Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 17


I Live Jazz Hudda. I-I2a S! \inccn! Slllk'k'l. 3-15 7 Illpll) l'l't‘t‘. \VL‘R‘INI}. Inc. mlnnalc tan and acnuxlic \c!\ in thc upxtan'x I‘.l!'.

I Belinda O’Hooley 8- David Paisley It!!!) 'I’hcall'c. 63 'I'rnnfialc. 552 I267 hpm. (X. I‘hc accomplixhcd [H.ttllxl inmx guilal‘ixl I’atxlcy lnl tlux ()ucci -\cnn\!tc pcrl'nnnancc I’llrl u/ (i/lngtn’ I Glasgow Singers Night Iltt‘ I'nnctxal. 5‘7 5‘) Sauchichall I anc. ii‘ 350‘). .\'pm I!!!) ('Icland. Ix’nnmc Rac and Kcn .\la!Inc\nn pln\ idc lllll\lt‘.ll \ll])|)t)l'l a! ll)!\ npcn mi! night In! (ilaxgnw \lllgt‘h Ilt)\lctl I)_\ \Ilkt‘ Ix’tigt'H tllttl Sllt‘ \IcIlugh, I! you .u'c mlcicxtcd ll) pcilnnmng call l)cick nn MW)“ 5!) I I2

I Hans Theessink Band 8!.” l-olk (‘Iulx S! .\ndlc\\ \ m lhc Stptatc. nll Saltmatkcl. S! .\ntltc\\ \ Sticct. 5-I.\ 6H2!) .\'pm Li" tL‘5), Dutch IlIttcxtnaxtct'. nncc \.Ill\ ltnncd In Iio I)iddlc_\. draw mg on \tncl'lcan lt)t)l\. Milk and Ix’tkli

I The Marauders Studio ()nc. (ironcnni I'cnacc. 3-II 65I6 ‘) 3llpm I'lcc Ix’c\\cd up Rtkll


I Tangalgo .Ia/I ('cnlic. lltc I.n!. 16 (iiaxxmarkcl. lo" 52”!) N 3llpm t.” IUH Iakmg nn langn \\)|I) |.i//. II)|\ Il|\lt)l) l\ a Incathlcw Inn c Icatut'mg I’Inl \|c\andcl on piano. \lann ( ‘atllic on ha“ and \Iatttc I'nuld\ on [)t‘1\l|\\lt)l)

a new flat,

3 new interest,

see classifed section 104 -111


I Jerry Bergonzi Quartet Illt‘ .I.!// Ila). I (‘hamhcrx Sltcct. 22!) I29!) ‘Ipm. ‘45 Hill} Scottixh dalc to! NW mlcnialinnally lcnnwncd IS \a\ \upl'cmn and In\ lnp Italian lnn

I Louise Dodds Ila! is. )3!) I25 (icnl'gc Slrccl. 22!) 6|.\t). ‘)pm. I't‘cc. \\cckly Inc |a// and hlucx l‘cxldcncy Int lhc Izdinhtugh haxcd \ncahxl.

I Beat Root Juice Ihc .Ia// Hat. l (‘hamhcix Xll'ccl. 2.2!) 420!) I!)pni 3am I'lcc \li'n licat. | all!) and xka lrnm rcxidcnt hand. lhc (ioa! Slcw ()i'chcxtt'a. and DI Ham. |)Ill\ lhc ndd Inc gum! and \pmncr

Friday 18

I (‘linl’iurgh

I Live Jazz I’i//a I'\|)lt‘\\. I I I Ilnl_\l‘nntl Road. 55" 57 3‘1 7pm. Mann and \nc;II\ tltlt)

I Niki King and Marcus Ford .Ia// ('cntlc. lhc I nl. 1'6 (iiaxxmarkcl. 467 52!!!) 7 illpm LI!) I’crncrawatd winning |a// \ncallxl King inmx guitarle l~nrd !n dcln ct a Ill‘\l) cnllcclinn nl inltmalc.

at ntnln \‘I.t\\)\' hallad\ and hlucx.

I Belinda O’Hooley and Al Stewart Sal.) (ulc Ila). 6t) Ilinughtnn Sltcct. 4‘8 “()6‘) .\ itlpm I'lllt‘ \mgcl \nngwntctx pcrtnnnmg \nngx li'nm tlicn \nllcally .itclaimcd ncw allittlln

I Savaza and Nathaniel Slade Rmy \i'l IInuxc. 2 Rn\luugh I’I.n c. !)t\"l "5!) Hi)" lIpm l))'tll)l_‘_‘l)I L6 it'll. ()nglnal. licc |.l// mllucnccd lnn, \\lth I’aul chn lx’hndc\ t[)|.tl)t)). I mm.) Smith tI‘.!\\) and ("Inn Ix’tm nll‘umxl.

