Visual Art


('rcorgc l\' liridgc. 33(r 453l. Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

In the Footsteps of Isabella Bird: Adventures in Twin Time Travel l'ntil Sun 27 .\'o\. lircc. .-\n c\hihilion ol' photographs h} Prolcssor Kiyrnori Kauasaka ol' Ksoto. takcn in thc l'ootstcps ol' thc l‘)th ccnlur} author and tra\cl|cr. lsahclla Bird. LAS'l Cl lANCl, K) St l .


7.5 IJL‘llol‘tl Road. (r34 (r300. l)ail_\

10am 5pm.

Jon Schueler: The Sound of Sleat l‘iitil Sun 5 Mar. :\ displa) ol' \xork cclchrating thc :\mcrican Abstract li\prcssionist paintcr \sho sct up a studio in \lallaig. on thc Sound ol' Slcat. Jannis Kounellis: Works 1959-2005 “0.0 l‘ntil Sun 8 Jan. l'irst rctrospcctir c in Scotland ol' \Mrl‘k h} this kc} ligurc ol' post-\sar ltalian art \\lio \sas closcl) inxolxcd \\ ith thc artc po\cra lllll\ L‘lllCllI.

Strategy: Get Arts Revisited l'ntil Sun 8 .lan. Photographs and archi\ c niatcrial lrom thc groumlhrcaking W70 C\lllhlllll|l .Sll'ult'g'l.‘ (in .-lI‘I\.

Next Step 'l'uc 33 .\'o\. l0ani 4pm. l'rcc. Scmiuar c\aluating thrcc artist—lcd projccts looking at communit} rcgcncration. (‘all (r34 (r410 to hook a placc.


| ()uccn Strccl. (r34 (r200. .\lon \Vcd & l‘ri Sun lllam 5pm; 'I‘hu Illam 7pm. The Healing Touch l’ntil Sun 27 \o\. li\hilrition chatting kc} pcriods in lcarning. training and [caching in mcdicinc to coincidc \xith thc Ro)al ('ollcgc ol Surgcons‘ quinccntcnar} L'L‘iL‘i‘l‘illlllll\. l . The Philosopher’s Garden l'ntil Sun 30 \o\. l-‘rcc. li\hihition c\ploring lhc philosophical lllL‘lllL'\ that connch l.llllL‘ Sparta to thc gardcn at lirnicnom illc \shcrc Rousscau “as huricd. lASl (lilANlll if) S? l.

Portrait Miniatures from the Merchiston Collection l'ntil Sun I l l)cc. l-‘rcc. 'l'hc lilth in an annual scrics ol‘ miniaturc c\hihitions.

Still Life? l'util Hi 35 .\'o\. l’rcc. :\n liducation l)cpartmcnt projcct c\ploring thc issucs that allch Scottish pcnsioncrs. lASl (LllANlil ll) Sl l

The Battle of Trafalgar and the Death of Nelson 1805-2005 l'ntil Sun 2‘) Jan. lishihition ol' rsork lrom thc collcction to mark thc hiccntcnar} ol' thc Battlc ol' 'I‘ral'algar.

Anatomy as Art ch 23 .\'o\.

12.45 l.l5pm. l‘rcc. l)r limilc (iordcnkcr looks at two [)utch paintings includcd in ‘I‘lit' [It'll/mg 'Iiim‘li.


Palacc ol' llol_\roodhousc. 55(r 5100. l)ail} 9.30am 5pm. £5 (L'3-L'4); £13 lamil) tickct.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother l'ntil Sun 20 Nos; I'iit'sl cxhihilion ol 73 “alcl'colotil's and drau ings l‘rom thc Quccn Mum's collcction. lASl CHANCE. l0 SEE.

I ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIALS ‘) Quccn Strccl. 225 3*)22.

John Byrne in Conversation WM 30 .\'o\. 7.|5pm. £7 (l-rcc to l'ull-timc studcnts). :\l'llsl and pla'ns right John B}rnc talks to John Mackcchnic about his Inc and work.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lmcrlcith llousc. 553 7l7l. 'l‘uc Sun l0am 5.30pm.

* Keith Farquhar 0.00 l'ntil Sun 8 Jan. l0am 3.30pm. l-"rcc. 'l‘hc lirst major c\hihition ol nc\\ \sork h} highl} rcgardcd lidinlrurgh-lrascd artist Kcith l’arquhar. Scc rc\ icu. pagc U5 and llitlist. * Mark Leckey ooooo l'ntil Sun a .lan. l.cckc) 's first solo cshihition in Scotland. Scc rc\ icu. pagc ‘)5 and llitlist.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'I'hc Mound. 335 (r(r7l. .\lon Sat

Illam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

The Sea l'tllil Still 30 Nov I'Al'L‘L‘. \Vot'ks lrom thc .-\cadcm} 's archi\ c shors ing Scotland's particular rclalionship to thc sca and coastlinc. lASl (ll lANCl l()

S! l .

