Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.

Glasgow EME—

Activities & Events

Family History Centre Tour Mitchell Library. 20] .\’orth Street. 287 2990. (1pm. l-‘ind out about all the sources held in the Mitchell I.ibrar_\ that can help )ou explore _\our l'amil} histor}.

Like it Matters: Panel Discussion ('('.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. 7pm. l-‘ree. ticketed. (iuest speakers t‘r'orn a range ot~ backgrounds \\ ill tlisctiss questions arising ll'ttltl the relations betueen humans and the objects that surround them.


Mountain, Moor and Loch Renlield St Stephen's (‘hurch ('entre. 200 Bath Street. 332 2820. 2.15pm. to. Bob .r\itken. author ol~ the otlicial guide to the West Highland “0}. Which is UllL‘ til Scotland's ltcsl lo\ L‘tl \Vttlks illltl is 2.5 )L‘itt‘s Ultl lltls )L‘ut'. celebrates the routes superb landscapes and htslot'}.

Monday 24

Activities & Events

Winter Night Sky (ilasgou Science ('entre: ScottishPou er Planetarium. 50 Pacilic Qua). 330 I853. 7 ()pm. [45 tor th e sessions. This course locuses on \\ hat can be seen in the dark \\ inter sk}. Pcrl'ect tor \sannabe astronomers.

Wednesday 26


alt Look Who’s Talking: Stephen Fry ’l'heatt'e Royal. 282 Hope Street. 332 9000. lpm. £5.50rt‘4i. See llitlist.

Bait and Kayak the World 'l‘iso (ilasgtm ()utdoor li\pcrience. 50 ('ouper Street. 'l‘ounhead. 55‘) 5450. 7.30pm. £3 0.250). llamish .\lc\laster has been running erL‘l's t'or more than 18 )ears. and \\ ith more than 5000 trips under his belt. he has a lie“ \sater} tales to tell. Yeah. )ou‘w not been k;t);tktltg‘ till _\ou'\e done the l‘nion (‘anal though.


An Evening with Alan Bennett ('|_\de .-\uditorium. l‘innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. £8.50. See picture caption. abo\e.

Nuclear Power: No Solution to Climate Change l’at'tick Burgh Hall. ‘) Burgh llall Street. 287 55l l. 7.30pm. (ilasgou and West Green l’at't} host an e\ening \sith Peter Roche. nuclear consultant to (ireenpeace lils'.

Master of the television monologue and melancholic

delivery, one quarter of the beyond-legendary Beyond the Fringe troupe, writer of the fantastic Talking Heads series and stage play The Madness of George III which he later adapted for film with a slightly changed name. That’s just a snippet of Bennett’s life. Hear all about it as detailed in his autobiographical anthology Untold Stories.

I /l'7 [921?0/“9 Afar Bennett. Citric Auditor/uni, l-‘mri/crmrxi Otiai; Thu 27 Oct

How the Sky Works . . . (ilttsgtm Science (‘entrcz Scottishl’ouet‘ Planetarium. 50 Pacilic Qua}. 420 5000.

7 8.30pm. £4.95. .’\\ll‘0llttlllt‘l‘ Ro}al tor Scotland. Prolessor John Brou it. comes to e\plain this simple question . . . him does the sk‘} \sork'.’ (‘ome on. it‘s simple.

Friday 28


3|: Look Who’s Talking: Roy Hattersley 'l'heatre Rinal. 282 Hope Sll‘L‘L‘l. 3.32 ‘lllllll. lpttl. £5.50 (Ll l. SL‘L‘ llitlist.

Saturday 29

Food & Drink

La Feria Latina Wine Tasting S'l‘t '(‘. 333 \Vtttttllatttls Road. 22l 8800. 2 3011]. L4. Rodd} .\lacl)onald leads a tasting ol' lberian nines and sherr). Patrick Rohde oil] also be on hand to tell all about Sidra. Spanish cider ll‘ttltl Asturias.


Beyond Cancun S'l‘t'('. 333 Woodlands Road. 22| 8800.

12.45 l.45pm. £4. Hear about langttage courses. \olunteer opportunities and places to go oil the beaten track in South America. Part ol [1! l'i'rirt l.alrnu.

tucsdou lst nov 2005 OH food holf price

ossuming there is onu left !)

world vcgon dog at mono

bottle orgonic wine £8.50 (with food) drought becks Ll .QS/pint (with food) noon till midnight (food till 10pm

mono, kings court, king strcct, glosgow, tel. 0141 553 2400

24 THE LIST ($1.? A, Na. .3

La Feria Latina Salsa Workshop S’l'l'('. 333 \Vnttdlantls Rudd. 221 8800. 3.l5 4.30pm. £4. l‘arah Portela l'rom ’l'umbao Salsa School introduces the exciting \sorld ot' ('uban salsa. let's get read} to rumba.


Glasgow Warriors v Leinster llughenden. 32 llughenden Road. 353 34o8. lprn. Rugb} league match \\ith the home side sounding intinitel} harder.

Activities & Events

Beat the Winter Blues! Hilton Hotel. I William Street. 201 9353. 7.10 0.30pm. [Ill The upper echelons ol’ the cooking and litttess \sot‘ld (that‘s Nick Nail‘tt. Rosemar} (mile) and ('arol Smillie to )tiul come together to help raise funds tor the Yorkhill ('hildren's Foundation \\ ith an e\ening ol talks and demonstrations.

