6 Andy Murray (58)

Berng rdentrtred as; the hrrght young hope of Br:trs;h tennrs; rs; the s;pertrrrg v:>r|rl'i; mos;t deadly pors;oned chalrce. When herorc lrrr‘. llenma't crashed out of trtrs; Summer's Wrmhledon In the second round. the Brrtrs;h number one r‘tus;2 page harhoured mrxed teelrngs; trustratron at that elus;rve Grand Slam trtte s;|rpprn<; further from hrs; gras;p comhrned wrth relret that the s;torres; chronrclrvrg the (lerrrr‘;<‘- of hrs; playrng career were gurckly herng usurped hy rrredra excrtement at the emergence ot a s;corchrng young talent.

Seventeen-year-old Scot Andt Murra\, detred all expectatrons; tT‘, '-’?;t::l‘r";t eta,- totrrth round on hrs; Wrmhledon debut and spent the rema;nder of the seamen hoggrng the s;portrng headlrnes; The frank. contrdent youngster. ‘~.'.'ho gres.’ up rrr Dunhlane and trrs;t took up the racguet at the age of three. na'r::.'."}. 'rrrszswl (mt on hrs; frrs;t ATP trtle. los;rng rn the trnal ot the lharland ()pen to t(P!("‘I()tlf% number one Roger Federer. Hrs; next s;ymholrc 2 chrevement came rr‘ late (_)<:tol:e.r when he heat Henman at the Swms; ()pen. V‘Wrrle hoth players; derrred the s;rgnrfrcance of thrs; encounter. the s;portrng pres;s; l‘as; been chatterrrrg ttrwrtrszifi. about torches; hemg p; s;s;ed and guards; herng changed.

Murrat. topped off hrs; as;tonrs;hrng year rn s;t\.ie. peatrrrg (Ereg Haeezrszk: to sun: \.'!(:t()r“g,' for the Scottrs;h team rn the inaugural Aherdeeh (iup. hrs: pes: 31>" v :: rankrngs; havrng soared from outsrde the top .100 to (Sir. \‘Jltrte t'te presume rw-i: on Murray rs; Irkelt to have grown exponentral‘t h; 'rext gear '5; \‘J-r'tpirwir seems; Irkely the hrrght young hope wrll he kept level tiéiéttt‘aft t“, M: 'r‘1 :Tt‘r-n

are. at lean? 'ttrr nap-m a

Scottrs;h natronal coach Judy Murray. And. :f all ets;e grass»; hump of earth named after hrm. ‘Murra‘r, Mountarn' ar‘,.<;"-;:-’f All

5 (4) at t..‘:;i.t: t".f: atr‘.;."';ri,

".."‘l:--r T'vee ,". the UK charts; the la:;'.

Yl‘réttxit‘gt 't ‘.c

If he rerrtr:':‘r:s:-':; r;/>T‘t.rt<; (we a: 1. N: at". w" :;r"‘ ar <:r~:=dtt“'rt'. 2005;, Myles; ts/rtrfll""-i“s wait that -’=: '.’:.rf l‘g" '.'.';rt; l ra'v

thrs; ‘.'.as; the ,r-gtr l‘(:tt.';:’lt.£:fi“t "r l~-":r' :":l gale'fs-‘r ’.'tt: Hatre't to f‘te'

herng a 'tar‘te to drop ". ;‘ tfi‘s‘H tr: run: wry-w 'lalxe Me ();rt' rr; Itil'It-l. the khd ()t ret‘ogrrmahie :;t.r' .'.'rs:‘;e f; / ’t-‘Vs; Ninth] ‘.'.‘ttli the l>rg l)o‘.s;. prctu'e '5; permit to ‘rrrigrt~ ’r :«;'s: a":: ‘.'x: ea"; Wt)? met a tlas;h r‘ the acrr $35; the amt. l' 53(‘Cf :r"<:. --rtr't‘>,. r " '\'l‘if '."ri‘l‘.{)31llttt‘3'i‘it thrs; ring“! l‘a'.r.- a iot t', .1: '.' t“-’- ‘a "_ t"-: ': s’. UXét‘ ‘. . tas'fi‘. :itlétt‘r'é‘: terrrto", o‘ that he jtll‘tlltrt’t '2) pat-"s; " f; I K1"‘(;lt.'"-I"liltgértff?[)ft‘.'f;[“.(Ffl'. ()Irt‘itr.'t(.";1;'f;Mes: l 'grrn’; :s;'_ r,‘ r':-: s:: :fra; med tl‘a: s;p'rrtrr, le all the If; r‘rtrrrtlw l‘ttgrtlr‘rrta; amt; ("7'th hot-ed a track to Vr/hzie nrs; rr‘rus'nc 'nsgl‘t rrzrt '.(r'rkr’J‘ ‘.'.a:twir'u/rurva[1-2. r‘ fee / .f'e hrm t > the top s;p<>t :rr :;r.";far ‘axttr'srr. alter" a'wrtgurrle l?;r:rrr>';r>gr:l. Qumran the Sky: l‘.£ltr‘.'t} ttf)‘.'.’ res;r<lertt r‘. {tl‘tl ( E"! lta.'. A5; at h::"‘-<- lltJt‘tl 1" '“ls’s‘

