Accommodation wanted

Commercial Property

GLASGOW I Looking for affordable

ollicc xpacc in dynamic and crcatch cm'ironmcnt in Stockhridgc arca‘.’ Wc hopc \ol l’honc Richard on (H 3l 3-13 2222 or cmail richardw llccnct


West End Botanics (Bclhavcn 'l'crracc) \unn) \mart onc hcdrooln comcrxion in l3 listcd town ltotlxc. (i.('.ll. £525 pcm. Including (‘ouncil 'l‘ax. l’arking

01290 550 587

I Spacious luxury fur- nished .3 hcdroom flat in landscapcd gt'otlntlx in Blanclicld. Mastcr hcdroom cn» \uitc. l’riVatc garagc. .\li|nga\‘ic 5 minx. (ilaxgou ccntrc 20minx. Stirling 25 minx. £605 pcm. 'l‘cl. 07330 SH l-13

I 2 rooms to let in largc \xcll appointcd holisc in I)cnnistoun. l'urnixhcd and dcc- oralcd to a high \tandard. Scctu‘il) cntrancc. cloxc to local amcniticx. \hop\ and tranxport and minutcx from city ccntrc. immcdiatc cntr}. rcnt on appli cation. 0| 130 300 553 c\ cningx. I Beautiful 1 bedroom flat to rcnt in (llasgoxt ‘\ 3c“ (iorhalx ( l0 minutcs walk from city ccntrcl. largc living arca with lull hcight \xindou'x look-- ing onto parkland. £450 pcm. (‘all .\'ci| 0702l 265 024

I Charing Cross/Park District- 'l’raditional tuo hcd-- roomcd \ccond l‘loor llat. Vcr} largc rooms and \Vintlovu. llugc living-room on corncr poxilloll (ovcrlooking Mitchcll 'l‘hcatrc and I.ihrary) on llcrkclc} Slrcct. l-‘ully littcd kitchcn xx lllt dining arca & \cparatc \caling. (i.('.ll. (iood qualit) lttl'ttixlt— ings throughout. And plcntil'ul storagc. Would accommodalc 2 or .3 xharing. £650 pcm & dcpoxit. liarl) \ic\\ilig rccom mcndcd. 11'] 07003 232 035.

I GLASGOW WEST-END. Bcautilul tmr-hcdroom North Kclrinxidc llat. Modcrn kilchcn. hathroorn. loungc. Scccntr)‘. (i('ll (s;- douhlc-glal- ing. 5minx l'rom Byrcs Rd. £505 pcm. 'l‘cl: 07003 0-13 000. Scc www. I ll)quccnmargarctdri\

Flats to let cont. EDINBURGH

I Edinburgh-Gorgie: Bright l (douhlcl hcdroom llat cloxc to cit} ccntrc. li\ ing l'oont/xcparalc kitchcn. ncu l} dccoratcd “ith modcrn l'urni turc. ccntral hcating. douhlc gla/ing. hathroom \\ ith hath and \hovrcr. £150 pcm thillx not includcdl. Sorr) no \mokcrx or pctx. (’all c\cning\ on 0|S’75 0l0 005

I EDINBURGH. Morningside. Plewlands 'lct't'acc. l'iitXl “not; 2 hctl roomxz l.oungc; Kitchcn/l)incr with utiliticx'. Bathroom and Shoucr; (i('ll; Parking; £000 pcm + ("1+ Blllx. :\\ailahlc lrom l2/l2/05. ('ontact 070l7 370 002.

Edinburgh, The Shore/ l.cith. :\tti‘acti\ c onc hcdroom llat. \uit prolcxxional couplc. £150 pcr month. :\\ailah|c l l)cc. Tel 07747 723 925

I Edinburgh. Immaculate fully ltll'llhllt‘tl loo largc douhlc hcdroom flat in ('anonmillx. 20 min \xalk lo ccntrc. £550 pcm. .'\\ailah|c no“. .\'on \moking prolcwion alxonlfl'lcl07010253333

I Flat Swap. Offered:

3 room appt in popular arca ol' :\.\lS'l‘liRl).»\.\l. Wantcd: nicc lil)l.\'Bl'R(ill l'lat/xpacioux room in \harcd acc. 3 ttlonlltx minimum. non-\tnoking cal lo\ ct‘x onl}. corinc\ ((1 \\~»


