Herbie: Fully Loaded 1H 0. iAngcla Rohinxon. l'SA. 2005) Litidxa) l.ohan. \lichacl Kcaton. Matt Dillon. 100mm. 'I'liix \cr) litcral l.indxa_\ I.ohan \chiclc chx dad Michacl Kcaton gixc hix datiglitcr a car on graduation. ln thc traditioiix ol’ thc lraiichixc. thc llcctlc hax a mind ol. ilx own. and l.oliatt ix xoon Icariiiiig chxonx in Inc and cntcriiig thc l)a_\tona 500. (‘imaiurli/ l’urklit'ml. (i/itsgmi; (i/usuuu;

* The Hidden Blade 1 lSi 0.00 (You Yainada. Japan. 3004i Maxatoxhi Nagaxc. 'l'akako .\latxii. llidclalxa Yoxhioka. Yukiyixlii ()/a\\a. Kcn ()gata. lilmin. Scc rm icxx and intcr\ ic“. pagc 50. (‘ini‘imr/i/ Rt'lrfri'ii' .S'Il‘i’t’l. (i/uxumi; (;I(I.\L'(’ll.

Home Alone «Mi» .0 «('hrix ('oluinhux. l'S. twat Macaula) ('tillxin. Joc l’cxci. l)anicl Stcrn. John llcard. ('athcrinc ()‘llara. ltl3min. l’ctcr and Katc .\lc('allixtcr (llcard and O'Hara) haw an ciglit-)cai‘-old hrat and xx ixcl} alhcit accidmitall} lcax c hint hchind in ('liicago \xlicii thc) go on ltolida} to l’arix. l.clt to liix o“ n dm iccx )oung Km iii t('tilkiiii hax to dcal \\ itli l\\o hungling hurglarx tl’cxci and Stern) \\ ho tlii'catcn to imadc liix pcaccl'ul hawn. Joll_\. il' xadixtic. xcai‘c» comcd} anticx pi'oduccd h} tccnllick \ctcran John lltighcx. (iron-mm; (i/uxgmi; Hot Rod 1 15! 0.. t.\lic|iacl .\lorro\\. ('anada. ltltl-li 77min. lii/ai'rcl} L'llltl};ll‘lL‘ docunicntar} \\ hicli l‘ollmxx a hunch ol' rcdncckx through a Dcmolitioii Dcrh} compctition. Film/mini: Izili'nlim-g/i. Hotel Rwanda t l3:\) 0... t’l‘cri‘) (icorgc. ('anada/l 'K/ltal}/South Attica. 30(5) Don (dit‘iltllk‘. Sopliic ()ktitlL‘tlo. Joaquin l’liocnix. Nick Noltc. 121mm.

Po“ crl'ul drama haxcd on thc truc xtoi'} of a hotel managcr \\ ho hotixcd o\ cr a thotixand 'ltitxi rcl'ugccx during thcir xtrugglc agaian thc lltitu militia in Rxxanda. (‘licadlc gncx thc llcrl'ormaiicc ol' hix carccr. .\ ()&:\ \\ itli thc Africa .\lcdia (iroup \\ ill liolloxx thc \L‘t'L‘L‘ning. (;/(I\L’(lll I't/m 'I'lli'ull't'. (i/inguu: Howl’s Moving Castle d’( it .0. tlla}ao Nina/aid. Japan. 3005i Voich ol ('hi‘ixtian Bale. l.aurcn Bacall. Bill} (’ryxtal. 1 19min. Mi)a/aki. thc dil'cclor ol' Spiritcd Ana} i'cturnx \\ ith a \ci'xion ol l)iana W} nnc Joncx' clitldrcn'x hook

Hun l'.\ .llni'iltg’ (in/Ii". ‘l'hc t‘cxltll ix a xtrangc li}hrid that xtartx out ax a cliccr} lxidx adwnturc thcn channg dircction hall'xxa} through to cm ixagc thc hcll ot a d} xtopiaii l'uturcuoi'ld i'tilcd h} “at: l)cxpitc \ll);t/;tl\l\ undouhtcd gil'tx l'or xtor). charactcr atid cutc animation. thc divct‘xc cultural agcndax jar hadl}. liaxl incctx \cht xo axx kuardl} hcrc. .St'lt't‘ft'tl I‘l'll'tlkf.

