morc than lef) of thc grcat photograpth norkx. IRS? (ll lANCl It) Sit

Paolozzi of the Month li\cr_\ ’l'hurstla}. l2.-45 l._ilipiti. l‘rcc. l'.ach “cck l’aolol/i curator Danicl llcrrtnann ghcs a talk on a tlillcrcirt \xork in thc L’tlllc‘c‘llttlt.

A Day in the Life of Scotland t‘niil Sun 33 ()ct. lircc. Work from thc \ucccxxlul cntrants into a photograph) coinpctition run h} thc Si ur/r'ili Sun. I AS! (Ell/\Ntil it) St l.

The Pleasure of Your Company l.ltlll Still 4 l)L‘L‘. l'l'c‘c. .\ c‘ttllL‘L‘llotl til \Ulltc‘ ol thc \xctrilcst and most \tonilcrlul pri\atc \ icxx imitation cartls lroni thc Scottish National (iallcr) ol .\lotlcrn .\rt library

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART 7-1 Laurixton l’lacc. Ill (illtltl. .\lon 'l'hu Illain 8pm; l‘ri Sat Illain 2pm.

Four Colours Suffice: Palermo, Art and Architecture l-‘ri 2| & Sat 32 ()ct. ('onlcrcncc c\ploring_' thc \\orl\ ol latc (icrnian artist Blink} l’alcriuo and thc issucs surrounding; tcniporar) antl \itc \pccilic artuorkx. Scc prc\ icw pagc 03.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'nion Strcct. 55— 3-170 ‘l‘uc Sat Illain (rpm.

Graeme Todd and Julie Read t‘ntrl Sat l: .\'o\. lllatn (ipnr. \cu prints and paintings.

Hazel Restall: Work in Progress l'ntil Sat I: Nm. .\ \cricx ol (ll'il\\lll_‘_‘\. photographs and print\ rccortling thc building of thc nc\\ Scottish l’arlianicnt,


45 \lttt'lkc‘l Sll‘c‘c‘l. 335 3333. \ltttl Sat llam (rpm; Sun noon 5pm.

Louise Hopkins: Freedom of Information t‘ntil Sun I l l)cc. l'l'c‘t‘. ’l'llc‘ (ilaxgim -lt;t\c‘tl al‘ll\l \litm caxcx tic“ commissions and kc} \xorkx front thc past tlccatlc ol hcr practtcc.

Conversations on Contemporary Painting Thu 3 Nox. (rillpirr. l'rcc. .\ discussion examining: currcnt tlc\c|opnicnt\ in cttlllcllipot'al'} painting; \\ ith Stlxanna llcaaniont. ilircctor at l)o§_vg_'crli\|rcr. anil iournalixt .\loira .lcllrc}. Booking; atl\ l\t'tl.



’l‘hc .\lounil. (iZ—l (iltltl. .\lon \Vcil tk

l‘ri Sun Illain Spinflhu ltlatn "pin. Choice: 21 Years of Collecting for Scotland “ml 3 \ii\ Sun l5 .lan. l‘rcc. Ro}al Scottish .'\c'iltlk‘lll} Building. li\ltlltlltttlt til tll\L‘l'\L‘ litc‘c‘cx ll'ollt Scotland‘s national collcction. acqutrctl untlcr thc uatchlul c}c ol ilcpartiny tlircctor gcncral Sir ‘l'iniotln ('litt'oril.

Ni St t()".'.'.


75 Bcllortl Roatl. (ill (illlf), l)all_\

lllant 5pm.

Jon Schueler: The Sound of Sleat l‘ntil Sun 5 Mar Zilllh. .\ tlixpla} ol uork cclchrattltf: thc :\ntcrican Abstract li\prc\\ioni\t paintcr \\ho \ct up a \llltllt) in .\lallaig_'. on thc Sountl ol Slcat. Jannis Kounellis: Works 1959-2005 .0... Hull Sun 3 .laii Ztlflti. l‘irxt rctroxpccto c in Scotland ol \xork h} this kc} ligurc ol [HM \iar Italian art uho “as c‘l()\c'l_\ in\ol\cil \\ ith thc artc poxcra mmcmcnt.

