
On a Clear Day ( 12A) ooo t(iah} Dollal. l'lx'. 3005) l’otor .\lu|lan. Bronda Blothyn. Billy Bo}d. Januo Six-ox. 98min. l'oolgood rodomption iiIo\ io a la 'I'III' l-"ul/ .‘llmilr. (i/uxgmi‘ I't/ni I'ltt'ulrt'. (ilmoun; Open Your Eyes I IS) 00

(Alojandro ..\Iuonahar. Spain. 2000) liduardo Norioga. l’onolopo (‘rtI/. (‘hoto l.ora. ll7min. Smooth looking. throo oar- owning. inhoritanoo xponding (‘oxai' t.\'orioga) hax tho xoit of Madrid lilo man} would droam of. Ho o\‘on gotx tho hoxt looking girl. tho xtunning Solia ((‘ru/i. llou. o\'or. xohadonl'raudo doIIIanle a turn for tho \x'orxt and. \lll't‘ onough. thoro it ix litorall} round tho oornor. .'\monahar'x xooond l'oattiro xoomx oaught hotuoon tho light oomio touch of Almodox'ar and tho [)L‘ttle‘ xtlhllolit‘x ()l' Modom. (;/(l\_Q(llt' I't/nl Ill/It'llll't'. (i/Itxgmi‘.

Outer and Inner Space Il-ZI oooo (And)- \\'at'hol, l8. l‘)(I5) lidto Sodgwiok. 33min. l’at't ol- (ilaxga'fi (ti-i. (i/uicmi: Play Me Something I IS) oooo I'l‘imoth} .\'oat. l'lx'. WW) John Borgor. Tilda Su‘mton. llaIIIIxh llondorxon. 72min. In tho lotingo at Barra‘x airport. axxortod tra\ ollorx auait tho loghotind (il;txgn\\ plano. and old man llondorxon ooniurox tip a xtor_\‘tollor (Borgor) to koop thont ontortainod. llIx xtor_\ ol' romanoo and politiox in Vonioo Ix tranxpoxod againxt .\'oat'x dixlooatod Iinagox ol~ tho on) and Suixx lonxinan Joan .\lohr‘x o\‘ooali\ o photographx. 'l‘ho roxult Ix an improxxn o o\amination of tho art of narrath ll'Ulll a oolohratod hoinogroxx n talont. l’art ol tho (‘arrying Stoam l‘oxtnal. I'i/niliouu’. l‘.tlllll’lll'g’/l.

Pride and Prejudice It'I ooo \Vright. l'lx'. 2005) Kona Knightlo}. \latthou .\laol-‘ad'\on. Bronda Bloth}n. l)onald Suthorland. l27niin. In thix xolid and likoahlo now \orxion ol~ .’\uxtou‘x llttlL‘lL‘x\ ltt)\'L‘l. tlll'L‘L‘ltit' \Vt'iglll ttlttl xoroonuritor Dohorah .\loggaoh out tho xouroo IIIatorial donn to xi/o allowing tImo l'or tho xooondar} talox to dovolop \x'hilo iIoVor loxing xight ol‘ tho all ponading romanoo hot“ oon Daro} and lili/ahoth. l.iko tho no\'ol. it Inakox tor a talo lull ol' plot

in ixtx and oiiiotional turhulouoo \\ Ithout

ox or aoquiring tho Inannorod xuhtlot} ol‘ Aug l.oo'x St’nu’ (llll/ .VI'IHI/NI'IIY. St'lt't II'I/ I'(’/('(l\(’.

Race you to the Bottom Iihoi tRIIxxoll Bronn. IN. 2004) .thor Bonxon. ('olo \Villiainx. .lorom} l.olliott. l)aniollo llarrix. 75min. Soo (iay. pago 57. Part ol (il;ixg;t)l (i/mgnu I'i/nt TINY/HT. (i/uxomiz Red Shoes Il’(}) 0.... I.\liohao| l’oxxoll & liinorio l’roxxhurgor. l'lx'. I‘MX) Anton Wallhrook. Mariux (iorIng. .\loira Shoaror. l “min. Ballorina Shoaror ix toin hotwoon an autocratic tttipt'oxxarto and a xtar\ Ing _\oung oompoxor ax xho danoox hor ua} tII\\;Ii'le madnoxx. Romarkahl} xorIotIx troattnont ol‘ tho xuhioot III.Ittor Ix holpod h} xuporlatn o doxign and oIIIoIIIatIIgraph) III thix olaxxio piooo ol' l’on oll/l’roxxhurgoi o\proxonniqu. l’art ol' l’ouoll rotroxpootn o. I’l/Hl/lllllu’. lat/inlmrglt.

Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue It) 0.. (Harold l"ronoh. l‘K/l'S. 1053)


Riohard 'l’odd. (i|_\IIIx .lolIIIx. .lamox

i"1]LllL‘(iulll|\|l Musmtaqo PfOlTlOlIOli‘I I td brow/Its

Bustor Keaton III "THE GENERAL" With "ONE WEEK"

th) (/I)SSI(‘ Sllmtt fl/III (Ollit‘t/lt“: VVIl/l livo ()r( boxtra/ (x (()/ll,’)(lllllll(’!l.' To add to tho enjoy/non! bot/"I III/mi, .wl/ b0 aunmpanrorl by I7'ltlS/( (“I/wt It)”, (omposod by Paul Rob/rim!) <Ind port’ormod Iii/o by tho so [HM (‘ mil/t)» MixtrI/Iiitinta/ ommnb/o Hat/Iioliw {I‘d/Id

FTH: Wed 6 Nov, 7.30pm Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall


The Challenge (La 5

Often overlooked in favour of his better known contemporaries,

Francesco Rosi was actually one of the more interesting, radical and daring of the post-war Italian neo realist filmmakers. This, the first film in an impressive retrospective, was actually Rosi’s debut from 1958. A simple tale of fruit, vegetables and the mafia the film exhibits an

incredibly assured touch.

I Fl/IT‘I/lOt/SO. Edinburgh (Tl/(3 If) Nov only).

Rohortxon Juxtioo. Slinin. :\l'tor tho I7 I 5 dol'oat of tho olanx. ono ol' tho IlIghland loadorx. Rob Roy Madirogor. oxoapox. hax lotx ol~ adionturox. gotx marriod. and

o\ ontually hooomox onough ol' a nuixanoo to (ioorgo l to ho outlau od and huntod h} tho linglixh. l€II_|o_\ahlo ill largo!) hixtorioall} Inaoourato xuaxhhuoklor. SI [hit/("I (Inn-Ix I-IIII'Ii/iiu'g/I.

Rollin’ Through the Decades It‘I I\\'inxton \\'liittoi'. l'lx'. 2005) 123mm. .r\ltor tho omorgonoo ol' xkatohoarding and tho l'K \L‘L‘ltt‘ In tho 70x. le I‘)I\'()x rotroat undorground Ix o\p|orod through tho tixo ol dooumontary loolago and intorx to“ x. l‘ilmmakorx and logondx aro all proxont to bring lilo to tho \x-holo turhulont loiirno). (i/usgou~ I'ilnI 'I'III'IIII‘I’. (ilmuun: Salvatore Giuliano I IS) oooo tl-ranooxoo Roxi. ltal_\'. I‘lol) l'ranlx \Voll'l. Saho Randono. lirodorioo '/.ardi. l25tnin. 'l'ho Malia. politiox and Sicilian xooiot} aro o\aminod III thix dooudrama ahout (iiuliano. tho inlainoux bandit. l‘laxhhaokx lorIn tho lxtxlx Ul' lltt' liltt). In)!” tho tllxt‘tn or} til ltlx l‘titl} to [ho lt'lalx Ul' ltlx ttxxtk‘tdlt‘x. .-\tt ttgtl prop IIIaxtorpIooo. l’ai't ol Roxi xoaxon. l’l/Hl/IHHH‘. lat/niburgli.

Saw II I 18).. Il)arion l.}nn BouinIaIi. IS. 3005) 'l'ohin Boll. |.}I‘II| Bout. ‘l'IIiI Burd. .lohn l‘allon. 'l‘ho .ligxan Killor Ix hack it) llttx xt‘ttllt‘l lt) lttxl _\Cill'.\ gri/Il) xloopoi‘ horror hit (it-III'I‘II/ i'I'lt'Iiu: Serenity l l5) .... lJttxx \Vhodon. [3. 2005) Nathan l‘illion. (iina 'l'orrox. .v\lan 'l'ud}|x. Il‘hnin. Sol i'l tho \Vliodon \xa}. hit/H II'I/ I'I'II’IIH’.

