Name Tuva Novotny Born Stockholm. Sweden. 1979 Background Novotny has been gaining recognition in Europe for some time. having made her cinematic debut in 1997's Tic T80. and being voted Sweden‘s second most beautiful woman in men's magazine Slitz the following year. More importantly, perhaps. she was also nominated for the Best Swedish Actress Award in 2002. Influenced by her Czech heritage (her father's side). she spent a year in Prague studying at a film and theatre school. but had problems with the language and ultimately found the experience disappointing. Undeterred. her acting career kicked off with a role in Swedish soap opera Ski/da var/dar. from which she progressed to other TV shows. including the somewhat heavier Herr von Hancken.

What’s she up to now? Novotny can currently be seen turning up the heat in Brian Jones biopic Stoned. as the dead rocker's then girlfriend Anna Wohlin. She's also been back in Sweden working on Bang Bang Orangutang. as well as spending time filming upcoming New Zealand comedy No 2.

What she says about researching Anna Wohlln 'I grew up with the Stones. I loved them. But I barely knew of Brian. and I didn't know anything about Anna. So when I met Stephen [Woolley]. he put me in the office with a pile of books and said. “Read!”

Interesting tact Before her acting success. Novotny also graced the stage in various bands. from blues collectives to Swedish rockers the Rambo Allstars.

I Stoned is on selected release from Fri 18 Nov.

Wed 76 Nov, 7 30pm ONE WEEK 8: THE GENERAL (U) Wed 23 Nov,

70 30am, 7 30pm & 7. 30pm


Mon 72 Dec,

70.30am, 7 30pm 8) 7 30pm


MO!) 19 Der,

(0 300m, 7 30pm 8i / 30pm


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

50 THE LIST 1? Nov 1 Doc .9005

The Intruder ( (8) cos (Roger (‘ortnan. t'S. l‘)(tl ) Williattt Sltatner. l-‘rank Maxwell. Beverly l.unsford. 84min. Roger (‘orntan‘s tttost serious filttt (attd apparetttly his favourite of ftis owtt pictures) has a pre- Kirk Shattter itt blistering fortit as art unscrupulous agitator vvlto arrives itt a small Southern States town on the eve of tlte integration of the local school. ltis sole purpose to stir up racial ltatred. Taut. passionate attd effective message pictttre based on actual events. it was (‘ormatt's only contntercial failure evett wlten reissued uttder the rather tttore tabloid title of I Hate your (hits. ( 'amea. It'diitliiu'elt.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (15)..” (Shane Black. t'S. 2005) Robert [)ow'ney Jr. Val Kilttter. Michelle :‘vlonaghan. ('orbin Bernsen. l02min. Nice guy petty tltief Harry Lockhart (Downey Jr) is having a weird evening; somehow he has gorte front robbing a toy shop to a Hollywood pool party irt one easy ntove. But his luck changes when he meets showhi/Iy private eye (iay Perry (Kilnter) attd aspiring actress llartnony l‘aitlt Lane (Monaghan). lethal ll'eapon screenwriter Black's first filttt as

w riter/director is ultra convoluted. post modern. sntart artd clever. l’tie I-fi/iitlmreh. Iii/inlmrgh.

Klondike Annie (t') oooo (Raoul W'alsh. t'S. l‘)3(t) Mae West. Victor Mcl.aglen. Philip Reed. Helen Jerome liddy. Harry Beresfot'd. 76min. Tlte Hays (‘ode was ottt to crucify its favourite v ictint again w ill) Klondike Annie. a gem featuring West at her best as she stows away and takes over a small tovvtt tttissiott to save the sotils of gold miners. Part of Mae West Seasott. l-‘i/mhnuve. ['.tltltlllll‘g'lt.

Kyon Ki? ( l2A) (Priyadarshan. lttdia. 2005) Saltnatt Khan. Kareetta Kapoor. Rittti Sett. Hindi retttake of a classic Tatttil lov c story involving village romantic shennattigans. frustrated spottses attd tttad unrequited lover attd doctors. High melodrama indeed. ()(l('()ll A! The Quay. (ilavgon. (ilayemv; ('(‘I Iii/tithurglt. Iz'rliithtirglt.

