
Satin Rouge t ISi iRaja Amari. Tunisia. 2002i iliam Abbass. llend Al l‘ahem. .\ialier Kamoun. lllllmin. .\ sensual awakening oi se\ualit_\ as widow l.i|ia (Abbassi t'ediscm‘et's the power oi the iemale iorin through part-tiiiie work as a seamstress lot a group oi nightclub dancers. Soon dipping her toe in this new e\otic world oi bell)dancing and nocturnal pleasures. she starts a relationship with one oi tiie musicians. onl} to iind otit he is also dating her teenage daughter. (ilusgmi l-i/ni II-IICUIH’. (i/uxgmt.

* Serenity l is. 0000 um \Vhedoii. i‘S. 3005) Nathan l‘illion. (itita 'l'ort'es. .-\lan 'l‘ud} k. l 19min. See res iew. page 4 l. (it‘llt’l'tl/ I't’lt'tl.\('.

Seven Year Itch il’(ii ... iliill} \Vildcr. l'S. 1055i Martini Monroe. 'l‘oin liwcll. lise|_\n ls'e}s. Sonny 'l‘uits. lil5inin. i)isappointiiigl_\' ilat Version lb} director \Vildcr's standards) oi ( ieorge .'\\elrod's iarcical stage pia} abotit one man‘s mid-liie crisis. Still worth a look thotigh ior Monroe’s iconic moment over the grating. .S‘i'nlsnimi Sr‘l‘r’i'lttltt’ Ronni. Ift/i/iliiu'g/i.

* Shorts One I Hi iVarious. lell-li 70min. liciectic llll\ oi shorts including ()l'r'l'lilllt' an ode to Jim Henson‘s creations; ll'iiim'r Iii/aw Slew irom .Vii/m/i'un Dwmmllc director Jared Hess and a look at the roots oi terrorism in l’irW/l. l’art oi Rcsl-csl. (i 1". Glasgow:

* Shorts TWO ilii (Various. 2005 l :\ selection oi weird. w ack‘) and downright disturbing shorts on the themes oi isolation. esternalised control and the loss oi

indis iduai identit) in an increasingi} urbanised and technologicall} mediated world. l’art oi Rest'est (‘('xl. (ilusgmi;

* Shorts Three (Iii iVarious. 2005i Programme oi shorts which are collated around the theme oi hidden and irightening creatures and the unseen iorces that mingle in the dark. Darkl} humorous. grotesque and liarrow ing. this includes (‘liris ('unningham's jaw dropping short Rulilu'r .lo/iiim. i’art oi Resi'cst (ti-i. (ilmemi‘.

Sky .

Shorts for Wee Ones il'i (Vat'iotlsi 95min. .\ collection oi shorts especiall} ior )ottttg children with bright \ isuals and minimal dialogue. Ages 3+. i’art oi

l)isco\ er) iesti\al. I‘i/Hl/IUIIH‘. lat/iiiluug/i. Sin (3th lh’i .... iRobert RodrigtieI/l‘rank .\iiller ispecial guest director ()uentin ’l‘arantiiioi. l'S. 2005i Bruce Willis. ('li\e ()w en. Micke} Rourke. Jessica Alba. l34tttilt. Bleak. ltttt‘tiliotlt‘ti comic book adaptation. ('umr'u. lat/iii/iiu'c/i. Sky High li’(il l Mike Mitchell. l'S. 2005i Michael .v\ngarano. Kurt Russell. Kell} l’restoii. Danielle l’anabaker lleinin. Set in


Saturday 8 October Scottish Ensemble A celebration of Benjamin Britten

Thursday 13 October Flame & Fury Celtic music and Flamenco dance Sunday 9 October Meadows Chamber Orchestra with percussionist joby Burgess

& Saturday 15 October jon Anderson Solo

Sunday 16 October Ardal O’Hanlon Star of Father Ted returns in hilarious new show

Monday 10 October Paul Lewis Beethoven Piano Cycle

Tuesday 11 October Pierre Bensusan Guitarist extraordinaire an orchestra of one

Wednesday 19 October Abdullah Ibrahim Legendary pianist fuses jazz and African music to majestic effect

qh: the hq of live music in edinburgh

thequeenshall. clerk street. edinburgh eh8 9jg booking hotline: 0|3| 668 20|9 onllne booking:

48 THE LiST '.) 7i: ()0. 2721.5;

It’s done great business in the States but now is your chance to judge. Set in a high school in a world where superheroes mix easily with mere mortals, Sky High looks like it could just be the big American family comedy of the year. Stars Kurt Russell, Kelly Preston and Michael Angarano. Reviewed next issue.