I Guest Bands Night Illt' .la/l Hat. l ('hamhcrx Sllccl. 22!) 120!) ‘lpm l'i'ccl 5L!!! lhc \xcckcnd m \tylc a! Illl\ \ycckly nigh! )calunng lnp gucxl f_‘lt)ll[)\ ltnm

I dmlilugh and (ilaxgnw I‘nmghl ! I.\' .\'n\) I'dmhulgh \a\nphnm\! .lnhn Iluigcxx lcamx up \\lll) chdixh guitar xtar ,Icn'y Ilaglund. I Live Jazz at Sugo Sugn. I4 )5 \Ihcll I’lau'. I cilh \Valk. ‘lpm l‘t'ct‘. \\cck|y Inc l.)// and hlucx linm piann! It!!!) htttll .ll)tI \tlt'.tll\l I lilll\t‘ I)t)tltl\.

I Moishe’s Bagel _Ia// (‘t-nn'c. thc lot. I!) (il.t\\ll).ttkt‘l. I!)~ 53””. III‘ 5UP”). LN it"). .I.)// inllcclcd kIc/mci and Balkan dancc muxlc Icalunng (i)t‘_‘_‘ I .l\\\t)l) t.\Il' \Icl'all'x ('hamhct‘) on liddlc. I’ctc (iat'nc! n!) accordion. I’hil \Ic\andcr nu piann. (ill_\ \lchnlwn nn I‘t‘lt'll\\lt)l) and \Iann (anhc nn liaxx

I Late Nite Groove l'lic .Ial/ liar. I ('hamhcix Sliccl. 22!) I20!)

\I!!I|))_‘_‘I)l 3am L5 Ix’cguai I'nday nigh! lunkxli.nag.m/a \\lll) Inc hand\ and I).l\ lhn wcck \\lll) hip hop ginnyctx

I I\c\t'tcncc\


I Late Night Jazz with Mike Rogers \IacRnhctl. I‘nncrxily nl Stirling. !)I7.\’6 466666 I!) 3|)pm [X 5!) tL'5I. I atc night \Iltm t'.t\t‘ l)t)\It'tI In \Ilkt‘ l<l):_'t'l\ :ttltl IIIL‘ 'Inm I’||)I.l) 'Inn. Icalunng \nmc nl Scotland'x hc\t ncw \ocaInh. II)l\ mnnlh \ccx I n mg\tnn\ Ru! Iliad}. (ilaxgow \ Rowan \Valkcl and Izdmluugh\ ('Ian'c I).in takc lhc mic.

Saturday 1 9

G asgow

I Jerry Haglund Quartet Int-I. 3‘) ~13 .r\\hlnn Ianc. 3-32 4066. 3 6pm I'rcc. \Iauntrcam and lunk ll'nm thc \ptnlcd young chdixh gtnlat‘n! and hand.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Ila! lxi. Buchanan IInch. IX5 Buchanan Sllcct. ;i2 "28), 5 3!) ‘lpm I‘tt't' Swinging Saturday l.!// \t‘\\lt))).

I Primetime and Jan Douglas \l-‘Itlt‘ix :7 \\.tlt'llt)t) Sll't‘t‘l. 22I 52H).

6 ‘Ipm I'lcc \cw inik \lylcd Inc |a// cnlctlainmcnl linm \ctclan (ilaxgnw pcllnnnci .lan |)ougIa\ and a rotating tpiailct n) pica! playcix intludmg lInc young tlnnnlncl I’addy I‘I.iI);‘tl\

I (ll!)I)llt!jI)

I House Trio lhc l.'.// liar. I ('hamhcix Sltcct. I‘ll-I20!) 2 5pm Itcc Rcl.l\cd altcinnnn \In! with lhc Ilnuxc Inn on [)ldlll).I)1I\\.Il)tltll'lllll\

I The Mellotones X!) ()uccn Slrcct liar and chlaurant. 3!) ()uccn Sll'cct. 226 5007. 2 5pm. I-‘rcc. Jimmy 'I'aylor and hand play \ongx hy .\lcl 'I‘oi‘mc and othct' gt'ca! ia/l \t)L‘;!It\l\.

I The Maria Speight Quintet 3t) ()uccn Stl'cc! Bar and chlauranl. N!) ()uccn Strccl. 226 5007. ()pm midnight. I-‘l'cc. Illucxy \c! l'rom tlic :\I;tI)atn;!-Iiot'n \ncalixt achaimcd l'nr hct‘ intcrprctatinnx nt' lhc (irca! :\mcrican \onghook with support Iron) a top claw Iinc»up ol' l!)ll\lL‘l;tI)\.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet 'I'hc Ja/l Bar. I (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 22!) 420!) 0pm. I-‘rcc. Vary ing linc-upx for this Iiyc-piccc hand ol lop lltll\iL‘Itll)\. put logctlicr cach wcck hy \I;!l\\;!!'l ol' lhc Iidinhurgh ia/I \ccnc. drtnnmcr Bill Kylc.

