Red Bead Rare cinema screening of Akiru Kurosawa’s brilliant 1965 film about a cynical older doctor (Toshiru Mifune, pictured) who takes a young intern under his guidance through a number of difficult cases. The film is showing as part of the excellent Medical Movies: Doctors, Patients and Celluloid Solutions season curated by The List’s very own Dr Miles Fielder. But be warned: this film is a mighty 172 minutes long.

I Weston LInk. Edinburgh (8110 9 Oct only}.

* Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit I I '1 .00.

(Nick Park/Slew 00X. 15K. 300.51VI11L‘LNI11

l’eter Sallts. Ralph liiennex. Helena Bonham ('arter 85111111. See Big l’ieture. page I l and review. page 41. (it’m'ml release.

Way Out West I 1') C... (James llorne. (S. 19371 Start Laurel. ()li\ er llard)‘. James l'lttl;1_\‘.\oti. (1011101. The eomie duo lilitl themselves ‘()n the Trail ol‘ the lonesome l’ine' as the} head out to hand over a gold-mine deed. l’lenI_\ ol' good gap in llilx last-paced Western \ptltil. .SI II’I'II/I' '\ (’I'iiln'. lz'I/I'II/IIII‘e/I.

Wedding Crashers I 151000

Il)a\'id l)ohkin. (S. 30051 ()\\Cli \Vilwn. \'inee Vaughn. Raehel .\iC:\(lztiti.\. ('liristopher \Valken. 1 19111111. This hoisterom eonied) about a pair of di\oree illetiltllni‘s I\\'ilson and Vaughn) \\ ho \pL‘litl eaeh spring season gate-erashing \xeddings so they can \eore hahes is merer an 113.31) second cousin onee removed to the lo“ - brow likex I11 Nudge/NIH and .llt‘t'l I/It' I‘iu‘kr'rs. (timer). IfIIiIt/ittl'g/r.

When Will I be Loved? I 151 0 (James 'l‘ohaek. LS. 3004) Neve('amphe|1. lired Weller. Mike Tyson. Dominie (liltiltesC. 81min. ('I‘ing)‘ sexual polities drama ('iItI'n'ur/(I Rt'lili‘t'u' .SII'I't'i. (ilm 2011. (iluxgmii

A Wife Confesses (Tsuma wa kokuhaku suru) I 151000. IYINI/o .\ltI\llliilll‘;I. Japan. 1001 1.'\_\al\o\\'altao. llirmhi Kauaguehi. liitaro ( )/a\\a. 01mm. The great 111111111aker Masumura is 011 blistering lorm here in this hrill1ant melodrama about a uoman. a had husband. her 10\ er and a great 1113; mountain. 1011 good to e\plain too mueli about 11.1111\ needs to he seen on the 11133 \ereen. Part 01' Mastimura season. l‘l/lll/lullu'. lat/inhuruli. Wolf Creek I 181 O... I( ireg

Mel .ean. :\11\Iralia. 300511111111.larratt. ('axxandra Magratli. And) Mel’liee. Kestie Moravi. 04min. .v\u\\ie Imekpaeker horror. .St'lt't‘lt'i/ I'I'lt’uu'.

XL Recordings Retrospective I 151 I\'ariou\. 30051 70111111. Shim ease 01' some 01' the l‘L‘51 \‘ItleI1\ 110111 X1. Records Ineluding the l’rodig). Basement Jan and l.e1110nJelly l".1rtol'Rt\1e\I. ('( 31. (i/Ilwmii

Zafir I 1'1 IMalene Vilxli'up. Denmark. 30031 Rose Marie llermannxen. Katrine Selinoor. Henrik 1._\l\kegaard. ‘)0min. Anna'x \1xte1' \\a\ 1n\ol\ed in a Ii'agie aeetdenl \\ liile ridmg her horse. the titular 7.11111. hut :\nna lllL‘i‘lltHliihL‘Iil 1.x dexperate to ride him again \11 liatehex a plot \\ 1th _\ot1n§_' relugee Sharhat ISehnoorI to \eeretl} enter the horxe 111 a lace. Agex 7+. \tlltiiilex \\ 111 he read 001. Part ol'l)i\eo\e1'_\ lextival. l'I/mlmuw. I'fIlI'IiluIre/r

10 Artists, 5 Clubs, 3 Cities

£11ch WINNING THE '.


see page 73 for details ‘"

50 THE LIST (3 20001 900:")


Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Glasgow _

350 Sauelileliall Street. 0141 353 4900. {4 0.3501; matmee: {3.5011331 See three lilmx get the 10111111 one tree.

‘.'.'l—,D_Nl..SD/\Y ‘; 2 O( )1

Desperate Cinema: The Films of David MarkeyI1512.11I1.

