An imaginative newish saxophone quartet featuring four familiar faces on the Scottish jazz scene, with Martin Kershaw and Paul Towndrow on altos, Brian Molloy on tenor, and Allon Beauvoisin on baritone. from Moat/(é. (3i‘.'i.:(;.;t‘.‘,. Sim/".71".

(ii‘asstltat'ket. 467 5300. S. 30pm. £S lift, li\peci o\ertones ol lillington. \lingtis and (‘arla Ble} as Hancrolt leads his trumpet. sax and tromhoiic i'ronted hand down the post hop trail in Hil\ doiihle hill. also leatiiring s;l\0p|itllii\l \Vis/niew ski \\ith hassist Whaies‘s trio.

I Louise Dodds Bar 33. I36 I33 (iCUi'gL‘ Slt‘L'L‘l. 330 (iIiSH. 9pm. l'i'L'L'. See 'l‘hii I7.

I Beat Root Juice The Jan Hat. l (‘hamhers Street. 3304390. l0pm 3am. i'ii‘L‘L‘. See Thu I7.

I Rang Zen! The Bongo ('luh. Mora) House. 37 Holy'ood Road, 558 7604. “Han 3am. £5. l.i\esciences. the llustlers and .'\iil law 's _la// Quartet look alter the li\ e side ol' proceedings at Hii\ ltiiik} least (it drum’n‘hass. tau and breaks raising lliilds loi' iiilii;il£t}:iit educational charities.


I Paul Harrison’s Organ Scandal @ ZigZag The Brunswick lloiei. I06 3 Brunswick Street. 553 I553. 7. 30pm. £5. .-\h|_\ assisted h} guitarist (iraeme Scott and (‘anadian drummer (‘hris \Vallacc. l’atil Harrison updates the classic Blue Note. Hammond ()rgan sound at the latest [lg/ill: Ja// (’ltih night.

I Sophie Bancroft 'l'i'oii 'l‘lieaii'e. 63 ’l‘i'ongate. 553 4367. 8pm. £3, linchantiiig \ocalist limit the well known |a// l.|litii_\


I Steve Kettley Odd Times anti Phil Alexander Trio .lal/ (‘t-iiti'e. the l oi. 4/6 (ii'assmai'ket. 467 5300. 7.30pm. £6 l£5l. .\ double dose ol \sot'ld lllllsiL' inltised ia// li'tilil lellow Salsa (‘clticans Kettle} and x\le\ander atid their

i‘espectn e hands.

I Famous Last World ,la/l (‘t-iiii'e. ilic |.ot. 4/6 (irassmarkel. 467 5300. S. 30pm.

£6 t£5i \'c\\ haiid leaturmg the talents oi soul and hip hop star .\l(' Soom l. ctirienil} cattsing a \lll w ith (ilasgow ltipliop collectnc .\lonkc_\trihe. .iiid some oi the Scottiin i.i// scenes top _\oim_i: talents. including maxciick e\pcrtmcnt.'ilisl l)a\e (‘onwas

I Guest Bands Night llie Jan “.0. l (‘hamhci‘s Sti'cct. 330 1390 9pm lice. See l’ri IS. THIS \scck \\lHl Scottiin drummer Bill} 'l‘hoiii‘s swinging tilllliit‘l I Live Jazz at Sugo Stigo. ll [5 .Nlhert l’lacc. lciih Walk. 9pm. l'rcc. Sec l‘ri lS.

I Late Nite Groove 'i lic .|.i// Hai. i (‘hamhers Street. 330 4390.

Midnight 3am £5 Sec i'l'l l.\' tonight with (iecko 3 and iheii llllltlllL‘ acid ia/l. lunk and reggae ltision.

Saturday 26

G asgow

I Les Ecossais lircl. 39 it \siitoii latte. 343 4966. 3 6pm. I-ice. the new \\;i\c ol Scottish |.i//. li'ontcd h} (ilasgim sa\ophonist ‘l’heo i‘tll'l't'\l w itli l’hilip ('ai'dwell on trumpet. laran Stephenson on piano. iiilull Burton on hass and Doug Hotigh on drums.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band HM IS5. Buchanan Hotel. |S5 Buchanan Sheet. 333 7334. 5, 30 9pm. l'i'ce. Scc Sat 19.

I Primetime and Jan Douglas \lVth‘iS. 37 \VJICXIHU \ile'l. ill

6 9pm I'icc Sec Sat 19


I House Trio lhc .l.i// liar. l (‘hainhcis Sti'cci. 330 4390 3 5pm. Inc See Sal I9.

