I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical (‘iii/cnx 'l‘hcairc. I l‘) (iin‘llalx Sum. 43‘) 0032. 7.30pm, L3 U4 le. Soc 'l‘hu 20.

Edinburgh I Blaze Iago. l4 l’icai‘d) l’lacc. 478 7434. llpni 3am. L5. Sec Fri 2l.

Saturday 29


I At Swim TWO Boys 'l‘i'anma}. 25 Alhcrl [Minn 0845 330 350i 8pm. L") ([5). SL‘L‘ Hi 28.

I Bodyshots ()' (iallcr). 87 8‘) Sallinarkcl. 552 7578. Mon Sal

I lain 5pm. l‘rcc. Sec Thu 20,

I Glasgay! 2005 \"ai'ionx \cnucx. 552 7575. 'l’nncx \ai‘), Sec lhu 20.

I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical (‘in/cnx 'l‘hcalrc. l I‘) (iui'hals Sli'ccl. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. L5 U4 (LO) Sec Thu 20


I Highland Fling :\\\L'llll)l} Rmnllx. (icoi‘gc Sn'ccl. 228 ll55 8pm lain. U050 (U350). lullnan (in) and Loxhian Sxxilchhoai'il'x annual L‘ll‘dl‘ll} L‘L‘llltlll I'L‘cls lnlu hm n. 'l'l'atllllull Ix uncrcd h) lhc Ian l.o\\lhi;ii1('cilidh Band. \xhilc DJ Michcllc play \mnc ul lll()\L' llL‘“ l'anglcd I'L‘L‘in'tlx Ill lllL‘ ballroom. lixpcci lllL‘ll in \kll'h,

I Mingin’ 'lllL‘ V'L'IIUL‘. l7 2| (lullull Road. 557 3073. llpm 3am L5 hclui'c inidnighl; Lo al'lci. :\ dark. so). (In!) housc club. Alan J0} and Brian l)c1npxlci‘ arc lhc |)J\ hchiml lhix \inall. inlnnalc. l'I'icndl} and pi'ciluininanll} ga) club on the [up l'limr ol lhc V'cnuc .Vluxic i'angm llUlll li'ancc lo dccp hunw u ilh a lunch (ll lcchnn and haul hulGC \oinclnncx llnmm in lUI' good lllL‘;l\lll'L‘. I Sin City ltgn. l4 l’lL‘al'tl) l’luL'L‘. 478 7434. 10.30pm Kain, L7 hcl’oic H.30me l0 al'lcr. NC“ ga} ll'lL‘lltll) lllUllllll} ol' punipnr hoin and lL‘L‘lllli) \\llll a gun! \pnl from 010 king ol' dnhhcd out lcchno groin m and hcyind. Jiixlin Rulk‘l'lxnn.


I Cowboys & Angels (ilaxgim l-‘ilm 'l'hcall'c. l2 Row Sll‘L‘L‘l. 332 8|2X. ('rmul-plcaxing coining ul' ago lalc lll \\lllL‘ll a Inncl} 20 )L-ai' old llll\lll lllU\L‘\ In Linwrick and lalwx on a ya} llallnalc \xilh a Hair lUl' laxlnon. l’url u/ (i/mgm .’

I Glasgay! 2005 Valium VcnuL-x. 552 7575. 'l'nnm \ar). Scc Thu 20.

I Karaoke at Delmonica’s l)c|inonica\. ()8 Virginia Slrccl. 552 4803. ‘)pm. l-i‘cc. Sec Sun 23.

I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical (’ili/cnx 'l‘llL‘illl‘L‘. l l‘) (inl‘hulx Sll'ccl. 42‘) 0022. 7.30pm. £3 U4 (Lm. Sec Thu 20.


I BootyLUSHous Malina. 45 47 lplhian Slit-cl. 225 (fill |0pin 5am. L2 hcluic midnight. L3 al'lt'i'. Scc Sun 23.

I Taste 'l’hc lnpnd RUUIII. ‘)c VlL‘lUI'lu Sli'ccl. 225 2504. llpln .500]. L5 hclorc l l30pin: L8 al‘lci' (Lo incnihcrx). Soc Sun 23.


