Tuesday 20


I Glasgow Philharmonic Male Voice Choir: Christmas Concert RS;\.\ll). l()l) chli‘cu Sirct'i. 332 SUST. 7.30pm. L"). Scc .\loii l‘).

I The Glory of Christmas l{()};ll ('onccri Hall. 2 Saucliichall Street. 353 3000. 7.30pm. U350 £20. “10 RS.\(). llic (ilaxgou Youlli (lion and lllt‘ (ilaxgou l’liocni\ ('lioir loin icnor lain l’alon and irunipcicr Mark ()‘chll'c. io pcrl‘orin waxonal and traditional niuxit‘. including llandcl'x Air/HA I/u' l’rii'xl. liacli'x slir on u (i String a\ \\ C” ;i\ joll} L‘ai'ol\.


I Get Organised! Choir and Organ Carols Special l‘slicr llall. l.oihian Road. 228 l 155. l.l(lpiii. .lolin Kilt‘licli gcix )0“ in lliL‘ (‘lirixliuax mood and sing along to _\our linour‘ilc carolx.

I White Christmas l‘xlicr llall. l,olliiaii Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm.

[l l {20. JUiii lliL‘ Scollhli (‘iiliL‘L‘l‘l ()rclicxlra and conductor John Righ} tor a (‘lirixiniax carol joll}. including \icll |o\cd l'cxiiw lrcalx \ucli ax ‘Jinglc licllx'. ‘Rudolph llic Rcdiioxcd Rcindccr' and ‘Silcni Nighi‘.

Wednesday 21


I Carols by Candlelight l<o_\al (‘onccrl Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Slrccl. 353 800i). 7.3(lpni. USN) £26. The Mo/arl l‘cxinal ('horux. uiili \opi'alio lili/ahcili l)ono\an. pcrl'orni mm c ircaix \llk‘li ax l’acllcllicl'x (turn/i. .\lo/arl\ .‘ll/(‘lll/il/l [rum l'.\\ll/I(I/(' ax \\ cll as traditional carols. all under the baton ol'(iar} ('oopcr.


:11 Dunedin Consort ()uccn\ llall. ('lCl‘k SlI'L‘L‘l. (\(iX 2(ll‘). 7pm. [3 [l5 ([5 t' I 2 l. [l )ou can onl_\ lit-ar one .l/vniu/i llli\ (‘lirixiinax )ou uould do \xcll io lr) llii\ onc l‘or a (liangc. ln lliL‘ original I742 l)uhlin \crxion. llic Dunedin ('onxori and l’|a)c1\. dirccicd h} John Bull. nia_\ hc \llléill walc in lllllillk‘H hul arc gloriouxl} mpanxiw in \ ixion and dcliwr}.


I Scottish Spina Bifida Association Charity Concert: Yuletide Youngsters RSAMI). lliil chl'rcu Slrcci. 332 0743. lpni [5 (U). A l'un lillt'd ('lirixlniax programinc h} llii\ lalcnlcd Iol undcr llic (lll'L‘L'lliill ol Mark Donnell}.

I White Christmas Ro}al (‘onccri Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Slrccl. 35* Hill)”. 7.30pm. Scc luv 20.

I Scottish Spina Bifida Association Charity Concert: Classics at Christmas RS.v\.\ll). lilo Rt‘nlrcu Slrccl. 332 0743. 7.30pm. L'l2. liollmcll l’liilliarinonic (‘lioir prcxcnl anollicr \xondcrl'ul pcrl‘orniancc ol (‘lirixlniax L‘lil\\lC\ \\ ilh \pu'ial gucxl Sail} .\lc.\'air.


I Carols by Candlelight l'xhcr llall.

Lolliian Road. 228 ll55. 7.30pm. L'll £20, Su‘ \Vcd 2|.


I White Christmas l<o_\a| ('onccri Hall. 2 Saut‘liicliall Slrct‘l. 353 Hilllll. 7.30pm. Sct' 'l‘uc 2i),


I RSNO: Christmas Concert l'xlicr

llall. l.olliian Road. 228 ll55. 7.3llprn. [l3 £27. SL‘C Sill l7.