I SCOTTISH POETRY LIBRARY 5 (‘l'ichton's ('losc. ('anongalc. 557 387(r. .\lon liri llam (rpm: Sat

noon 4pm.

Through the Letterbox Mon 28 .\'o\ Sat 4 l'ch. l lain (rpm. l’rcc. .-\n c\hihition illuminating thc making M a hook containing liaikus \srittcn h) latc Scottish Rcuaissancc poct. (icorgc Brucc and illustrach h} lili/alrcth Blackmldcr. Nl Si KN)".

As part of the artist in residency scheme at the Embassy, London-based artist Ruth Ewan presents new work based on her research into teaching talking birds to sing political songs and protests chants, influenced by the twittering and hollering at this year’s G8 Summit at Gleneagles.

I Mr) Embassy. Hamburg/i, uni/l Fri 2 DOC.


2.3 ('ockhurn Strccl. (r33 (r200. l)ail_\ llatn (rpm.

Ricochet O. l'ntil Sun 18 l)cc. lixhihition of work from a Stills cducation projch which im'ilcd pcoplc from a \s'idc rangc of cultural backgrounds to try out \‘ttl‘lotls artistic tcchniqucs.

Guided Tour Sat 2(r .\'o\. 2pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘hirty-minutc guidcd tour ol‘ thc currcnt cxhihition Rirm'ln'r just conic along.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'nixcrsity ol' lidinhurgh. South Bridgc. (r50 22l0. 'l‘uc Sat l0am 5pm.

* Lucy McKenzie 0000 l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. (‘ollahoratix c cxhihition with Bcrlin hascd artists Birgit Mcgcric and l.ucil|c l)Csttltit)t')'. in thc Round Room. cxamining dil’l‘crcnt modcs and st) lcs ol rcprcscntation. Scc rcVicu'. pagc 94 and llitlist.

Palermo Restore: The Bonn Archive l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. An cxhihition ol‘ l’alcrmo‘s paintings. drawings and photographs from lhc collcction ol ls'unstmuscum. Bonn.


llaxsthorndcn l.cclurc 'l‘hcalrc. National (iallcr). lhc .\lound. (r24 (r5(r0.

Art Competition for Schools l'ntil Sat 3| l)cc. lixhihition of aiming cntrics from this National (iallcrics ol‘ Scotland compctition.

Positive Exposure: The Spirit of Difference Hi 18 .\'o\-. I245 1.30pm. l‘rcc. l-‘ormcr lashion plurtographcr Rick (Juidotti discusscs his work challcnging lhc stigma associach \\ ith pcoplc \\ ho ha\ c gL‘tlL‘llL‘ cotldtlions.

Picture of Health 'l‘uc 22 .\’o\-.

1245 1.30pm. l‘rcc. Artist lain Sic“ art talks about his \sork includcd in “Iv Ilt'u/ing 'Iirucli.

The Watson Gordon Lectures: Ludmilla Jordanova WM 23 .\'o\.

(r 7pm. l-‘rcc. In this concluding lccturc of thc Watson (iordon scrics. Prolcssor Jot'danma cxamincs ‘.\lasctt|init_V and Romancc: 'l‘hc Portraits ol~ Sir .lolm Watson (iordon'.

Art, Friendship and Collecting [inc 3‘) .\'o\. 12.45 1.30pm. l-‘rcc. lili/ahcth (‘o\\ ling looks at thc t'clztlionship hctuccn Pahlo Picasso and Roland I’cnl‘osc.

Private Galleries


75/70 (‘umhcrland Strccl. 558 3352. ch Sat llain (rpm.

Naomi Garriock: Accept/Reject 'l'hu l7 Nox. l lam (rpm. 'l'hc lirst solo cxhihition h} thc lidinhurgh artist uscs ink drars ings. magnctic picturcs. paintings and othcr cxpcrimcnts lo cxplorc thc sCtlllL‘ll\L‘lles ol thc product and rcasons lor sclcction. lAST

Cl lANCl’ ll) SEE.


|()3 \Vc‘sl Bo“. 330 UN”. Mon Sat Illam 5.30pm.

Before the Birds Stop Singing l'ntil Sat 3 l)cc. Paintings. murals and sculpturcs dcpicting hirds in man) guiscs h) Birminghanr-hascd artists l.uc} .\lcl.auchlan.


l l Kc“ Markcl Road. 477 3500.

