Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 20


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(’ Building. chlrcu Strcct. (ltS‘tl‘ S‘tl‘ll‘. Spin. L". Roh Hccn} joinx :\ll\\tL' .\lart_\ \Yilxon. l’icrrc littlllttx and Sniug Rolk‘t‘ix.

The Big Bluu Comedy Gong Show Bluu. 5t) 'l'rongatc. \lcr'chant ('it_\. 54S l35(l. S3llpnt. l’rcc. .'\lan .-\ndct'~on L‘Ultltk‘t‘c‘S thix tit'xt<paxt-thc—gong c\tra\agan/a in which pcrl'orntcrx racc againxt titnc to hcat thc drcadcd signal and a Hill) cash pri/c ix gi\cn to thc pcoplc'x t'a\ouritc pcrt'ornicr.

The Thursday Show 'l'lic Stand. 333 \\tititll;tnil\ Road, (LS—(l (till) ()(l55_ 850an iL'3 £5t. laid-hack ll'tSllltlttli ()\\cn ()‘Ncill lakcx to thc lintclight. “llli contcd} support t't'oni cotttcd} loal'cr .lon it’ll-CHM l)L‘\ \lL‘lt‘tttl. lX‘t'Ck l.l:_'lHl(itil and Ito J R;i}tttiHid \icarnx.


Big Word Performance Poetry 't‘hc iron. 9 Huntcr Squarc. High Strcct. 33o (“)3 l. 0pm. £3 tL'3i. Higlt cncrg} poc‘lt‘) acrohatio il'ttltl Milton Balgoni. .lcnnil'cr \Ylllldlth. Rohin (‘airnx and .\iichacl .\lc(iill. Hoxlcd h) .lcin Rolls aitd .lcttn} l.llltl\;t}.

The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'I’lic 'I‘hrcc 'l'unx Win-c Vaultx. 7 l l Hanmct' Strcct. 0790‘) 5533-15. 9pm. lircc. chular lrcc conicd) night featuring a changing linc-up of local acts.

The Thursday Show ‘I‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7373. 9pm. £0 1L3 £5). l’cdantic l'unn} tnan \Yill Stnith _i()lll\ contcd} l'orccx “Hit .\'cil l)ougan. ('hrix llc‘ltt‘}. Rt)\\ Hutlltc‘ ttttd tttc‘lSlH‘ ltnxl litttttktc‘ Hit} lc‘.

The Snatch Social ‘l‘hc liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 335 356-1. l lptn 3am. £5. (’oinic duo Harr} :\itt\\\ot'llt and 'l‘on} ('artcr ini\ it tip at thix chcck) caharct«uni-disco.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jttltglc‘llt\. l'(i(' Building. cht'rcn Stt'cct. ()S‘t)‘ S7()7t)‘. Spin. U3. Scc Thu 30.

The Stand 'l’hc Stand. 333 \Yoodlandx Road,08700006055.S3lipttl.£31K“. Scc Thu 30 hut \\ ith Susan .\lot'ri\ott Llotltg [ltL‘ llt‘\l lltttlg.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lottglctll'S. ()tnni (critic. (irccnxidc l’lacc. ()S‘ll‘ S7t)‘()‘. S.l5ptn. U3. l)a\c \Yilliantx \tandx up in thc conipan} ot' .lack ('ou lc} tthc ntan oncc knou n ax .lack RUSSL‘lll and l'orntcr tnagician (arc) Mar\.

The Stand 'l‘hc Stattd. 5 York l’lacc. 558 ‘3‘3. 0pm. L'S tt‘l. (‘oincd_\ gcck \Yill Stittth tcatttx up hill} \cil [)ougan. (‘ht'ix chr). L‘\-ltttlt'lt;tll\i John \Yarhurton and no nonxcnxc hoxt .lanc Macka}.

The Bedlam lmproverts Bcdlani 'l‘ltc'dlt‘c‘. l H1 HUSH) l’lttL‘L'. 33.5 U393. ltl.3t)pnt. L350 t£3.5t) L' standing late night lauglttcr inxtitution. in\o|\ ittg tttuch audicncc participation. drunkcn rcwlr} and \pontancoux cotncd} gantcx.


Ha Ha Comedy Blacklriar\. 3h Bcll Strcct. 553 5034. Spin. to M5). l-tank l'unn} lad) .lanc} (iodlc} rcgalc\ \\llll ntorc talcx ol hcr anta/ing lil'c. “till \upport t'rotn Still} ()‘Sulluan. Scott Agncti attd cotnpcrc Alan :\ttdct\ott. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(' Building. chtrcn Strcct. US‘H‘ S7tl‘tl‘. Spin. U3. Scc Thu 31).