THURSDAY '11 QC 1‘ Shorts One I 151 (1.00. FRIDAY 1:: OC 1'

Triple ThreatII-LI 4.011.

Shorts Mo II-LI (1.00. Shorts Three IIiI s00.

SA'IURDAY ‘75) OCT Four Seasons of a Tiaktor II-LI 4. I 5. Videos That Rock 051 (1.00.

Becch Retrospective II-LI 8.00. JustforKick5I151315.

SUNDAY 133001

Shorts Mo IiiI 2.00.

By Design I 151400.

Shorts One II-’.I 4.15.

Cut and Paste (lit (1.00.

Shorts Three II-LI 0.15.

XL Recordings Retrospective I 15. 5.00. Infamy I 151 S15.

Cineworld Parkhead

‘1‘IIL- 14013.: l’ttl'kliL‘tttl. 0m :00 3000. 1111. [1'2]. .v\dult t5 11.4.50 helore 5pm Mon 1110. (‘hild/Studenm).-\1’: £5.00. l‘amil) Iiekel £14. All I1eketx hetore noon: L i.


The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl 11'1 11.05am. 1.30. 4.30.

Four Brothers I 151 11.10am. 1.45. 4.15. 0.45. 0.15.

Goal! 113.'\I 12.45. 350.015.11.00.

A History at Violence I 131 11.30am. 3.00. 4.30. 7,00. 0,111.

Land of the Dead I 151 0.50. 0.115.

The Longest Yard I I2.v\1 10.55.1111. 1.10. 3.50. (1.30. ‘l. 11).

Pride and Prejudice II‘I 11.55am. 3.00. 5.50. 8.40.

Serenity I 151 10.55am. 1.20. 4.00. (1.40. 0.30.


The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl 11') Matinee Sat tk Sun: 11.05am. 1.30.

Four Brothers I151 hail}: 11.10am & 1.45 Inot Sat Ik S1101. 4.15. 0.45. 0.15.

Goal! I13.-\1 Hail}: 13.4511101Sat1.3.30.(1.15 Ik 9.000101 Sat Ik S1101.

A History of Violence I 1.\'1 11.111}; 4. :0 a “.00 Inot Sat & S0111. 0.10. Also matinee \\CL‘1\'tlti_\\Z 11.30am. 3.00.

Kes Il’(11 Matinee Sat: 11.30.00.

Kinky Boots 1 l3:\1 [)1111}: 1.15. 5.45. (1.15. 8.45.

The Longest Yard I 12.41 Weekday: 10.55.1In. 1.10. 0.101001'1’11111. Sat Ik Sun: (1.30

Lord of War 1151 11111: 0.05. OliverTIIIvistII’(111).III}: 12.15. 1.10. 0.05. 8.45.

Serenity I151 11.111}; 10.30.1111. 110, ‘50. (1.30. 0.10.

Wallace 8. Gromit: The Curse of the Were- Rabbit Il'1 Sat Ik S1111: 11.05.1111. 11.40.1111. 1.30. 2.00. 3.55. 4.35. 0.20. (1.50, 3.40. 0.10

Cineworld Renfrevv Street

7 Renlreu Street. 11110 and (‘(‘ hooking: I).\"1 300 3000. .-\dult [5.80 L450 Mon 111111. ('lilldI’xtudent\I’eoneexonIh. £100. 1.111111} lieltei Ll5_(10IS1111 11111. L141 Sunda} all Iielxets: £3.50. [.11lllllllk'tl(.tlltl. [10.00 pm month.

111111181 );\Y (3

The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl Il'1 1.40.

Bewitched Il’(ii 1.511. 4.10. 0.40. Blinded I 151 11.30.1111. 1.40. 3.511.010.5240.

Cinderella Man I 13.41 10.00am. 1.311. 4.40. 3.30.

Crash I 151 11.50.1111. 3.40. 5.30. 3.10.

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo I 151 11.30am. 1.40. 4.00. (l. 10. 330.

The 40 Year Old Virgin I 151 115011111330. 5.30. 8.55.

Four Brothers I 151 10.10am. 12.50, 5.40. (1.50. 0.311.

Goal!113.-\1 11.30am. 3.211. 5.30. 3.30. Green Street I 131 3.40. 8.50.

Herbie: Fully Loaded II'I 11.00am. 1.20.

A History of Violence I 131 10.30.1111. 1.10. 3.50. (1.30. 0.15.

Howl’s Moving Castle Il’(il 1 1.30am. 2.30. 550. 8.30.

Land of the Dead I 151 10.40am. 1.111. 3.50. (1.30. 0.10.

The Longest Yard I 1241 10.30am. 1.00. 3.50. 0.40. 0.30.

