
yr ’,i‘.i'-\"Jl' V. a: All.

I Refuse Boy, The Setup and Sleepy Zephers Baiinerman's. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. l.ocal rock and indie.

I Nathaniel Slade and Kevin Robinson \Vhistlehinkies. 4 (i Sotith Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm 3am. the. l.ocal rock and indie.

I Hobo The Botigo ('luh. Moray House.

37 lloly'rood Road. 558 7604.

|0pin 3am. l-tec hefore £| lpm; £3 after. The music and alternative disco for justified sinners'. l)elta Mainline gtiest (4 Dec) followed by Mystery Juice t l | Dec) launching their new lil’ (gum/ruph' .SII'Up on l’enee Records. joined by some licncc ('ollectiyc huddies Down the Tiny Steps and Deaf Mules.



1 There’s that name for a start Do you really need five reasons to go and see a band called the Fucking Champs? No. you only need one, and that reason is that they've got ‘tucking‘ in their band name, which is both big and clever. They used to be called the Champs. you know. but that just wasn't. well. ‘fucking' enough.

2 They’re more metal than Maiden, more prog than Rush, more punk than Big Black The San Franciscan instrumental trio claim to make ‘total music’. which doesn't really mean anything. What they sound like is an insaner complicated stoppy-starty. jumpy, thrashy. noisy. unhinged blend of the best/worst that metal. prog and punk have to offer.

3 One guy plays a nine-string guitar Yes. really. What's that all about, l hear you Cry? Fuck knows. Maybe it helps in the heavy metal version of ‘Greensleeves' they sometimes play live. Yes, really.

4 They’re mates with Tfans Am The Fucking Champs are bosom buddies with Trans Am, everyone’s favourite electro-thrash- prog-punk outfit from Washington. So much so they regularly tour together and have formed two side projects. the Fucking Am and Transchamps. At communal gigs. cymbals have been set on fire. Nice. 5 They’re superstitious The band's weirder superstitions include the fact that they've never used a set list, and when in Los Angeles County they only listen to Black Flag. Which seems reasonable enOugh. actually.

(Doug Johnstone)

I Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Mon 5 Dec.

78 THE LIST 1 ~15} Dec 2005)


I Acoustic Ladyland .A\B('2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £8. The tnost exciting hand to hit Later nil/z Jim/s [Io/lurid since At the Drive-In started cliuckitig chairs around. BB(‘ Jau. Award w inncrs Acoustic l.adyland are headlong jau punk instrumental genius. And. to inyoke the wise words of Pay ement. did you see the drunitner‘s hair'.’ See picture caption. page 86.

I David Gray Sli(‘('. l'innieston Quay. 08700404000. 7pm. £25 The piano man with the hohhly head hritigs us tunes from the massiye ll'liilt' I.(l(l(l(’l' and its latest follow up Life in Slow- .Wulimt.

Maximo Park, Clor and Field Music Barrowland. 244 (iallowgate. 552 4(i0l. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()lTT. ()\cr- |4s show. New castle liyc-piecc Maximo Park lead the post-l‘t'an/ deluge with their edgy indie pop tunes and llamhoy ant frontman with cotnhoy'cr Paul Smith.

I Rise with the Fallen and Nothing from Nowhere Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 7pm. £4.

I Beecher Barlly. 260 ('lytle Street. 0870 907 0999. 7.30pm. £5. ('oniplex. extreme rock with a heay'y iiiatlt metal hardcore edge.

I Marissa Nadler and Eugene Kelly Mono. 12 Kings Court. King Street. 552 9458. 8pm. £4. Mal/y Star- like sw'ooning pop from \adler with support from Kelly and his country rock sounds.

I The Young Knives, Rumblestrips and Stop Starts King Tut's Wait Wait llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £5. Jerky Britpop featuring the eccentrically iiatiied hassist House of l.ords who count Tom Vek. the l"tittii‘ehc;u|s and (iang of l‘our among their fans.

I Baldego Bloc. I I7 Bath Street. 574 (i066. 9pm. l’ree. A little hit ftiiik. a little bit rock.

I El Dog Bcansccnc. I ll) Battlefield Road. 636 (i977. 9pm. Free. Melodic. passionate rock from this (ilasgow hand. I The Low Mitts Stereo. l4 Kcly'iiihaugh Street. 576 50l8. 9pm. £3. The l.ow Mills helpfully descrihe themselyes as ‘Stockhauseii meets Jon l’ertwce'. ()h. like that . . .


I Blondie and Hugh Cornwell t'sher Hall. l.othian Road. 228 1 I55. 7pm.

£25 £30. The hlonde hoiiihshcll and her hoys return with their foriiiidahlc new

w aye hack catalogue. Support ft'oiii former Stranglers yoealist ('ornwcll.

