Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Alien t l8) 0... (Ridlc) Senti. l'S. l‘)7‘)) Signurnc) Weax er. lan llnlm. Jnliii llurt. |I(imin. Agatha (‘hristie in nuter space as a lrcighter lands nn a lit) stcrinus planet and is ingcninusl) imaded b) a ra\cnnus intruder \\ hich prncceds In cliniin its \\a) thrnugh the cast list. lidge nl the scttl \tlspcttsc thriller \\ illi ti slt'tmg cast and glittsll} spcclttl cl'l'ccts. l’ttt'l nl Mnnster .\ln\ ie Scasnn. l‘l/Hl/lullu'. lat/inhmg/I.

All About my Mothert IS) .00. tl’cdrn .-\lmndn\ar. Spain. I‘)‘)‘)) ('chha Rnth. l’enelnpe (‘iu/. :\ntnma San Juan. ltllmiii. :\igiiabl_\ .-\lmndn\ai 's best lilm tn date \thti .\ladrid linspttal \sni‘kct'

Cheaper by the Dozen 2

62 THE LIST 15) [)w. 7003') 1') Jan 2000

Maiiucla‘s snn is killed in a car accident the grief stricken \snman sets nut In lullil her snn's last \s isli tn knnxs his father. and gnes In Barcelnna tn lind the transsestite she ran aua) l'rnm l8 _\ears earlier. Rennxt tied I'nr his pnrtra}al nl strnng \snmen. :\lltindn\at' pa) s tribute here In their capacit) tn act. In innther and In create strnng bnnds nl' snlidarit} in the lace nt' extremities. l’art nl' ('atalan Seasnii. See llngniana) lt‘tllltl‘c‘. page l5. I'i'lIIt/Iutm'. [flint/Hugh.

Anna Karenina (PG) 0000 It‘larence llrmsn. [8. “)35) (ircta (iarbn. Basil Rathbnne. l'rederic March. 95min. ()pulent \ariatinn nn 'l‘nlstn) in the best-uphnlstercd )0s‘ .\l(i.\l st_\ lc. \sith (iarbn t}picall} radiant in the title rnle and Ratlibniie pitching iii nne nl his tinest studies in stia\c \illain) as ('nunt \‘i'tiiisk}. l’art nl (iarbn Seasnn. l'l/III/IUHH'. Iii/Inliurg/I. Bewitched Il’( i) O. I Nnra liphrnn. ['35. 2005) .\'icnle Kidman. Will

l‘errell. Sliirle) Macl.;iitie. Michael (‘aine. Jasnn Scll\\ttl'l/lllitll. l()linin. Dire. nne dimensinnal. hiin cnncept I‘C\\()l'klllg til the erstwhile 'l‘V slit)“ that lacks inagic. Jack (l‘errell). aii actnr \\ linse career is nn the wane. takes the rnle nt' square husband Darrin in a remake (if a classic sitcnm in the hnpe that it is ill re\ ixe his career. ’l‘n prntect his star status he insists Iliat an unknnmt be cast as Samantha. linter lsnbel (Kidiiian). \\ hn b) a quirk til late is a \\ itch desperate In lise life as a mere innrtal. l'uc Iz'clrliluu'g/i ()I‘I'Im. Iz'tlt'Ii/mijeli.

Bluff Master (Hi) 0.. (Rnhtttt Sipp). liidia . 2000) Abhishek Bachchan. l’ri)anka ('hnpra. Ritesh l)eshmukh. l00niin. Rn) (Bachchan) is a prnl'essinnal cnnman sshn has raised his \snrk In the lc\cl nl' an art. 'l‘he nnl} true thing he has is his In\ e t'nr Simmi (l’l'l)£|lll\it (’linpra) snmenne \\ hn is sn rnnted. hniicst and sincere that he can‘t bring liiiiisell In tell

Out in the holiday season is this sequel to one of Steve Martin’s increasingly rare box office hits (from 2003). Tom (Martin) and Kate (Bonnie Hunt) Baker take their huge brood on holiday and end up in a whole lot of competitive trouble with Jimmy Murtaugh (Eugene Levy) and his equally big family. I General release f/om Mon 26 Dec.

her the truth. But u hen his past catches up w ith him he makes snme had decisiniis. Interesting rnmantic crime meltxlrama. ()(ll'Ull A! “re Qua). (ilusgmr. (i/usguu .' (f( ‘I Edinburgh. Edinburgh.

