

KAREN OLIVER is our answer to Trinny and Susannah minus the sarcasm. Allan Radcliffe meets the image consultant who helps clients navigate the retail jungle.

lothes shopping. l-‘or those who like that sort

of thing. squee/ing through the angry throng

on a Saturday afternoon. l‘r'antieally serabhling for that elusiye bargain is what they like. Yet. lot the sztl‘tot'ittlly' challenged. the [lotion ol‘ browsing for threads the length and breadth ol‘ the high street holds the same irrational fear as the deep end of the swimming pool to a non-swimmer.

Happily. for anyone too terrified. too busy or loo damned la/y to braye the retail jungle. the phenomenon of 'personal shopping' w hereby someone with the knowledge and espertise to smarten up your pathetie wardrobe for a small lee has taken off exponentially in reeent years. Seotland now has its own (much more sympathetie) answer to those small-screen elothing Syengalis. 'l'rinny and Stisannah. A graduate of the London ('ollege of Fashion. Karen ()liyer garnered keen interest for her sassy Sm (lm/ I/Ir' ('ity—style designs. her degree show leading to work esperienee with the legendary Viy'ienne \‘y'estwood as well as Toronto hased designer Irish liwanika. Yet. the lite ol a designer pr'oy‘ed less than satislaetory.

‘liyer sinee I was at \L‘II()()I liy'e heen obsesseil \\ illt putting together outfits for other people. whether that be my l‘r'iends. my brother or my rntrrnf says ()liyer. ':\nd when l was at eollege the most exerting part of a fashion show wasn’t seeing my designs eoming down the eatw‘alk. it was hooking the photographer.

organising the publicity. and my real passion was for

styling.‘ liay'ing grown tired of London. she trekked hack to her natiy'e Kilmarnoek and spent time working for Top Shop as well as enjoying a spell as a

buyer for the Original Shoe Company. before taking the hold deeision to go it alone as a fashion eonsultant and personal shopper.

llaying initially benefited from a Business (iateway grant and a small grant from the l’rinees' 'l'rust. ()liyer's yenture reeeiyed a huge boost when she was featured as one of a number ol’ lemale entrepreneurs in a doeunientary series on the l)iseo\ery Network ealled [iii/it's ll'lrri /.(IIIII('/l. In a few short months. ()liy er who heliey‘es whiileheartedly that ‘you can htry style has built a strong client list. Her eurrent seryiees inelude an initial w ardrohe eonsultalion at £75. a ‘huddy shopper“ adyisory sery iee at L'l7 per hour and personal shopping. for which she ehar'ges Btl‘é on top of" the eost of goods. She estimates her (mostly female) elients are split almost eyenly hetween people who understand fashion but don‘t haye time to shop and ordinary people who need a eonlidenee boost.

"the most dill'ieult part of the job is persuading lteoltle that it’s not a ser'\ iee for the rieh and famous.’ she says. ‘ln some ways. going to an image eonsrrltant is like a trip to the hairdressers. heeause the hairdresser is using their e\per‘ienee and expertise to make you look good. 'lilte only dil‘l‘er'enee is that you don't neeessarily need to hay e your wardrobe ehanged eyery \l\ \\ eelss.‘

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.«o oer :i Nov 2005» THE LIST 103