intranet: li', ,li" fielialun Hi 'i‘axhe ever ,’()i"it‘: was ,iist a little fi.;;hts>"e;~rl l)‘; the {height of going to the var: friiii‘er RUKMJIKT'T, a sr.'a:>i>r.~i's paradise .‘.’lll‘. a triily iiigloi‘imis reputation on the east r'nast.

Mm ‘1 liixi- l r: i‘l‘ i'iiti's; Siil).'.'.‘i.. "(War-xvi. Twit li‘~{,ill(l?2(‘i" kink“ "Mi l‘a’hut fut b'il siiii‘: ', {kirk-it ()5

muse ‘l‘-’,- lil'3‘iil‘ll ai‘ft i;::?r‘-'i', elect“; lill'M ‘5 t"-:.- tfliittthl‘fi-Wts sl'r‘i'i (".l'. “at: it shut: "L;"‘i; Vex? To 9".»3: Huh» iii

ixi'rit'r é:"(.‘, (it l xitiimrt and the era,“ mils

.tite attizr amt, mm ,t""i’:l‘l‘;. thn xiv»

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DRIVE B'IYMA/R'CUMENT * Mm» vi; Heriot Watt University Union. I“ HRH/INT 'l of w) Edinburgh. Thu 6 Oct no. ~ l-f' 1"» iii-i mama-:- it"s

lil'T' Pia l. a"ri s-::<:'i‘--r2d lil‘ Te'i '2 their

7‘ l‘»? ._: 1'1""..'.‘:""',lil_l i-’:""-~ -tT"‘r. {tettheliinris 'Tlf)lllllt. "uai‘.;fi':',’.,.u: l l‘ i" : i‘ l"-’- I 9K. (Six! .'.'-:i rs" a r 'a".m".<) whine ' T, ' I (T( H", ' .I' llrl ll)\'V,'\ i 'i; f . ' " i , H \ 0 n o v T, '1 ' THE GO! TEAM ' fr 7 :9 'l r, (1" ‘1 QMU. Glasgow. Sat 8 Oct 0000 . i '. ' t if ' ' , l l' l r ' I q t ' y , ry‘: it: .0 . ' i 12"l "l' i'flle'ft" ' . ""1: ' i"‘-e'- n' : «if :11 «1 ‘~ " '\,:l‘i:l;ifilltl<ll l -.:‘ .l!‘ ”:::$i"i 3: ': lt:x|_i'l‘ifl(i" ' 3' :v\"<:."";:l.'ii '//' '.‘~,’.’i"' Tomorrow's mus/r; today. This Issue [NO/fl i, ., I . . :y, . i“ .i ..

With a penchant for marrying post-rock guitars to crackling electronic mi: ' i ' :s-,- " . beats, errors have much more in common with Mogwai than bleak l .i -: «a: :v': spin. via: «ti.- Glasgow skies. So much, in fact, that the ’Gwai saw fit to sign them to their T ., .’l l1--'-' .' l , l own label, Rock Action. Synth and laptop boffin Simon Ward tells us how it t i

all began. :k. » s 7". air -'- ' l .: Steev[liVingstonelandlwereslmpyryiiii\’.llS)"Jt‘.lie! “I'll-cu." . 'i ""a~', " "iii‘a'g'fi‘w‘". lr" Mitt-(id iii-airi<,i.‘r:::av<n,'krieii neWiiiiisi(:. Iaskeuhiiiitoi/ay tit:t,,‘.i'tn T'ltltx-zd“ , 'ieii‘f' s- "‘~-s-'iii.;;iir~stron 7."'f,'ll da-sasthey [Paterson] to play the guitar parts "r 1-" l l .' t: _:-»1"-:' Hit-'3': eiif tl‘r-i' tie-Nth? next (it-'tei‘atirw" Getting signed to Rock Action must have been pretty flattering. How did .tl a' ' ~ 'ii - ~ r v l"fl(’i;tf~"i i: a war ixai Kit’l ltr>1lf;t- that come about? It was new flattw Hr; Marina an tl'tml l-Xim, 7l-‘ia'i‘:~? -ll f 't :-- and}; it in s-zai 'e r it'Nltl'Irt ":gitint txi'. a

our first gig and was Just iea'!y intz) it. It a” lid from tier»;- lli- :7' ' ;~ 2'29: ,Ja w 'rti aw -i our: iawn gihrxii ll ll‘i:~ end and nods With a hig grin on has far e I . Iii-xi:- x«s; i".. ii, rimaziix; '_"-',- Mogwai describe you as their ‘golden children'. Have they made goo OPEN|NG NIGHT tl.‘»".tt itlt’l tllltlllf3li'ii"llli(itlfl l‘i} tutti parents so far? They llil',’(:ll t been incwtfi its i.;> tl(,"l s. l ;, flat-ta. l"-- "- -- .'.'as seize-fl '.l[\ it, a stall earn, as rati:

" Gig, Edinburgh. Fri 7 Oct .00 been great otlter\r‘.v'ise. They took us out ()lV t‘- for a (l‘ll'll "wt-,2? iH tl i as TW: 'l‘llf3li" ‘.'.'.th wsuais to 'itatitli

restaurant. They're all (tiiite relaxed, an'l the, next-i it .i: is, an, i".::»-- flint.) "is 5v- Ki' i "i: H gi'fst ' a ritfs iiittv'ifit you -'i lllll‘fl of Nathan Bail-:1“;

to finish things although it means we've taken ages, tr) finish t'-.s .'(: fill 'i as? l’ 'Tl fir. t'its l"l‘i’% {y ,’:'l lhr- hiv‘mngt si'irters

A record, eh? Ar‘. H7 FLT? 'iiimlzul‘ |:>-.-<i stingy, l'tl‘“ .( "in"i 'xini tit lgl' \i.'..: a ’a i “mums 6’. stunted ll‘ i‘titf'ii‘a tra<“'~<Ies. ieati fiitllz,“ mixed and made it sound really iiirie. We‘re iixini'igi t.'.o 'u’te?‘ ~s fer t.'.;, <‘f t"-;- :x iris ll' "l l":': ling- Liii a" "at '\t,""_ N-v‘ia sirryrtwi l)()'l‘ it-o'its and NW

:8 well and are geing tohe looking lr‘r soiiienuvl. Illll'lx‘Wiwl’Eilzil‘ (we ll‘i"‘l It‘s ': a7 far-"f, Mayan-"wag: It'w- l‘li’f)‘.(ll‘t rim-.ilt‘aiitiiii. fun. l-.lll'€l"l

out in February Hopefully we won't hate it hy tiiw ilvla'rmvv ,Jar w is..." nx'wxuiri l‘!::l(l 'l‘ii {)il f3tr;.-:2 Items." to their (iyiii slips I Nice'n'S/ea/y, Glasgow, Fri 2] Oct. lauiax :i that"? him: it l"(? .'.as iMaiim l flmu'ttis'iih

,JA7/ BILL FRISELL TRIO Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Mon 31 Oct

While it sounds as it Bill Fi‘isell might he ltl‘yll‘it] out his ().'.l‘. .i;is.;,n tit lllt' (' iiasgiris. Fdinlniiuh dwide in his new Ntilii:f>llllll(:l),[(1st lZ’est. lllt: (lit: igtiainiii ai divisid i he invokes is a hit longer than the M8 The alhiiiii takes its name; lltilll the taxi that one (list: was recorded in New Yr )ll\ and one on the opp, miter mast. .n ()‘tlxhtlltl

Both feature tries. and that ‘.‘/|ll in;- the loiiiiat for this iaii~ aiiiieiiaix t: in St etiaiid (one of only two UK dates this yeail, l risell is (lltlll;tlil,' lllt: lllitfsl distiiii ll.'t‘ giiitaiist in contemporary tau. and his tr£t(l(:lllttrl\’ spidem iiizitai lines air: nsiantl, recognisable in any setting.

The new album is T'risell's first ll‘."(} release e aiiiiii:i,-r inn ~ i;i ha: in in ltit‘il. simply entitled / we. The guitarists studio preleits have heirn irrital :lg, divers: r. taking in country influenced alhiiiiis, world iiiiisir. style r ollahiiiatinns, and r:.«i:n a venture into beats and sampling on the Grammy \f.'lllllill(] t/ll‘JhlllulhliP. l risell felt it was time to document on disr; his most regular woik

'I seemed a good time to (it) that This is what I do iitiisl ()l tlii: lllllt,‘ lllt' stiirlizi albums are more like one oi a kind situations. and .‘(3l‘, otten aii: rerouting; inusir: that hasn't even been played hefoie | hiini; it It) the studio I wanted to (,at(:h the sound of the venues in these recordings Yoshi's in Oakland is lll()li7 til an open feel. while the Village V'lllilll ei l is i '1‘ il' a'ili 1.; ~ ( l’l‘J‘. lend ()T lila- plaiyii‘xt in somehody's house.‘

While both tries on the album ltrtillilt} ihiw m r= if il’i‘ w l .i l = :' ! drums line up, he Will ring the changes for the l 'lilll liltjll (H. i w is, ;: .ni llll yet another of his many configurations liy petlal steel guitar i,la,i-i (ilta) l iflf~/ anti Violinist Jenny Scheininan. (Kenny lvlalliiesnn)

62 THE LIST 7’) Oil it Nov 900’)