Ongoing Glasgow Activities & Events

GFT Film Quiz (ilasgoxs I-‘ihn 'l‘heatre. l2 Ruse Sll‘L‘L‘l. 332 h'llb'. 3.4.5130]. U50. Tue 25 ()ct. 'l‘est _\our knou ledge against a \\ ide—reaching range ol lier quenions in this monthl} qui/. \sith pri/es for first. second and third place.

Film Discussion Group (ilttsgtm l-‘itm 'l'heatr'e. l2 Rose Street. .332 b'l23. 0.30pm. Wed 20 ()ct. .\leet up with lilm \sriter liddie Harrison plus other lilm bull's e\er_\ second \Vednesda} to snap opinions and twrceptions of recent releases ol' both arthouse and big blockbuster lilms.


Crafts for Scotland 8. Hobbycrafts Sli('('. l‘innieston Qua}. 08700404000. 0.30am 5.30pm. £0.20. Thu 20 Sun 23 ()ct. ('ralt is \er} much the neu rock'n'roll. )ou knoxs. and \\ here better to :JL‘I in the knrm than this cr'al't l'est’.’ ldeal Home Show Scotland Sli(‘( '. l-‘innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000.

ltlarn 7pm. U) it‘o.5(lt. l'nril Sun 23 ()ct. Make )our' house tantasies become realit_\ \\ ith e\et"\thing )ou need tor redesigning and imprm ing )our home.

Scottish Graduate Fair Sli(‘(’. l’innieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 2 5pm. l‘ree. Tue 25 Wed 20 Oct. The biggest graduate recruitment merit in Scotland. attracting more than 4000 \ isitors and around ()0 exhibitors each )ear. The e\ent is open to students and graduates trom all uni\ersities.

Scottish Wedding Show Sli(‘(’. l"iririic'sttiri Qua}. 0870 040 4000.

l0am (rpm. [8 £0.50 (group tickets

£28 £34). Sat 2‘) Sun 30 ()ct. Tips and ad\ ice tor the blushing bride including catwalk slums featuring the latest bridal :10“ US.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Manslield Park. ol'l' Dumbar'ton Road. 34l 0844. ltlam 2pm. Sat 22 ()ct. Who needs supermarket tosh \\ hen )ou'xe got happy produce from happ} places‘.‘ Taste the dit't'erence.


* Glasgow Gymnastics Grand Prix Kele llall International Sports Arena. 1445 Arg} le Street. 337 I800. liree. Tue 25 Wed 20 ()ct. See llitlist.


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Borders Books. 98 Buchanan Street. 222 7700. (rpm. £5. li\et"\ Mon. Alistair Patterson hosts a writing group open to anyone interested i de\ eloping their creati\e llair. .\'e\s members alna} s \s‘elcorne. Ask in store for details.

Girls Knit Out! North Star (are. l08 Queen Margaret l)ri\e. 0704! 2 l‘)o87. 7pm. [2. Wed 2 .\'o\. (iet together \sith the girls for a spot ol‘ knit one. purl one. tea and cakes.

Stitch and Bitch (ilasgrm Women's library. l0‘) 'l‘rongate. 552 8345. (r30prn. Tue 1 ()ct. l'rmind \sool and an} pent tip gossip e\er_\ second 'l'uesday at this close knit knitting group. ('all to say _\ou'rc going along as places are limited.

Edinburgh EME-

Activities & Events

(flactual; Looking at Documentary Seminar l‘ilmhouse. 88 l.othian Road. 228 2088. lpm. :\ccompatt_\ittg the eshibition lllllt'llltl/.' looking at Durinnemmjr. this seminar hosts a number of esteemed lecturers. filmmakers and photographers discussing hou image- rnakers mercome the problems behind capturing the ‘r'eal world through a lens.

Food & Drink

Adelphi Malt Whisky Tasting \‘alxona «k ('r'olla. l‘) lilm Ron. 550 (i000.

7.30 9.30pm. £20. (‘hat‘lie Maclcan. author Ul' Iii/Iv .lltsr‘r’l/(utv Hf ll'ltrs/n‘. hosts a tasting ot‘ \\ hiskies bottled b) Adelphi. \\ hieh are not coloured or liltered and are bottled at natural strength. lirrio) a post- tasting ser\ ing ol' haggis. neeps and tatties with a drain or \sltisk}. 'l‘hen (‘harlie \\ill be on hand to sign copies of his book.


ill The Parthenon Divided lidinburgh ('ollege ot'.-\rt. 74 l.auriston Place. 22l (1000. 7pm. l-‘ree. See llitlist.


Tibetan Peace Journey Appleton lo“ er t'l‘heatre ll. l'ni\er'sit_\ ot' lidinburgh. ('richton Street. (>50 8445.

7 0pm. l‘ree. l.'2 suggested donation. .-\uthor til (it Il‘rllll I/lt' Hie/rm! .l/Ulllllrllll. 'l'ess Burro“ s. gi\es a talk and slide presentation illustrating the magic of this beautil'ul and m} sterious countr}.

Workshops Folk Art Workshop Royal Museum