixgini. (i/ilwmi.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tl’(il O... i'l'ini Burton. l'S/l’K. 2005i Jttlilill} l)cpp. l-i‘cddic llighmorc. l)a\id Kcll}. llclcna llonh‘ani ('artcr. \oah 'l‘a'xlor. l 15min. li\ccllcnt and taitlilul adaptation ol Roald Dahl'x claxxtc No.3 book. Bi/ari‘c and bcautilul to look at. thix ix Burton at thc top ol liix gainc. (ii'iit'rii/ I't'lt'tlH'.

Chinatown i W 00000 i Roman l’olanxki. l’S. 197-1) Jack \ic‘liolxoit. law l)unana}. John llnxtoii. lilniin. l’ri\atc c} c Jakc (iittcx takcx on a roiitinc caxc in I‘M“ l.:\ and cndx up tinco\ cring iiiorc than lic bargaincd t'or. Splcndid conxpirac} thiillcr “till a handxomc pcriod look and a quitc xupct'lati\ c caxt. l)cxpilc i'uiiiourx xpi'cad b) Xicliolxon and l’olanxki. though. thc noxc- xlitting xcciic \\ ax lakcd. (i/iixgun I'i/ni I‘llftlll'i'. (i/inunn.

i )i {ii ii it, Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1.

Conditions apply.


Cinderella Man I 12A» 000 (Run llti\\;lt'tl. l'S. ItNJSi Riixxcll ('io\\ c. Rciicc /.cll\\cgcr. l’aul (il;tlll;llll. H-liiiiii. Biographical account ot Dcprcxxion cia lightci‘ and tolk lici'o .lllll Braddock .iiid Iii \ ictor} ox cr licaxyxctglit champion .\la\ Bacr in an cpic l5-round xluglcxt in l‘HS li‘oiti tlic tcatii bcltintl .l li’i'iiiili/ii/ .lliiiil. (‘roxx c ix uttcrl} com iiicing. ilcxpitc thc occaxioiial o\ cr xcntinicntalit}. (inn I'tl/ It'll'tlH'.

Crash i 15! O... il’aul llaggix. l'S,’(ic-i'iii;iii}_ lilti-li Sandra Bullock. l)on (’licadlc. Matt Dillon. .lciiiiilcr l'xpoxito.

l 13mm. .-\ car accidcnt bringx togctlici a group oi xtrangci‘x in l.ox .v\ngc|cx. lniprcxxn c polciiiical drama iiixcxtigatiiig racixm in iiiodci'ii da_\ l.-\. \n iiixiglittul and occaxxionall} brilliant trcatixc xiippoitcd b} xomc \cr} tinc acting, (it m m/ It /(11\( Culloden t l5) 0... il’ctcr \\atkiiix. l'K. l‘Hi-li 5 ‘iiiiii. \Vatkinx' tii'xt lull lciigtli piccc lor tclc\ ixioii \xax an .ittciiipt to liliii .i pcriod contlict in thc niainici ot a picxcnt da} nc\\xrcc|. and on tlic xpot iiitci\ ic\\x blciid \\ ith an Itiipaxxioiicd and coiiiiiiittcd coinnicntar}. l’ai‘t ol l’ctcr \\atkiiix xcaxoii l‘l/Hl/lrlllH. lat/Iii/iurg/i,

De-Lovely i l’( il 0. til“ iii \\ iiiklci. l‘S. ItitHi Kcnn Klinc. .'\\lllc_\ .liidd. Jonathan l’r} cc, l_‘5niiii. ()ctogcnciiaii (‘olc l’ortcr i Kliiici ix xittiiig in an cmpt} tlicatic. \xatchmg liix lil'c I'laxli bclorc liiiii. accompanch b} a tii_\ xtcrioux iiiaii il’i}cci. \Vc xcc tliccditcd highlighton l’oitci'x lilc. “ith \arioiix coiitciiipoi'ai‘} xiiigci'x lx’obbic \Villiaiiix. .'\l;tlll\ \lorixxcttc drittiiig ll‘. and ottt. xiiigiiig liix xtandaidx, llut u c tiL'\L'l gct to thc coi'c oi tliix intriguing xiiiig\xi'itci 'l liix mo\ ic ix \\rittcn b} .la} (‘ockx and dii'cctcil b} lrmn \\'inklci. “ho ha\ c \xoi‘kcil on xoiiic ol .\lartin Scoi‘ccxc'x bcxt xtutt. xo ll xliould bc a lot bcttci. Sadl}. though. it'x iiixt xtciilc and lctltotix. li’l'iiiiliiii l/It'tI/lt. I.t/Il.'/’III‘\'/l Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo il,"i.. i.\likcllig.ilo\\.l’S.Illl15i Rob Sclincidci. laildic (ii'ittin. .lci'ocii Ki‘abbc. 'l'il Scliucigci' Sliiiiii. Scc Ic\ icu. pagc ~12 and protilc. pagc lo (it in m/


Dil J0 Bhi Kahey i l’(ii ilx’oiiicxh Sliaiiiia. liidia. IHHFI .-\iiiitabli llaclicliaii. lx’c\atlii. Kai'an Sliai'nia. \iiiiabcllc \\allacc \\ hcii .\laui'itiux baxcd liidiaii origin laiiiil} xoii .lai Siiilia ilx'arani tallx in lo\ c \\llll tlic danglitci oi a promincnt local “llllc l;tlllll_\. aii iiitci cultural conllict bctuccii tlic liidiaiix and thc Sucdixli ix brought to tlic lot'c. ()(Alt I'l.‘ .l.‘ liii Quin. (i/u‘xgun. (i/u‘xgiiiz.

Dr No il’(ii O... i'l'ci'cncc Voting. l K. I‘ltili Scan (inflict). l‘i'xula \iidicxx. ,loxcpli \Vixciiian. .lack l.ord, lll5iiiiii 'llic liixt llonil mm 1c. and a \ iiitagc oiic at that. -\ \ci} )iitiiig looking and Scotx xouniliiig (‘oiiiicii \xorkx hix charming land ’in liiiidxiglit xonicnhat caiiipi \xa} through tlic diabolical back paxxagcua} x oi l)i' \o‘x c\ ll ciiipii'c and thc rctiuixitc iiuiiibci ol tlooxicx. paiixiiig oiil_\ to takc otit tlic occaxioiial taiaiitula and takc iii thc ('aribbcaii xcciici}. 'lo xa_\

nothing ol .\lx :\ndrcxx' xpcclaculai appcai‘ancc on thc bcaclt \\ ith that conch xlicll 'l’hc} don't inakc ‘ciii likc thc} uxcd lo. Si'iilwiiin Si iii/ting lx’muii. laiiii/ii‘iig/i