I Fish Fry 'l‘hc Ja/l Bar. I ('hamhcrx Slrcct. 22!) 420!) l Ipm 3am £5: lrcc hcl‘orc l Ipm. Scnltixh ia//. l'unk. \oul and I.atin I);t!)tl\ inin 'I'rouhlc I)J Iirik l)a Viking and I)cpal‘!urc I.oungc\ l).l .'\\ll't)l3()_\. 'I-Itix \\ cck ilix Ronldnwll Ilan'ixnn‘x tnhutc to Jimmy Smith.


I Jazz 8. Ragtime 'Ihhl'cc Judgcx. I)umhartnn Road. 337 3055, 2pm. I‘t'cc. chulai' Sunday ragtimc and tall \cxxion ll) thc ‘l‘cal (ilaxgow. rcal alc' puh.

I The Boogaloo Investigators ()ran .\Ior. 73I 735 (il'cat chlct'n Road. 357 6200. 3pm. Rctrn lunk and R&B I'L‘xttlt‘ltcy

I Chris Clark Trio and Friends Bar Buddha. 8 (‘t'cchll I.anc. 337 62()I.

4 7pm. I‘rcc .\IcIlow. mainxlrcam. ja/x li‘nm (Ink and hand with \arinux gucxtx inining lhc l'un cach wcck.

I Sunday Jazz House 'I‘hc :\t‘lIIt)ll\c llUIL'I. I29 Bath SII'L‘L‘I. 572 (illlll

7 l()pm. I‘rcc. Iinioy sonic \tlioolh ia/I \nundx on a Sunday cycning lrom a tIIIIL'l't‘ltl I);tt)tl L‘;tL‘I) \\ L‘L‘k.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (it'n\\cl)t)t‘ 'I'cn'acc. .i—II ()5 I6. 7.3!)pm. I'i'cc. Ilnxtcd hy thc .\'cw Illucx Surl'crx

w III) cnnliihutinnx lrom Studio ()nc rcgularx \ucli ax Rc\ MW and thc Nimmo Ill'nthcl'x.

I Neil Wilson ('alc (‘oxxachnk Rll\\ltlll ('ullul‘al (critic. I!) King Strcct. 553 (I733. 8.3!)pm. £5 tU). ()nc nl' Scotland\ mox! pl'!)!))|\ll)f_' claxxical gllllttt‘l\l\ pcl'l'orming a i'angc nl' claxxical. llamcnco and _ia// \\ni‘k\.


I Mike Rogers Trio Iltc Watct'linc liar and BMW. 53 'I‘Iic Shni'c.!h. 554 2425‘ I lam 3.30pm. I‘rcc. Quality jal/ tnn lrnnlcd hy \ncalix! Rogcrx.

I Martin Kershaw and Friends l'tH'lI) l-‘Innt' chtauran! Bat" & Iii';i\\ct'ic. Han cy Nicholx. 3!) 34 St Andrcwx Squarc. 524 X35!) I23!) 3.3!)pm. Kci'xhaw pl't)\ltlL‘\ thc pci'lcc! mtmcal accompanimcn! to a linc Sunday lunch with I)!\ \oaring \a\ \Ulllltlx

I Jess Abrams and Friends ‘I‘hc (iallcry chlaurant and Bar. \chton National (iallct'icx nl Scotland. lhc \lound. 624 653!) l 3.30pm. Ja/Iy \c! l'calut'ing thc honcy loncd \ocalx ol' ['8 \inch‘ .'\l‘l';llll\.

I Focus on Youth Iltc .Ia/l Bar. l ('hamhcrx Strch 22!) 420!) 2 5pm. I‘rcc. (mm and \ptil thc polcntlal ia/l \l;)t‘\ ol' lhc l'utui'c tl\ !hc_\ \tru! lhcir \tull ill!)llf_'\ltIL‘ lhc Ilntlw 'I‘l'in.

I Live Jazz ('alc (irandc. I84 llruntxlicld I’lacc. 228 l I881 7pm. U55!) including two cnut‘xcx and gIa“ of w inc. ia// whilc you dinc. ’I‘hix wcck with lllt‘ Rim} Illuc I)tlt).

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire 'I‘hc .la/I liar. | ('hamhcrx Slrccl. 22!) 420!) ‘lpm. l-‘i‘cc. Funky hackhcal tau li'oln this cool quarlc! ch hy acc drummci‘ Bill Ky lc and It‘tlllll'lllfJ :\t)l law on guitar.