Shaadi No 1 Itho) tl)a\Id l)ha\\an. liidia. 3005) Santa) l)utt. l‘ardoon Khan. /a} od Khan. Shariuan JoxlII. lit)ll}\\t)t)tl roIiI oom. ()1/('(’Il.'il I'III' (jinn. (i/mgnn, (i/mgun. The Shutka Book of Records I IS) l.'\lL'l\\;ttttht‘ \lanto. ('Iooh Ropuhlio. 2005) 7.\'Inin. Shutka. tlIo Roman) oapital ol tho \xoi'ld. pridox Itxoll' on hroaking rooordx and xotting goalx. lroiII gooxo lightx to \anIpIro huntx. .-\ good lItIIIIourod and liglIt-hoai‘tod doouiiiontar} that goox inxido a “til'ltl tixuall} oloxod oll ll'ttllt outxidorx. l'I/III/iniixt'. I-[I/III/im'g/I.

Sick I IX) 0... le'irh) lhok. [8. 1007) 80mm. l'nl'orgotlahlo doouiiiontar) on tho lilo and doath ol porloIInaIioo artixt and onl pt'oolaiitiod 'xupoI‘IIiaxoolIIxt‘ Boh l'lanagaii. HI'IIIIII /.IHI\. lat/III/rmg/I,

Sixty Glorious Years Iihoi oo Illorhort \\ Iloo\. l'lx'. 1‘) i8) :\llll.t \oaglo. .-\nton \\a|hrook. (‘ .r\ul\ro_\ Smith. 05min. ('onxor\ati\ o and \oi'} \xlIIto\\.leiod oIIIoIIIatIo Intorprotation ol tho roigiI ol ()IIoon Victoria li'oiii uppoI‘ olaxx huxhand and \\ ilo toaIII \oaglo and Wilcox \Vhoro'x tho po\ort_\ and tho rogal nogloot ol hor

dodicalod xuhiootx’.’ XI Ifi'tI/I' '\ ('I’Itln'. I‘..(/lIl/Jlll‘g'll.

Sky High (l’(i) O. t.\lIko .‘xlitoholl. IN. 2005) Miohaol .'\ngarano. Kim Ruxxoll, lx'olly l’roxton. l)aIIiollo l’anahakor. 100mm. 'l‘hix lilm ix xot in a \xorld uhoro xuporhoroox aro oommonl} knon II and aoooptod. and xomo xuporlxidx III a high xohool try to halanoo thoir xpooial pouorx \\ ith thoir normal noodx. .-\ laokltixtro t‘ttltlt‘tl}‘ X .ilt’lt l'or kltlx. (iI'IlI'I'Il/ I'I'II’IIH‘. Some Like it Hottl’(i).O... (Bill) \Vildor. l'S. l‘fi‘l) Ton} (’Iirtix. .laok l.onunon. Marilyi Monroo. l20IIIIn. 'l‘wo IIIIpoounioux Inalo iniixioianx Inale ortontl} \xitnoxx tho St \'alonthto\ l)a} .\laxxaoro and tako rolugo in l-‘lorida \\ ith Snoot Suo and hor Sooioty Swoopatorx. an all l'omalo hand. Brilliant. hi'ittlo. oraokorlaok l'aroo

\\ Ith all oonoornod at a poak in thoir oaroorx. SI nhnnllt .S'I‘I'I'I’Itiltu Ronni. Iz'IlI'n/Iiu'g/I. Spirited Away tl’( i) ooooo tlitl} an \lixii/Iiki. Japan. 3001 ) Voioox: l)a\oigh ('haxo. Rumi lliragi. Sidonio \on Kroxigk. \li}ti lrino. Jaxon .\larxdon. l35min. l’liiloxoph}. amino and xlIaiIiaIIixIII thix ix xoinothing roally xttinIIing that noodx to ho xt‘t‘lt [0 ho lk‘llt‘VL‘tl. (il‘rni‘c'mil‘. (i/Inzuii. Step into Liquid It'I Inana BI-tmn. 1‘8. 2001) 37mm. Stirling and thrill lo\orx aliko \\ Ill lap up thix in\ igorating rido through tho lioroo mu ox ol‘ ()ahii'x North Shoro to lroland and Rapa XIII. \'oioox ol' logondx loin ovoryday xurl'orx III thix liliii h) tho Inakorx ol limllt'u Simnm'r. (i/Itwnii I'ilm I'llt’tlll't’. (ilttqut‘.