I The Mellotones S0 ()uccii Sirch Hat and Restaurant. 30 Queen Sheet. 336 SH”? 3 Split. i'i'L‘t‘. St‘t‘ Sill i‘).

I Laura MacDonald 8 plus Rob Hall and Chick Lyall .la// ('eiitre. the

lot. 4/6 (Brassmarket. 467 5300. 7.30an £7 i£6i. Taking on e\er_\thing li'ttiil hop to ('eltic anthems \ ia Ste\ ie \Voiidei‘. the rising Scottish sa\op|ioiiisi\ ()ctet share the hill with intei'nationall) respected piano and an duo. l._\ all and Hall.

I Bill Simpson Quartet 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 336 5097. 9pm. Free. The ieiioi'ist leads ills group through some ol' the best music lrom the Blue Note era and hesonti.

I The Jazz Bar Quintet The Jan Bar. l (‘hamhers Street. 3304390. 9pm. l-‘ree. SL'L‘ Sill l‘).

I Lucy Kendra .la// (‘entre. the lot. 4/6 (ii'assmarket. 467 5300. I0. 30pm. £6 i£l i, Showing equth impressne range. ptm er and \ersatilit}. \ocalist Kendra is touted h} (‘liiiiese diliL‘lliiL‘l' pla_\er Kim Ho and a trio led h} I)a\e Patrick lot' a selection ol‘ standards and (‘hinese l‘olk itiHiiL‘iict‘d pieces.

I Fish Fry 'l‘he l.i// liar. I (‘haiiihers Street. 330 4390 llpiii 3am. £5; lree hel'ore l lpiii. See Sat l9. This week there's soul and reggae li'tliii Innasoiil ieaiurmg Howard Hooker Bridges ll.

Glasgow I Brass Band Competition: Scottish Open Brass Band Competitions Ro}a| (‘oiiceri iiall. 3 Saiichiehall Street. 353 H000. 9am. The lii\”\ lop litttss lHiids L‘ttiiipL‘lL‘ liti' llit‘ lilit' ol Scottish ()pen (‘haiiipionx I Jazz & Ragtime ’l‘lii‘ee .liitiges. Humharion Road. 337 3055. 3pm. l‘i‘ec. See Still .30. I The Boogaloo Investigators ()raii .\lor. "3! 7 35 Great Western Road. 3.57 6300. 3pm. See Still 30. I Chris Clark Trio and Friends Bar Buddha. S ('resw ell I am. 3 37 630i. 4 7pm. lirec. See Sun 30 I Sunday Jazz House lite .-\i'liitlll\t‘ Hotel. I39 Bath Street. 573 6003.

Illpm. l’i'ee See Sun 30. I Big Blues Jam Studio One. (iros\enoi iit‘l'l'dt't'. HI 6516. 7.30pm. i'i't‘t‘. St‘t' Still 3” I Brass Jaw 'l'ion 'l'hcatre. 63 'l'i‘ongate. 553 4367. Spin £S i£7i. i'llii. e\hilarating sa\oplioiie quartet. inspired h} 39th Street and starring I’aiil lo\\ildt‘o\\. Martin Kershaw (iiaeme \Vilson and :\llott Heaiixoisin See caption. lelt. I Tim Kliphuis (3th" ('ossachok. Russian (‘tilttii'al (‘entre. l0 King Street. 5.5 3 0" 3 3. S. 30pm. £6 «£0. In the past me scars Kliphiiis has pcrl'ormed on the gicaicst ia// stages ol tlte world. including Ronnie Scott’s and la \'il|ettc .la//. and worked \\lHi such names as l.cs l’atil. Ht‘i'li (iL‘HL‘i' and .lot‘ \itti'cHU. iit‘l't‘ “C is ioiiied h} Swing 3005 and Nigel ('Iark.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends lioi‘tli l-'looi' Restaurant Bar «k Brasserie. Hane) \'icho|s. 30 34 Si .\ndi'cws Square. 534 S350. l3. 30 3. 30pm. Sec Still 30.

I Lorna Reid Trio 'l'he (ialler) Rcstaiii'anl and Bar. \Veston link. National (iallerics oi Scotland. the Hound. 634 6580. l 3.30pm. Selection ol' Inc |a// nuinhcts limit the cool aitd class} \tlL'.lii\l and hand.

I Focus on Youth lite ,lax/ Hat. 1 ('hamhei's Street. 330 4390. 3 5pm. l‘i‘ee. Sec Still 30.

