(lCCiHlL‘ itgt). mne slill enemnnteted the

kind ml stully emnsenatisin mn Inalteis

sexual that led tm lmrtns ml t'llllllsy ‘lihet‘alisnf at dinner parties. Well I telneinhet aeeepting. in that perimd. an imitatimn tm dine with a emuple ml Blaiiite aetix ists \th. in lieu ml anything really prmgressixe lm say. made an entire eyening ml‘diseussiug their liatenral snppmn lmt a ymung leshian \mnran \th \yils mne ml their guests. lnrperyimus tm her leelingst \yhieh elearly ran. as things ptmgtessed. ltmtn indillerenee lm ernlmrrassinent. they \\ent mn lml lrmtns asking her questimns ahmut her ‘mppiessimn‘. then answering these [ltelttsel\es \\illl a \eties ml missimn statements limnt the Stmneuall eta ahmut hmw they had tm light the \\;n against hmnimphmhia that eyerymne else in the immni wmuldKe deelated \ymn lmng helmie.

liventually a \miee iieh with the sediment ml wine was raised (it may liaxe heen nty mun) ltr remark that it' anymne had issues \\llll alternatixe sexualities. it \yasn‘t their guests. ll his earned me a gt‘atelul lmmk and a qtiiek sduee/e ml the \\||\l lrmin the leshian \Hltlltltl emneerned. \\l|ttst‘ tmes tilll\l liilVL‘ llL‘L‘ll eurled ;I\ ll they id heen ill rmllers lmt’ a week hy then. \nmther henelit um um l‘urther dinner im itatimns.

It was true enmugh then. as \‘.ell as tum. that incidents ml hmnimphmhia \\ ere still meeniiingx and that there shmuld he great eanse lml emneern when sueh tnatters armse. hut hy and large \‘.e‘te sm. sm myet‘ it. lhe attenrltl tm raise the slteette ml (‘litltse 28 in emnneetimn \\.itlt (ilasgayl ltaek Ill 2()()() was perhaps the last ineident ml real hmnrmphmhia mn a large seale we‘ll see. and the lad that this \\as laughed sm easily mnt ml the emurts and mill the statute hmmks Intght ll;l\t‘ indieated that men that lilairite emnple Innst hax e heen ()K \yith l'mlks \xith allernatixe se\nalities by then. ‘l‘hese days e\en mhituatists. \‘.lim had lmng heen Versed in phrases like ‘lre \\as a haehelmr. and a wry priyate ntan‘. are inmre mllen than nmt gixen pennissimn In use sneh phrases as ‘he is suryiyed hy his lmngtiine emrnpanimn . . r ' prmyiding the aeknmnledgernent that ei\ il partnerships and limpelully smmn inani;r;.ves will make eyen nrmre tangihle.

Nm \ymndet'. then. that this year's (ilil\}"|_\' eyenls seeln sm assured ml a eminlmitahle plaee in public emnseimusness. 'l'here's nm lmngei a need

l ll t'\k'l

lmi' this eyent tm plead lmr aeeeptanee. littd. And perhaps it ne\er needed lm lll llte lll\l plaee. Kenny Miller. direetmr ml ll/n/l /n/ Hap/mm! In [in/{r ./n/n'.‘. \\|neh \xill snier he the highlight ml this year‘s (il;ts;';ty' think ml the eyent as Inmte eelehiatmly than prmselytising. ‘l‘\e ne\ei really thmngln that (ilasgayl set itsell up tm he a partienlatly hatd.

\t‘k‘lll‘s ltl

gay pmlitieal eyent.~ he remarks. as he sits. trainers mn desk. alter the days rehearsals in a hack mlliee ml the ('iti/ens~ Ihealte.

Miller leels that t'eeent limp enlluial Inanil‘estatimns ml gay eanrp sei\e tm illustrate the change in smeiety is attitudes. IeIIdel ing any smeial emneerns redundant. “('arnp is sm ninelr nrmie aeeepted nm\\. l’emple dmn‘t leel threatened lry eanrp. heeause ml Hie li/mI/n'i and all thmse prmgrannnes \yith hig eainp lignies. \th pemirle ymted littl' in ntltnhels, as \\ell as (mu/mum, Street and snaps like that. \xhieh ha\ e e\netnel_\

As the Citz puts on a drag, chamber musical version of in w nmw, \yhateyer nmiinal is. and [temple inst enimy

that kind mlsllmuhi/ persmnality'

Glasgayk Steve Cramer talks to its director Kenny Miller the tum is mum

with the perl‘mnnanees ml Bette l)a\is and .lman

about adapting a film classic for the stage. m lemt .\ltlneh‘s mm mm. m

14 THE LIST t rt V; H»; gtitc,