I Geiiora/ release from Fri 14 Oct (Scot/and only).

a world w here superheroes are cominonl} known and accepted. some superkids in a high school if} [U balance their special powers with their normal needs. .\'-.llmi ior kids. Rm iew ed nest issttc. (it’lti’ru/ I'(’/(’(l\('. Spare Parts (Reservni Deli) 1 Ifii .... (Damian Ko/ole. Slovenia. 2003i l’eter .\iuse\'ski. Aliosa Kmacic. l’riino/ i’etkm sek'. 87min. ()n the border between Slo\ enia and ('roatia speedwa} champ i.ud\ ik i.\iuse\ skii makes his living ierr} ing illegal immigrants across the border into ital). llis boss sends )oungster Rudi (Kmacici to be his assistant arid the latter soon learns that in their trade 'ha\ ing a guilt} conscience is a waste oi tiine'. (‘liiiling and poignant street le\el political thriller with some great action sequences. l’ai‘t oi

Slos enian lilin season. l'i/m/iouu'. Iti/lll/HU‘L’II.

The Spider’s Stratagem l tSi oooo iliernardo liertolttcci. ital). l‘)7(ll (ittilio

Brogi. Alida Valli. 'l‘ino Scotti. Allen .\iidgett.

97min. Returning home to in\ estigate the delaceinent oi his heroic iather's memorial. :\littts .\iagnani illrogi l discos ers a world oi ill} steries. omens and ambiguities. Bertolucci's \ct'sion oi the liot'gt‘s' sitiit‘l slur} show s the titt’t‘t‘lot' at the ltt‘igltl till his powers. lat/iiiliurgli l'ilm (iiii/(l. l‘.tl1ll/’lll’L’/l. The Spy in Black mm 0.0

t.\iichael l’ow ell. [‘K. l‘ii‘h (‘onrad Veidt. Valerie llobson. Sebastian Shaw. 82min. l’ow ell was as daring as e\ U when making this \VVVI thriller on the e\ e oi \V\Vil. iorcing the audience to s} inpatliise w tilt the clearl} (iernianic Veidt as he attempts to tlt‘slt'ti) the lit'ilisit ileel. l.tkc I Know iii/It’ll’ I'm (filing. the tilt’t‘t‘ltii' ll\L'\ Sc‘ttllislt locations - Scapa l‘low most notabl} - lor atmospheric eil'ect rather than prett_\ pictures. l’art oi l’owcll retrospectis e. l'i/mliouu'. I'.'iliiil)iu'uli.

Stroke (Am Seidenen Faden) l IZAi ils'atarina l’eters & Boris llaberkoii. (iernian). 2005i llimin. .\ highl) ino\ ing documentar} that chronicles the turbulent _|Ulll'llL‘_\ oi a )oung married couple. one oi whom is aiilicted b} a stroke shortl} alter their wedding. .-\ \ ideo diar} interwm en with dream sequences that questions the nature oi lo\ e. responsibilit} and guilt. (i/muou l'i/ni Thrill/t: (i/mgnn .‘ I'i/m/iuim'. Iz'i/i'Ii/mrg/i. Summer Storm (Sommersturm) i tSi .. i.\iarco Kreu/paintiiei'. (it‘l'lllttll}. ZlXHi Robert Stadlober. Kostja l'ilinann. t).\'iiiiii. Sill) but iaintl} enjo) able homoerotic drama. l‘i/mliuim: Iiili'ii/iurg/i. * The Sun (Solntse) it’(;i oooo t:\|e\ander Sokurm, Russia/ital}i'l‘rance/ Swit/erland. ZlKHi lssei ()gata. Robert Dawson. Kaori .\ionioi. Shiro Sano. llSinin. it's late .-\tigust 1945. Hiroshima and Nagasaki ha\ e been linked oil the lace oi the earth and Japan's di\ ine liinperor llirohito i()gatai btit w hen (ienei'al .\iac:\rthur tRobert

l)aw soiii iorces him to renounce his divine status llirohito begins to ice] the weight oi his legac). :\ unique. inesineri/ing. mad and brilliaiitl) intuitne stud} oithe inundanit) oi histor} 's inarch. Sela ml release.

Sweet Dreams (Sladke Sanje) i 15) .... iKarel Reisl. 1S. 1085) Jessica Lange. lid liarris. .-\nn \Vedgeworth. 1 15min. Adequate biographical portrait oi the liie and tragically short times oi country'n'western singer l’als)‘ ('line that rarel} avoids the standard biopic cliches but is dragged well out oi the rut b} line jwriorinances irom the principals and some sterling iniiiiing b} .\is i.ange. l-"iIni/iuuw. Iz'iliii/iurgli.

T-Rex 3D il'i iBrett l.eonat‘d. l'S. HMS) 40min. Ania/mg looking l.\i:\.\ moxie about a lather and daughter in danger irom a

\ icious carnivorous dinosaur. (ireat iuii. [WAX iii/ll'tlilt'. (ilusguu.

