Bck in black

Offering their own unique line in ‘old fashioned’ clubbing entertainment, CLUB NOlR will bring the New Year in with a bang, as Morag Bruce discovers.

L‘iL‘hl'illlllg NC“ YL‘ttl' tilt the \ll'L‘L‘lx ol-

our line eitiex \x'ith thottxandx ol othet'x

ix great lilllt. htit from a laxhion perxpeeti\e it’x a hlood} nightmare. liree/ing Seottixh nightx ha\ e no x_\1npath_\ l'or one‘x dexire to wear killer heelx and lixhnet tightx. So it thermal undie llogmana} hax heeome a little tirexome and _\ou’re looking for xomething a little more lahtilotix. let ('ltth \11i1‘xp1'i11kle )o11 \xith glamour dttxt and \xeleome MW» in httrlexgtte xt_\ le.

Marilyn .\lanxon'xmixx11x l)ita\'on'l‘eexe hax heen doing mneh to promote hurlextpie to mainxtream atidieneex. httt l‘or thoxe not familiar \\ ith the nipple taxxelx. red Iipxtiek and pla} lilll xe\11alit} that are x_\ ttott} motix \\ ith thix art l‘orm. \x'hat ean \\ e expeet at the lloginana_\ llanlx} -l’anl\_\ 1’ ('luh .\'oi1’x ’l‘ina \Varren thinkx it‘x a ehanee to eelehrate in xt_\|e. ‘\\‘hen _\oti axk people uhat thefre doing l‘or \eu Year. the} tend to he realh indeeixixe and then end tip doing xomething the} ’1‘e realh not hothered ahottt.‘ xhe xa}x. ‘(’l11h .\'1m~ ix xomething to get L‘\L‘iled :thotll. Mix it l'eaxl lit)!” the \ettxex.‘

Btii'lexgne hax heen around in whom xhapex and lormx .xinee the late lflllllx. httt ('ltth \1111- haxe themxehex on the perl'orinerx ol' the I‘Mllx and l‘)5()x \xhen it heeame more ahont xtrip teaxe. But thix ix no mnxetnn pieee. xa_\x \Varren. ‘Bnrlexgtte ix ahotit old-l‘axhioned glamour. hut \xe \\ ant to lilill'xL‘ it modern. We’re not xttggexting that people eoming along haxe to drexx in an old laxhioned \\a_\. hut it'x delinitel} a ehanee to dixeat‘d }tltll‘ jeanx and trainerx mentalit} and realh go for it.‘

.-\part from the main aetx ta Seottixh themed

pet'lormanee i11xt hel'ore the hellx \\ith a xtrapping .\1'gentinean hagpiper. then xtt‘aight 11p Harlextltie later on). there \\il| he ‘amhient xhonx‘ \xith eigarette girlx and dominatrieex mingling \\ith the ero\\d in the ne\\|_\ rel'tirhixhed ( ‘athonxe.

\ot onex to text on their girdle hound hottomx. ('l11h \oit' ate alxo running a .\'e\\ Yeanx l)a_\ e\ent in l‘itlllli‘lll‘g‘l‘.\ ('aharet \‘oltaire \\it|1 intteh the xante high jinlxx. .'\ hright xpot on a da_\ that xhotild he eelehrated. aeeording to 'l'ina. ‘l’eople don‘t realh go lot' it on I .l;11111;11_\. \\hieh ix a xhame. We hope that thix \\ i|| gi\ e them a ehanee to \\ ear their part} elothex one laxt tnne.‘

\ex. part} elothex. Hext lea\e the nipple taxxelx to the prol'exxionalx. _\oti don‘t \\ant to take an_\onox e_\e out on llogmana}.

The Cathouse, Glasgow, Sat 31 Dec; Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Sun 1 Jan.


11AM THEATRE he Snow Baby lion liieatre. (33 i"‘,"tl£lf-f?, :'~,:'>.’r) ~123i11'. “119:3. nae-1m rxso 8‘11"): ‘41"1'3. 114::er 3319, lhetaset1‘anotdlad‘,unhornakes a littlT‘. :t? f;t‘-o‘.'.‘at‘.(i has er:e1nagu:af :lag. \‘.'lll‘ :t. FAMILY FUN lrn-Bru Christmas and New Year Carnival St (X). F lili‘lti’fiifl." Quay. (>870 01(3- '- Went Eleni, 8‘11") 15‘711 for kids aged 8- 191. 33-72} caption. page 21%.