I Bodyshots Q! (iilllcl'). 87 8‘) Salllnai‘kcl. 552 7578. Mon Sal

I lain 5pin. l'i‘cc. Scc ‘l'hu 20.

I Colin McAllistair & Justin Ryan - How Not to Decorate BUI'tlL'h Books. ‘)8 Buchanan Slrccl. 222 7700. ()pm. llllL‘l'llH' (lcxlgll llpx and no nos ll‘UIII lcll) '\ launn‘ilc laxlclul [\umnnc. In usum'iuliun nil/I (i/mguW

I Glasgay! 2005 Varioux Vcnucx. 552 7575. 'l'nncs \ai‘). Scc 'l‘hu 20.

I Passionality ('uhc. 34 ()uccn Slrccl. 226 8‘)‘)(), l 1.30pm 3am. L2 L3. Sec Mon 24.

58 THE LIST ’20 ()<,l :5 Nov 200‘)

The ménage a trois is a familiar theme in the movies,

and in You I Love the cuckoo in the nest is Uloomji, who arrives in Moscow to disrupt the lives of go-getters Timofey and Vera. He comes from a semi-nomadic Mongolian tribe, and as such is unpolished and unaware of polite society’s conventions. Soon he seduces Timofey with his naive charm, and all hell breaks loose - not least in the bedroom. Frothy, wacky, cartoonish fun.

Glasgow III/n [hull/U 12/1031.) 8mm (Elwin-.1 (3.52" M4 luv 5 [Vin

Sun (5 Nov 0 30/”); l") (l 4)

I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical ('in/cnx lllL'illl'L'. l I‘) (im'lmlx SIIL'L‘I. 42‘) 0022 7.30pm. Ll U4le Su' lhu 20


I Karma Mood. ()inni. (ii‘ccnxnlc l’lacc. 550 I040. llpin lain l'lcc hclmc lllpin; L2 llL‘lillL‘ lllltlllllell. L3 ul'lL‘l'. SL‘L‘ .\lUll 24.

Tuesday 1


I Bodyshots Q' (iallL‘l). 87 8‘) Sallnlal'kcl. 552 7578, Mon Sal

llani 5pm. l‘i'cc. Scc Thu 20.

I Craig Robertson: Aching llic Brunxmck Holcl. I00 I08 Brunxmyk Snu'l. 552 000]. 8am nndnigln. An cxliihilmn ol photograph) limn llic (i8:\ gradualc. axing \cll pnrliannic lu cxplm‘c and L‘UlllUll lllx (m n cui'poicalil) I’m'! u/ (i/uyum'

I FUN ('uhc. i4 ()uccn Sliccl. 220 8‘)‘)(). ll..l()pin .lain. L2 L3. Scc luv 25 I Glasgay! 2005 Valium \L'nuu. 552 7575. 'l'nncx \ai‘}. Scc 'l'lni 20.

I Kiss of the Spiderwoman (‘lll/L‘ll\ ‘l'hcali'c. l l‘) (inl‘lxilx SlIL‘L‘l. 42‘) 0022. 7 “HM”. Ll U2 (L5) Manucl l’lllf._‘\ claxxic [)l'l\()ll drama lningx lugcllici pa} mndrm (In-“Ci Molina and .\l;ll\l\l political priwnm \alcnlin. “ho \u‘l'cll) _\cai'n\ ii” a ‘mnnan \xilh claw' l’url u/ (i/uxgui'

I Lesbian and Bi Women’s History Group (ilaxgim \Voincn‘x Ulnar). Ill‘) 'l'mngalc. 552 8H5

2 4pm. Scc luv 25

I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical (ill/cm 'l‘hcalrc. ll‘) (inihalx Sliccl. 42‘) 0022 7.30pm Ll U4 le 5w Hill 20.