Tuesday 27


98 THE LIST ", [1.5-4

A Mi l)ll VAl ilAl IAN (El llilSll‘vxiAf'S JOGLARESA St Cecilia’s Hall, Edinburgh, Sat 17 Dec

If our modern Christmas brings a longing for how things used to be, a whiz back in history to medieval times gives a version that existed even long before the Victorians sat down to write their first Christmas card. Music was central to festivities in the middle ages, and the London-based Joglaresa, supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, are recreating the spirit of an Italian medieval Christmas in their first Scottish appearance under the auspices of the

Georgian Concert Society.

Leaders in what can be described as improvisational world music, Joglaresa are led by singer Belinda Sykes. ‘This time, there are three guest Italian artists coming to join my own ensemble. We’re taking music mainly from two large collections of song books from the 14th century.’ The song books would have been used by what Sykes refers to as ‘the merchant class’, and although the material is religious, it is not liturgical, so was not intended for use in church. ‘lt’s in Italian, not Latin, which is quite unusual, and very cheerful and rhythmic,’ she says. ‘Some sounds a little like plainchant, but not much and if people are into world music, then they will like this. We’re like an Italian tarantella band.’

What appears in the manuscripts is generally simply a tune. ‘Really, it’s a bit like a jazz standard in that we use the song as a base,’ says Sykes. ‘We might then have a completely free improvisation, or maybe use more ornamentation and decoration, and 80% of what we play is our own creation.’

The seven performers use medieval and folk instruments, including the tamborello, a large tambourine, medieval fiddle and harp, a hurdy-gurdy and lots of percussion. ‘lt’s a people’s way of worship that sounds very real,’ says Sykes ‘but ancient and very accessible.’ (Carol Main)

I Tchaikovsky Gala l<o_\al ('onccn Hall. 2 Saut‘liit'liall Slrt‘cl. 35* Kllllll. 7.30pm. L‘lifil) L20, Simon \\riglil condut'lx lhc Scoliixli ('liainlrt'i ()rt'lit‘xlra in a pcrlorinant‘c ol llic l‘t‘\l Iowd Illll\l\' ol 'l't'liaikouk}. including llit‘ \xondcrlull} roniaiilit‘ Roma) lllll/ .lii/I'i'l and llic lt'xliw Mm nu Au Sir/Ir.


I Catriona Hetherington l<o_\a| .\lll\L‘lllll .\lain Hall. 2 ('liaian-ix Sirt‘t‘l. 2-17.12“). (rillpin. l'rct'. ('alriona llcllicringlon on \olo t'cllo prcxcnlx a prograininc ol lllll\l\' lo coinplt'nicnl lllt'

Wednesday 28


I Glenn Miller Orchestra l{o_\;il (‘onct'ri Hall. 2 Saut‘liit'liall Slrt'cl. ‘53 Hillll). 7.30pm. [USU [23. llll\ lroin lllt‘ -<l(l\ lo gcl )our lccl \loinping. \\ illi a \pct'ial lrihult' lo Sainin} l)a\ lt'\ Jr and

.lud} (iarland. ’l'liingx \\ ill lw kcpi lumping h} lliL‘ .lixing Lind} lliippt‘l'x.


I Tchaikovsky Gala l'xhcr llall. l.ol|iian Road. 23 USS. 7.30pm. [l l £20. SL‘L‘ lllt‘ 27.

Thursday 29


I Opera Gala Night Ro};i| ('onct‘i‘l Hall. 2 Saut‘liit'liall Sli'ct‘l. 353 Xllllll. 7.30pm. L'l iii) £27.50. Robin Siaplclon conduch llic RS.\‘( ). Bcarxdcn (‘hoiiz l'anlarc 'l'ruinpt‘lcrx ol llic l.o\\land Band oi the St‘ollixli l)i\ l\iUll. \oprano Janis Kt'll). lt‘nor (i\\_\ll lluglicx .loncx and liaiilouc l)a\id Kt'lllll\lt'l III a llk‘l'llll'lllllllk'k‘ ol lllt‘ \xorld'x lk‘xl Iowd ariax ii} Iii/cl. (iounod. lt‘oiit‘auillo. l’llL'L'llll. Math and Wagner.

Edinburgh I Glenn Miller Orchestra l'xlicr

llall. l.olhian Road. 223 ll55. 3pm «k 7.30pm. {ll [22. Ste Wed 28.