lorrdorr rs; rrrar'chrrrg (lower all tl‘e as; pa‘prrg ?:‘.-:' r'r grg ‘.enuet; ~‘«.'.'rfh a full

trrne. llrs; s;rrrgle 'l)r>r;tor Meant;er arr trittlitv. rv’1(t’il.'tl‘t"f$ liar; (:‘.’("l 't‘rarragtxt

rrnprrstesttr'ras;l‘ t.:;r;f':rs1r;.'.r111 fr: nears; v,“ :wrgr .,-".ar"pro".-.;-;t tr,

“ltl’slkthl'llllfitl M 'l)' >r: tl‘r’ l’rwiv‘t. l tJ""'i. .r'i : "ta tr; ext" :t'rrsm' to -~-r “Kyle‘qu of s;tadrtr".

’tétl‘."‘_: acts; 4).“:

and Mrar'tr Bot rrd Mathew“; - l.rt rt

it-H“"<t tl‘e

pop hrt ‘l)o<;tor Beat'r '.'.ar; ttitt". ( rrr

4 Nippla Benedetti'qr

., [1:27. L “‘.’I (7* L .‘7 -

It's; been sorrre tear to! t'tél- “.otr'rg Scottreh ‘.rolrrtrs;t from \.‘.’es;t Krihrrde. Apart from the ‘ac‘. ’.h; t s;he (Z(?t(>t>'£tt(}:t he" ‘E-tth hrrthdag. 'r‘ries;torr<-s; fer Nco‘a Bertedeft' contrrue to he notched up th.<tk and ‘at;t swtce s;l‘e .'.'or‘ the BBC Yoang Mus;r::ra't c" the Yea" tt

900-1. lle' frs;‘. :led'cated '.'.'<3t:s;rt<3

.‘."‘~.‘.’."-l<i()|£tt)(EHéXtMt .c<>..rkr opens; s;"‘.r:|j, to her r‘arr‘e, ‘.‘/lute aganst piack. and the E;()tltt(t of he' ‘.Ic- tr: tirét‘, r‘g. All the detari of '.'.‘l‘at she has; pee.“ ur: to '5; there. .'.'hetlre.' (ltrsEttrrtgt '.'.2tt‘ a Blue Pete“ r:res;er‘-te' i)! performrng at the ()aasucai B'f /\'.'.'ards;. ()'r<:e aga n s;’re appeared

r‘ur‘ther ‘.'.r:>~ n \)s,<>.,a'xr or

rtrgl‘r up . f§t,"‘<1('t\,'s;Mos;t t'lrgrhie Irs;t. ar‘e rt .s; pe'haps; "tore as;tc.rn<tr"g f’ra! tl‘e :;ar‘re ptrl)lr<:at ("‘.'s; '-::-ades poil tn the :;trr‘.r'her ‘.r)t(}(t her the fttsrzt 'ncs;f rrttltrertt-a Scot " the '.';orlzl.

Berre:r~::~ffr's; aehut aihtr'“. .‘eatu' "gt the S3,:rra'r<>'.'.‘s;k concerto .'.V'1'c"r helped her me to tame tn the BBC competrtron. 3; part of a S‘t't‘. :r'ea' "'e'“ lJ'rr.-:>rs;al's; l)et.‘.s;c're (‘rrarrirnopl‘e" a":l atonned the 1:}; s;s;:cal ::.".ar'.:; as; s;e:;r‘ as; rt ‘.':as; 'e'eaeed, ()e'rce'fs; ". the US haxe receued Wage ::r 1 ca acctarrrt. '.'.vltr'e or‘ l‘onse s;el sine piatea ‘or an audrertce ot :‘vii‘tidil at the l as; N'gl‘t of the Proms; (ttttt gaxe dehtrts; at tl‘e \‘Jrgrrtorz‘: l lait arid the les:‘.r.al lla‘ (V: l orrrtort's; Botrtl‘. B; ."k. l'ns;

genomel‘t l‘:ti(? and rs‘rpses;s;r‘.'e ettac ng 1,otr'tg ‘.'.’()l".£tl‘. exer‘ rr‘a'ragerl

to pet s;<>'r‘e l‘ard ‘.'.'o."»\ or t:"arrfres1 :;t.<:" as; Uh ce‘ and the Bed Cross; No? for he tl‘e clas;s;rca? pape route c‘ ot'e top rank ‘.rolrvtrs;ts;: Be'tedetIUs‘; tlttt;‘.‘.'(}.'\'llttt p; s;s;ron rs; for good

cias;s;rcal rrrus;rc and the l‘ard .'.’;)'l\ rt

takes; to perfe'm ". .'.e4i. She‘s; {ll} te sumph on;

get rt oxer to peopie " a tl‘af ~.'.'lf

t'ans;torm lr\.es;. r(IM'