Ladder 49 (lBA) 00 (Jay Russell. [S 2004) Joaquin Phoenix. John Travolta. Jacittda Barrett. Robert Patrick. I l5min. Ham-listed tribute to the undeniably heroic men attd women who slide down poles aitd race tip ladders with hoses to deliver its all frottt a fiery fate. Ladder-1‘) intercuts the predicatttettt of Jack Morrison (Phoenix) as he lies strickett iii a bttrttittg building. with scrupulously sanitised highlights frottt his career serving urtder Travolta itt Baltimore‘s litre Departntent. A wet blanket. the Edinburgh ()(‘l’(tlt. Iii/titlnirglt.

Last Days ( IS) “00 ((itis Van Sant. US. 2005) Michael Pitt. Lukas Haas. Asia Argettto. Scott (ireen. ()(vmin. Follow ittg oit from (ierrv attd I-flephant. lav! Days is another (itts Van Sattt film inspired by a real life death. with its roots in the suicide of Nirvana's lead singer Kttrt (‘obain The strength of the filttt is found itt the nihilisuc performance of Michael Pitt‘s Blake. the (‘obain figure. Fascinating rather than engrossing. (ilitv‘gmv I'ilm Theatre. (iluvgmv: Laurel and Hardy: Big Business (t') C.” (James Wesley. liS. l‘)2‘)) Start Laurel. ()liver Hardy. 70min. Destruction attd scams litter this classic Stan attd ()llie film. as they attempt to make sottte money iii a typically silly way by tryittg to sell a (‘hristntas tree iii the height of summer. A fast attd funny treat. Part of (ilagovv Silents. (ilasgmv I-ilm Theatre. (ilavgmv.

The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse ( l5) ooo (Steve Bettdelack. t'K. 2005) Reece Shearsnttth. Mark (iatiss. Steve Pembenon. ‘)l ittitt. For their debut feature. the league have married endless alltisiotts to ftorror film with a plot of multiple realities. lt‘s ambitious. leanly scripted attd expertly balanced between three different worlds. l'nfortunately. it‘s just ttot

as consistently funny as the group‘s best

work. (ilavqmv l'ilm Theatre. (ilavgon:

The Legend of Zorro (Po) .0

(Martin ('ampbell. t'S. 2005) Antonio Banderas. (‘atherine Zeta-Jones. (iiovanna Zacarias. Ratil Mendel. 130mm. Horribly reactionary. xenophobic sequel to l‘)‘)7‘s enjoyable swashbuckler The Mask (iqurI'r). (ieneral release.

The Libertine ( 18) 0” (Laurence Dutttnore. t'K. 2004) Joltrttty l)epp. Samantha Morton. John Malkov iclt. Stanley 'l'ovvnsend. Francesca Attitis. 1 14min. See rev ievv. page ~45. (ieneral release.

Lock, Stock and No Smoking Barrels (18) 0... (Guy Ritchie. l'ls'. l‘)‘)7) Nick Moratt. Jason Statltant. Vinnie Jones. l07min. Witty homage to the British crime thrillers of the I‘lotls. w ill) seedy. underworld locations attd streetw ise dialogtte. ()ilerut xi! The Quilt. (Ilitv‘eriti. (ilttvemi'. Lord of War ( l5) 0... (Attdrcw Niccol. PS. 2005) Nicolas ('age. Bridget Moyttaltatt. Jared l.eto. Shake 'l‘ttkhmattyan. l2lmin. An t'krainian/.-\ntericatt guttt'untter Yuri ()rlav recounts his life story frottt his little ()dcssa youth to his adult life. rttttttiitg frottt war zone to war lone. linjoy able blackly comic thriller which follows the structure of (hurdle/lav w itlt exilerating effect. A subversive look at a morally ambiguous subject. Selected release.

Lost Highway ( l8) 0.” (David l.ynch. t'S. |‘)‘)h) Bill Pullman. Patricia Arqtiette. Robert loggia. l35min. See picture caption. page 55. (iilntarehillU/2. (ilaveott; Lucky Luciano ( l 5) .000 (l-‘raneesco Rosi. Italy/fiance. l‘l73) (iian Maria \'olottte. Vincent (iardettia. lidtttond O'Brien. Rod Steigcr. l l5min. ('orruption is a common theme in Rosi's work. attd here again it is explored through a Mafioso talc. (time and politics provide the stage for this intense. realist film. which explores the course of Italy 's post-war period of recovery. Part of Rosi Season. l'i/mhnuve. I-ft/iitlmreh. Lumumba ( 15) 000 (Raottl Peck. l‘rancc/ (iermatty/Bclgtutn/llaiti. 2000) lirtq libouaney. Alex Descas. ‘l‘hephile Sovv ic. Maka Kotto. l l5tttitt. Patrice l.untumba never lost belief iii the ('ongo's ability to become indcjwndent attd prosperotIs. away frottt its Belgian rulers. This film explores his rise attd assassination. arid the political attd media infused game that eventually caused his death. (ilaveuiv' I'll/m Theatre. (ilavemv:

* Mad Hot Ballroom (t') 0000 (Marilyn .-\grelo/Amy' Sevv ell. t'S. 2005) l0(tntin. See interview. page 42. and rev icw. page 45. Selected I'i’lt'rtu'.

Many Wars Ago (Uomini contro) ( l5) 0... (Francesco Rosi. Italy/Yugoslavia. 1970) Mark lit‘echette. Alain ('uny. (iian Maria \‘olontc. ltllmin. Rosi's eclectic catalogttc continues w itlt this harrowing and humanistic film. considered to be ottc of the best war filitts ever ntade. Troops rebel itt World War t after w ttncssing the slaughter of their fellow ltaliaits. Part of Rosi Season. I’ilmhnuve. la'rliithiireh.

Me and You and Everyone we Know (l5) 0... (Miranda July. l'S/t'K. 2005) John Haw kcs. Miranda Jttly. Miles 'l‘ltompson. ()lmin. An enjoy ably whimsical tribute to lov'e's ti‘attsforntative powers. Me and lim . . intervvcaves a number of stories itt suburban l.A. involv ittg characters frottt across the generations all struggling to connect eittotiottally. ('('I ('lv'tlehanl. ('lvilehaitk; (‘('l [tilt/thurglt. I'frlinhureh.

The Moment of Truth (II Momento della verita) ( IX) 00” (l-‘raneeseo Rosi. Italy/Spain. WM) Miguel Mateo ‘Miguelin‘. Jose (iome/ ch illano. Pedro Basattri 'Pedrucho'. l lfltttin. Fascinating attd unscittimental dramatic investigation into the lure of bttllfiglttiitg for those who partake itt the game. This is among Rost's very best films. Part of Rosi Season. I'ilnthoiive. I'fi/inhtu'eh.

Mrs Henderson Presents ( 12A)

0.. (Stephen l-reat's. t'K. 2005) Jttdt l)ench. Bob lloskins. Thelma Barlow. Will Young. Kelly Reilly. (‘hristopher (iuest. I03ntin. See rev ievv, page 44. (ieiieral releave. Murderball t 15) 0... (Henry Alex Rubin/Datta Adam Shapiro. [S 2005) 85mm. Welcoitie to the wonderful world of qttad rugby. lt's Roller/ml! for the physically disabled arid it's about as brutal attd thrilling as wheelchair sports get. (TIlt'lH’I'll/ ReIt/reti .Stl‘r'i'l. (lltl\_L’tHl. (ililvg'riii ,‘ (‘Illl‘lttll'ltl Iz'iliitliiirc'h. Izililihtu‘eh.

Mutiny on the Buses (t') 00

(Harry Booth. t'K. W73) Reg \';it‘ttcy. Doris Hare. Anna Karen. S‘httin. Telcv isioit comedy series ltils the big screen it) lacklustre fashion. with Vat'ney teaching his hrother-itt-lavv the art of bits driv titg artd tltctt lteadittg off for

Windsor Safari Park. Plenty of roont for more laughs on top. SI Bride's ('eittre. Iz'rliitlitirgh. Nanny McPhee (t') 0. (Kirk Jones. t’K. 2005) litttma Thompson. ('olin Firth. Kelly Macdottald. ('elia ltttrie. Attgela t.ansbury. 97min. Hodge-podge tale of privileged rev elry. cliche attd antiquated morality. (ieneral re/eave.

The Net (Das Netz) ( (5) Hull Dammbeck. (icrmatty. 2004) l l4ntin. With the continued growth of information technology. this documentary about the t'na- bomber attd forttter professor 'l'heodore Kac/yttski is extrentely titttely. Interviewing scientists attd activists alike. director Dattttnbeck explores contplcx questions about the dev eloptttettt of IT. A (ioethe-lnstitut presentation. (ilatgmv I’i/m Theatre. (ilavgatv; Film/mute. l-filiithmjeh.

