
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.


Sophie Martin-Canning Bortlcrx Books. 03 Buchanan Str‘cct. 333 "(Ht 4pm. l‘i'cc. .loiri thc A'iw'i/ /’\' I/lt' lll'Jt’/\ author as \hc \ignx t‘ttplt‘\ ol' lltl\ cmpoixcring no\cl.

Michel Faber llillhcad lihrar}. Byrcx Road. 55‘) 733.? "fill 0pm. 'l'hc talcntctl Dutchman l't‘tltl\ from lll\ criticall} acclaimcil \iork \\lllt‘ll inclntlcx now]

I 'iu/r'i' I/Ir’ Skin.


* Tracey Emin \Van-ixionc‘x. l5: I57 Sancliichall ~\‘trcct. 333 ‘llll5. 5pm. l'i‘cc. llic L‘Ulllt‘\\lttll;|l ttl'll\l \ignx copic\ ol hcr intimatc mcmoirx Strange/rind.

The Christmas Selection Box 'l'lic (ilaxgou School ol -\i‘t. lo" chlr'cu Strcct. ‘53 4530 7pm. l‘rcc .loin host l)onn_\ (TRoiii‘lxc for an cwnmg of poctr} Reading the Leaves 'l‘cliai ()\ na. ~13 ()tago laiic. 55" 4531 .\'pm [3. .loiii gticxt \\l'llt‘l'\ let an cwnrng of pocti'} and crcatn c \\riting


* Tracey Emin \Vatci‘xtonc'x. IJN l’rinccx Strcct. 33h 3(i(»(i l351lpm. l'rcc Scc (ilil\gn\\, ahmc.


Ian Rankin l’iortlcix Birtth UK Buchanan Strcct. 333 7"Ml lpm. l-rcc. 'l‘hc author drops in to \lle] conicx ol Ix’i'lmx ' Still/(HIM and tlchttl /‘/ii' I'lmii/


David Kinloch, Donal McLaughlin and Pedro Lenz Scottixli Pot-try l.ihrai'_\. 5 ('richton'x ('onc. ('anongatc. 55" 33"(1 1 5pm. l't‘cc. .r\n tlllL‘l'llUttll ol pocti'). lt';tlt\l;tllttll anil tll\L'll\\lt\ll. Green Christmas Storytelling Royal Botanic (iardcn. li\hihition Hall. lnxcrlcitli Ron. 553 "Tl-7| 3pm l'l‘t‘t‘ (‘oinc along and hcar ('hrixtmax talcx.


Soiree Cadavre Exquis .'\llI;tltt‘t‘ l‘rancaixc dc (ila\‘_‘o\\. 3 Park (‘irciix 33‘) «CM. (i Spin. l'rcc. Participants arc gncn thc start of' a story and imprm ixc tlic rcxt. Bc anarc that it\ all in l‘r'cnch.

Crime Fiction Workshop .-\|li;incc l‘i'ancaixc dc (il;i\gtt\\. 3 Park (‘irctix ‘5‘) 43M. 'l‘imc thc. l’rcc. \Vorkxhop on \xriting crimc iio\cl\. ln l‘i'cnch.


Darren Shan \Vatcr‘xtonox I33 l’l'lllt‘t‘\ Strcct. 33h 3hoh me. l'rcc 'l‘hc popular childrcn'x horror author \ljJth copicx ol’ chilling nc“ no\ cl lh-imiii '/'/iit'/.


Darren Shan ()llakat'\. [int (i. Buchanan (iallci'icx. Buchanan Strcct. .555 lSllll. 4 Split l'l't‘t‘. SCL‘ \lttll .5. Richard McCann Boi'tlci'x Bookx, UH Buchanan Strcct. 333 77H”. (mm. l'rcc. 'l‘hc \\ i'itcr of acclaimcd mcmoir .lii\/ (I But lt'tltl\ a tll\L'll\\lHll on domcxtic ahuxc. Crime Fiction Workshop u\lll;lllt‘t‘ l‘i‘ancaixc dc (ila\L‘o\\. 1 Park ('ii‘ciix. 55‘) lle l'l't‘t‘ Bt't‘ \lttll §

Wednesday 7.. .