I You I Love (ilaxgim l’lllll l'llcall'c. l2 Row 50ch “2 8l28 ‘)pin, L5 1L4) A pininixing rmnani‘c hclchn hcannlnl )iiung llL‘\\\lL‘llthl' \k'ia and i'ixing ailwrlixing \lai 'l‘nnnlc) lallx llal \\llL‘ll 'l‘nnulL‘) L‘llll)illl\\ on a |).l\\l()ll;llL‘ allan \xilh )imny. win: nuinailu' Mongolian. Kalin) k. Slulpm \ka)a and llll\l\} '\ lnghl} chargcil llllll |)l()\ltlk‘\ a m calm}; lll\l}_’lll min a \lllL' nl Rnxxian wart) audicnccx i'ai'cl} \cc I’m! 4:] (i/mgm


I Vibe lign. l4 l’icaul} Place. 478 7434. I lpin 5ain. L3. Su‘ luv 25.

'.)I'Iv 5‘

Wednesday 2

blasgow I Allure lllL‘ IlllllllL'l, H4 \lllL'llL‘ll Sllx'x‘l. 204 |0ll0 ll 50pm San] Li Scc “ml 20 I Bodyshots (3' (i.lllt‘l_\. xi) Sallinaikcl. 552 "578 Mon Sal

llaln 5pm l'Iu' Scc 'l hu 20 I Craig Robertson: Aching llic lilllll\\\l(i\ llnlcl. lllh I08 Iliunxuuk Snccl. 552 000l 8am midnight Scc Inc I. I Glasgay! 2005 \tllllllh \L'llllk'\. 55.2 7575 lnno \‘.Il_\ Sm“ lllll 20 I Gossip .\llllL‘l '\ 0.1:. Snailirlylc l'iiiwixil} l'nion. ‘)0 John Sliccl. 552 l8‘)5 8pm L2 .lllL‘l lllpin. licc lUl Sl' \iudcnlx up In low f20C\l\ .lllU\\L‘ll 8w “Cd 20 I Kiss of the Spiderwoman (iii/cm l-llL'AlllL'. ll‘) (inll‘alx Slin'x'l. 42‘) 0022

7 30pm L" U2 lL5l Scc luc I I Lesbian Activism: Is There Anything Left to Fight For? (ilaxgnn \MiincnK lunar). lll‘) 'Iiongalc. 552 .\ H5 «’pin l'lL'L‘ l'ollmxnlg: \uu'mwx linni adoption iighlx l0 Scrlmn 28. and mug-l} \ L'llilllglllgj illlllllllk‘ ll)\\illtl lL‘\l)|.llll\lll. l’ain (‘umc it'llu'lx 00 ‘)0\ and llll\ agln l\lll and pondcix lllc quolmn nl \xhal unnm um I Queer Stories ll.l\lll.l lilanga. lilllll\\\l(l\ llulcl. lllh lllllll\\\l\'l\ Shu‘l. 553 000| 7pm Li .\ _\c.ii nl \lmucllmy \ulh Scullanil'x l.( illl Lilllllllllllll) lwgnix ;l\ Illil|Ul llL'\\ plup‘x'l ()1!) 5h!) \ ' (Jul i I .\I()I\ M III/(Hill l\ ltlllllt‘llt‘il l'u’ll HI (ill/\gili’ I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical (in/cm lllL‘ulIL‘. ll‘) (llllll.ll\ \lIL'L‘l, ~l.“) 002.2

f 30pm L‘ LI-l (UH Soc lllll 20


I Disko Bloodbath l.;_-u. l4 l’lx‘dlll} Plan". 478 74 {-l llpin lain Li [tilinlmlgli'x lll\l gum .illcrnaliw lll_‘._'lll. llnx I\ .in «lulu nn\ ul cluliu. Illtllk'. punk and luck lHl lhmc \\llU aic \k'lL‘illlllll‘J nul lm mint-thing; «lillcicnl on llic 32a} \u'nc “uh an llllllk' wxxmn limn Hall) a! l’lanvl Hill .I\ pic L'Iuh lwlnlcllanil

Thursday 3


I Bodyshots (‘)' (lilllk'l), 8/ 8‘) Sallinai'kcl. 552 7578. Mon Sal llanl 5pm l‘Iu‘ Su' lhn 20

