Bothy Cth

The previous page rrray have tempted you to try out Scotland’s unique free accommodation for walkers. But, as Katy McAulay argues, there’s no point in sacrificing style while you rough it.

he hext thing almut the great

(lllltlt)t\l\ ix lrou great it ix to

look at it litttttl llltlUl‘l\. \Vllll the \xar'm glov. ol a tl;r_\\ lrartl hiking hehintl _\ou or it eoultl he that lliglrlantl l‘ark _\ou‘re getting \tuek into l'rom _\our plaxtie mug and the \\\eet aroma ol )our \ogg} \oekx toaxtirrg gentl} on the open lire. _\ou ean trul_\ appreeiate the magnilieenee ol Seotlarrtl'x \eener} liom \al‘ely l‘t‘llllltl a rain \palteretl \\llltlt)\\. knouing that )ouWe reaelretl the eo\etetl lra\en ol lrikerx e\er_\\\lrere tlrelroth}.

ll' _\orr‘\e ne\er hrnrketl (ltl\\ll in a litrlll} hel'or'e. there are et‘llaill aeeexxor ie\ that _\on. ax a partieipant in \ueh an upmarket earnping e\perienee. \honltl aetruire. .\lter all. _\on tlon‘t \\;rnt to upxet the loealx \xitlr )trrrr laek ol tleeorum. rlo )rrrr'.’

l‘irxt olli. _\ou’ll neetl the proper attire. l)on't air otrt a ttltt\l_\ oltl Barhour: take :rtlxantage ol- the ne\\ teehnolog} ortt there and inxext in one ol' \orth l'aee\ range ol \\ inter outer \lrellx. 'l he .\'upt\e inxrrlrn iaeket ix ll\ tlltixl popular protluet. prohahl) tlue to its ahilil} to keep _\ou \xarm without making _\ou look like a geek. and the laet that it\ heen up l{\ere\t rrrore time\ than any other prorluet in the \Hllltl can‘t hurt. ll _\ou're a reall} hartleore hoth_\ lraxher'. _\ou rrriglrt want a l’ree 'llrinker jaeket lll\lL‘lltl teehnieal innmationx on thix pieee ol kit inelutle a Rlit't '() :nalanelre lL‘\tl|k‘ relleetor irrtegr‘atetl irrlo the material.

\learmhile. a jumper \ueh ;1\ one ol llo\\ie\ \tripetl tank tops \xonit ha\e the loerrl \heep lra_\ing lot _\orrr' hlootl. ‘l hexe strip} pulloxerx rue Ittatle l'tortr lnu'z tee_\eletl etrtlon reelaimetl lrorn \llltl\. ()l

eour\e. ruxt In ezrxe the .lorrexex lronr


the ne\t glen tleeitle to tlrop in lot a (hop. '\ou'll neetl \onre aeeemotiex \ueh ax a lrantlnratle t\\eetl eluteh. not to mention a le\\ ltll\ :nrtl l‘trlM to make the plaee more in\ iting.

l-'or tlllx. look to outletx \neh ;l\ .lolrrr l.e\\i\. l'at late and orrlirre eralt retailer l’apzr Stout. ’l'lre latter \toek\ antler \enlptnrex that \lltltlltl lentl the plaee a toneh ol eountr’}\itle elrie. expeeially il eomplementetl h) a l’alonrino rrrg lrom \xlrererlitlyrrrlru)thateom and a mum. \nuggl} [lillt'll\‘.tlll\ quilt eourtex} ol l'at l'aee. .\x a lilli\liillg lorrelr. an oltl lil\llltlllL'tl Irrrrorrreter \lltlllltl help remintl _\ott that while _\on ma} he lree/ing eoltl llltlUUl\. it\ a tlanrn \iglrt \xorxe outxirle.

'l'he lrotlr) lile ixn‘t ltl\t alrorrt

lttllllt‘ t'rrtllltrtl\. lttr\‘.t‘\t‘t. \Httill neetl a gootl moixtur ixer to help _\our l‘l‘tl} kltllll‘Jl the elenrerrtx \‘.lrile _\ou g'rtlrer lllt‘\\rnrtl antl traipxe the glen tr_\ing to renrenrlreretl matelre\. .\ toreh is a

lllltl \onreone \xlro nruxt lor \eeing _\our \‘..r_\ atonntl the nature \xlrile _\ou‘re p.r_\ing a eall to it tlnring the night. or. il not. \onre nraxxage tretrnr \\ itlr arniea to \ootlre llltht‘ llltli\t'\ t‘trtlltl l‘t‘ lt‘tltltlt‘tl. Saxing the ultimate lor laxt. the lK’\l L'\k'l iee \klill‘t‘l i\ _\tht real pieee ol IIrtI\l lr;r\e equipment. lt‘x not to elear the litrtlr} \‘.ll|tlll\‘.\

lot a lretter \it'\‘.; \on

might lie glatl ol itx tle it ing power \‘.lren _\trtl tlet‘itle lH ltek

lurek the

nrorrnt.‘rln\rtle. tll‘f'


_\orn ear lronr itx

\Iro\‘.tlt ill lrorne

antl get the hell out ol there.

i) Hide'rr'scck torch, €22.50 Fat Face; 2) Patchwork qurlt. $.80 Fat Face; 3) Men's Fret: thinker Jacket. (330 the North Face; “7%

4) Palorrrirro rug, F349, wlrrrrettrrlyouhuythat. T. :;:._}:f:'f:'"f j _ " . com. 5) Shackleton striped Sllp over, £30 """Ji‘fibf‘rhbb "um." I Howies; 6) Wooden clock and barorrretr-r, C30 John Lewis; 7) Lirerrn massage cream with ar rnca. 200an “.45 available from Boots nationwide, 8) tweed clutch bag, 5:40 Pure Creation; 9) the best over ice urrapor. £15.95 wlrerodidyou t)trytlrat.r.orn

10) Nuptsm jacket to hrowrrin, 5‘ 1:15 the North Face


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.C‘tl ()tt .3 NOV 2’00?) THE LIST 99