The Night of M (La Huit de la verite) ( l5) .0. (liattta Regina Nacro. Burkina liaso/lirance. 2004) Mottssa (‘isse. Adattta ()uedraogo. Rasmatte ()uedraogo. (ieorgelle Pare. Naky Sy' Savane. l00tnin. See rev icw. page 45. I‘ilnthauve. Edinburgh.

One Day in September ( )5) cm (Kevin MacDonald. t'K. 2000) Narrator: Michael Douglas. 04min. Macdottald's ()scar- winning documentary about the Palestiniatt organisation Black September‘s terrorist actiott at the 1072 Olympic (iantes plays like a tense political thriller. The tragic story is told tltrottglt grieving Israeli relatives. a vengeful Mossad agettt. feckless Bavarian security officers arid the sole living terrorist. l'ilmhauve. Iftlitthiireh.

Ossessione ( 15) 0000 (l.ueino \’isconti. Italy. l‘)42) (‘lara ('alamai. Massittto (iirolti. Juan De l.anda. Dhia ('ristatti. l3‘lmitt. V'iscottti's first featttre pre-empted the ltaliatt nco realism ntovetttettt with its steamy story of crime passionel The Postman .’illt(l\'\ Rings lii'tt‘i’ set in the Po l)elta. Seductive bttt cotttrolled. it was art early indicator of the auteur's intelligence attd intensity. l'i/m/totive. Edinburgh.

Peter Pan (1') 0.. (Herbert Bretton. l'S. l924) Betty Bronson. lirnest 'l'orrettce. l04tttin. Paramount‘s l‘)24 version of JM Barrte‘s‘ classic children's tale has been fully restored for this rare screening. Peter aitd Wendy travel to Neverlattd to ettd ('aptaitt Hook's reigtt of terror. Showing with Felix the

('at cartoon. Part of (ilasgow Silents. (ilavgavv

I'ilnt Theatre. (ilavemt:

Pride and Prejudice (t') 000 (Joe Wright. t'K. 2005) Keira Knightley. Matthew Macl-‘adyen. Brettda Blethy‘n. Donald Sutherland. l27mitt. Solid attd likeablc new version of Attsten's tittteless ttovel. ()(lemt. Iz'tlinlmrglt.

Rabid ( lts') O.” (Dav id ('roncnberg. ('anada. l‘)77) Marilytt Chambers. l-‘rank Moore. Joe Silver. 90min. After a ttasty sptll. motorcyclist (‘hambers undergoes plastic surgery attd reawakens with an tinhealhty appetite for huntan blood. Superior visceral horror front the ‘kittg of visceral ltorror'. Part of(‘ronenberg season. ('ameo. Iii/inhtajeh. Rear Window (l’( i) .000 ( Alfred llitcltcock. 1S. 1954) James Stevv art. (trace Kelly. Wendell ('orey. Ray tttond Bttrr. l l2min. laid tip with a brokcit leg. Slittt Jittt takes to neighbour spotting with binoculars attd cantera at the ready. Before lottg. he's gettittg ltot ttttdcr the collar about the dirty deeds done across the yard. Is it murder‘.’ ()r jttst ttaked voy eurism'.’ ()ne of Hitch’s darkest movies.

w itlt an intense. unrelenting clattstrophobia derived front confining the lens to the apartntent set. Part of llitcltcock attd 20th (‘etttltry ('ittcma Seasott. l'tlntlmuve. Izilinhiirglt.

Rehearsals ( t5) (Micltael (irigsby. t'K. 2005) 40min. The musicians of Belfast prepare for tltctr jwrformances itt tltis. the third of Micltael (irigsby ‘s acclaimed dtx‘utttentaries abottt Northern lrelattd. l-‘ootage of Belfast attd its people brittg home the reality of life lit the city. A Bridging the (iap masterclass. l’tllttltrlttlt'. Iziltithiu‘eh. Rollin’ Through the Decades (t') (Wittstoit Wltitter. t'K. 2005) l23ntin. After the emergence of skateboarding attd the t'K scene in tire 70s. its l‘)8(ls retreat underground is explored through the ttse of (ltlclltilentilt'y footage attd interviews. filmmakers attd legends are all present to bring life to the vvltole turbulent journey. (ilatgmv l-‘ilm Theatre. (ilaygovv‘.