I Cowboys & Angels (ilil\:_‘()\\ l‘lllll l-llL'illlk‘. l2 RU\L' SllL‘L‘l. 552 Xllfi. (v.30pin Scc Sun *0

I Craig Robertson: Aching ‘l llL' lllllll\\\lL‘l\ Hoicl. lllh l08 Biunxmck Snu‘l. 552. 000| 8am Inulnighl Scc inc |

I Glasgay! 2005 Valium \L'num. 552 7575 lnnm \.n_\. Scc lliu 20

I Kiss of the Spiderwoman (‘ili/cnx 'l limlic. ll‘) (inihalx Shu‘l. 42‘) 0022 / lllpin Li U2 lL5) Scc inc |

I One in Ten Haxuia Blanca. l’nunxmck Hulvl. lllh Hiunxuick Sll'ccl. 552 000] I0pni L5. .’\lltll'L‘\\ Back horn lainci’ycnq and Niall ('nnnnll} ol' Radio Magnclu‘ pla) at lll|\ \inai'l undci'gi'ound pail) tlll\\ll lll llic Mcrchanl ('II) \ L'imlcxl hawincnl l ho} 'ic LlL'\\)lL‘Ll In mulling; a hicnill}. lL'l.l\L'tl alniuxphcw lUl pa) pcnpk‘ and lllL‘ll ll'lL‘llLl\. (iuml loi lhcin I’ur/ u/ (i/mum'

I Quiz Night & Killer Kitty lh‘lhioinga'x. (i8 \ngnna Slim-l. 552 4803. ‘)pm how Scc ‘l'lni 20.

I Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? A Chamber Musical (‘in/cnx llicanc. Il‘) (ioi'halx Slrccl. 42‘) 0022.

' l0pnr L3 U4 iL'hl. Soc 'l'hu 20.


I Bennets 80 ‘)0 (il.I\\luI’d Slicci. 552 57M \\L'(l lhu «k Sun |l_.§0pin .lain. l'll Sal ll illpin i illain l’llL‘llkll}. lll)\\ll lo milli Ialc Ingln kll\L‘U \cnuc nut-nil) icluilmhul and l'l\lll:_' limn lhc ;l\llt‘\ .lllL‘l .i nialni Inc

I Pink Devotion (’luh Hmolmn. l8 .lainau‘a Sliccl. 847 0820 'l'hu Sun llpln tun Li ll'u'c p;lxxC\ anniahlc linin lllc ncth} l.(il$| ('cnllcl llapp) ya} .u‘lmn \\llll popular |)J\ Annie and .’\|ltl_\ I’cii) Dancc I\ [lit lllL‘\L'l'l|)lll)ll on l-mlap and S.llllltlil_\\. \\ llll nnwd up L'llL'LWL‘. pup and lock huukcniling on llnnxila) \ and Sunda} \

I The Polo Lounge 84 \\ ilmn Sn'ccl. 55‘ l22l .\lnn l‘hu 5pm lain. l‘ll'l Sun Spin {ani Sllilk‘linlx \uallk}. gil)/llll\t'tl \lu'lt'lianl (‘11) cluh. \\llll wwral lllllllh and a dim nxlanx ilanccl'lnm' open at lhc \wckcnd (L5 alch llpinl hula.“ \u‘ l'IL'\ll. “Uh Uh \lit'llcllc and And). Saturday .nc luxh. lcaluring And} lll lhc linph} Ronni \\llll (lll\. 7l)\ and 80x lnlx. “Inlv lHlll pim ulcx up lmnl danu' lll lllc |ll.llll moin


I CC Blooms ('(' llluniiix. 2% 24 (iiu‘nxnlc l’lau‘. 550 ‘H il Mun l'll

Ill lllpin idlll. Sun (llllll iain l'icc lhc Cghl L'Ulhl \L‘L‘llt‘ \IUL‘L‘II plllllpx ulll LlllllL‘L' and L'llL'L'\L' ilclighlx cwi) night l’hci'c'x a tll\k‘() umlcrncalli llic main bar. loo l‘lll\lL‘\l a1 llic \wckcndx and lun in ihc \wck. Sunda) \ccx kai'aokc lakc u'nlrc
