
Digicult New Testament ( IS) iJohnny Harrington. Vicky Bcattic. Joscph Briffa. Zack (’opping. (‘hris Waitt. UK. 2005)

()l min. l‘iy‘c ncw short films by Scottish dircctors. But bc warncd thcsc dramatic and funny films arc of a y‘iyid and frightcning naturc and arc not for thc faint- hcartcd. (ilusgow‘ I'ilm 'I‘hcum’. (ilrisgon'. * Document 3: International Human rights Documentary Film Festival 'l’hc y'cry bcst human rights documcntarics and short films. Scc www.cloclilii) and or call 01-11 2-18 ()l()8. ('('A. (il-“I‘uml (iilmorchill (il2. (iluygow‘.

Domino l )5) 0 (Tony Scott. l‘rancc/l'S. 2005) Kcira Knightlcy. Mickcy Rourkc. lidgar Ramircz. l.ucy l.iu. l20min. 'l‘hrillcr bascd on thc lifc and lilttcs of a rcal inoch turiicd bounty huntcr. Absoltitc rubbish. (ivncml I'clcrm'.

Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story tl') .. (John (iatins. (S. 2005) Kurt Russcll. Dakota l-‘anning. Kris Kristoffcrsoi). lilisabcth Shuc. 102mm. Drcarily nicc film about a traincr (Russcll) and his daughtcr tl‘anniiig) who nursc an injurcd horsc back to licalth. hoping to onc day racc hcr in thc Brccdcrs' ('up. .\'ausca-induciiig. (icm'rul I‘t’lt’th’.

Duel in the Sun tl’(i) 000 tKing Vidor. l'S. l‘)-1()) Jcnnifcr Joncs. Joscph ('ottcn. (ircgory l’cck. l.ioncl Barry'niorc. l35iiiin. A riotous whirlwind of ltist. bcauty and stunning sccncry. This film tclls thc story of two brothcrs lighting for thc loy c of an oy'cr-scxcd bcauty. which culminatcs in a shoot otit bctwccn thc girl and onc of tlic brothcrs. I’ilmhouxc'. lirlinlmrgh.

L’Entant Sauvage it') 0000

tl-"rancois 'l'ruffaut. l-‘rcnch. l‘)70) Jcan-l’icrrc (‘argo|. lirancois 'l‘ruffaut. l"i'ai)coisc Scigncr. 83min. It's 1798 and a group of mcn

discoy cr a child who is in physical and iiicntal distrcss. and who can't walk. talk. rcad or w ritc. 'l'ruffaut's austcrc iiiy cstigatioii into a truc story was a hugc iiilluciicc oi) l)ayid Lynch's 'Ihc lz'lt'phunl .llun. llighly' rccommcmlcd. Iz'rlinlnogh I'ihn (illlltl, lirliiilno‘gh.

5,000 Fingers of Dr T it') 000

(Roy Rowland. l'S. 1953) Tommy Rcttig. llans (‘onricd. l’ctcr l.ii)d llaycs. 88min. A ninc-y‘car-old boy iiiiagincs his piano tcachcr as an authoritarian madman. ()n onc lcy‘cl. tlic musical numbcrs and fantasy structurc makc it an acccptablc kids' moyic: on anothcr. it's a fascinating blciid of surrcal drcam iiiiagcry that would hayc had l‘rcud tinkling at thc iyorics. (il‘ust'r’llnl: (ilusgon. The 40 Year Old Virgin ( IS) 000 tJudd Apatow. IS. 2005) Stcy‘c (‘arcl|. (‘athcrinc chncr. Paul Rudd. Romany Malco. 1 16min. Story'wisc. thc cnllrc pitch of this is in llic titlc. Andy Slit/cr (Sic-w ('arcll) has liy'cd two scorc ycars without scx. though as an carly' montagc show s. not through lack of trying. \thn hc inady'crtcntly giycs thc gamc away to his work collcagucs. thcy' cmbark on a mission to gct him laid. A funny mainstrcan) comcdy (for oncc). (illoirorlll Ron/rmi‘ Sll't'l'l. Glasgow; Glasgow; Show-cow ('im'nm. l’uislt"). l’uiyli'y'.