Cosy Comedy Café 't‘hc Statc Bar. l-lS Holland Strcct. 333 3|5‘). ‘Jpni. £5 1L4). \chkl) conicd} cluh nith \ctx lt'ottt \ontc of thc hcxt local talcnt. cotnpcrcd h} Bill} Bonkcrx 'l‘onight thc ltnpro-Bahhlc (pitted) l’la} crx aitd \pccial guc\t\ takc thc ttllL‘.()pL‘ltSPUISttl\\;t}\;t\;ttlltl1lL‘. The Stand ilillc‘ Sittlttl. 5.5.5 \YomlldtltlS Road, HS‘H (till) (1055, 9pm. (ll) HES l. Scc Hi 31. although .lattc Macka} lille‘x in ct' ax contpcrc.

Edinburgh Jongleurs Comedy Club .lottglcttt'x. ()lttltl (t'tllt’c‘. (il‘L‘L‘IISldL‘ l’luL‘L'. llb‘ll‘ S"tl‘()‘. 8.15pm. L‘l3. Scc l’ri 3l.

The Stand 'l‘ltc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 ‘3‘3. 0pm. till tL'Sl. Scc l‘ri 3|. hut “tilt hmt Susan .\lt\l'l'l\ttli.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l‘llL‘ Stand. 5.3.3 \Yoodlattdx Road. 03‘“ (itltl (itl55, S.3()pm, L11 til £3i. thl l)ougan. local lmntcr-nicixtcr l)c\ .\lcl.can and Rtt\\ Baillic _|oiit ll'ISlt tnirthtnakcr \llL‘llttL‘l Rc‘tlllttttttl.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? lltc‘ Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 ‘3‘3. lpin. lircc. Bcat thc Sunda} ntot‘tung hlucx \\llll a doxc ol' latlghtcr pro\ tdcd h} nnprm \ctcram l’aul (irahani and Stuart .\lurph}.

Courtesy of


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The Sunday Night Laugh-In 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 ‘3‘3. S.3t)pnt. £4 it'l £31. ()lllldlttllxli litt\l Brucc l)c\|in “Clc‘tttttL‘S ntorc cotncd} acc\ to tltc \tagc. including .lon ’l‘orrcns. (‘ht'ix chr}. .-\u\\ic \xag thcr ’l'oh} and ntorc Rcd Ran»

Monday 24


Kevin Bloody Wilson l’a\ ilion 'l‘hcatrc. l3l chticld Strcct. 333 lS-lo ‘.3llpin. £l5. Australia'x outhack outlan and king oi l‘dt'Slttttl Plillttxttpll} cntcrtainx \\ ith hix t‘;ittcott\. hand} attd lc\\d \ong\.

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l‘hc Stand. 33.3 \Yoodlandx Road. 03‘” (will! 0055. 5130an £4. 'l‘hc popular contcd} intprox tttght continucx itx rcxidcnc}. \\ tth ntorc \kctchcx. nnixic and gagx t'rotn Sand} \clwtt. .'\llcn ('halnicrx. l’aul l’iric and l)c‘\ \lc‘lt‘dlt.


Red Raw 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 ‘3‘3. S3llpnt. U. [)a\ id Ka} uclcontm ntorc llt‘\\L‘UlltCl\ to thc \tagc.

Tuesday 25


Puppetry of the Penis .longlcttt‘S. l‘(i(' Buildittg. chlrcu Strcct. llS‘ll‘ .S‘ll‘ll‘. Spin. L'l3. .»\u\tt'alia\ gctulaha origanti c\pcrt\ go don n undcr to c\po\c thctr ltlg‘lll} popular \killx. Red Raw llillL‘ Stand. 5.55 \YtttitllttlltlS Road. os‘o (illll (toss. S3llptn. £2 «it t. l)a\td Ka} \litt\\\ ntorc coincd} hcgtnncrx thc \tand tip ropcx.


Youngstars 't'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 55S ‘3‘3. S3tlptn. £4 (£5). Youtigxtct' Kciin Bt'tdgcx lto\t\ thix tnonthl} night \homng ot'l' thc ntorc )outht'ttl \idc ol \tand—up. including gucxtx .\lat & l‘aron and thc

Rc\ c‘l‘t‘lttl ()thtlldll Stcppcnuollc lll.


The .S‘t'ulsnum


£19.50/E18.50 (concession). For details visit To win a pair of tickets to your nearest venue visit

Brought to you by StandOut Comedy and by kind permission of Richard Stone Partnership.