John Houston t'iitil Sun Ii.\'m. Rctroxpcctiw c\hihition to mark lhc 75th lilt‘llitla} ol ottc ol Scollatth ltil'L‘lllt)\l |i\ in}: itl'll\l\. lhc c\prc\\iont\tic lanilxcapc paintcr. .lohn lltitlxliill Strategy: Get Arts Revisited Sat 33 Oct Sun X .lan. l’holojgraphx h_\ (icorgc ()lixcr antl archnc inalcrial from lhc grotrnilhrcaking c\hihition .S'Imri'ui: (ii-I .‘II'I\ ll] “)7”. Pull til lllc‘ /’rl/r'I‘HIrI /\’r'\/rll‘r' I’m/ml in cotiltlltcliott \\ itli l-.( '.r\ and thc 'l'alhot Ricc Hallct'}. Scc pm icu. pauc- ‘H. Nl .’.’ fa li’)‘.r'.’.

Curator’s Tour: Frances Hodgkins and British Neo-Romanticism \liiii 3| ()ct. l2.-15 |.|5pin. l‘rcc. ‘l‘our of this

Gossip, chat and rumour from the gallery floor

I A puddle indoors? Karla Black, one of the three sculptors exhibiting as part of Like it Matters at Glasgow’s CCA, had to re-create one of her fragile process-based floor pieces after torrential rain caused havoc in the main gallery space. The challenging and pivotal exhibition is open as normal.

I Many of the artists who rent workspace at Glasgow's Hanson Street WASPS studios wrthdrew work and closed their doors on the Open Studios festivities on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October. they were protesting at plans to locate a mobile telephone aerial on top of the building. Chief executive David Cook informed the artists that WASPS is ‘not a democracy“. ‘l'alks continue as a petition grows.

I To coincide with Document 3, the International Human Rights Film Festival, Friday 21-Monday 24 October, work will be shown by Martin Coyne in Russian Cafe’ Cossachok, and Lauchlan Campbell in Buddha’s Backyard until Tuesday 25 October. Visit for more details, and see film index and listings.

I You either love or hate Davrd Shrigley. and now you can flick through an anthology of his satirical scribbles containing drawings and found ephemera. The Book of Shrrg/ey. published by Redstone Press. can be clutched to your chest or thrown to the floor at will.

otic rootn tll\lil£l_\ ot \xorkx h} l-‘ranccx Hodgkins. l’aul Nash and hot] llttchcn h} \cnior curator .'\licc Straits.


1 ()uccn Strcct. (ill (ilel). .\lon \Vctl tk l‘ri Sun lllain 5pm: 'l'hu Illatri 7pm. The Healing Touch l’niil Sun 27 .\'m. l:\hihition charting; kc} pcrioilx in lc‘;tl'lllll}_‘. trainian and [caching in incilicinc.

The Philosopher’s Garden t'ntil Sun It) \oi. l-rcc. (‘clchrattug thc lintcittc (‘orrhalcz llll\ \llti“ c\plorc\ thc [illllthttlilllc'ttl lllL‘lllL'\ that conncct l.itllc Sparta to thc garilcrt at lirincnom illc \xhcrc Rouxxcau \\;t\ htti'icrl.

Portrait Miniatures from the Merchiston Collection l'ntil Sun I l l)cc. | icc. lhc tillli Ill an annual \cricx ol miniaturc c\hihttion\.

Still Life? l'nlil ll! 35 \o\, l‘rcc. .'\ll liilucalton Hcpartnicnt liroicct c\ploring_' lhc l\\llL'\ that allcct pcnxioncrx in l)untlcc. liihnhurgh, (ilaxgou antl ‘l‘lllll'\ti.

Public Faces, Private Lives ’l‘liu 2t) Oct. 0 7lttu. l'rcc. .\ tour of Scotlanth liltixl litllttiltx lach of thc Will and 30th ccnturicx \xilh Donald Smith.

Women and War

Photography by Jenny Matthews

S 2003 Glasgow. ClI'y' CUU'Kll {Must-tans?

5 May 30 October 2005

St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art 2 Castle Street, Glasgow G4 ORH

Phone 0141 553 2557

Fax 0141 552 4744


Open daily 10am - 5pm except Friday and Sunday ltam Spm

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove

closes 30 October

Say goodbye

to some old friends this autumn

but; say hello again

t..»-'“~.rl“ir-T=ri Kelvingrove reopens in summer 2006 l

The Art Treasures of Kelvingrove exhibition and the McLellan

Galleries close to the public at 5 pm on Sunday 30 October. The artworks can next be seen in summer 2006, when the newly refurbished Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum re-opens.




'\ K \\‘ \tIIp

Qt) Oct 1% Nov 2005 THE LIST 95