THEATRE Cinderella ilieat1eR<N11 82? Hope Street. .13.” EEO-3‘91. 11:11: 3‘8) 6‘33. Ashley Page

3:: it 3; seemed f'al length ballet set I". With. cry-"for,l';1'1::<3‘.'.stl1agorgeousProkof‘m:;<::>'e. THEATRE Cinderella King's lheatie. 2‘1)? Bat-‘1 Street 9-111", 1 1‘: '1. WW. 8. apex. 83135171 S‘iiim’}. A

:: are; ' (I'veflrt‘ar; ita"tomi.'11(:- for al' tl‘e ‘atttzl‘,. THEATRE The Magical Adventures of Aladdin i’awlmn 'li‘eaf'e. ‘1)‘1 Renfield Street. 1M.) H.111. ‘ee: 81 (31:11: 5‘? 1.130 8‘11}. ltaditioeal par-to 3’1 '.i"(: t:f§'.i£ liéll‘ii‘dl ant: “he‘s helwtd "MN." gags THEATRE Weans in the Wood 'tmu 111mm}, 1:33 i1:>r1g;a.‘2.5150119511 ‘iprn 8. horn. 3‘9- 5‘15»

15,..11) annl. lo'lts asson retinas ....lt

'.f“unanttalie1;!11l<::;ta!s;ontheir(toes?fortstaidont THEATRE The Selfish Giant The Arches. SIT/‘53: ’\'1;‘.leStr-:2ef. fitif} ‘(12/‘3. f.1%(?t:"i X. Ii.;-1<“;:n‘.. S‘o. 8‘.’~.:‘xi View. l?‘()/\!-Zill(}t§ l)e<;<:111<t-:;a magical fio/en .iaioe" lttv this a. laptatmi‘. a? Usea.’ ‘.".‘.l<le't; tale of a if". :1 *1 et‘dsi‘ci: .'."il‘1<’t guano, old gtat‘t. THEATRE Charlotte's Web (Mt/ens' Theatre. ': Ti'iinita'sStH‘wl. -l.”8l1§t."f)?, 29pm. l l3\.‘1"1te':; trt't-gitl..."e<: :;t:>"~, of the thendsi‘ii: l>et‘.'.'een pg ant: :;;":iet ':;tv:_>:1gl12 toilfe.

FOLK & WORLD Oran Mor Ceilidh ()rar‘. Moi. '3‘ 1'1%5>(31‘eatWesternRead.ail/(3900.(Snifxpm.

A t'ti-rt-e (T(?lllf;‘.? L2!"."~(?' tf‘e" ag your v.11; int.)

11' 1“


JAZZ Bobby Wishart Party Band (late S'hi'i‘ti‘. l S! Andre-32%; Satiaie. 53.18 (30%). Ton: S;1xo_i:'1ovi:s:l \.".v':t;l1ail and hand provide the ti";1ivil'a<‘txfoxoznlasts..pperof£’()(lix

COMEDY Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongieors. lJ<3tZii111=:i'v‘.g. lienf'ew Street. ")BIOT 8/11/01". (My: i‘l‘il. See panef. page 1):).

CLASSICAL & OPERA RSNO Hogmanay Gala Huxal (Ioeeert Hall. 2 Saneh-ehali Street. 3533 800112. 4(211'11. (:(Yl‘fltim'tl‘i?1h)".’(:t? Falconer Ieatls; 51:11

S'iiziogi‘a least of DUDUH.’($18908.

COMEDY Hootfest lhe Stand. 1333 \A.'{)(‘tii£t!"(lfs Head. (TRi't‘ iii‘rfil (30515:. I ..%()i>t'-‘. S‘l?.:’>0 S“. 1'43"" Viz“ See panel. page 21?.

COMEDY Ha Ha Comedy Blackf'iats. tit} Belt Street. 53511; fiiiilti. 8pm. S‘ti 1&‘511. See panel. page 91". FOLK & WORLD Hogmanay Ceilidh Sf »\i1<£1e.'.1':; in the Square, {‘t Antliew's Sgoare. 51-18 UPL’I‘, 8,111". 5‘21"». ll‘t? 3'1;l' tratlzhona.‘ llognianay

(““i'til‘n 1‘.X[‘(?lit‘-l‘.t‘t?.

.“ ~ THE LIST 21