HOT 100

66 Alexanrjer McCall Smrth (10)


\‘.’t‘.r.e Still a reiatrx'ely H(3‘.'.’ harhe oh the

reaz: ‘ed a H(?‘.‘.’ peak mm the release of Ms; deorrt aztxr'r‘. lhrorrgr" .'.’?<," ‘.'."a'.*e:;. for the Mrrrrreh t){lf3(}(1/\ZZI .rrterhatrohal Irter'ah, stage. the Records; Steete's; trademark hler‘d of tH‘HSStHHng) Seottrsh lav: prof 1-5;t;or rs; ear (ZilItittitK). ‘olk resumed rrreredres; already Borne-titrth of a one-man ar‘rr' ::rr:;_r> I,a// r'rgthrrrs; has; caught t're

oahhshrhg Industry: Crrr'rerrt'y oh rr'ragrhatror‘. o‘ a broad a:rdrerr<:e. «KM:

58 Frankie Boyle > COMEDIQN

It rrraj, t1;‘r‘.(}t)(3(;t‘. prarrtrra eerieer'rt;

:3ahhatreal from hrs; rot) at the LJhrx'er'srt‘, of Ldrhhrrr‘gh. MeCaH Srhrth r5; rrrore or‘ol:fr<: thah exer. Thrt; year he hat; arrieasheo two hooks; based or:

rrrs; dark, H()‘.'.’i;[)£1})(3tSOHétl-i-ZSCUTII'X} mm". Ted “rm to t).£t‘,lt1{) a one oft date

f‘free.’ af; ‘.'.'e;r a:; the s;e<:ohd ’(}(Z()"(1E;£H()Lrt1(tIlt(}‘.'.()t|(t, form-whoa at t'rr- I mgr: It‘rf‘; year. out t' t}; g}’)”:t instalment of hrs; t‘.()‘.'.‘ (1(BI(E(III‘».'(}ESOHCSE '.er", (:ank are dagger 'e.-::-at;r;~ (63) errorrdh for the Irkes; o‘ Hekfi, (‘rerxa 5; [he Samar Pr: I'osopr‘; Clot). IAR .r'r<:lad:r‘.r; (i()t.'.'I .rrjr.r‘<:t:<:'rt; :rr (Iawaaa > C O M E D I Q N and Joan Myers, .13; good erroerr'r for

. . to r>r(:~‘.r:r‘t eager farm gtrrft‘f‘:§} earr. t, 6:, r :E-?' . 4r #1 :1, :r-z;a' ira'rkre Reie'rflesely f;(>il(t stand 65 (12) ‘.'.'rr‘.d ot the hooks rezelafrrrrs; I’M . if e‘ ,t' r ' f! 1:". r.:,’ "‘g:'_ or: r)r:-rto"rrrarr<:r;-5; P‘axe heeh > G 9 LLE RIST Ha/r‘ Brood /"rr)r:e proxed defame tor 'r: ' ‘.' t.',.:'.f 6;. "-":<:::'r‘r:arr.<;~<: hj, a rudder medra

The outspoken Mr ()trffor'o mil r‘etrre :h t're oespeetarmd '.'.'./ar:r":; first f;t‘.(>(_} .m 't: ~': :53 1'. ~ " :ta'x: A, metre. .'.'I'.t‘£1;)t)(};ir{l"(;r}f;(YTJ'H‘Ht‘,

January. after 21 years; as; drreetor and the Traggrr: (reatt‘ of a 'r‘.a:;' '.' w ' ‘.'.'. :.:. -_,- ' tar)!" r}; at ()a"'5; {'3‘ ()a.‘ o" ’0 Cats. a mot as; team genera! of the NatrortaI Gal'erre:; of character. 'AH. T": E :' r T'E'rr' rat fr‘a- {7-13} ""rgg earrtarr: oh 3.7mm the ‘.'.’eek (1",(1 a Seotlahd. Ihe galiermst; blossor'red ' ' 7r” 7" "rate' ;rj ‘.'."rtr':<_; or; for HRO U. HI). dttdot’hi5;t(il()8§,tt(1télti(i{NMT()r’(i{3ftrt :" :.;-,r:-m r t.- ~, "r t. J: rr‘::rr2r_r

orrrdahrx}. Hrs; f§‘.'.’£ittt3()tt{}. Choree: 27 . 1'» v t I . r;-» r "eat-e; rr'. Yea'so‘Crfr'errxrrgfo'deem/*1}. ' .; . " 'x ; t: -- f32’175\}‘\.'1\':lr:" > TV/F I LM 9 CTOR

presents; the heat of the art objects; ;e is In .'."."1:T$f?. rm; the handsome ‘.'.'ee (Hasgox; do; .'.rth

ahd parhtrhrrt; he ha:; f.)d."(:tt{if;(>(1 lphee the {il)i|.t‘, 1'; sorrhd Irke a Marrr: at the I£l§1f3£1tt(t{il|r.TOHIQOHUHH[)UtHC{1(3