Franco-German Crime Novel Event Alliancc lirancaixc dc (ilaxgim. i l’ark (‘ircux 3 W 433 l. (i. ill Hpm. l‘rcc. .loint c\cnt \\ itli thc (ioctlic lll\llllll.

38 THE LIST "' in-

Crime Fiction Workshop Alliancc l'ltlllk‘illfl' tlL‘ (ilztxgtm. .5 l’;tt'l\ (‘tt'cttx 55‘) JZXI. l'lCL'. SL‘L‘ \lth 5.

Thursday 8


Penny Pinch Poetry Workshop (ilaxgim \Vorncn\ library. Hit) 'l'rongatc. 553 8345, l lam 5pm. l‘i‘cc. \Vonicn only \xorkxhop ll\lllf_‘ tlic thcinc of" clothcs to ct‘catc poctr} cclchr'ating thc rcxilicncc of" uomcn \ltl'\ n ing pou‘t't} and \ iolcncc. Ian R Mitchell l’ollolxxhanx l.ihrar_\ and Icarning (’cntrc. 5(l/(rl) Shauhridgc Str‘cct. (r33 3544. 3pm. ‘l'lrii (in Min is an c\po\c‘ of tlic hiddcn richc\ of \ttlltt‘ of‘ (ila\go\\ \ tll\ll'lL‘l\ and thix at'tcrnoon iucathcr [wrinittingi hc takm as on a tour. lan R Mitchell on Govan (‘artlonaltl l.ihr'ar_\. I I 13 Moxxpark I)ri\c. 883 IRSI. opm. Scc Thu 8. (iucxx which arca this talk is ahotit'.’

Crime Fiction Workshop Alliancc l-i‘ancaixc dc (‘ilaxgow 3 Park ('irctix. 55‘) ~433l, l'lll‘t'. SL‘L‘ \lth .5.


What’s Wrong with Scottish Football? North lidinhurgh Ans ('cntrc. l5a l’cnnyucll ('oiirt. 5|5 3l5l. 7.30pm. £5 (L550). llat't‘} Rcitl (ll\L'll\\C\ hix qttml to rcach Scotland\ toothalling soul.


Penny Pinch Poetry Workshop (ilaxgou \Vomcn'x library. Hit) 'l‘rongatc. 553 33-15. I lain 5pm. l-icc. Scc Thu 8. Penny Pinch Poetry Evening (ilaxgim \Voincn'x library. 10‘) 'l'i'ongatc. 553 8545. 7pm. 'I‘hc fruits of two days of. poctr} \xorkxhopping arc prcxcntcd. Crime Fiction Workshop .-\lliancc l‘t‘ancaisc dc (ilasgou. 5 l’at'k ('it‘cu» 55‘) 4:3l. l'hl't‘k'. SL‘L' \ltttl 5.


* Alexander McCall Smith, Ian Rankin and Irvine Welsh lit-\rnal ‘l‘hcatrc. l3 3‘) \icolxon Strcct. 53‘) out)”. 7.10pm. £8. Scotland's litci'ar)

lica\ } ucightx takc to thc \tagc togcthcr to tll\t‘ll\ ()m' ('in'. at llli\ c\cnt lit)\lt‘tl h) Kll'\l_\ \Vark l'or ()nc ('it} ('harit} lt'tlxl.

Saturday 10


Crime Fiction Workshop .»\|liancc l‘rancaixc dc (ilaxgoix. 5 Park (‘ii‘cux 33‘) ~l3r\’l. l'il'CL'r St‘c \lttlt .5.


Green Christmas Storytelling Royal Botanic (iartlcn tli\hihition Hall). li\hihition Hall. lmcrlcith Ron. 553 ','l7|. 3pm. lircc. Scc Sun-1.


Poetry Book Group: Dress and Undress Scottish l’octi'} library. 5 (‘richton'x (low. (’anongatc. 557 3X70 (fit) 8. tllpm. [5 including “inc (Bl. .lulic .lttltlhltmt‘ Icadx this month‘s mccting. focusing on (‘arol :\nn l)llll_\ ‘\ (hit of I'iixliiuii anthology.

Wednesday 14


Cafe Litteraire Alliance l‘rancaixc l)c ('ila\§_‘tt\\. 5 Park ('ircux. 33‘) 43M. (tPin. l'hl-L‘t‘. I’d/W lllr’ ('I /\’('i‘I'('II\ l/lll'll l1} l‘l't‘tl Vat'gm is undci' tli\L‘tt\\ittlt.