The 400 Blows (Les quatre cents coups) tl’( i) ..... (Francois 'l'ruffaiit. l’rancc. 1959) Jcan l’icrrc l.c‘aud. Albcrt Rciny. ('lairc Mauricr. l0liiiii). Still tuna/ii)eg frcsh aftcr all thcsc ycars. 'l‘rtiflaut's dcbut about a H-ycarold Parisian boy ’s ody sscy through his dcprcssiiig family Iifc is iiitciiscly turning and startineg pcrccptiy c about childhood 'l'iiiic has

rcy calcd this to bc a iiiastcrpiccc. Part of thc Introduction to liuropcai) (‘inciiia coui'sc. I'ilmhoim'. lirlinlmrgh.

Fantastic Four (PG) .0 (tin) Story. l'S/(icriiiaity. 2005) loan (iruffud. Jcssica Alba. ('hris liyaiis. Michacl ('hiklis. Julian McMahon. lt)()iiiin. Brash. cniply. tircsoiiic and alarmingly dull \crsioii of a classic comic book scrics. \lu' l'alnilnirgh (Aron. I‘ldlll/Nll'flll.

Festival 1 l8) .... tAnnic (irifl'in. l'K. 2005) Danicla Nardiiii. Stcphci) Mangaii. Amclia Billinorc. Billy (’artcr. |.yndscy Marshal. l07mii). lidinburgh in August is hcll for soiiic but niryaiia for olhcrs. Aiiiiic (iril'l'in‘s darkly funny. filthy cnsciiiblc drama about lltc l-'ringc l-cstiy'al may just bc thc

46 THE LIST ?0 Oct-15 Nov 9005;

yaccinc you nccd against tlic August iiiadncss. (‘int'ii'orlrl Rr'nlrmr Slrccl. (ilusgow; (ilusgoir; ('incw'orhl Iz'lliiilmrgli, lit/inlnujgh.

Forbidden Planet ll’( i) 0000 tl’rcd M Wilcox. l'S. l‘)5()) Waltcr l’idgcoii. Annc l-‘rancis. l.cslic Niclscii. Warrci) Stcy'cns. 98min. A classic sci-ll \crsion of HM ll'm/u's! in dccp spacc. .\'iclscn arriy'cs on thc rcmotc plaiict and cncounlcrs thc l’rospcro ligurc of l’idgcon. his daughtcr and thcir robot tAricl). Soon all arc plungcd into thc strugglc against ('aliban. (ict thc picturc'.’ lixccllcnt spccial cffccts and acting makc it worth sccing. l'ilnihoust'. lidinlno'gli.

Four Brothers 1 IS) 00 tJohn Singlclon. IS. 2005) .Mark Wahlbcrg. 'I'y'rcsc (ilbsoll. Andrc Bcnjamin. (iarrctt llcdlund. 103mm. Rcyampcd y'crsion llcnry

Hathaway 's 1065 \Vcstcrn 'l'hc Son.) of Kulic lz'hlcr into an urban sctting. lcading to barcly crcdiblc shoot-cm—ups that bclong in a \‘idco gamc. thn a kind and gcntlc fostcr iiitiii) is gunncd down in a liquor storc. hcr grown-tip chargcs. Bobby (\Vahlbcrg). Aiigcl ((iibson). Andrc (Bcnjaiiiin) and Jack tllcdlund) go outsidc of thc law toch thc killcrs. l)ull urban w cstcrn. (ir'ncm/ rclcusc.

Frenzy 1 )8) 0000 tAlt'rc-d Hitchcock. I'K. l‘)72) Joi) l‘inch. Alcc Mc(‘owcn. Barry l"ostcr. Billic \Vhitclaw. I Itiiiiin. Hitchcock‘s W72 classic takc on Jack thc Rippci'. on thc big scrccn wlicrc it bclottgs. Part of llitchcock and thc 20th ('cnttiry ('iiicma scason. Film/must: lizlinlnrrgh.