Illustrious Corpses (Cadeveri Eccellenti) ( 15! O... (lattiiccxco Roxi. ltal). 107m l.iiio \‘cntura. 'l‘ino (ai‘i'ai‘o. Min \on S)do\x. ('harlcx Vancl. llllmin. l.ino \cntura. Alain (tin). (’Iiai'lcx Vancl. :\ policc itixpcclot‘ lt‘lL‘\ to xolu' lllL‘ murdcrx ol'judng. proxccutorx and politicianx. and in thc pi‘oc‘cxx dixcm crx a right-u ing conxpirac) to ai'ouxc puhlic outragc againxt tlic lcl't. Roxi iiiaxtcrl'ull} handch thc l\\ ixtx ol' thc plot in thix


adaptation of l.conardo Sciaxcia‘x no\ cl, l’art ol~ Roxi Scaxon. Ii/m/muu'. Iii/in/itu'g/i.

In Her Shoes 1 121M... i('urtix llaiixoii. l'S. 2005i (‘amcron l)ia/. loin ('ollcttc. Sliirlc} .\lacl.ainc. litlmin. (iloxx) adaptation ol Jcnnilci‘ \Vciiicr‘x

lto\ cl \xhich pitx xh} \xallllou cr Roxc t('ollcttci againxt liopclcxx liixli Maggic tl)ia/ l. \Vhilc Roxc \xrcxtlcx againxt hci' hoxx at a liigh-po“ crcd l’hiladclphia la\\ lirm. \laggic xti'ugglcx to hold tlt\\\lt a loh in a pct xtorc \\ liilc conducting a incxx} xc\ lil‘c. lirml} cxtranging licr l'roiii hcr xcnxihlc xixtct'. Hut rcdcniptioii ix at hand in thc town of gi'andmolhcr lilla t.\lacl .ainc l. \xlioxc l‘loi'ida rctircmcnt homc pro\ idcx a hallua) liottxc l‘oi' thc xtilk} gll'l\. Solid lcmalc honding \\ ccpic a xiitig. coml'orlahlc lit. (;('II('I'(I/ I'i‘lt‘uu'.

It’s a Wonderful Life tl’( il .00.. tl‘rank (‘apra. l'S. I‘l-loi Jaincx Stcuai‘l. l)onna Rccd. llcni') 'l'raxcrx. 'l'honiax .\litclicll. ll‘hnin. Small-toun ho} Stcxxart runx into linancial dit‘lictilticx and ix on tlic hrink ol' xiiicidc “lit‘ll an cldcrl} anch dcxccndx to cath to xllo“ him all thc good hix lilc hax donc lor tlioxc around llllll. .‘\i'chct_\pal (’api‘a xcntiiiicntalit} \\ ill] a xtipci'hl} dctailcd l'aiitax} lraiiicuork and

onc ol Stcuart'x moxt lo\ahlc pcrlorinanccx. ()nc to “arm c\cn lhc inoxt glacial hcart, (i/uxuim I'll/n Hint/rt. (i/iixgmi ; Stu/mum Si'li'i'nmg Room. film/Hugh.

Keeping Mum I t5» .0 l\l;lll .lohnxon. l‘lx'. Illtlfit Rouan .'\ll\|ll\ttll. Ki‘ixtin Scott 'l‘homax. \laggic Smith. l’atrick Sxxa) /c. I lllllllll. Scc rc\ icxx. pagc ll). (it'm'ru/ ri'li'i/u‘.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang l 15).... (Sliaiic Black. l‘S. 200M Rohci‘t Dounc} Jr. \'al Kilinci'. \lichcllc .\loiiaglian. ('oi'hm llcrnxcn. llllmm. \icc git} pctl} tliicl llarr} lockhait tl)o\\iic} lri ix haung a