I Live Jazz ('ale (ii'atide. LS4 liriiiitslicld Place. 33.\' ll.\'.\’_ 7pm. £|5.50 including two courses and glass ol \\ me. This weeks diio are guitarist Halior \lcdlioe and \.i\0p|ttliii\l Konrad \\'is/nicwski

I Mike Wheelans \Vee l-olk (‘Iiih. lx’o}a| ()ak. lnlii'tiiar} Street. 557 3976.

3- 3Hl‘lll. £ 3. 'l‘he tiitilti instrumentalist and singer is a genuine one man |i\e w 01' blues hand.

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire iiiL‘ .la// Bai. l ('haiiihers Street. 330 4390. 9pm. i'l't‘t‘. St‘t‘ Still 3”.

I Scottish Youth Jazz Orchestra The Jan liar. l ('hamhers Street. 330 4390. 9pm. £7.50. 'l'oinm_\ Smith's

orchestra ol' talented young Scottish jazz musicians playing imaginative big band charts. Presented in association with lidinhui‘gh Jan Projects.

Monday 28


I The 388: Ball Barber Bilk Royal ('oiicei't Hall. 3 Satichiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £16.50 £33.50. The now annual toiir lt'titit these waning mainstays oi" the [K 'l‘i'ad scene. Kenny Ball. (‘hris Barber and .chet' Bilk.

I Christmas with the Rat Pack ‘l‘heali'e Royal. 383 Hope Street. 333 9000. 8pm. £9.50 £36.50. (‘lassic Rat Pack and swing era tunes with a festive l'laxotir.


I Jazz Jam and Open Mic Session 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 336 5097. 9pm midnight. l’ree. See Mon 3!.

I The Great Jazz Jam Session The Jan Bar. l ('hainhei‘s Street. 3304390. 9pm. liree. See Mon 3|.

Tuesday 29


I Christmas with the Rat Pack 'l‘heaire Rinal. 383 Hope Street. 333 9000. 8pm. £9.50 £36.50. See Mon 38.


I Live Jazz S}gii. 5 ('harlotte Lane. 335 6060. 6.30 X.l5pm. See Tue 33.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet "the .la// Bar. 1 (‘hanihers Street. 330 4390. 9pm. Free. See Tue 33.

Wednesday 30


I Bed-Head Sextet Lloyds Not. 15] West (ieorge Street. 339 7560. 7 l0pm. i'il'L‘L'. SL‘C \VL'd 33.

I Christmas with the Rat Pack 'l‘heatre Royal. 383 Hope Street. 333 9000. 8pm. £9.50 £36.50. See Mon 38. I Dr Novo Gats Three l-tise. Stock l-'.\cliange House. Nelson Mandela Place. 348 7333. 9pm. i‘ii'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Wed 33.


I The 385: Ball Barber Bilk l'sher Hall. |.othian Road. 338 H55. 7.30pm. [I7 £3 l. SL‘L‘ 310033.

ITI- Scott Hamilton Quartet Jan (wire. the Lot, 4/6 (irassmarket. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £l0. Warm. sensuous.

I} i‘ical pla} itig from one of the world's top sa\opholtisls and quartet. featuring Brian Kellock on piano.

I New Bands Night The Jan Bar. 1 (‘hamhers Street. 330 4390. 9pm. Free. See Wed 33. This week. standards and hop iaxoiirites lroni new kid on the block. trumpeter Kim .\lacai‘i and band. I The Arabian Moustache lglii. 2h Jamaica Street. 476 5333. l0pm. Free. See \Ved 3.5.


I Christmas with the Rat Pack 'l‘heati'e Riwal. 383 Hope Street. 333 9000. 3pm & Spin. £9.50 £36.50. See Moll 33.

I Live Jazz Budda. 143a St Vincent Street. 343 33l3. 7 l0pin. Free. See Till] l7.


I Mario Caribe’s Nu Quartet Jan (‘entre. the lot. 4/6 (irassmarket. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £6 (£5). For his latest \enlui'e the Bi‘a/ilian hassist leaves Latin to the side. replacing it with rollicking i‘li}liiiil\ and inlectious grooves. Sparks will ll}.

I Louise Dodds Bar 33. i26 ilx (ieoi‘ge Street. 330 6lS’0. 9pm. Free. See 'l‘hti I7.

I Beat Root Juice The Jan Bar. l (‘hainhers Street. 3304390. l0pm 3am. Free. See 'l‘hii l7.

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