Frozen (15) 0 tJulicl McKocn. l'K/Dcniiiark. 200-1) Shirlcy llcndcrson. Rosliai) Scth. 90min. Annic tllcndcrson) is a ncurotic lish factory workcr from l-‘lcctwood ii) Lancashirc. ()bscsscd will) tlic disappcarancc of licr sislcr a fcw y'cars ago. shc bccomcs obscsscd w ill) thc idca that shc has found a portal to an altcrnatiy'c rcality

w hcrc hcr sistcr may still bc aliy c. 'l‘crriblc tiictapliy sical llirillcr. ('incii'orhl Rr'n/n'w Slrccl. (ilusgow‘. (ilrt.\gnii‘.' ('incworlrl Iii/inlno'gh. lirlinlmrgh.

The Fugitive (15).. (Andrcw l)a\is. IS. 1993) Harrison l-‘ord. 'l‘oiiiiiiy Joncs. Jcrocn ls'rabbc. Htliiiii). Wroneg accuscd of murdcring his wifc. Dr Richard Kiiiiblc ll‘ord) gocs oi) thc run. trying to track down thc onc-arnicd man who is thc rcal killcr whilc bcing huntcd by a [S l)cputy Marshal himsclf. (ircat acting. but what could hay c bccn a top notch thrillcr lacks cdgc-of-thc-scat appcal as dircctor l)a\'is fails to light thc fusc oi) a dynamitc plot. ()llcon A! lllt' Qua); (ilusgow; (ililt’guw;

G-Screen t 15) (Various. l'K. 2005) ()0iiiin. A raiigc of dircctors contribulc to this ncw film showcasc bringing a ncw brcadth of films iiol normally scci) on thc film fcsiiyal circuit. (ilusgow' l'ilm 'Ilir'uln'. (ilusgow.


Gamer: t 15) (Rolihic l-‘rascr. t'ls'. 2005) Johnny Atistiii. Ross l-‘inbow, Jainic lloncybotirnc. liilccn Mc('allum. 90min. A wacky romantic comcdy sct in (ilasgow l'niy'crsity's rolc-playiiig community. A low trianglc cincrgcs bctwccii a drug dcalcr who's incntally scarcd aftcr watching Lord of Ilir’ Ring.) on acid. a (ioth who thinks slic's an clf and an awkward gcck. ('incworhl Edinburgh. lz‘ilinlnugh.

Goal! (12A) .. (Danny ('anon. IS. 2004) Ktlno Bcckcr. Alcssandro Niy'ola. March lurcs. Anna l‘ricl. l lxmii). This first film in a proposcd footballing trilogy scry cs up a highly saiiiti/cd yicw of top-lcy'cl sport. It's a cony'ciitional rags-to-richcs account about a good-looking and cyccptionally talcntcd young playcr Santiago .\'unc/ thckcr). who lt‘tly'cls from LA to attcnd a trial at .\'cwcastlc l'nitcd. But has hc got thc stamina. dcsirc and capacity for tcamwork to prospcr at thc highcst lcy'cl'.’ 'I‘ircd. pcdcstrian and uiiinspircd sports inclodraiiia. and gucss w hat'.’ 'I'hcrc's morc to conic. (ii'm'ru/ I't’lt’th’.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (IS) ... (Maiiioru ()shii. Japan. 200-1) 99min. Scc rcyicw. pagc 3‘). (iron-win): (ilusguw. ('ilti'u'ol'lrl. Rl'li/i‘l'w SHIT]. (ilrtxgoii'. ('unico. lirllltlml'glt.

Godzilla vs Cosmic Monster l 15) ... (Jun l'ittktida. l'S. W74) Masaaki Daimon. Ka/uya Aoyaiiia. Akiliiko llirata. Hiroshi Koi/uiiii. 35min. ('Iassic Sci l'i faiilasy action. Alicns want to takc os cr planct cartl) but fcaring that (iod/illa w ill intcrfcrc thcy makc a iiicchanic robot of him to kccp him at bay. St Brit/c '.) ('t'nm'. lz'rlinlnugh.

