I Straw Dogs, The Axidents and The Conviction \Vlieatsheat. 207/200 Balgreen Road. 340 9801. 7pm. £5. A tribute to Irish punksters Still little fingers.

I Athlete (’orn lixehange. l I New Market Road. 477 5500. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'T. ()ne of the ntore sueeessltil outlits surfing the post>(‘oltlpla) nine. Tr} to slit)’ awake at the haek.

I The Overside Queen‘s llall. (‘lerk Street. (ms 201‘). 7.30pm. £7 £l3. Si\ pieee litlinhurgh hand pla} ing lllt‘llt)\\ soulful traeks \\ ho hme toured \\ ith the likes of the l’roelainters.

I Moses, Bellcappa and The Kays Lavelle ('aletlonian Baekpaekers. 5 ()ueenslerr)‘ Street. 47o 723-1. 8.30pm. £5. Aeelaitned harmonies and all.eottntt'_\ tunage l‘rorn Moses “tilt intlie and alternative pop support.

I The Blondes, Toro and Elephantine Bannertnan‘s. Nitltlr} Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. llezn} roek and post punk.

I Barry Vista Social Club The lass. High Street. 55o (i338. 0pm. liree. See Sat

I The 8 Men, Paranoid Monkys, Miyagi and Desert Hearts (iig (formerly Retolutionl. 3| l.othian Road. 22‘) 7670. 9.30pm. £(i. lieleetie inelotlie roek from the B Men at this indie eluh night with l)Js spinning through to 3am.


I Kaiser Chiefs, Maximo Park and The Cribs (’arling .'\L‘iltlL‘lii_\ (ilasgou. lZl liglinton Street. 0870 77l 2000. 7pm. SOLD OUT. See Sat 2‘).

I The 80s Matchbox B-Line Disaster Barfly. zoo (‘lytle Street. 0870 ()07 099‘). 730an £| l. Intense. iahhering trash) alternatne punkahill) lrotn the Matehhox guys \\ ho reeentl} seared the lower reaches ol the elltll'ls \\ ill] lllL‘tl'

‘if These dudes look the part, don’t they? No '5 chance of us mistaking them for a Rammstein or Girls Aloud. These are purveyors of real country music, people: big, bad twangy guitars, thrumming basslines and howls of pain and joy from five men who know their way around a hard luck tale that would make Hank Williams blub like a foundling. Led by Chris Gaffney and Dave Gonzalez for the last, they broaden out the country template with a smattering of roots, blues and rock at moments but their Arizona hearts remain with that most American of traditions.

‘II‘ N r" / )Ii‘l; ,, < v )I ' I . W"! i I irtl\ I"‘ 8" ))()" ix/J ...' /l ti! .f,l;t.'.~,«:~ ...i . x. /.‘i/.l'. .t r.\."f. .Iiv i/(l..", \(Ii.r.r (,._

I The Mick Moody Band Renl'rext l'err}. .\ntlerslon Qua}. 'l‘he Brootuielan. otms :05 5| I. 7. 5liplll. £l2.50. li\ \Vhttesuake and line} lue) guitarist,

single ‘l’s} ehosis Salari'.

I Four Tops and Temptations SH '( I l‘innteston Qua}. 0870 0-10 -1000. 7. itlput £30 £i0, _\loto\\n \eterans \tho seem to he on a permanent touring loop. I Cold Night Song illie (ioal. l3.\'7

I Beat Poets .ltnt} .\lt‘(ititl}s. _‘l 3‘) .\i'g)lt' Street. 357 737 i. Spin. l'ree. See Ashton lane. .i W 07.17. "pm. l'tee Sun 3‘.

(ilasgou \ surlin‘ sa\ instrumentalists the I Longview, Fell City Girl and Nick Beat l’oets pla} the -\shton lane Beer l'est Reilly King ’l‘ut‘s \Vah \Vah Hut. 273a St

lllfl lllill llfllllllllfl Iillfl Ilil‘


SHE 29 EDINBURGH ENE llENllE ["3] 220 3234

74 THE LIST 7t) ()<:! :5 Nt)‘. :Irirsb

Vineent Street. ZZI 527‘). 8.30pm. £8. \Vorkada} Mancunian indie plough their post ('oldpla) lurrow.

I The Sights, Raising Kain and The Owsley Sunshine Nieeill‘Slett/y -13l Sauehiehall Street. 335 0000. 8.30pm. £5. The Hill (‘luh presents the Sights. \\ ho merge o0s ps_\ehetlelie inl‘luenees \tith driving garage roek. mueh like their loeal hosts Raising Kain.

I Abraxis and Stormraider Rocket's. l4 Nlitllttntl Street. Ill 0730. 9pm. l‘ree. Roek night.

I The Flying Matchstick Men and The Mocha Nights Bar Blue. I I7 Bath Street. 57-1 ()()()(). 9pm. l'il‘L‘L‘. :\ lusion ol roelt. eleetro. l‘olk. glam and pop from the Ro\_\/l)epeehe-inl‘lueneetl l‘l}iitg Matehstiek Men.


I The Motown Show l‘esli\;tl 'l’heatre. l3 2‘) .\'ieolson Street. 53‘) ()(lllll. 7.30pm. £l() £l(i.5(). ReliVe the o0s and 70s Motown era and sing along. I Rise Up (‘aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 MW). 8pm. £5 (£2.50 in lane} tll‘cssl. .\'o l)Jsjust live inusie all night long through eluhhing hours. This llalloue'en speeial (hall priee entr) in lane) tlress) features a huge line up ol: ()Bli. Shrinking \‘iolet. Big Red. Ha} I Vanished. Sltteiotls. the Atom Bomb. Stealer. the l)ereliets. ('ra/_\ Vineent. (iranger and the lltistlers.

I Unkown Feeling, The Coviets and Dystopia Bannertuan's. \itltlr) Street. 550 3254, 8.45pm. £4. 'l’riple hill ol itttlte and l'UL‘ls lHk‘s.

I Hobo The Bongo ('Iuh. Mora} House. 57 llol_\rootl Road. 553 700-1. l0pin 3am. l‘ree helore £l lpm; £3 alter. llalloue’en speeial “llll (’anatla‘s notorious Stink .\lill and their white trash le‘Ltl) humour promoting debut album Sprint-Ii 'n 'Sni/"f plus Ahdoiuinals splinter group l’igeon lioetus as support.

Available at

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