Tales of Hoffman IP( il oooo I.\liohaol l’onII/limorio l’roxxhurgor. l‘lx'. “’51) .\loira Shoarot'. Rohort llolpttiautt. l.oonid .‘xlaxxIno. ludinilla ’l‘ohorina. l27min. ()l'l'onhaoh'x I‘Pt'rotta Ioonduotod h.‘ Sir 'l‘hoinax Boooham) ix a typicall} |a\ ixli hlond ol' xong. iiiuxio and xpootaolo. Tho throo llltll\ idual xtoriox hax o a roughl} linkod thomo ol' nnroquitod lo\ o. hut tho o\orall tooling Ix ol a lack ol' oohoxion. l’art ot' l’o\\o|l rotroxpootn o. l-i/m/Inuu’. I‘fI/III/Im‘g/I.

A Taste of Honey I l2.-\I ooo

I‘l‘on) Riohai‘dxon. l'lx'. I‘lol ) l)ora BI'_\an. \ltirra} .\lol\in. Rita ‘l‘uxhinghaIII. Rohort Stophonx. I00Inin. Kitohon xink roalIxnI about a Sall'ord girl “'10 gotx prognant .Il'tor |oa\ Ing homo. .-\daptod lroni Sholagh l)olano_\ ‘x pla}. l’I/III/mitu‘. lat/HI/mrg/i. The Tasty Bust Reunion IihoI IStophon .\laol.oan. .'\ll\ll';lll;l. 200-1) 52min. Soo (la). pago 57. Part ol' ( ilaxga}' (‘( ‘sl. (i/lequii.

That Man: Peter Berlin Iiho) IJIIII 'luxhinxki. 1.8. 2003) l’otor Burian tax hinixoll' l’otor Borlin). Rohort Boulangoi‘. Rick (‘axtro. (in) ('lat'lx. 80min. Soo (ia).

pago 57. Part ol' (ilaxggnl (i/mgmi' I-‘i/m ‘I‘III'IIII'I'. (i/uxgoii:

Thesis (Tesis) I ltx’) l.'\lcjttlttlt't) Amonahar. Spain. NUS) .»\na 'l'orront. Ralaol .\lartiIIo/. liduardo Norioga. 135mm. 'l'hix tirxt lilltl from .-\Iuonahar tdirootor ol‘ ()pt'n lour lz'ws and Hit (NINTH ix a taut littlo thrillor in \Ihioh a xtudoIIt roxoarohing \ iolonoo in audio). ixual inodia hoooIIon ombroilod in a xnul‘l' IIon io orimo ring. (ilmgmi' I'tlm 'I‘ltt'umz (iluxgmi'. Thumbsucker I ISI ooo I.\tiko Millx. [19. 2005) Lou l’uooi. Tilda Swinton. Koanu Roo\ ox. Vinoo Vaughn. \‘inoont l)‘()nol‘rio. Bonjamin Bratt. t)7min. lntoroxting il~ llaxx'od adaptation of \Valtor Kirn’x novol h} graphio artixt and Inuon Vidoo \‘itttioxo Millx. (‘I'iit'n'urlt/ RI'Ii/I‘I’ii .h-Il't’t'l. (i/Ilwuii; (i/mgmi’.‘ I'llIII/IUHH'. IiIImburg/i.

Toy Story 2 Il') .0... Ilohn l.axxotor. [8. 2000) Tom llankx. 'l‘iIn Allon. Joan ('uxaoL 05min. lixoollont xoquol. (il'tnt't’ltnl'. (Ii/(lfi‘g’tlit'.

Vertigo tl’(i) 0.... (Allrod llitohoook. 18. 1958) Jamox Ston art. Kim Noutk. Barbara Bol (ioddox. lZXtttln. l)otooti\‘o Stowart. a man afraid of hoightx. l‘allx in

lo\ o n ith a “otiian u ho apparont|_\' ooiiimitx xuioido. Whon ho mootx hor douhlo. ho hoooinox ohxoxxod \\ ith tho poxxihilit} that xho ix xtill ali\ o. li\traordinai"\ plotting In thix undorx'aluod llitohoook xtud_\' of romantic inania. \xith Stou art lliClttttl'tthl} oaxt ttgtttnxl typo ax tho dixtinotl} on-tho— odgo oop. ’l‘ho Bornard llorrmann xooro ix xIIIiIIIIIIIIoIIile)' luxh and dixturhing. Part of llitohoook and 30th (‘ontury (‘inoma xoaxon. I'i/m/iuust'. lat/inburglt.

