

\Jrll erdrford rs an actress that Scottrsh audrences see far too lrttle of. Her


performance rn Andv Arnold's productron of A Krnd of Alaska was outstandrng. nuanced to the frnest detarl and f;ll()‘.'/Il‘.g a perfect kno‘.-.rledge of the character and plav's trajectorv. l‘hrs was probava the performance of the year. though she gave a clever supportrng performance rn that one act plav's cornpanron prece. /"/7()(>nlrghf. 18C)

18 Enric Miralles (3)

lhIs archrtect met a tragrcallv early death. lea\.'rng l-lohaood In a deep hole both ‘rnancrallv and archrtecttrrallv. Yet Mrralles keeps on gettrng the last laugh lhe publrc Jurv rs strll out on hrs burrdrng. but that hasn't stopped rts meteorrc use to become Scotlands second brggest vrsrtor attr‘actron. And the exoerts adore It: frrst It ‘.'.'on the Andrex‘x [)oolan A‘.'.'ard. and then arr‘a/rrlgl\,' It scooped the coveted Strrlrng Prr/e. lvlrralles would have grggled. rNRl

17 Club :Noir‘

Although the vovr urrstrc currosrtv of the tablords seems to have settled doan

around ()lub Norr for the moment. that

doesn't mean Scotland's only burlesgue club has become any less outrageous. Created rn mrd 7002 by, performer and choreograr>her lrna Warren and compere Ian '[)add\,' Srngle. sernr regular but packed nrghts at Glasgo‘.':'s ()arlrng Academy haxe been a hrghlrght for adventurous and open rnrnded clubbers. Just remember. the ernphasrs rs on ‘tease' and not ‘strrp'. (DP)

16 Bellg &

Sebastian (20)

" l1? ‘1') l3 1":‘3 1 N D

Fxhrbrt A In the argument that alternatrve rs marnstream. Belle 81 Sebastran secured top rankrng rn our Best Scottrsh Band of All lrrne poll at the turn of the year. armed vxrth a back catalogue strewn x'xrth we, odes to alrenatron erther bv chorce or crrcurnstance. A well recerved lrve run through of l/ger Mr/k and the release of early srngles and H srdes cornprlatron Push Barman to Open Old ll/ounr/s served as pertrnent remrhders of where rt all started out. rl Nl

15 Seb Rochford

- a Z 7. D l? U 1‘”; M F P?

Aberdeen born. I ondon based drummer Seb Hochford he of the startlrnglv expansnxe frr//\.' harrdo has had a remarkable \,'(:-ar. llrs creatrve. propulsrve and brrllranth: controlled drumrnrng has drrven the musrc of award v/rnnrng avant rax/ bands Acoustrc l advland and Polar Bear. and hrs openness to musrcal experrment has led to hrrn workrng across a broad canvas of rnusrcal styles to eguallv pulsatrng effect. The year ahead seems certarn to brrng even more attentron hrs \.'.'a\'. IKMl


.. "l‘él‘llli

Frndrng an rngenrous gap rn the lrxe musrc market. a consortru n ed by the folks at Regular lvlusrc got together to rnlect a new lease of lrfe rnte Glasgow's old ABC crnerna. Wrth two venues. one a 17550 (tapacrtv and the other 3:30. there was new even more opportunrtv to vrrtness excellent lrve musrc rn a svmpathetrc settrng. lVJervone from Rodd» l rame to

Mogv/ar have graced the stage since \June and for grg goers the future rs

lookrng even brrghter. lMllr 13 King Creosote (38)

Kenny Anderson ‘.’.’£lf1 celebrated rn last year's Hot 100 for hrs part In brrngrng the l ence ()ollectl‘;e to puhlsc promrnence and now he has catapulted hrrnself rnto a wrder audrence. In teamrng up “‘3;th the

l wires and grvrng hrs vnstfal feik reflectrons a more robust flavour. he has ntade one of the albums of the vear rnK(,‘/1)u/es()/<. lle strll round trrne to co run the record label and put out a raft of low key solo records. WM; 12 Ali Smith

5 :l”! Ih’)l<

It was enough of an a(:hre‘.'ernent to publrsh arguava the year 's best novel

‘.'."fh a stur‘r‘ ng Ta't- V sprr'ts "‘ {he Nu catwflz' but to get a slut I)" the Ma” “WWW ‘3‘ further hex“ l"a’. ',"-:‘ "".1?"‘-f‘f.:§ born rafter '3; r‘. t"<: tlls‘s rtwa",

A'Ml str-

e‘.e le' ethe' l‘<(}(,;‘v-:t\ treat: wt” '\

prermrr' leagar-

(‘ar' (M’lflffx \M to. .‘~" {Ha/ran r‘ 'x /""¢- puerr ator‘. new." tr elorluer‘tl‘. al‘oa‘. TH-r- 1W".

t();/".‘lr?:' f): "‘t; ltvll

11 Andy Arnold

> "l‘ H F. m T l? E l?) O LY M Q T H A!‘.'.a‘.s a snarl .rr‘a creatz‘.<~ progranwnr-r, And‘. Arnold has wail“ some strong and xout'r‘far (Hrlll‘.tt‘iz‘:~ to the thrrxrng Arches xerxre 3"»; near. such. as l lrgh'xxa‘v [lsr‘er a'ta ll 5\r. llrs drrectrng (‘retlrts Inclazlv t~.'. classrr' re\r\.al seastns o‘ lle’kei'. .l" : l’rnter that enlrxened a stu'r‘ermre" rnodern (‘lassIcs te 'I‘a‘tna tr'l-ct'. 5th:

to cap It all off. We cast lt"“:;:" r'l.7(‘r"‘r3o"f. and p'txraueir swell-r '1'” ' (iorhrr: tlrn'eg '1 has :‘wrtra! t" d\,rng_ ernr‘zttert-d ola' "an at I"t‘

centre of the plan St?

" .r'. '-THE LIST 35