Visual Art

Portrait Miniatures from the Merchiston Collection in 33

Sep Stilt I l l)ec. l'it'ce. The fifth in an annual series of miniature exliihitions. Nl W Sl l( )W

Scotland’s Contribution to the First 60 Years of Women in Medicine Wed 38 Sep. l3.45 |.|5pnt. l‘ree. Talk by Dr litleen ('rotton. author of /'/u' Home): of Rovuunmnl.‘ (I Scull/sh Hit/HUI '\ l/Hyplltl/ (HI I/It' IIi’\I(’I'/l I'irnlll. Mare Nostrum: Land and Sea in the Work of Ian Hamilton Finlay Thu 6 Oct. 6 6.30pm l-‘ree. Ken (‘ockhurn reads from a selection of prose and poetry by artist Ian Hamilton Friday.

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY Palace of Holy roodliousc. 556 5 I00. l).u|y ‘).30am 5pm. (5 (£3 [4); latme ticket t‘l3.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother l'ntil Sun 35 Sep. l‘it‘st c\luhition of 73 watercolours and drawings hour the Queen .\llllll\ collcclion .-\nd we thought she just drank gin and bet on the liorsics all day. lASl (il lANl‘i It) Sl l


l5 Rtttland Square. 33‘) 7545. Mon l'ri ‘).un 5pm

Parallel Journeys l'ntil l‘Il'l 30 Sep. (ilass. painting. photography and ieweller hy Kiersti Kaasen lilvevold. winner of this year's Rl:\S award. lASl (leANtil lO Sl l.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lll\t‘l'lt‘llll House. 553 7|7l. Tue Sun l0.un 5. 30pm.

Ian Hamilton Finlay - Sentences CO... l'ntil Still 3.3 ()ct. Sentences composed by l‘inlay while working in his garden at little Sparta. chosen by the artist and painted by his collaborator l'itlg‘t‘ Ill \llutlt‘s Ul lilllt'. \L‘I‘t‘t‘ll. led and grey they express ideas and feelings ahout gardens. friendship. weather. culture and nature.


3 (‘liatnhers Street. 347 43 l‘)/4433. .\lon & \Vcd Sat l0ani 5pm; Tue l0ani 8pm; Sun noon 5pm.

REzfresh l'ntil Sun 3 ()ct. l'ree. liighteen new acquisitions go on show. Including a bracelet made of recycled tomato tins and a silver brooch in the shape of a l’errart. l ASl (ll lANCl H) S! l

Nicholas and Alexandra, the Tsar and Tsarina 0.0 l'ntil Sun 10 (let [5 ([4) The story of Tsar Nicholas ll and his wife. the litnptcss Alexandra the last royal family of Russia told through cottrt costumes. icons from the cllllt'cllotts of the stale llt‘l'lllllilgt‘ museum. St l’ctetshutg and ohiets d'art by l'aheige

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 0| 3| 335 (i67l. .\lon Sat l0.nn 5pm. Sttn noon 5pm

Festival Connections l'nul Sun 35 Sep. lixluhition hy Members ol the Royal Scottiin Academy and united artists lioni ilt‘ltiss the country. including ’l-liotlias loslitta (‘oopctp l)a|/iel and Scullion. l’aul ('arter and Ian Hamilton l-inlay. IASI (ll lANH ll) Sll

Signed Tour of Gauguin’s Vision Still 35 Sep. l lam noon. l-‘rec. Mary Kllpdll'lt‘k leads this tour of the exlnhition. with sign interpretation by Day id Sununcrsgtll. To book a place fax (H 3| 634 6440 or text 078l4 75l087.

94 .’./ filfi)‘ I): ( )' I :1 IV?)

I SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY 5 ('richton's ('lose. (‘anongaltn 557 3876. Mon l-‘ri llam 6pm; Sat

noon 4pm.

Early Works from the Wild Hawthorn Press 1964-1971 l'ntil Fri 7 ()ct. A selection of early works from the Wild Hawthorn Press by Ian Hamilton l'inlay. gifled to the Scottish Poetry library by the poet lidwin Morgan. ('urated hy the Inglehy (iallery.


33 ('ockhurn Street. 633 6300. Daily llam 6pm.

Low-Fi Net Art 0.. Until Mon 3 ()ct. New projects from artists working with networked technology. lASf CHANCE lOSl'l'.


l'niv ersin of lidinhurgh. South Bridge. 650 33l0. Tue Sat l0am 5pm. Cordelia Oliver l'ntil Sat 34 Sep. Works on paper by the highly esteemed critic and artist. lASl CHANCE TO

Si l

A Labyrinth of Delight - William Drummond of Hawthornden l’ntil Sat 34 Sep. Portraiture in partnership with the Scottish National Portrait (iallery. lASl Cl lANCl' ‘lO Sl l'.