I The Fucking Champs, Moniak and Titus Gein ('aharct Voltaire. 3h 38 Blair Street. 220 ()l7(). 7pm. £8.50. lleayy metal the way it sliottld he rocked from this exemplary hand. See 5 Reasons. left.

I Mama Popcorn The (‘anons‘ (iait. 232 ('anongate. 556 4481. 7.30pm. £3. l-‘unk-infused gospel sounds from this new lidinhurgh-hased hand.

I Blank Generation and State of Affairs Banneriiian's. .\'iddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. l.ocal rock arid indie. I Open Mic \Vhistlchinkies. 4 (i Sottth Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Free. Jtist turn tip and pL‘lTorlll.

Tuesday 6


I The New Pornographers and Your Black Star .'\B('2. 330 Sauchichal| Street. 332 2232. 7.30pm. £8. Vancouycr indie supergroup. featuring alt.country \ocalist .\'eko ('ase. '/.umpano frontman ('arl New man and Dan Bejar of l)estroycr.

I The Motorettes, Shrinking Violet and Cleartall King Tut's \Vah \Vah lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £5. The Motorettes. a three-piece from Ty nemouth. are rock'n'roll like the Ramones. Beach Boys and Shirelles. which is litre in our hook.

I The Gris Gris Barfly. 260 (‘lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 7.30pm. £5. ()yer- l4 show. ()akland-hased psychedelic rockers. getting a name for their live show.

I The Needles, Flying Matchstick Men, Titus Gein and How to Swim The Arches. 253 Argyle Street. 0870 240 7528. 7.30pm. £5. l)iyerse hill of local hands. encompassing indie rock. clectro pop and twisted metal. hosted hy Suhcity Radio.

I Joan Kane Stereo. l4 Kelyinhaugh Street. 570 50l8. 8pm. £4. l’op/rock singer/songwritcr.

I Green Peppers Bcansccne. l9 Skiry iitg Street. Shawlands. 032 8090. 9pm. lirec. lis-Soup Dragon aiid BMX Bandit Jim Mc('ulloch presents his latest


Bitty Clyro The Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. S()l.l) ()lTT. (ilasgow rockers done good. riding high on their .\'iryana-csque guitar racket. I The Young Knives (‘aharet Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Street. 220 ()l7(). 7pm. £(i. See (ilasgow. Mon 5 Dec.

I William Douglas, Alister and Paul lglu. 2h Jamaica Street. 470 5333. 9pm. Free. Acoustic singer/songwriter night with special guests.

Wednesday 7


I U840 ('lyde .-\uditoriuiii. l‘iiiniestoii Quay. 08700404000. 7.30pm. £29.50. Reggae journeymen still sloggiiig round the totii'iiig circuit.

I Stacey Earle 8. Mark Stuart The Arches. 253 Argy lc Street. 0870 240 7528. 8pm. £l I. Stcye's li'l sis is a great country -oricntated talent in her own right. with a less fiery. more poetic approach than her hrotlicr. See picture caption. page 83.

I Freetaller, The Darlings and Rocketfox Barfly. 2(i0 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. 7pm. £0. The headliners are a punk pop quartet.

I The Hazey Janes Brcl. 39 43 Ashton Lane. 342 49%. 8pm. £4. Sunny. httcolic harmonies from this l)undonian hand. featuring a couple of Michael Mari‘a's offspring. Their dehut alhum is released at the end of January.

I Littl’ans, Blind Pew and The Mode Barfly tupstairs). 260 ('lydc Street. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £o. l.ondon-hascd urchin punks who hay c recently collahot'ated with Pete |)olicrty oit a single.

I Stevie Walker Montrose ('cntral. (i/8 \Vaterloo Street. 22l 0500. 9 I lpiti. l.i\c weekly sotil residency with the sa\~ playing soul man.

I The Bottleneckers The Scotia Bar. ||2 Stockwell Street. 552 8(i8l. 9.30pm. Free. Weekly hlues residency.

I Astronauts Fail The Bunker Bar. I93 I99 Bath Street. 229 I427. l0pm. lirec. A hand w ho descrihe themselyes as a ‘tigliter At the Bose In. Which isn‘t possihlc. htit we'll let it go.

I Meshuggah The (iarage. 490 Sauchiehall Street. 332 l I20. (‘A.\J('lil.l.lil).


I Runrig l'shct' llall. l.otliian Road. 0870903 3444. 7pm. £l8 £20. One of the world’s highest selling celtic rock acts who cclehrated 30 years as a hand in 2003.

I Glenn Tilbrook The Venue. l7 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £l0. The cx-Stiuee/e man's new hand performing old classics. rarities. solo work and coy crs. I Electric Soft Parade, Restlesslist and Slowjet ('aharei Voltaire. 3o 38 Blair Sti'cct. 220 MW». 7pm. the. An intimate tour for the Brightonian hrothcrs aitd former

Mercury nominees.