I West End luxury, c\ccu Inc “at. in trcc lincd \trcct in Kc|\ inxidc. hcautilul douhlc hcdroom \xith \itting arca. l\\o hathroomx. onc \\ ith laccu/i. t\\o othcr \itting arcax and \cpa ratc kitchcn. parking \pacc. mailahlc ilnmcdiatcl}. £125 pcr Inonth. l’lcaxc call 07708 005 not I West End - Botanics. Room in Iargc ~1 hcdroomcd llat. hig |i\*ing room. \xili hroadlmnd. all mod com. “hat haw-0111. ldcall) \uit rcccnt graduatc. £220 plux ("l and hill\. 'l‘cl 3 07030023020

I 1/2 rooms available in luxh modcrn apparltncnt in pol lokxlncltlx. Non \mokcrx. £350pcm incl. hillx & clay Wirclcxx hroadlmnd. hcach I'loorx. tli\lt\\;t\ltcl'. lo \harc “ith lricndl} prolcxxional. ‘lcl : 07700 010 020

I Double bedroom. Overlooking l'i\L‘l‘. ()W n Bathroom. ('ar l’arkiug. \Vil'clcxx Broatlhand. ()\\ n tclc plionc linc. Sharing \xith onc malc. Would \uit maturc \tu dcnl or \inglc prolcwxional. £350 (no hillx). ('all :\|lcn. 'lcl: 07300 020 3-12

Classified Property

Flatshare cont.

I Woodlands, double in \unn} t‘lat \\ ith onc othcr. Would \uit n/x. muxic lo\ing.cax_\going prolcxxional. 23+. \\ ho likcx to pai't_\ out and rcla\ \xhcn in.rcnt £350 pcr month incluxixc. 'lclz 0l-1l

333i I20

I One bedroom flat in tra ditional tcncmcnt. Ba} \xin tlo\\ctl loungc. douhlc hctll‘oom. kitchcn hathroom. I00 };||‘(l\ ('cxxnock l'ndcrground.

l)ouhlc gIa/ing. hurglar alarm. lull} lurnixhcd. cookcr. \xaxh ing machinc. clcctric \houcr. Suit \inglc/couplc. £320 pcm 'lclt0l-1l1270303/07711208 108

I FRIENDLY OWNER SEEKS )oung [ll‘ttltWSlUllill 125-30}r\ )to \harc l)o\\anhil| l'lal. l.o\cl_\ \urroundingx. .\lu\l hc a non \mokcr and lid}' l)ouh|c room £350 (inc. ("ll + hillx. ('all altcr 7pm. ’lcl: 07725 0.50 573

I The room to lcl ix \\Ilhlti a pcnthouxc Hal 5 tninutc\ l'rom lhc cit} ccnli‘c _\ou al\o ha\ c )tllll' o\\ n \cpct'alc hathroom \\lllltl(tltl1lt' \houcr.a|\o_\ou

\\ ill \hai‘c thc largc |i\ ing arca \xith opcn plan kitchcn. hal con}. I'ool gardcn and undci round parking. Ratc pcr month 300 plux council ta\.| monthx rcnt rcquircd in admncc. Room a\ailah|c tum. 'lcl: 07000 5M 751

I Large rooms in clcan. lricndl} I'Iatxharc £~100pcm lllL'l. hillx & c la\, \Vootlcn llooIN.

\\ irc|c\\ ht‘oatlhantl. \cparatc kilchcn & loungc. 'lcl: 07732 502 I10

I Double room available at lamrcncc Stt‘ccl. lll\l oll |1_\rc\ Road. \on \moking cat Iikcr prclcrrcd cht £210 -+- hillx + council ta\. ('all lillc}. ’lcl: 07021 550173

I Creative Person Sought to \harc \\ ith l’rolcxxional .\la|c 22. Smglc room. tunlurnixhctli lrcc part ol~ llll'lll\llctl mo hcdroomcd llat in l'innicxton. cht: £210. l'.\t'L'llt‘lll l.t)t‘illl(\ll littl' (.tl}/\\c\lcntl. .'\\atl;ll‘lc \oul 'lt‘li 0773 753000

I Post-grad/Mature stu- dent \\antcd lo \harc \\ ith 25}r malc poxt‘grad in cht lind llal. 25 llllll\ \xalk to ll}rc\ Rd. £275pcm plux \harcd hillx. douhlc room. \on Smokci prcl lt‘l'c‘tldlt‘l: 077 3031l033

I Room to let in ;l\\c\olltt‘ l’cnthouxc l‘lat t'lt)\t‘ lo llarrax and .\lcrchanl (’it} (critic. looking lor prolcxxional ga} l'ricndl} llat matc. £150 pcr month lllt‘llltlt‘S hillx c\ccpt plltlllt‘ l’t‘lt‘l't‘llt't‘\ l't'tlllll't‘tl. ‘l‘t‘l: 07330137013

I Large, bright double room amilahlc in quicl l'lat Ill .\nnic\land. l’l‘tilt‘\\lttll.ll pcrxon or poxlgraduatc \tudcnt onl}.