Our Favourite Books at Christmas National library ol' Scotland. ('icorgc |\' Bridgc. 33h 453 |. 7pm. \\'ritcr\ Ron Biitlin. Stuart Kcll} and .lciin} lii'tlal talk aliout thcii' laxouritc lcxtn c hooks. Booking atl\ ixahlc

Thursday 15


Extraordinary Everyday ( '( '.'\. 350 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 4000. 7pm. l‘rcc. Book launch and pancl discussion focusing on :tt’lx in a social contc\t.




(DC) 0...

'Great mainstream comic book writing.' says Joss Whedon in his introduction to this book. 'has to make you feel you're seemg something new Without destroying the familiar.' Gushing fanboy that he is. Whedon talks sense ~ to take characters with a monthly history of five or six decades and write them With both childlike enthusiasm and a grown -up avoidance of the shell of cliches they have developed is some achievement.

That's why political thriller writer Melt/er deserves a lot of credit for taking [)C's stalwart \ltlSllCt} l eague of America lSuperman. Batman. Green Arrow and the resti and creating a real page turner by placing the emphasis on character following the grisly murder of the until-now uninspiring Elongated Man's wife. This sharply illustrated dark soap opera that deserves to be placed near the top of the canon. iDaVid Pollocki


The Spider

(Titanl 0.0.

An ‘about time too?” reprint of the extraordinary exploits of bi/arro British criminal riiastm'mind and erstwhile superhero the Spider: l ifted from the pages of boys" adventure weekly [ ion. a descendent of 1940s flagship science fiction comic The Fag/e and antecedent of the ttii'Os scr fi title ?()()()AD. The Spider is one of the

more memorable creations from mid 1960:; British comics. of which fellow strange strip The Stee/ Claw is also due for reissue land

reimagining in new stories. both. by Alan Moore).

The sharply-etched black and white artwork by Beg Bunn perfectly complements the Spider's outre ad\./eritures and nefarious schemes. dreamed up initially by fellow Brit Ted Cowan and later continued an a more straightfor\..-..'ar(lly superhero veini by none other than Superman's creator Jerry Siegel. who had then Just been kicked off the comic he originated. The Spider. by contrast to the man of steel. is an altogether weirder venture. and is. if not a milestone in British comics. certainly an overlooked oddity. (Miles Fielder)


MANNY CLARK 24 l'Titani .0.

For a show which often plays out like a videogame. it was inevitable that (’4 would reach into the fan boy's other wet dream genre. the comic book The stories here l't}(];ll{ll'l\ border and often cross the barrier of Itit‘licrousness that have occasionally threatened to flip 9-1 over the edge lbig chested IBA assassins? Jack With a

sense of humour'h. But for all its daftness. the conceits are intriguing.

In 'One Shot'. Jack protects a bit of terrorist totty from her former colleagues as Nina Myers plots treachery while 'Midnight Sun" revolves around a bunch of cco \‘Jarriors attempting to destroy some oil fields. And in the digitally enhanced ‘Stories'. Jack hooks up \Nllli his old pals in the Salazar drug ring but the hotel they are holed up in is under siege by Chechen rebels. Who says it couldn't happen? iBrian Donaldson;

t. l tit; CHARLES BURNS Black Hole (Jonathan Caper O...

Already well documented in these pages when it ‘.'.’£tf3 in serialised form. this hardback repressing of the Burns" extraordinary epic story of e><istential horror in 1970s suburban Seattle still desenxes a shout. Though there '5; some debate whether Burns has actually finrshed this. his opus the is often cited as the \James Joyce ot the instalment graphic nove‘ so who can tell’h. this; beautifully packaged tome is a great way to discover this brilliant \.i‘i.’t'|l(?" and illustrators work. Seen in its

pt ssible entirety. Black Hole is a genre bending treat that often transcends the very boundaries of the black huniou". horror and teen dra'na influences that 3urns draws on By turns horrifying and hilarious. this tale of semi town Iife. disease and death is an unforgettable gift front a weirdly scary talent. len years in the making. this book of the damned is a mayor work of anXiety. ennui and singularity. (Paul Dale)