Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce.

Glasgow Ema:—

Activities & Events

Family History Open Surgery Mitchcll Library. 30] .\'oi1h Strcct. 3S7 390‘). 5.30pm. l‘rcc. 'l'racing your family history 1’ Not surc whcrc to look'.’ 'l‘hc cxpcrts arc on haiid to ol'l‘cr hpr and

ady icc at this drop-in cycning surgcry.

Activities & Events

Reading the Leaves lcliai ()y'na. 43 ()lago l.anc. 357 453-1. 8pm. £3. Join gucst \y ritcrs tor an cy citing ol' poctry aitd crcatiy c writing. l’rcy iotts rcadcrs hay c lltcllltlctl latlllsc \Vclsll. /.oc Straclian atid .-\nnc l)ono\an. l-‘or t‘urthcr intormation cmail

rcadingtltclcay cs0! hottnailcom.


Glasgow Warriors vs Connacht llughcndcn. 33 llughcndcn Road. 353 3408. 7.30pm. Rugby Icaguc match in which lhc homc sidc sound wcll hard.


* Look Who’s Talking: Des Lynam 'l‘hcatrc Royal. 3S3 Ilopc Strcct. 333 «moo. lpin. £5.50 (£4). Scc llitlisl.

Activities & Events

Sodoku Challenge Bordci's Books, l-‘ort Rclail Park. 390 l’royan Walk. 77.3 30H). lptn. l-rcc. .-\ chancc to Pit )Uttr wits against lclloyy cnthtisiasts. Glasgow Fireworks! (ilasgoyy (il'L‘L‘ll. (irccndy kc Strch 087] 300 30-10. 5pm. l't'cc. Scc picttirc caption. aboy c.


3D/ZD Craft and Design Fair Royal (.tttlccl‘l Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strch .555 3000. 10.30am 4.30pm. £1 (70pl1undcr l3s li‘cc. (‘l'all \yttt‘kct'\ and ttl'llsls L‘\ltlbll and scll lhcir work.

Food & Drink

Pink Afternoon Tea ()nc l)c\onsliirc (iardcns. 33‘) 300]. 3 4.30pm. £34. linjoy a sclcction ol saittlyy ichcs. sconcs. pastrics. cakcs and champagnc. all with a hint ot‘ pink. £5 l'rom lhc pricc ol cach lickcl gocs lo Ht‘casl ('anccr (‘at‘c.


Conversation Pieces: Les Brown and Robert Jeffery Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 S000. lpm. £4 in adyancc; £5 on lhc day. l-‘orittcr Strathclydc l’olicc Spccial l'nit l)clccti\ c l.cs Brown was inyolycd in many notorious cascs. With co-author Robci‘l Jcllct‘y. lhc book [my Brown. (i/ttyumi ‘\ (.I'llllt' l'l‘J/lll'l’ is a pcck into lhc cascs and criminals who hay c writtcn thcmscly cs into thc history of thc city.


Look Who’s Talking: Alan Whicker 'l'hcatrc Royal. 3S3 llopc Strccl. 333 0000. 1pm. £5.50 t£~li, Scc picturc caption. pagc 3‘).

Wednesday 9


Barry Roberts: Anatomy of an Expedition list) (ilasgow Outdoor



lixtwricncc. 50 (‘oupcr Strcct. 'l'oyy'nhcad. 55‘) 5450. 7.30pm. £4 (£3). Barry Robcrts has spcnt a lil'ctimc cxploring mountains. and in his timc hc's bccn kidnappcd by Maoists. stcppcd oy'cr dcad bodics. bccn attackcd by bears and probably l‘orgottcn his passport.

Canoe Country Woodsidc llall. (ilcnl‘arg Strcct. 7.30pm. £6 t£3l. Bcst- sclling (‘anadian author and broadcastcr l)r Jamcs Rattan prcscnts an cy'cning ol canoc-rclatcd storics. music and imagcs.

Activities & Events

Birch Bash: Drumclog Moor Mugdock (’ountry l’ai'k. ('t'aigallian Road. Milngay'ic. ()56 (H00. 10am noon. llclp protch thc natural habitat by rcmoy'ing inyading birch trccs.