Glasgow I The Blue Hyenas Studio ()nc. (il't)\\t'llt)l‘ 'I'cl'i'acc. 34| 65I6. !),3t)pm.


I‘rcc. Iidinhurgh—hascd hand with a uniquc hrand ol' good-timc swing and R&B.

I The Scottish Composers’ Jazz Ensemble 'I‘ron 'l‘hcatrc. 63 'l'rongatc. 552 4267. 'l‘imcs \ary. I‘i‘cc. Stcwart I-‘orhcx lcads thc cnscmhlc through a comhination ol‘ original and chI—known numhcrx.


I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session 8!) Quccn Strch Bar and Restaurant. 8!) ()uccn Strcct. 226 5097. ()pm midnight. I’rcc. 'I‘hc truxty opcn xcssion night with thc Iiousc trio. all arc wclcomc to join in thc fun.

I The Great Jazz Jam Session The Jan Bar. I ('hamhct'x Slrccl. 22!) 420!) ()pm. I‘rcc. Ii\pcct a rich mixturc o) \tylcx ax I'accs old and ncw drop in to pcrl'orm with thc IIotnc 'I‘rio cach wcck.


I Ramshorn Lunchtime Concert Ramshorn 'l'hcatrc. 08 Ingram Strcct. 552 348‘). [.15 2pm. £3. I.unchlimc jaH Iron! Strathclydc l'nn‘crxily \tudcntx.


I Live Jazz Sygn. 5 (‘harloltc l.anc. 225 606!) 6.3!) 8.15pm. \Vcckly Inc ncw -agc ja/l in thc placc ttlxo known as lhc bar with no namc.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet 'I‘hc Ja/l Bar. I (‘liamhcrx Strcct. 22!) 429!) ()pm. lircc. l'phcat group l‘caluring Bill Kylc (drumx). Doug 'I‘iplady txaxcx). I’aul Kirhy (piano) and Kcyin (ilasgow thaxx).

Wednesday 23


I Bed-Head Sextet I.I())tl\ No). )5) \chl (icorgc Slt‘L‘cl. 22‘) 7560. 7 10pm. I'Ircc. (‘ity-ccntrc rcxidcncy for this l‘rcxh (ilaxgow \i\-piccc playing hchop and hlucs.

I Dr Novo Gats Three t-‘tnc. Stock Ii\cliangc lIouxc. Nclxon .\'Iandcla I’lacc. 248 7333. 9pm. l‘rcc. Ncw rcxidcncy for thc hop-locuwd trio.


I Tomasz Stanko Quartet Qtlccn'x Hall. (’Icrk Sli'cct. 668 2!)l‘). 8pm. £15 tL'l3). I.cading ja/I trumpctcr from Poland who has drawn on a \ynlllcsis o! Iiuropcan inllucnccx and .-\mcrican modclx. Scc pt'c\ icw. pagc 64.

I Brian Kellock Trio featuring Dave Cliff and the Oscar Peterson Trio Style Unit Jal/ (‘cntrc. thc I.o!. 4/6 (it';i\\tt);tt‘kcl. 467 520!) 8.30pm. £8 (£7). 'I‘hc ()\car l’ctcrxon 'I‘rio stylc uni! add lhcir own brand ol \wing to thc procccdingx ;I\ \pL‘L‘iitl gucst I)a\‘c ('IIII joinx Scotland's t‘orcmmt ja/l pianist and liix l‘c \Itltpcd “in.

I New Bands Night 'l‘hc Ja/I Bar. 1 (‘hamhcrx Strcct. 22!) 420!) 9pm. l-‘rcc. Dillcrcn! tip and coming hands showcasing lhcir ia/l talcnn cach wcck. 'I'onight .-\n!\ l‘t'ccxlcp Quinlcl dcliycr \li'aighl-ahcad ja/l.

I The Arabian Moustache lglu. 2h Jamaica Strcct. 476 5333. 10pm. I‘l'cc. l'niquc intcrnational l‘our-piccc. playing tango. ja/I. folk and \wing.


I Live Jazz Budda. l42a St Vinccn! SII‘L‘L‘I. 24.5 22l2. 7 l()pm. Iircc. SL‘L‘ 'l‘litl I7. I Madaleine Pritchard Acoustic Soul Trio 50!) (’Iuh. 2 I’artick Bridgc Strcct. 8pm. I-‘rcc. 'I‘hc c\ (‘ommitmcnlx \ingcr \ongwi‘itcr pcrl'ormx matcrial Irom hcr acclaimcd dchut Iil’ ('mm' ()wr along with L‘I;t\\ic itcollxllc \otll \ongs rcminixccn! of thc Atlantic cra. Edinburgh

The Tom Bancroft Six Pack and

Doug Whates Trio with Konrad Wiszniewski Jail (‘cntrc. thc I.o!‘ 4/6