I Glenn Miller Orchestra Roy: (‘onccri Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sirccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £13.50 [23. Sue Wed 2%.


I Raymond Gubbay Christmas Festival: Hogmanay Gala Rinal ('oncci'l Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Slrccl. 353 3000, 7.30pm. U750 [29. 'l'lic RS.\'() bring in the ncu )car \\iih conductor Nick l)a\ic\. hariionc l)a\id Slcphcnxon and tenor Alan Bt'clxiii. in a pcrl'orinanu' ol t'laxxit‘al and iradilional lloginana} linouriiu lioni ‘l'loxxcr oi Scotland' lo ‘;\ina/ing (iracc‘.


I Candlelit Concert in the Cathedral Si (iilcx‘ ('allicdi'al. l{o_\al Milc. 473 2llllli. 7.30pm. Uh. Si (iilcx‘ (‘ailit‘dral ('lioii ix ioincd h} llic Sciiilixli linxcmhlc lor a l'cxiiw pl‘ugl'illillliL‘ including \‘ixaldi’x (i/(ll’ltl and Baths Magnilical. m ur'll m u llum/v/ mum ('(mi'vrlo prr/urnm/ In l’i'li'r Hui A/muu'.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra: Viennese Concert l'xhcr llall. l.olliiaii Road. 228 llSS. 7pm. £8. Nicolac Moldou‘anu conducts [he 5(‘() in a pcrlorinancc ol Strauxx' \xali/cx and pullxllx plus works h) Sinclana. Braliinx and l.cliar. \Viili \iipl'alln (‘aihcrinc Roll. In aid ol .\iaiic ('uric ('anccr (arc.


I RSNO: Handel’s Messiah Roin (.Ullt'L‘l-l Hall. 2 Saucliicliall Slrccl. 353 Sill)”. 3pm. L'l—l Lil. Nicholas Mdicgan conduulx ihc RSM) ('liorux and ()I'L‘llL‘\llll ilu‘ougli iiiciuorahlc ariax and maile L‘lioruwx ol llic lllthl lainoux oralorio cu‘i \xiillcn.


I Edinburgh Royal Choral Union: Messiah l'xlici' llall. l.oiliian Road. 228 l l55. noon. [l l [2—1. lliix _\car\ pcrlorinanu‘ ol llandcl'x .lIvmu/r l\ conduclcd I») Xlt‘lliil.i\ (‘lcohur_\. and lliL‘ \iligcl'x \\ ill UIIL‘L‘ Inuit" lk‘ |UlllL'tl l1) illL‘ (aluloiiiaii ('lianilk'i ()rclicxlra in llii\. llic 25(lili lilllli\cl\;ll'_\ ol .\lo/arl\ lTil'lll.

Tuesday 3


I RSNO: Viennese Gala Rinal (‘UllL'L‘l'l litill. 2 Silllt‘liit‘liull xii-L‘Cl. 35,; soon. 7.30pm. [H “I. (iuido .loliannu Rllllhllltll condut'lx ilic RS.\'() through a prograininc dcxigncd lo \uccp _\ou oil )our lch cclchraling lllL‘ lilll\iL‘ ol ilrc Vicnncxc lllil\lL'l\. including llu- Il/ur [hum/iv llii/lg. l’li'i/u‘mum ()H'I'Illlt' and man) mort'.


National Youth Orchestra of Scotland New Year Concert l‘xht-i llall. l.olliian Road. 22* USS. 7.30pm L'lll UN. \"cinon llandlt'}. \\llU l\ l‘k'\l know] it)! pcrloiining niorc liiilixli llill\lL‘ [hair all} oilit'r t‘ondut'lor. conducix a pt‘i'liH‘llhliit‘c ol \Valloii\ l/t'nn \' Sin/r. Richard Slraiixx' l/uin ('nm’i'rlu .Vu / and Vaughan \Villianix' Sump/mm X4) 2.

Wednesday 4


National Youth Orchestra of Scotland New Year Concert Rina! ('onu‘rl Hall. 2 Saut'liit'liall Slrct‘l. 353 Milli). 7.30pm. L'lll U3. Scc 'l'uc .i.