‘.‘.£iHI(3(t to r>iea:;e. AK;

64 Rockstar North (2)

. drop ot’ a hat mat; on top IV torrr: t'rrt; 59 {.ear as; ner' as; heard Mr Tara'urz; r".

> JQZZ TRUMPETER l’re/ r)". VHF1.’.7;7."{3"r}f'?r7

r, risk-7w : r‘r.‘ _r‘ max 't;:"'. '.'.l'r'r."r>.';r:-. Hut tor hrs; frhe (:or‘tr'rrrer: > GQMES COMPQNY r m: ".' r~ -.-- r' r‘féttrfartrr '.'.<>'k r‘8':arr‘r.=,e:;:;andhr:;<,-herr;etr<: Srti'hg pretty rh the hth'her t'.'.r< 5;.o’. ' ' :r ' ' " Hat: rrrz'trayal of a r::ade .'.'reldrrrr; ::r‘.e‘ h Iat;t ,ear for servrees; to the ororhottoh . ' ' ' r- 1'. Ne Beert't; reterlrhr; of Archer: he

or r,rs;to| .'.rhr;);)rrrg rh Gran} lheffArrfoi . . z -: " " : .v. tr‘oroadr“; (t(?f;(3.".'()f‘; reeorr'wfwx‘. [SD 53a” Arror'eas. "1181,1111." the. max. have moped hot the; re t;trlt hag hus;:hes;t; > TH E QTR E D E S I G N E R and rrrefrrtahb. (:oof. Cortnertrhr; $;ard NUrI\1../El!l“'ttg1()'tHHSTUHQ}t)(‘(3t‘ oan 'errr rrh-ahdstea!rtherr'»'.'.‘arlet for Seotiahd's; ieaorrrr; :retnr 1.".(3 P8P <:ar‘.‘t have txarrrted therr alor‘e ha.e tt‘r; knack of rei .rrr; ar:<;orrht:; and the releaf;e of the em! Story, of a druer‘ prerte \.'.'arr'*v".;;t<>r‘ frtrr1 trrrrred (:orrrpeter' game [he has; .'.'orke<r rh ex'erj, (:::rr‘.(:' <1?!f‘-<‘rUK. a'x’arrrorf; keeps; them tor) of the prie rh hrrt pourtrxeig, trIr-ues; r‘ Scottie-d. H‘ U the r'rer’rj, he“ stakes. :ME gear. Par'rei; Plough}; /","e'ree5;.

. [)rrrrdee Herr};/‘[)e:;t'r7,'e:: l’.1r‘{t"(1 63 TAGS/r [grafeor‘f/er‘ez rah-me we > R UTHOR three i?X£iH‘1§)r(Ef; ‘.'.'r‘.err: (I(;"f erf. "ref Ihe Ha'r‘, Potter Jogger'haut rolled oh arse-ab; tr; errperr) -:.-t"e:‘t. f3(2 \JHHHHOHfli thrs; year. the s;rxth hook rr‘. the f;(:.'l(}f$ s;rrrat;hrhr_; 5e: more sales (72) » , > QUTHOR/COMEDIQN You haze tr: adrrr re the r>r.r<:k rt {i'.'.'¢ir(t .'.'r.".r‘.zrrg; r oxerrffl At r<r:r‘r'-;.-::,. settrrro herself rrr: tor a fal: 3.21m: neuter; of eorhed', groé; at [ fi:llt)tr{t}tt a'rd (\rlilf;(‘}()‘.'."'53 Ctafrd wernreé; the Pararrzrm armor}; short <2'r:#;r.-r‘.'.rtror*a. rorrtrhe erreorr‘p; smog; her My <;t t',:hr; af; net" at; the tedrrrrr‘ <>t apertdr'rr; t‘.(3t ‘.'.'orkrrrr; 2% t‘. trim! a (:orrerdIer :;r:rr:r;'r, '.'.a:; mattrre'rt‘, vrrr

trrgklrrrq tr; rrrerrt a tall :Ihoxx tor rrext

‘;.'ear':; I rrrrrre AH

28 THE LIST :n.“ x r', . ,-