Le Grand Voyage mm 0000 tlsnia'cl l’crroukhi. l"rancc/.\lorocco . 2004) .‘s'icolas ('a/alc. Mohamcd Maid. Jacky Ncrccssian. hina ()gnianoya. 108mm. Bcautiful and

“NH ing road moyic about a fathcr and sons pilgriiiiagc froii) thc South of l‘rancc to Mccca. 'l’hc problciii is that Rcda ((‘a/alc. csccllcnt) is a ltUll-lk‘llL‘VL‘l' and his old fathcr w ants to giy‘c him onc last chancc to discos cr his Miislim roots. Haunting and ycry mcniorablc. this is a dcliglitftil moy ic. (.llll’tt‘Ul'lrl Rt'Ii/n'w .S'Il‘l't‘l. (iluygow. (illlygoii‘.

Guy X115)... tSaul Mct/slcii). ('anada/lccland/l'K/(icriiiany . 2005) Jason Biggs. Natascha Mclilhonc. Jcrcmy Northaii). Michacl lronsidc. l0lmii). (‘orporal Rudy Spruancc has bccn accidcntally' droppcd at a military basc in thc Arctic. rathcr than llawaii. btit mad (‘oloncl \Voolw rap t.\'orthaiii) wants to kccp him thcrc. linjoyablc. unprcdictablc and mystcrious anti war iiioy ic from thc (ilaswcgiai) filmmakcr bchind Lulc .Vigltl Shopping which docs how cycr fch slightly compromiscd. St’lt’t'lt'tl I'l’ll‘tIM’.

Also released this fortnight is this four-cornered hankie against-all-the-odds weepy about a father and daughter

who nurse an injured horse back to health and possible victory at the Breeder’s Cup. The film was allegedly inspired by a true story. Kurt Russell and the prolific child star Dakota Fanning star.

I General release (from Fri 21 Oct).

Hans Christian Andersen Shorts (l') (Various. l‘rancc. l'K. l)cniiiark) 80min. A sclcctioii of bcautifully told and poignant picccs from thc classic childrcn‘s film scction. Snow ()uccns. puppcts and littlc pcoplc arc aiiioiig thosc iiicoi'poratcd into tltcsc films. l‘lllllllrlllyt'. lirlinlmrgh.

Help! I’m a Fish it‘) 000 tMichacl llcgncr. Stcfan l’jcldniark. Dcnmark/ (icriiiany /lrclai)d. 2001 ) \‘oiccs of Alai) Rickiiiaii. 'l'crry Joncs. 'l‘cryl Rothcry. 73min. 'I‘his chccrful offcring inyolycs thrcc kids: [)L'Sky lily. ltls s\\ cct lllllc slslcl' Stclla tllttl thcir :Jcck} cousin (‘huck Aflcr siicaking out of thc housc thcy conic across a sccrct tuniicl by thc sca. in which 1)) cs a profcssor tyoiccd by Joiics) who‘s crcatcd a formula to turn humans into lish. Lo and bchold our iunior licrocs arc soon sw iiiiiiiiiig with thc lishcs. trying to find an aiitidotc and doing balllc with an cy il pilot-fish t) illainous Rickman). Youngcr childrcii should cnioy it. but it you’rc looking for humour or any rcal momcnls of high drama. you'll bc disappoiittcd. (iluygoii I'i/in I'lil’olrc. (ilrtygoii;

Herbie: Fully Loaded it‘) 00

tAngcla Robinson. ISA. 2005) Lindsay l.ohan. Michacl Kcatoit. Matt Dillon. 100mm. 'l‘his ycry litcral Lindsay l.ohan \chiclc sccs dad Micliacl Karim) giy c his daughtcr a car oi) graduation. ln thc traditions of thc franchisc. thc Bccllc has a mind of its ow i). and l.ohan is soon lcarning lcssons in Iifc and ciitcring thc l)ayiona 500, St'lt't‘lt’t/ I‘r'll'rlyt’.