£ 350pcm and \harc o1 hillx ltlt‘pt)\ll I't‘t|llll't'tll. (‘Hllltlt‘l cuand\cr(" gmailcom or 0777] 02-1 nix.

I Double room in immacu latc langxidc llat. \ll.ll’lll;_‘ \xith onc muxic lming malc (331.con\cnicnt location [or c‘\c‘i‘}tliii1g. 300 pcr nionth+ \hal'ctl hill\. 'tL-I: 07770-101 I30

I Prof/postgrad female wanted l'or lilatxharc in hugc high qualit). 2 hdroom. 2 hath room flat in Mcrchant (’it}. :\ll mod com. a \tunning lilat. Sharing \\ ith ca\_\going. lcmalc prolcxxional. £350 pcm + hillx. ‘l‘t‘li 07330303550

I TWO double bedrooms in hriglit. ga_\ l’ricndl) cit} ccn trc l'lal. (larnclhill. lilat \harc \\ ith tuo othcrx. ('oml'ortahlc. lid). .\'S. \orr) no pcl\. ./\ll mod com. Incl. ht'oatllmlltl. tllSll uaxhcr and Sk}-+. £325 month. Id: 07000 33307]

I Lovely, bright, newly rcl'urlnxhcd flat in (iarncthill. .v\|| Inodx con. \lol‘agc. Sharc \xith piolcxxional lcmalc latc 20» looking lor clcan. lid). conxidcratc and l't‘\polt\il\lt' llatmatc. £200 pcm. plux hill\. ‘lcl: 07000330733

I 1/2 dbl bedrooms available immcdiatcl} lll hcautilul l’ollokxhicldx comcr- \ion. (ircat tramport link\ 3‘ amcniticx chl £3I0 pcm + lttllx l)t‘[3t)\ll llltlll. l’lt‘dxt‘ call 07703 712 (ll-l or cmail rachclctraxcrw hotmailcom

I Bright and spacious nc\\ l} dccoratcd douhlc room Ill lo\c|_\ \\c\l cnd lilat. lll\l oll l3)rc\ Rtl. £2.50 pcm + lttllx. Sharing \xith lcmalc \tudcnt \on \mokcr\. \ludcntx prc lcrrcd. amilahlc no\\' m- ll7702 3201100

I Newly refurbished/fur- nished 2 hcd (onc cn \lltlt‘l tcncmcnl flat in Shaulandx. (ila\go\\. ldcal lor _\oung pro lt‘\\lt)lt;tl\/ctlllplc‘\. £130pcm + ("l and hillx. (‘loxc to all illllt‘lllllt‘\ .'\\ailahlc no“. 'l'cl 0773307 327

I Friendly young pro- fessional \\;|Ittctl l'or \pa cioux. lurnixhcd. :lll‘_\ room lll lk‘ullllllll cht lind .\l'ai\oncllc. 'l'o \harc \\ llll tuo prolcxxion alx, .\ll 'S'l‘ likc dog\. chI £250 pcm r hillx. 'l‘cl: 07020 730023

I Glasgow, Botanics spacious, \xcll appoinlcd douhlc room in l.‘ll';.‘U.lH'lf.'.lll Ira ditional n/x I'lal in clotlxlon \trcctncu lmthroomahc ol kitchcn and \xaxlung Inachmc.inlct'nct :Icccxx a\atl ahlc lrom dcc.|\t. £320 pcr month-rhillx. ‘lcl.0|~1l 0105131

I St Vincent Crescent, plcaxant partiall} turnixhcd \m glc room in quict llat. \harmg \\ ith 2 olhct\ tarchitcct/artixt i. a\ailahlc lrom lxt ol Hcccmhcr. Would \llll maturc prolcxxional. £2.15tmcludmng’rt hillx, 'l’cl. 0l-1l 227 27 -13

