I Lee Paterson, The Hustlers and The Demon’s Eye \Vliistlchiiikics. 4 0 South Bridge. 557 51 I4. 0pm. lircc before midnight: £4 al'tcr. Funk} hlucx from thc lluxtlcrx with classic rock lt'otit Demon‘s [fire

I Mistaken Minds, Alternation, the Winkle Experience, Castro and Reasons for the Insanity Sulma} (‘ongatc. 0‘) ('oxsgatc. 335 0700. 7.30pm. £4. Night of indic and rock action.

I Alfonzo, Pimp Ass Shanks and Orphan Q-Bttt'. 5 l l l.cith Strcct. 8.30pm. £3 (£3). Ril‘l~ ladcn rock'n'roll from Alton/ifs monthly rcxidcnc}.

I Fuck Off Machete, Super 8 and Private Jackson (‘alcdoiiiaii Backpackcrs. 3 Quccnsi‘crr) Strcct. 470 7334. 8.30pm. £4. (\tltflll‘lttll) namcd combo l‘caturing cx-(iangcr gal Nitlttxlttt punting cracking tic“ single ‘0' (iold “as Silx'cr and Silxcr was (iold'.

I Famous Last World Ja/l (‘ciiiic the Lot. 4/0 (it‘ihslnttt'hcl. 407 5300. 8.30pm. £0 (£5). New hand l'caturing thc talcnts of \thl and hip hop star .\I(' Soom '1'. currcntl} causing a \lit‘ \\ ith (ilasgon hip hop collccth c .\lonkc_\trilw. and sonic ol' the Scottish ja/l \ccttc\ top young talents including maverick cxpcrimcntalixt l)a\'c (‘oimay

I The Very, Denied Sons of lnglesias and Darklight Baiiiicriiiaii’s. Niddr) Strcct. 550 335-1. 8.45pm. £4. Ra“ rock'n'roll tno-piccc. the Vet). hlcnding curl) punk mixcd \\ ith \lt‘ippctl down minimalism.

I Starvation Box, Asa and Sans 'l'i‘auma (iig (itn‘lllc‘l‘l) Rmoluliott). 3i l.othian Road. 33‘) 7070. 9.30pm 3am. £0. Duhh} dance with haunting \Uc‘ttlx from Asa and ptixl rock from San\ 'lrauma at indic tlixct) (iig.


I Martin Stephenson and Jill Hepburn ’l‘olhooth. Jail \\'_\nd. (H780 374000. 8pm. £|0 (£8). (icot‘dic singcr/songni'itcr who lit‘xl taxtcd \llL‘t‘L‘\\ in the 80.\ \\ ith his hand thc Daintccs.

Saturday 26


I Natalie lmbruglia ('arling Acadcm}; l3l liglinton Strcct. 0870 77l 3000. 7pm. £30. .-\u\\ic \onghird ll'lll\ inol'l‘cnxixcl}.

I The River Detectives A002. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3333. 7pm. £l0. 'l’hc Rixcr l)ctccti\cx rcturn to launch thcir new album King (ill/iv (i/iml li‘uin Kit/(fl

I Jerry Lee Lewis, Blondell, TCB Band and Percy Sledge (‘hdc Auditorium. l-‘innicxton Qua}. 0870 0-10 4000. 7.30pm. £35. [cuix i\ one of roclt'n'roll'x architcctx and. from his rather arthritic performance last timc hc Visich (ilasgou. )ou cottld tcll hc had li\‘cd thc lil'cst) lc too. With support from \(ttll lcgcnd l’crc) Slcdgc.

I Roots Manuva A00. 330 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3333. 7.30pm. £l3.50. ()\cr~l-1\ shim. ln\cnti\c hip hop from onc of thc l'K‘x lincst cxponcnts ol' the art.

I The Saw Doctors Barron land. 34-1 (iallougatc. 553 400i. 7.30pm. £l8.50. ()Vcr- l-l\ show (‘cltrock knccx up l'rom one of Ireland‘s ltltixl successful littlttlx. I Kessler, Vertigo 101, Black Triangles, 8 Men and Austin chl'rcu licrr). Andcrslon Qua). The Broomiclaxx, 0l0‘)8 305 5| l. 7pm. £5. Local hand linc—up.

I Red Amp, First Republic, Phelix Culpa, Theoco, The Droogs and The Fever l‘ur) Murr) \. 90 Maxwell Strcct. 33] 051 1. 7.30pm. £4. l’irxt of thc l’ury's King of Band's semi finals.

I Johnny Truant, Beyond All Reason and Blood Roses Btu-ll). 200 (3|)dc Street. 0870 907 090‘). 8pm. £0. Mctal hand \\ ho i'cccntl} \uppol‘lctl .'\lc.\isonlirc at 'l'ut’s.

I An Evening with Jean Jacques Burnel King 'l‘ttt'x Wah Wah Hut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 537‘). 8.30pm.



1 Holy cheese, cuckoo clocks, mountains Just thought we'd get the Swiss cliches out the way early doors. The YOung Gods are an experimental industrial rock trio who formed 20 years ago in the rather unrock'n'roll, war-avoiding tax haven of Switzerland. Good for them.

2 Ill" The band's use of sampler technology iii the mid-805 to produce head-crushing blends of metal. classical and techno was years ahead of its time. and they were instrumental in establishing industrial music. influencing the likes of Trent Reznor‘s Nine lnch Nails in the process.

3 The vibes According to their website. ‘The Young Gods' i'nastery of sound is such that they make the clothes of concertgoers Vibrate“. How good is that? Who the hell wouldn't want vibrating clothes. given the choice?

4 Nutjobs To celebrate two decades in the business. the band are undertaking a number of weird projects this year. including performing with a symphony orchestra. pr0viding ‘a six-pomt spatial arrangement of sound" for Aquanauf. a film collaboration protect commissmned by the Geneva Science Museum. and taking part in Amazoriia, a ‘sonic conference' based on the experiences of anthropologist Jeremy Narby. Like yOu do.

5 XXY The band's 20 year retrospective album. XXY. is all the evidence you need of why you should be checking this shit Out. (Doug Johnstone)

it? Barfly, Glasgow, Mon 28 Nov.

£10. Rathcr Ulllllittllx \otllldtllg in\ italioii l'rom thc Stranglcrx‘ karatc kicking hath. I Midlife Crisis Samucl l)o\\ 'x, 07 7| Nithxdalc Road. 433 0l07. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. I Deadeye, Attica Rage, I-lellhouse and Antifaith l5lll \oic ('alc. 50 00 King Street. 553 I038. 0pm. £3. Noixcnik hcnclil gig loi‘ thc Dimchag Darrcll Memorial l‘und. \ct up lollouing lltc niurdcr of thc rcnoixncd nictal guitarist lttxl )car.

I The Coy Dogs .\lc(‘liui|l\. .10 High Stt‘cct. 553 3l35. |0pni. l‘i'cc. Rockabilly

I Data Panik and Breschnev llai'l'l). 300 (‘l_\tlc $0ch 0870 007 (NW). 10.30pm. £5 (£4). Data l’anik. lhc llL'\\ outlit t'ormcd h) thc c\ lllL‘llth‘l'\ oi lil\ pla} Dcalhkill-lllllll.

I Bromhead’s Jacket, We Start Fires and The Fold (ilaxgim School ol Art. l07 chl'rcxx Strch 35 3 -l53|.

l lpm. £0 (£5). licat comho l'i'oni Shcllicld pla) at (‘luh .\'.\lli.

0 regular music prawn

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