On a Clear Day I 13;\1 11.30am. 1.30. (1.30. Pride and Prejudice 01 10.50.1111. 2.00. 5.10. 8.15.

Red Eye I 13.I\1 11.30am. 4.00. (1.30. 8.50. Revolver I 151 11.30.1111. 2.40. 5.50. 0.10. SerenityI151 10.00am. 13.40. 3.30. (1.211. 0.20.

When Will I be Loved? I 1510.10.

Wolf Creek I 131 4.00. I440. 0.411.

11111,)A‘I/ I' THURSDA’ '8

The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl In 0.111}; 1.40.

Bewitched Il’(il 11.111}: 1.30. 4.00.

Blinded I151 l)ail_\: (1.30.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Il’( 11 l)ail_\: 13.30.

Cinderella Man I 12m Wet-Lila} s: 10.00am. 1.00. (1.40.

Crash I 151 0.111}; 3.500101 Sat tk S1101. 3.41). .v\1\o late 1'11 & Sat: 11.30.

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo I 151 11.111): 11.50am. 1.40. 4.00. (1.10. 840.

.-\1x0 late 1'11 tk Sat: 11.10.

The 40 Year Old Virgin I 151 111 Ik Sat: 10.00.1111. 3.50. 5.30. 8.35. 11.30.

Four Brothers I I51 111 a 8.11: I 1.50.1111. 2.50. 5.10. ".50. 10.30. Sim 11111: 10.10am. 13.50. 5.4I1.II..II1.0._:0.

Goal! I 13.v\1 1'11 & Sat. Mon 1110: 11.30am. 3.311.530.8511.

Herbie: Fully Loaded Il’1 Matlnee l‘ri Ik Sat: noon. Matinee Sun 11111: 1.00.

A History of Violence I 181 III .& XIII: 12.10. 3.50. 5.30. 8.03. 11.00. S1111 11111: 10.30.1111. 1.10. 350.030.11.15.

Howl’s Moving Castle 11’01 11.111}: 12.50. (1.00 11101 Sat Ik S1101.

Kinky Boots I 13.-\1 Hail}: 10.00am. 13.30. 5.00. 5.45. 3.50. .r\l\o late 1"1'1 tk Sat: 11.15. Land Of the Dead I 151 111 tk Sat: 1 1.30am. 3.40. 5.30. H.110. 10.40. Sim 1110: 10.40.1111.

The Longest Yard I I2.\1 11.111); 10.30am. 1.00. ‘50. (1.401110114101.”..5“.

Lord of War I 151 11111: 10.00am. 13 50. 3.40. I110. 030

Night Watch (Hochnoy Dozor) I 151 in It 8.11: 11.00am. 3.00. 5.30, 3.05. 10.50. Sun 11111: 10.10.1111. 13.40. 3.20. (1.30. 0.05.

Oliver Mist 11’(}1 0.111}: 10.15am. 1.15. 4.50. 3.50. .\1x0 late ["11 k Sat: 10.50.

One Night in Mongkok I I51 111 .k 8.11: (1.00. S1111 & “ed: 300. Mon. ‘l‘ue & 1110: 11.45am. 0.00.

Out on a Limb I 151 Mon: s00.

Pride and Prejudice (Gold Class) II'I 111 & Sal: 10.30.1111. 1.30. 4.10. 7.40. 10.50.

S1111 1110: 10.50am. 3.00. 5.10. 8.15.

R-Point I 151 111 Sun tk Wed: 1 1.45.1111. 9.00. Mon. 'l‘ue t\' 1110: V00.

Rag Tale I I5I III .N $.11: 3.10. 5011. s00. 1100. S1111 11111: 10.00.1111. 1.10. (1.00. 0.00. Red Eye I 13.'\1 111 t\ Mon \Ved: 11.40am. 3,110_‘0I1Inoi\IonI.

Revolver I5: l‘il .\ \ittll ma 400.010 1001 Mont.

Serenity I 151 1‘11 .\ Sat. 11.15.1111. 3.15. 5.15. S30. 1110 S1111 1110' 1000.101. 13 i5. 1.15. (1.1.5. ‘1 30

Summer Storm (Sommerstunn) I 1.51 11.111}.

.\ 40. \lxo late 111 t\ Sat: 11 15.

Tell Me Something I 1.x. I-II .k 8.11: 1.00 Sun I\ “ed 11.45.1111. 0.00. .\1o11.'1'iietk 11111: (1011

Wallace 8. Gromit: The Curse ol the Were- Rabbit 111 Sat Ik Sim: 10.00.1111. 11.00am. 13.30. 1.30.350. H11. 4.00. 5..‘~0. (1.10. (1.35. S.1(1.‘l.10. 11.000101 S0111

Wolf Creek I I.\‘1 \\t‘cl\tl.t.\\j .100. 0.40.