I Double bedroom plus \tud} Io Icl m houxc in chlrcxx. Would \uit \ociahlc. cax} going. l'ricntll) prolcxxion al. l0nunx t|ri\c lroni L'll_\ ccn ll't‘. tun} Iltolol'\\.t} .tcct‘\\. £350 pcm inc council ta\. 'lcl. 07730 23-1532

I A lovely Split lc\cl llal lll (il;l\go\\ \ \chl lintl lo \ltal'c

\\ ilh crcatix c [ll'tllt‘SHttllill lcntalc and cool cat. £300pm+hi|lx and ("II Would \uit prolcxxional htlt “ould con \idcr Inotnatcd \tudcnt. 'l'cl: 0772070l7l0

I Double room in |o\cl_\ modcrn 2 hcd llal in llixhophriggx. l’rhatc parking l0 minx l‘rom [out]. wit )oung prol n/x £225pcm + ("l and hillx. 'lcl' 07077510oo3

I Best veggie cook on lhc 300111 Sltlc \L‘L‘lx\ :t liltllllltllcl lo \harc a hugc l\\o hcd l'urnixhcd flat in thc hcarl ol' Shau Iandx “ith lricndl} poxtgrad lcmalc. cht £217.50 pcm. 'l‘cl: 07710030550

I Dennistoun flatshare. One pcrxon \otlghl to \harc

\\ ith onc othcr. in \l_\ lixh lilat onc milc lrom cit} ccntrc. (i(ill.'li\l.\ltlL‘U.[1L'.tll\ll\\;l\ll cr. 2 cat\. £200 pcm + hillx. 'lcl 01-1! 55(123l2


I Double room to t‘cnl in nc\\ to\\n l'lar nonxmoking. )oiing. \ociahlc. prollcxional \xantcd to draw \\ llll 3girl\ and a ho_\_. a\a|ihlc \lat‘l ol ianuar). rcnt v\£200 a month pith ct (£50) and hillx 'l'cl' 0|3| 557 1203 £250 pct month tchcap council law

I Double room avaliable in a thrcc hcdroom l‘lat. (iootl location tor puhlic ll‘;lll\pol'l and local anicnaticx. .\\a l\l l)cc. ‘lclj 07713000303

I Two HUGE double t'oonix oppoxitc mcadmu a\ail ahlc. t\. \\.macltinc. hroadhand lll Hal. 277 pcr month \xith 250 dcpoxil. ltlllxl hc uni ol cdin hurgh matriculach \tudcnt, \cr} chcap and hugc \l/t" comc and \cc lor _\our\c|l' 'l'cl: 07700100553

I Edinburgh Haymarket Large comlortahlc hright don hlc room in \pacioux l'lat. \uit l or 2.\hai'c kilchcn and hath l'HHlll\ alxo \mglc| mod conx.\\‘..\l/dr_\cr.|ntcrncl.(i('ll.n car all amcnilicx no hillx U)0p\\/£70p\\. 'lcl: 0| 31 007 03 3.3

I Large single room in ('Icrmixton ton hux routc to \';ipici‘/Stc\cnxon ('ollcgc. 20 “MIN Irom \cht l'.lltll a\ai|ahlc lrom .lanuar} lor rcnt. £ 300 tlcpo\tl £250+("l'+clcc hill, l‘rcc intcrnct accth Sharing \\tlll l'lal ouncr. l-cmalc. non \ntokcrx onl}. plcaxc. l’orcigncrx uclcomc. ’lcl:

()73l 500 705.“

I Absolutely central. Double room in |o\c|_\ (icorgc St llat all mod conx £150 pcm lull} lllcltl\l\c‘ .Sharc \\ ith onc olhcl' traicl} thcrci \hol'l lcl a\allahlc plcaxc call lion} 073V 532 .310

I NEWINGTON: TWO double hctlroomx .i\all.ihlc Ill rclurhxharcd ilat cloxc l'nix Kitchcn. loing Room. ('onxcnator}. pri\_gartlcn. (K‘ll. l)(i. £275 pcm 1- ("l «'- lilll\ l)t‘|ltl\ll.

'l'l:l.. 0|3753 3 3 3"0

I Characterful flat in l\’o\ltll2l1c‘tll'oollh ":_‘lltltl \l/ctl \outh lacing \lud} ‘Sllltlltt'. jolk‘ll lll't‘plttt'c‘\. \L‘g‘g‘lt‘ ‘L'Jl'tlk'll. \lt‘\\\ ol lllllx 2min \xalk lrom chapcI/glcn; £1130 pcr month contact t'lll'l\ ccorduro} (‘1 hot or tcl 077—13l2701l