\\ cird cwning; xoinclio“ hc hax gonc lltllll rohhing a to} xhop to a lloll}xxood pool part} in onc cax} ino\c. lint hix luck cliangcx \xhcn hc mcctx \ltti\\l\t//} piixatc c}c (la) l’cti'} lKlllllt‘l'l and axptring aclicxx llai'mon} l‘aitli lant' t.\lonagliani. [xi/ml lli'iI/tim xcrccimritcr lilaclx'x liixt lilin ax

\\ ritcr'dircctor ix ultra conxolutcd. poxt modcrn. xmart and clcxcr. Stiucturcd around xoiiictlnng that \agucl} rcxcinhlcx (‘liandlcr‘x plot loi' l/lt' li’IL' Slit/i. lilaclx amuxingl} allo\\ x hix liliii to hccomc littcrcd \\ illi alltixionx to thc \xiitcrx. hotin and lilmx lic clcar|_\ lo\cx. .St'li'i'lt‘i/ ri'li'uu', The Legend of Zorro «I’m .0 (Martin ('ainphcil. l'S. lell5i :\ntotiio

"‘ From the director of TWILIGHT SAMURAI

Cédric Klapisch’s light-hearted, bawdy look at the adventures of a bunch of international students in Barcelona gets a welcome screening as part of Screendaze a new series of films programmed for young people in Glasgow. All students studying in Glasgow get in free (2450/2350 otherwise). Visit www.screendaze.com for more information. I GFT, Waggon“ (Sat 70000.1! 1.30pm on/w.

liandciax. ('atlicriiic /.cta Joncx. (iioxanna /.acaii'ax. Raul .\lciidc/. 130mm. llori'ihl} rcactioimr}. \cnophohic xcqticl to l‘)‘)7'x cnio}ahlc xxxaxhhucklcr l'lii' .llmA u/ [or/n. \\lilc‘lt rcxolu‘x around ()ld ('alil'oriiia

Joining lltc l‘nion and itx Spaniin citi/cnx

mclanning that hcconnng .-\mcrican ix thc hcxl thing that could ltappcn to tlicm. Rotlcn. lahorioux and dccpl) lt’atidtllc‘ttl. S/iuuti/w (inc/nu. l’un/m. l’iuN/m:

The Libertine t IS) .0. tl.aurciicc Dunmorc. l'lx'. littlliJohnn} l)cpp. Samantha Morton. John .\la|lxo\ ich. Stanlc) ’l'ounxciid. l'ranccxca .\imix. ll-liinn. ‘l'hc linglixh (‘i\ ll \Var ix o\cr hut (’liai'lcx ll (Malian ichi ix harcl} holding hix kingdom togcthcit l-,\ci'}onc Ironi l’arliamctit to tlic l‘icncli \xaiit a piccc of him. lint thc high hung king ix morc mtcrcxtcd in llic progrcxxiotix ol’ thc RCxlol'allnlt and lltt‘ l'.;tt'l Ul RUL‘liL‘\IL‘t' tl)cppi ix xoincthnig ol a pct projch hc \xantx him to hc tlic Sluikcxpcai'c to liix lili/ahcth htit Rochcxlcr hax inoi'c dixgracclul planx. .-\daptcd tor xci'ccii h} Stcplicn Jclli'c} x' trom liix o\\ n \ch1- rcxpcctcd pla}. l/ii' lilwrlmi' ix a \\ clcomc clucidation on lhc hcdonixtic lilc and timcx ol lhc man \xlio \\;l\ poxxihl} thc lirxt t’itclx'lt't‘ollt‘t'. .St'lt'i Ii’i/ H'lt’ilH'.



WINNER ,,...

am ART DIREUION “112351 «fr-rip. v... 5 7°“ Tow FILM /



A filrn by YOJI YAMADA

StAiTé'DECEMBER 2aasaa


STARTS SIARtSp‘i’LMi—ious: ouinznz 6

iftn THE LIST 57