Visit Dungavel (Monster of the Glen) tl’(i) I('amoordor (iuorillax. Sootland. 2005) l.‘~45inin. With tho l'l'x' dotaining 35.000 ax}luin xookorx a _\oar. l’ixi'! Hungarol ix a proxooatix o and timol} liliii l'rom (ilaxgtm 'x (’amoordor (iuorrillax. l'l'Ulll puppotx to aniIIIation. tho} blond inno\ati\ o xl)lL‘x to o\ploro tho ixxiiox lacod h} thoxo Iookod up \\llllt)lll trial. A lroo. llk'ixt‘lt‘ti L‘\L‘nl. (i/Ing'nii' I'll/HI I‘llt’tlll't'. (i/Ilwnii;

Wallace 8: Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit I t' ) oooo I.\'iok Park/Stu o Bo\. l'K. 3005) Voioox ol' l’otor Sallix. Ralph liionnox. llolona Bonham (‘artoiz 85min. 'l'ho long-:maitod l'oaturo— Iongth dohut lor l’ark'x plaxtioino IIIaxtor and mutt Wallaoo & (iroinit. ix to coin a phraxo. ll grand d1!) otIl. 'l‘ltlx littlo. th L‘llooxo-

lt)\ ing Wallaoo and hix oanino ohuni ha\ o roimontod thomxol\ ox ax a huniano poxt- oontrol outlit ‘.-\nti-l’oxto' and thoro‘x a m_\ xtorioux 'n oro-rahhit' on tho pronl at tho looal noighlmurhotxl (iiant Vogotahlo oompotition. Knowing l‘un lol‘ all tho family. (I'I'III'I'II/ I'I'lt'uu'.

The Weavers (I Magliari) Il’tti .... li'il'illik'LWCU Roxi. [tab/Franco. 1050) .v\lhorto Sordi. Ronato Sahatoro. Bolinda l.oo. l l lIIIin. Roxi‘x xophoinoro lilin lolloux ltalian omigrantx norking in tho toxtilo inarkot in (it‘fllMll). llo o\plorox tho problomx ol‘ omigration and tho North South ooonoiuio di\ ido through tho xtylo ol' lUJtlx noo-roalixt drainax. Part ot‘ Rnxl xoaxon, l‘l/Hl/lttllu'. Iz'Ili'IilIIu'o/i.

Wedding Crashers I IS) ooo

(l)a\ id Dohkin. IS. 3005) ()won \Vilxon. Vinoo Vaughn. Raohol MoAdanIx. (‘hrixtophor Walkon. l I‘lnun. Thix hoixtoroux ooiuody about a pair of tll\'t)l'CC inodiatorx (\Vilxon and Vaughn) \\ ho xpond oaoh xpring xoaxon gatooiuixliiitg \\ oddingx xo tho} oan xooro hahox ix inorol} an ugl} xooond oouxin onoo t‘ottto\ od to tho Ion ht‘ou likox ol' Hollow/m” and .lII’I-I Illt' l‘itt’lu’l‘v ()I/I’HII xi! I'llt’ QHIIV. (i/Inurm. Whisky I l3.-\) 0... tl’ahlo Stoll/Juan l’ahlo Rohulla. l'ruqua} /.-\rgontma/ SpaiII/(ioriiI.In}. 2004) Jorgo Bolani. l)aniol llt'lttllt‘t'. \lit't'lltt l’axoalll. .'\lltil't‘\ l’u/ttx, ‘lh'nun. llilarioux dounhoat oomod} drama lroIII l'rugua) that‘x a poouliarl) xour pootii ol IIIleaid lo_\alt_\. griol and poxximixm. (tinny). I'fI/mburgh.

You I Love (Ya Lyublu Tebya) IihoI t()lga Stolpm xk;I);I & Ditnitr} 'l'roItxk). Rtixxia. 3004) Damn Badinao\. l.)tiho\ 'l‘olkalina. lix'gon) Kor)alxo\ xk). 85min. Soo (in). pago 57. Pan ol‘ (ilaxga)? (i/mgmr I'i/nt 'I'III'IIII'I'. (i/mgtm.