Rediscovering Ancient Egyptian Sculptors Burrcll l.ccturc 'l'hcatrc. Bttt't‘cll ('ollcclion. 3000 l’olloksltayys Road. 387 3550. 3pm. £3 £4. l)r Marccl Marc'c is a curator in thc dcpamncnt ol Ancicnt ligypt and Sudan at thc British Muscum. llc'll bc talking abotit his rcscarch which has cnablcd him to idcntily sculpturcs lrotn thc Middlc Kingdom as bcing mamtlacturcd in onc workshop.

Monday 14

Activities & Events

Glasgow Tales Launch Bordcrs Books. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. opm. Join scy cral contribtttittg authors at lhc lattnch ol lhc (i/(tygun' lit/m short story attthology.


A Citizens’ Europe (‘iti/cns‘ 'l'hcatrc. l l‘) (iot'bals Slrcct, 43‘) 0033. 7pm. l'i'c‘c‘. l.auric Rtisscll. chicl' cyccutiy c ol‘ Strathclydc liuropcan l’artncrship. Icads this discussion on lhc l'uturc ol lil' l'unding in Scotland.

People make noises at firework displays that they don’t make at any other time. That’s because there’s something about the cheap-thrill brilliance of big sparkly things in the sky that brings out the child in even the sternest adult. But, forget those rubbish ones you can buy down the high street and leave it to the professionals to orchestrate a better, safer Guy Fawkes’ night.

I Glasgow Green ( 7 pm) and Meadow/hank Stadium 16.30;)nii. Sat :3 Nov


Craig Mathieson Scot100 South Pole Expedition 'l'iso (ilasgoyy ()utdoor Iixpcricncc. 50 (‘oupcr Strcct. 'I’ownhcad. 55‘) 5450. 7.30pm. £5 l£3.50). In 300-1 l‘iona 'l'aylor aiid ('raig MathiCson sct out across 730 milcs ol snow atid icc. aiming to bc thc lirst dcdicatcd Scottish (cant to t'cach lhc South l’olc. whilc raising lunds for charity. 'I‘hc challcngc l‘cll in thc ccntcnary y'car of William Spicrs Brucc's cxpcdition. which was lhc lll'\l to thc Antarctic lcd by a Scotsman.

Wednesday 1 6


Le Parfum Alliancc l‘t'ancaisc l)c (ilasgow. 3 Park (’ircus. 33‘) 4381.

6 8pm. £10. ('omc up smclling ol' roscs at this pcrl‘ttmc-making workshop.

Activities & Events

Old Glasgow and the Clyde Bordcrs Books. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. (r30pm. Sandra Malcolm and Douglas .-\nnan prcscnt a sclcction ol‘ at'chiycd photographs dcpicting (ilasgow and thc (‘lydc.


Cycling the Karakoram Highway chlicld St Stcphcn's ('httrch ('cntrc. 360 Bath Slrcct. . 33 383). 3.l5pni. £(i (£3l. Adycnturc traycllcr (iay'in l-‘o.\ cy clcd thc ()00-milc long Karakoram Highway. rcgardcd as lhc world's most dangcrotis highway. dttring monsoon scason. lt passcs through stunning sccncry and thrcc clitnatic Ioncs rcaching an altitudc ol ncarly 5000 mctrcs. l)ocsn't sound that dangcrotts: try tltc MS.

The Nanoworld-order out of Disordel'Ulasgoyy l'niycrsity ('ollcgc ('ltth. l'niycrsity Ayc. 330 4708. 7pm. Scc Hillisl.

Ongoing Glasgow

Activities & Events

Festival of Light 2005: Fragrant Glasgow Thc lliddcn (iardcns. Tramway. 35 Albcn l)ri\‘c. 0845 3303501.

4.30 9pm. £3 (U l. l'ri ll Sun 13 .\'o\'. Scc prcy icw. pagc 37.