Camille (PG) 00. ((ienrgc (‘ukmz [73. 1930) (ireta (iarbn. Rnbert la) lnr. l.innel Bari‘yiinre. l08min. .\ d) ing cnurtesan falls in Ins c with a )ntttig man \shn returns lict' al'lcctinns. but dies in her arms snnii allcnsat‘ds. Based nn Alexandre l)uinas' nns cl. (‘umrl/i' has (iarhn in her iiinst pnpulai‘ rnle. ller unique. magic charm. ('iikni"s sharp directinii and atinnsphcric settings translnrm this predictable ln\e traged} iiitn a classic. the litiale \llt)\\s just him much nl the lilm‘s success relied nn (iarbn‘s enigmatic presence and image. l’art nHiarbn Seasnn. I'i/mltuuw. lat/rnlmruli.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (PG) 0 t.v\ndre\s Adamsnn. [8. 2005) (ienrgie llenle}. William Mnselc). Skandar Keynes. James .\lc.-\\n). Ra} Winstnnc. Man II l‘reneh. 'I‘ilda Suintnn. l25miii. This. the Mist nl' ses en prnpnsed children lanlas} blnckbusters based nn ('S Lewis much ln\ ed allegnrical nnx els. is an absnlule stinker. and nne made all the mnre unpalatable b} the tact that the \er) utichristian greed nl its prndticei‘s is sn utterl} palpable m er its seemingl) endless running time. l’rnnt that great bunks can make trul) appalling lilnis. (irm'ml rc/t'uu'. Cinema Dali t IIA) (Jnscp Rm ira & Xaii l‘igueras. Spain/France. 2004) Sme. A new perspectise nn Dali‘s cinettiatngraph). created tising pres lt)llsl_\ unseen arcline images nl Dali's \snrk lt'ntll aintind the \snrld. ('Im'mu Dull explnres the surrealist‘s grand plans lnr a next kind nt cinema. \shich \snttld challenge all nntinns nt representatinn. l’art nl' (‘atalan Seasnn. See llnginana} leaturc. page 15. I'l/lH/IUILH'. lit/titlituglr.

The Constant Gardenert IS)

.0. tl"crnandn Mcirclles. l'S/l ’ls'. 2005) Ralph l‘iennes. Rachel “L'tsl. Hubert Knunde. l)aiin_\ lltistnn. l28imn. When Nairnbi-based diplnmat Jtistin

Qua) le's ll‘lL‘ltllL‘sl nutspnken actis ist \\ Me less (\Veisl) is l'nund murdered in a remnte reginn nt' Nnrthern Kc‘ll);t. he begins in Ittictn cr tt \\ litilc lnad nl' dirt) scct'cls. Beatitil'ull} structured and shnt. Mercilles‘ lilm succeeds as bnth a pnletiiical thriller and a retrnspcctnc ln\ e stnr). \\ ith l'icnnes nutstanding in the rnle nl a man graduall} npening up In the depth nt his leeltngs l‘nr his \\ il'e tiltl) alter llct death. Bic/u li't/ It’ll'llfll'.

Corpse Bride Il’(i) C... t'l'iiti Burtnn/Mike Jnhiisnii. l‘ls'. 2005) Vnices nt Jtillllll} l)epp. lleleiia liniiham (‘arter limil) Watsnn. 'l'racc) l'llman. 77min In a glnnm} Victnrian lt)\\ll. lalleii aristnciats the li\erglnts are getting read) In inarr} their daughter \"ictnria (Watsnn) nt'l‘ tn the snn nt‘ nnuxeau riche tisli l}c‘t)t)ll\ the Van Units. The trnublc is that the Van l)nrts‘ sensitixe snn Victnr (l)epp) has gnne and gut lttttiscll' liitcltcd In anntlict' lad} ((‘ttt‘lct't and the cnntract Innks like it's binding. linnrmnusI) enjn) able gntliic stnp mntinn animatinn limit] the same team \shn brnught )nu .rl A'rglilmun' lie/mt (‘lirrslthL l‘l/l)!/l()ll.\<'. [climbing/i. Crying Fist (Jumeogi Unda) I IS) .0. (Seungwsan R)nn. Snuth Knrea. 2005) Mm sik ('hni. Seting benm R}ll. lln-_|iii Jenn. H-lniin. Sang his an (Seung benm) is a bitter and angr} delinquent \\ hn ends up in jusenile prisnn. There he meets lac-sik (Min sik) a tiiiddlc aged man. \sashcd up lighter and mm benesnleiit prisnn guard \shn suggests he takes up bn.\ing as a \sa) nl' channelling his rage and n\ ercnming his despair. l’nignant.

st) lish and inspiratinnal ringside drama. \iu' [admiring/1. Iti/m/mrg/I.

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