Taxi Driver i Its’i 00m iMai-tin Scorsese. l'S. 197m Robert De .\'iro. ('ybill Shepherd. Jodie Foster. l l-lmin. (’lassic Sc‘ot‘scst‘. (i/ilsqmr I'll/n 'Iilti'ull'i'. (i/rligmt: Tell Me Something i 18) ooo

i('hang Yoon-h) un. South Korea. l‘N‘H Suk- k}u llan. liuii-ha Shim. llang-Seon Jaiig.

l Its’min. (iruesome. hard core thriller that has built UP a bit oi an Asian lixtreine cult i0llt)\\'illg since its release back in the ‘Jlls. The film actuall) ultiinatel} ialls short oi cohesion is still worth checking out. Paul oi Tiger Beer ’l‘artan .-\sia lixtreme 2005. (TIN’H'UI'II/ I'filiriliurg/i. Iii/inbui'g/i.

3D Mania il'i ttbc. l'S. 2003i Stuart l’ankin. lih ira.l.\l:\.\' 3D animation hell. lior masochists and computer render geeks only. I.\/.'i.\' Tilt'tlll't’. (i/usgmi:

* Thumbsuckeri 15) 0000 (Mike Mills. l‘S. 3005i l.ou l’ucci. Tilda Swinton. Keanu Rees es. Vince Vaughn. Vincent I)‘()noirio. Benjamin Bratt. 97min. See Season Round-l 'p. page 42. Part oi Resiest. (i/usgnii I'i/Hi 'I'lti'illri'. (i/ilsgnit;

Triple Threat ttbcl tJonnie Ross/Nttgi Noda/lirancois Vogel. Various. 2005i VariouxShowcase oi impressi\ e work irom three iiino\ati\'e new )oung shorts and music l‘roino lilininakers. l’art oi Resiest. ('(’.vl. (i/(Hg'im'.

Triptych Film Competition - Finalist Screening ll’(il i\';irious, t'k‘. 2005) Various. (illiiiin. Sis oi the countr} 's most promising _\oung filmmakers were

gi\ en all-areas access to lilin this \ ibrant music iestital and these are the results. (i/iiwuii l'i/m 'I'lii'um'. (i/mgmi.

No by Mike Mills l ISi mike .\illl\. t'S. WOO/2004i Sllmin. Two short lilins. Hir' xil‘t‘llilt’t'illl't’ of Rt'iiuuriuit‘c' and .Vol Hun. ll‘liul or Why Bu! )lw. irom lilm. \ ideo. commercial. iashion and art director .\iills. l’art oi Resicst. (i/uwim l'i/m Hiram: (i/tltg'im.

Valiant il'i ... i(iai'_\ (‘hapinaiL l'ls'. 2005i liw an .\lc(iregor. Rick) (ienais. Hugh Laurie. 'l‘im (‘urry lll‘lmm. Animated coined) which tells the slot} iii a low i) wood pidgeon Valiant i.\ic( iregori. who in ercomes his small si/e to become a hero in (ireat Britain's Ro}al :\ir liorce lioniing l’igeon Sers ice during \VVV ll. l‘(‘l litliit/iiu'cli. Int/iiiliurg/i.

Vera Drake t l3.'\l .... i.\iike l.eigh. l'is'. ZlXHi lmelda Staunton. Richard (irahain. liddie .\larsan. .-\nna Keas ene). l25min. Set in post-war Britain t i‘iStl/l Londoni and iocusing on the titular good little w il'e. mother and secret backstreet lli‘ttl‘llttlllsl iStaunton). li'm [Mile benelits irom compelling narrati\ e that sees the good- ltettt‘lcii ii nane pt‘tilagoltisl subjected to institutionalised \ ictiniisation. :\ iiuinanist e\ ent. l-ilmliuuu’. lat/iii/iin'gli.

Videos That Rock i ii) (Various. the. 2005) Selection oi new innoxatise music

\ ideos. includes Bloc l’art) 's 'l’ioneers' and l’atbo} Shins “The Joket”. l’ai't oi Resiest. (Y El. (i/iiwuii.

Vital i 18! .... (Shinsa 'l‘sukamoto. Japan. 300-1 i 'ladanobu :\sano. Nanii ’l‘sukamoto. Kiki. 85min. liiroshi l:\s;tlttil is a medical student dissecting his girliriend R}oko i'l'sukaniotoi. who died in the same car crash that leit him temporarii} in a coma and ineinor} -iinpaired. _\et awa) irom the morgue. she continues to \ isit him. liitiiiiate. delicate and beautiiul tale oi griei and romance. l’art oi Tiger Beer 'l‘artan :\.sl;l l{\treine MUS. (‘iiii-ii or/il Ifrliiilmruli. lat/iiilmreli.