I Vector Lovers (‘aharet Voltaire.

3o 38 Blair Street. 220 (il7h. l lpm. l-tec. lilcctro-funk front Martin Wheeler. aka Sonia signce Vector l.oy crs.

I Milaphobia, Mistaken Minds, Castro and Countervayl Suhway ('ow gate. ()9 (‘owgate. 225 (i7oo. 7.30pm. £4. lidinhurgh's tip—and-coming li\L'-piL‘L‘L‘ Milaphohia headline.

I Taylor Made Music ()-Bar. 5 l l |.eitli Street. 8pm. l‘rcc. Open mic night. I Nervosa, Five Day Hemingway and Frothing Mucus Baiinct'nian's. .\'iddry Street. 550 3254. 8.45pm. £4. l.ocal rock and indie.

I Sub Opt, Baltic and Radar \Vhistlehinkies. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm 3am. the. l.ocal rock and indie.

I Yea NO Totally lgltl. 2h Jamaica Sti'cct. 47h 5333. 9pm. l’rec. Acoustic songs and classic coy us

I The Cannonmillbillies, Gatsby, The Kinkys and 085 The Bongo ('luh. Moray House. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 7(i04. l0pm 3am. £5 (£4). Rock and indie.

I The Very Acoustic Night llolyrood Tayci'n. 9 llolyrood Road. 557 4972. the. l.i\c acoustic sets from hands with a penchant for polo necks iso w c'rc told).

Thursday 8


I Blondie and Hugh Cornwell (‘lytle Auditorium. l-‘iniiiesioii Quay. 0870040 4000. 7.30pm. £30. See Mon 5.

I Editors, The Kooks and Kubichek Barfly. 200 (‘lytlc Street. 0870 9070999. 7.30pm. £|0. liitiiiiate show for the rising Birmingham four piece who tnanage to otit-lntcrpol liitei'pol in the Joy |)i\ isioii rip-off stakes on their dehut alhuni 'I'lit' liar/t Room.

I Aled Jones and Friends Royal ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 35.3 8000. 8pm. £2l.50. Following his popular appearance on BB("s SI/‘i'i‘I/y ('omt' l)uitt'ing aitd his yci'y successful Songs of (‘lil'isttitas Tour 2004. Alcd \\ ill perform material from his two gold- selling alhums.

I Cradle of Filth, Octavia Sperati and Cathedral ('arling Academy (ilasgow. l2| liglinton Street. 0870 77l 2000. 7pm. £l4. ()\cr- l4 show. llcayy metal and full on goth hlackiiess.

I The Juan McLean and Pro Forma AB('2. 330 Sauchiehall Street. 332 2232. 7pm. £7.50. Tight tiiodci'n dance music from the Dl-A stahle.

I Madaleine Pritchard Acoustic Soul Trio 500 (‘luh. 2 l’artick Bridge Street. 8pm. lace. The c\-(‘oiiiiiiitiiients singer songw t'itct' performs iiiatci'ial from her acclaimed dchtit lil’ ('onu' ()i er along with classic acoustic soul songs i‘ciiiinisecnt of the Atlantic era.

I The Makos lyoi'y Blacks. 5o ()swald Street. 248 4| 14. 8pm. the. Indie electronica.

I Monica Queen The (ioal. 1287 Argyle Street. 357 7373. 8pm. lice. \Vondei'ful country sounds from seci'ct gem of Scottiin scene.

I Viva Melodica, The Hussies and Womb ()i'an Mor. 73l 735 (ircat Western Road. 357 (i200. 8pm. £4; free entry to post-gig cluh. ('atchy guitar pop from Stirling's Viya Melodica.

I White Lightning Rocket's. l4 Midland Street. 22l 072o. 8pm. l'i‘ee.

I Wing and a Prayer Tchai ()y na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. liolk/hlucs dtio.

I Crash My Model Car, We Hung Your Leader and Luma King ‘l‘iit‘s \Vali \Vah lltit. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £5. The headliners used to trade under the name l’oor ()ld Ben. See li\posurc. page 70.

I Awesome Colour, Figure 5 and Raising Kain The Butterfly and the Pig. I53 Bath Street. 22l 77l l. 9pm. lirce. l‘inc retro rock hill at [his ('igarettcs and |-'uck All night.

I Wild Strawberry Bcaiisccne. 5 l)e(‘ottrcy ‘\ Arcade. ('l'cssyy ell l.;lllc. 3.3-1 (i77o. 9pm. l‘rcc. (iiiitar hand play tracks from their latest release on |.una Records. the label run by those enterprising Beansccne people.