Paula Rego COO. l'ntil Sat 34 Sep. Prints and works on paper. including "The (‘hildren's (‘i'tis;tdc". ‘Nursery Rll}liic‘s'. ‘The Abortion Series'. ‘Jane liy re' and a selection of early prints froin the l‘)5l)s by this celebrated artist who is 70 this year. 1 AS f Cl lANCF TO SET". Paula Rego: Inside Stories Thu 33 Sep. 3pm. l-‘ree. The Talbot presents an opportunity to hear the artist in conversation with Pat l’isher. principal curator of the exhibition; exploring ideas and motivations of this master of the visual narrative. Booking essential.


llawtliornden lecture 'l'heatre. National (iallery. lllc Mound. 034 (i500.

A Promised Bequest for Scotland Hi 3.3 Sep. l3.45 1.30pm. l-‘ree. A lecture on llIL‘ \lt‘l’t'llisltin ('ollcclion Ul- Portrait Miniatures by senior curator. Dr Stephen l.loyd.

Full Circle: British Pop Art Tue 37 Sep. 1345 |.30ptn. l‘ree. Artist Jann Hawortli gives this lunchtime lecture. Filming Gauguin: A Hell of a Journey Thu 3‘) Sep. 6 7pm. £3 (£3). l-‘ilnunaker Waldemar Janus/c/ak talks about the biography of (iauguin he tnade for the BBC which took him from where the artist grew tip in l.inia. Peru to the .\lart|ueses Islands where he died in poverty.

Surgical Training in 17th Century Edinburgh Tue 4 ()ct. I345 l.30pm. l‘ree. Helen Dingwall from the l'niversity of Stirling looks at the history of surgery as a tncdical profession. Poetry and Pictures Thu 6 & Hi 7 Oct. 5.30 6.30pm. l-‘ree. A special lilm created by the liducation Department showing local school children reading poems and prose in front of the work that inspired them. (’all lll 3| 634 64ll) to hook a place.

Private Galleries


75/7‘) ('unihcrland Street. 558 3353. Wed Sat llatn 6pm.

Between the Orient and the Occident l'ntil Thu l3 ()ct. New paintings by l.ondon hased artist Bashak (‘layton informed by her childhood in Turkey and her admiration for Turkish and Persian Miniature paintings.


l(l3 \Vt‘sl How. 330 (l(i(ll.

Running Amok/Ambling Along Hi 33 Sep Sat 33 ()ct. Analogue's second exhibition features hold felt tip pert drawings by Tommy l’erntan. capturing scenes along his daily walk from ('anonmills to the (irassniarket. Nl W Sl l( )\N


50 Thistle Street. North liast Lane. 335 3093. Wed Sat llain 6pm.

‘IIO7’ Art Graduates Show 00. Until Sat 34 Sep. New work by emerging artists from (ilasgow and lidinburgh. including Becky Bolton. Rosemary Hogarth and ('alum Niven. See review. page ‘)0. lASl CHANCE TO SEE


l0 Royal Terrace. 556 6‘)3‘). Mon Sat |0am 4pm.

James Howie l"ri 33 Sep Wed 5 ()ct. Recent paintings by l)undonian James Howie. NEW SHOW.

I I2

34 Ahercromhy Place. 558 9873. Mon Fri l0am 6pm; Sat l0ani 4pm.

French Connection III Until Sat 34 Sep. Modern masterprints by (ieorges Braque. Juan (iris. Henri Matisse. Pablo Picasso. Marc ('hagall and Pablo Picasso. lAST CHANCE TO SEE.


6 (’arlton ’l‘errace. 556 444 l. Tue Sat l0am 5pm.

Exposure Thtt 33 Sep Sat 5 Nov. (iarry l-‘ahian Miller's newest pictures inspired by the time he has spent on the llebridean island of Tiree. NEW Sl lOW.


65 The Shore. l.eith. 553 5355. Mon Hi I lam 5pm; Sat | lain—4pm.

New Paintings by David Martin l'ntil Sat 34 Sep. l lain 5pm. Free. Figurative painter and lidinburgh ('ollege of Art graduate Dav id Martin sets his portraits against a cool urban background. Recent inspirations have been New York. Paris. l.ondon and lidinhurgh. lAST


Golden Light Sat l Sat 33 ()ct. l-‘ree. lixhihition featuring a mixture of still lifes and figurative paintings by Artists ('hery'lene l)y er. l’aul 'I‘elford and Johnathan Shearer. Includes ceramic iewellerv and sculpture from Jannie Van

au- wt-t' Nl w snow.


7 New haven Main Street. 553 l3l3. Thu l-‘ri l0am 6pm.

SOUINT Until Fri 30 Sep. Uncommon images of lidinburgh from artists using the camera as a point of departure. lAST CHANCE 10 St E.


l.eitli. 555 8888. Mon Sat l0am 6pm; Sttn noon 6pm.