Film Discussion Group (ilasgoyy' l-‘ilm 'l’hcatrc. l3 Rosc Strcct. 533 S I 33. b.30pin. l-‘rcc. ch ‘) .\'oy'. Mcct tip with film writcr liddic Harrison pltts othcr lilm bulls cycry sccond chncsday to swap opinions and pcrccptions ol rcccnt rclcasCs of both atthousc attd hig blockbustcr lilms. Memorabilia SI{(‘(‘. l'innicston Quay. 08700404000. l0am 5pm. £5 £6 (£3.50 childrcnl; £16 £18 for a lamin tickct. Sat 5 Sun (i Noy. (‘ollcclot's' lair ol sci-ii and cult 'l'\' with gttcst appcaranccs from thc Iikcs of David ('arradinc (Ki/l Iii/ll. l)can Stockw cll (Quantum l.aupl. Archic (icmincll and Anthony Danicls (Slur ll'ursi with ntorc to bc L‘Olllll‘lllL‘tl.

Food & Drink

Continental Market St linoch Squarc. 304 3900. 9.30am (rpm. 'I'hu l0 Stiti 13 .\'o\-. l-‘rcsh limit from the South of l-‘rancc. l‘rcshly bakcd hrcad. (icrman sausagcs and a sclcction ol cidcrs. bccrs and wincs. Mansfield Park Farmers’ Market Manslicld Park. on" Dumbatton Road. 3-ll 084-1. 10am 3pm. Sat 13 Not. Who nccds slllk‘l‘llltll'kcl tosh whcn you‘yc got happy producc lrom happy placcs'.’ 'l'astc thc tltl'lct‘cllcc.

Queen’s Park Farmers’ Market ()uccn’s Park. 530 l.angsidc Park. 387 7373. 10am 3pm. Sat 5 .\'o\;

The Glasgow Beer Festival The Archcs. 353 Argy lc Strcct. 0870 340 7538. noon .S‘pm. £o0. Sat 13 Sttii l3 .\'o\'. Samplc a widc sclcction ol~ bccrs lrom inicrobrcwcrics across Scotland. as wcll as .somc bcltcr known brands. whilst bcing cntcrtaincd by DJs and hands. 'l‘ickct pricc includcs drinks youcltcrs. food. liy'c music and a goodic bag worth £50.


Big Knit Out! North Star ('al'c‘. 108 Qllccll Mai'garct [)riyc, 070-1] 3 l‘)(i.\’7. 7pm. £3. \Vcd lb Ntty‘. (ict togcthcr lot' a spot ol‘ knit onc. purl onc. tca and cakcs. Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘('.-\. 350 Sattchichall Strcct. 553 4900. 7 Spill. £5 (£4i. liycry 'l‘hu. Apparcntly it's your ciyic ditty to .shakc your booty.

Knitting Circle 'l‘chai ()y na. lo‘) I)can.ston I)ri\c. (34‘) 7358. 8pm. liy'cry 'I'uc. Knitting tun with thc addcd bonus of y'ct'y linc tcas. liycry 'l'uc.

Stitch and Bitch (ilasgow Womcn's library. 10‘) 'l’rongatc. 553 S345. b.30pm. illc l5 Not. l'nwind wool and any pcnt tip gossip at this closc knit knitting group. ('all to say you'rc going along as placcs arc litttitcd.

Edinburgh Emai—

Food & Drink

Fine Food and Drinks at Vermilion \crmilion. Scotsman llotcl. 30 .\'oth Bridgc. 55o 5505. £10 tor a w clcomc drink attd lhc cy'cnt; £35 for a yyclconic drink. thc cycnl and a tyyo-cottt‘sc incal in \crmilion. An informal introduction to thc bcst ol' Scottish producc. l{\ccutiy c chcl at tlic Scotsman llotcl (icol'l' Balharric giy cs tips on how to prcparc Bambi. crm. I mcan ycnison.


* Des Lynam ()ttakar's. 57 (icorgc Strcct. 33.5 4-195. 5.30 0.30pm. l5rcc. Scc llillisl.


Caribbean Symposium: Identity Politics, Labour, Youth 'l'lic ()ld library. Institutc ol(icogt‘aph_\. l'niyci'sity ol' lidinburgli. Drummond Strcct.