Cafe 2005: Contemporary Art Fair Fri 18 Sun 20 .\'o\'. l‘ri 6: Sat l0am 8pm; Sun l0am 5pm. 9.5 (£2.50): ll l(rs l'rcc. lntcrnational art lair including cxhihitors l‘rom Spain. Russia and Holland. Scc \ l‘or dctails.


3 l)ounc 'lcrracc. 335 7l8‘). Mon Fri l)am 5pm.

Danish-Scottish Contemporary Prints l'ntil 'l‘hu l5 l)cc. Work h) Philip Rcchs. Adrian Wis/nicu'ski. John ()Iscn. .\lcttc Stausland and Roy l"rilrcrg.


I l (iaylicld Squarc. 558 7] l0. ch l‘ri I lam (rpm; Sat noon 5pm.

Charles Avery l'ntil Thu 22 l)cc. lixhihition of ncw work h) artist ('harlcs .-\\'cr_\‘. Scc prcx icu‘. pagc ()4.


30 34 St Andrcrs' Squarc. 524 8388. Contempo®Harvey Nichols Sun 20 Nov. 8pm. £18(£12).Ancr'cningol Filipino art and culturc. including sculpturc h) Imp) Pilapil and paintings from (laston Damag. Rock l)rilon. Manucl Baldcmor and tnorc. Scc wu-\s'


(r ('arlton 'l'crracc. 55(r 444 l. 'l'uc Sat 10am 5pm.

Edition l'ntil ch 2| l)cc. Limich edition prints h} artists such as Louisc Bourgcois. Ian Hamilton l‘inla). llouard Hodgkin. ('allum lnncs and morc.


87 Broughton Strccl. 558 8778. Mon. 'l‘uc & 'l‘hu Sat 10.30am 2.30pm & 4.30 (r.3l)pm.

Graeme Murray: Rhythms Through Time l'ntil Sat I‘) Nos. Work by thc lormcr dircctor ol‘ thc liruitmarkct (iallcr); LAST CHANCE TO SEE. Stella Steyn: 1907-1987 Hi 25 Nov Sat ll) l)cc. Rctrospccth c of Stcyn’s sclli-portraiturc. NEW SHOW.

I THE ROYAL INCORPORATION OF ARCHITECTS IN SCOTLAND l5 Rutland Squarc. 22‘) 7205. Mon l’ri 9am 5pm.

Tech City: Writings on the Wall l'ntil ch 30 .\'o\. Architcctural paintings h} Michacl Jcssing. LASl CHANCE TO SEE.


l(r l)undas Strccl. 558 1200. Mon Fri l0am (rpm: Sat l0am 4pm. Alexander Muir: Paintings 1955-1994 l'ntil 'l‘uc 2‘) .\'o\'. lixhihition ol' cit) \ccncs h) lhc Dundcc- hascd artist. LAST CHANCE. l0 SEE. Judy McCaig l'ntil 'l‘uc 2‘) .\'o\. qu'cllct')‘.

Small is Beautiful l'ntil 'l‘uc 2‘) .\'o\. Work h) Pippin l)r_\ sdalc. lidmund dc Waal. Pict Stockmans and morc. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.

Artist Spaces


7(r liast ('rosscatiscua}. (r(r7 2808.

Thu Sun noon (rpm.

Psittaciformes Trying to Change the World l'ntil Hi 2 l)cc. lixhilrition ol' ncu \sot‘k h} l.irmlon-hascd artist Ruth liu'an. ccntrcd around rcscarch into thc possihilit) ol‘ [caching l’sittacil'ortncs (birds such as parrots. lll;lL‘;l\\s and parakccts) to sing political chants. Tobias Sternberg: The Gallery is Temporarily Open for Unnecessary Refurbishment l'ntil Sun I l l)cc. Tobias Stcrnhcrg undcrtakcs an altcrnatir c rcl'urlrishmcnt ol~ thc limhass}. adding cxiras such as sccrct doors and magical mirror cahincts.


3 Bristo Placc. 320 4538. noon 10pm. lndus[trial] l"ri l8 .\'o\ Thu 8 l)cc. .-\rt. photograph} and music installation h} Jonathan lidcr) looking at thc symbiosis of thc organic and thc industrial. NEW SHOW.

Outside the Cities


I52 T‘s'cthcrgatc. (H 382 909000. 'l‘uc. ch. l‘ri ck Sat 10.30am 5.30pm; 'l’hu l0.30am 8.30pm; Sun noon 5.30pm. David Claerbout 00000 l‘ntil Sat 3 l)cc. l)a\'id ('lacrhout's \\ot‘k l'uscs thc catcgorics of photograph) and film. sccking to qucstion thc durability and mcaning of photographic imagcs.