The Art of Care Auction Fri 30 Sep. 6pm. U0 U5. Auction of including postcardsi/ed pieces by David Hockney. Tracey limin and Damien llirst to raise moire)" for ('ARli lnternational. See

w w w.artofuu'eco.ttk.

The Art of Care Sat l & Sttn 3 ()ct. £3. lixhihition of auctioned pieces by CL‘IL‘I‘I'RIICKI ttl‘lisls. See above. NEW SHOW


34 Ahercromhy' Place. 557 l030. Mon Fri 10am 6pm; Sat l0am 4pm.

Henry Fraser , Julian Belmonte, Michael McVeigh and Pamela RawnsleyUntil Wed 38 Sep. Recent paintings. ceramics and silver. lAST CHANCl TO SEE.


3 St Stephen Place. 335 6357. Mon Fri l0am 6pm; Sat l0am 6pm; Sun

noon 5.30pm.

Off the Wall l-‘ri 30 Sep Sun 33 ()ct. Sculpture from Angela llttnter. Tom Allan. Walter Aw lson and more. NEW Sl lOW.


l6 Dundas Street. 558 I300. Mon Fri l0am 6pm; Sat 10am 4pm. Interface - Contemporary Art Textiles Until Wed 5 ()ct. A variety of international artists selected by Susan ('l‘oss. lAST Cl lANCl l0 SE F.

John Bellany - Prints Until Wed 5 ()ct. Prints dating back to the early l‘)70s. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Polly Harvey - New Paintings llntil Wed 5 Oct. ()0 paintings. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


Reiach and Hall Architects. 6 Darnaway Street. 335 8444. Mon Fri 3 5pm. lie-Writing Freud Until l‘ri l4 ()ct. Interactive exhibition by Simon Morris exploring the words of Lucian Freud.


46 Dundas Street. 556 3338. Mon Sat l0.30ani 6pm.

Conversations Until liri 30 Sep. Sculpture and paintings by Shirley Sheppard. pltts landscapes from Janine Baldwin. lAST CHANCE TO SEE.


10 Stafford Street. 336 58l3. Mon l‘ri

‘).30am 6pm; Sat 9.30am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Reflective Images Until Sun ‘) ()ct.

Exhibition of textiles by Scottish artist. Alison Bell.

Artist Spaces


76 liast (‘rosscatiseway. 667 3808. Thu Sttn noon 6pm.

* Gang Show .0 Until Fri 30 Sep. ()pen submission exhibition. See review. page ‘)I and Hitlist. lAST CHANCE TO SEE.

I TOTAL KUNST @ FOREST 3 Bristo Place. 330 45.38. noon l0pm. Kind of Chaos: Peace Sat 1 Sat l5

()ct. Work by Krakow-based artist Marcin (itt/ik. NEW SHOW.

I WASPS STUDIOS Patriothall Studios. 48 Hamilton Place. Stockbridge. 335 138‘).

i Hopes Until Wed 38 Sep. l0am 5pm.

Work from the Hope family (Arabella. Jessica. Sunnifa. Clementine. Diana and John). lAST CHANCE TO SEE.

ABC... Tue 4 Sun ‘) Oct. Tue l‘ri 13pm 6pm; Sat & Sun 13pm 5. Marion Smith uses everyday materials such as

cardboard and plastic to create an intricate sculpture. Members of the public can

view the work in progress (4-7 Oct) or the finished result (8 & ‘) ()ct). NEW SHOW.

Outside the cities


153 Nethergate. 0| 383 ‘)()‘)‘)0(). Tue. Wed. Fri & Sat |0.30am 5.30pm; Thu

l0.30atn 8.30pm; Sun noon 5.30pm. Grand Tour - Matts Leiderstam

.0 Until Sun 35 Sep. Swedish artist presents his own paintings. photographs and objects. plus images from the history of art. He explores the phenomenon of the (irand Tour. popular in the l7th. l8th and l‘)th centuries. which involved persons of a certain class travelling through liurope to study culture. lAST CHANCE TO SEE.

3 The Upgrade! Scotland Wed 38 Sep. i 5.30 7.30pm. [)an Norton looks at the

relationship between art and technology at this regttlar forutn for artists and curators.

Private Galleries


off the Al. liast l.othian. (H.368 840655. Wed Sun 11.30am 4pm.

* The Demarco Skateraw Project Until Sttn 30 ()ct. l‘ree. Richard I)emarco‘s archive is now housed at Skateraw harm in liast l.othian. featuring amvorks. rare art books. posters and catalogues. corresimndence. photographs. lilms and videos. Buses run from Dunbar. which connect with the l |.05ain and 1.35pm services from lidinhurgh. See llitlist.