High Society it') 0000 i('h;n-lcs Waltcrs. l’S. l‘)5()) Bing (‘rosby. (iracc Kclly. Frank Sinatra. (‘clcslc llolii). l07iiiin. ('lassic musical cntcrtaiiiiiicnt from thc M(iM studios. in which a rich bitch plays hard to gct with a string of suitors. 'I‘lic plot of I’hi/mlc/pliio Slori- gocs otil thc window. bill will) stars likc tlicsc. sly lc is cy crything. Scots/nun .Sr‘l'u'ning Room. lirlinlnu‘gli.

* A History of Violence l Its’) .0000 (Day id ('roncnbcrg. [S 2005) \‘iggo Mortcnsci). Maria Bcllo. William Hurt. lid llarris. 05min. ’l‘his adaptation off of John Wagncr and \‘iiicc l.ockc‘s graphic iioy cl of thc samc iiaiiic is (‘roiicnlwrg's iiiastcrwork. which is rciiiai'kablc bccausc thc lilii) sticks to Holly wood rulcs but works thcii) w ill) a typically (‘ronciibcrg agcnda. as hc subiiicrgcs lltL'lll in world of idcntity crisis and moral ambiguity. 'l‘oii) Stall l.\lt)l'lc\cn) ow iis a cafc aiid has an idyllic Iifc with his lawycr w ifc tllcllo) and thcir two childrcn iii thc small town of Milllirook. 'l'hat lifc changcs thc day 'l‘on) kills two criminals who arc caiisiiig trotiblc in his rcstaurant. llis y'iolciicc ls dccltlcd illsllllablc by sticlcty and. against his w ill. 'l'oiii bccoiiics a local cclcbrity. l-aiiic. how c\ cr. coiiics at a pricc

w hcn a my stcrious gangstcr appcars ‘llai‘risi coiiy inccd that hc knows a sccrct about Tour With trciiicndous skill. ('roiicnbcrg iiiaiiagcs to tisc llolly wood clichc to posc qucstioiis about thc world w c liy c in and thci) asks how this typc of hcro-worship affccts thc psy chc of [how sttltjcclctl to it. :\ tltaslct'ptccc til .snt‘ls. (it'm’rill I'l'lt’rlu'.

Howl’s Moving Castle :l’( i) 000 tllayao Miya/aki. Japan. 2005) \oiccs of (‘hi'istian Balc. laurcn Bacall. Billy (‘ry stal. ll‘hiiii). Miya/aki. thc dii‘cctor ol Spiritcd Away rcturns will) a \ci'sioii ol Diana \\'yi))ic Jtiltcs'cltlldt'cli'sbooklloiil'y.lliiiiilg(}1\llt'. 'l‘hc rcsult is a straiigc hybrid that starts out as a chcci‘y kids adyciiturc thcii chaiigcs dircctioi) halfway through to cm )sagc llic hcll of a dy stopiaii luttircwoild ruch by war l)cspitc Miya/aki's uiidoiibtcd gills to) story. cliaractcr and cutc aniiiiatioii. lltc diycisc cultural agciidas )ar badly. l'.ast iiiccts \Vcsl \t) awkwardly ltcl‘c. .M'lr’t‘lnl I'i'lt'lru‘

I Know Where I’m Going! it') ..... (Michacl l’ow cll ck laiiiciic l’rcssburgci. l’ls. l‘)'15)\\'ci)dy llillci. ls’ogcr l.i\cscy. l‘iiilay ('urric. l’aiiicla lliowii. Nancy l’ricc. ‘lliiiiti. licautilully shot ii) black and whitc. this is an intriguing coiiicdy i'oiiiaiicc will) dark undcitoncs. )i) which thc young. contidcnt Ms llillci scts out to many licr rich. cldcrly liaiicc ii) tlic llcbi‘idcs. btil falls iiislcad lor l.)\cscy ’s scsy young iiayal ofliccr. 'l‘lic \ isual symbols. .ill draw ii lioiii thc islaiids' natural landscapc. undciliiic tlic sltil'y Is tlccpct’ t'cstilltlttccs. l’all Ul lltc l’tiw cll rctrospcctiy c. I’llmhouic. lit/inlno‘g/i.